Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 65: Doctor Jiang Blessing Charm


Bai Tang regretted it.

Under the dim warm yellow light, he was lying on the bed, looking at Alpha's side face, belatedly annoyed, how could he release pheromone so openly and confidently? It should be quietly, little by little, in the dead of night Just stain it.

I don't know if Jiang Yunshu will feel baffled, will he leave another bad impression

But looking at Alpha's expression, it doesn't seem like he's smiling. How does Jiang Yunshu think of him

Does Jiang Yunshu only treat him as a younger brother? After all, I called myself a "little friend" before, but what pair of brothers hugged each other? Although Alpha was not used to physical contact at first, since the real desensitization training started, he gradually became able to accept it.

Will Jiang Yunshu know Jiang Yunshu

Messy thoughts followed one after another, all Jiang Yunshu, Bai Tang thought in a daze, and soon fell asleep.

He felt that in the blink of an eye, the mobile phone in his pocket before going to bed vibrated, and he subconsciously reached out and pressed it. After lying still for three seconds, he opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Alpha's profile.

Jiang Yunshu was lying flat, with his face turned slightly to the other side, Bai Tang could only see Alpha's superior jawline, and then he looked at the distance between the two of them, what distance was it when they were sleeping, and what was the distance when they were getting up.

Bai Tang felt sorry again, why did he not move around when he fell asleep? If he slept a little less, maybe he could be in Dr. Jiang's arms as soon as he opened his eyes.

Bai Tang sighed in his heart, got off the bed lightly, took his mobile phone to the garden on the second floor, and started to recite words like Jiang Yunshu once did.

Half an hour later, Jiang Yunshu's cell phone vibrated, and he turned it off and touched the place next to him.


Waking up early to memorize vocabulary again, Jiang Yunshu sat up and began to buffer.

Ten minutes later, he got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. He raised his hand and smelled his arm. It smelled sweet and felt sticky.

If you don't know, you may think that the pheromone of his alpha is condensed milk flavor.

So when Bai Tang, who had memorized the vocabulary for half an hour, came back, he happened to see the refreshing Alpha coming out of the bathroom.

A drop of water slipped down Jiang Yunshu's collarbone, Bai Tang looked away unnaturally, "Good morning, Doctor Jiang."

While talking and approaching, a little bit of pheromone leaked out without anyone noticing, and a little bit of it was a little bit.

Alpha is very sensitive to omega pheromones. Jiang Yunshu took a barrier sticker, lowered his head, and stuck it neatly on the gland, then patted Baitang's back, and said lightly: "Don't make trouble, go and change it quickly." clothing."

Bai Tang was exposed to the trick, and went in pretending nothing happened.

Zheng Ruyun's second public examination results were first in the written test and second in the interview, but he was still rejected.

After the anger was over, there was endless powerlessness. Zheng Ruyun once felt that life and existence were meaningless.

No matter how Bai Tang accompanied her, no matter how much she comforted her, she couldn't lift her spirits up a bit.

After school in the evening, Bai Tang walked out of the school gate with a sad face and looked at the first tree on the right, where Jiang Yunshu's car was indeed parked.

Since the accident like that happened last time, Jiang Yunshu would rather wait half an hour than be a minute late.

Bai Tang trotted over, but saw Lin Bairi getting out of the car, he hurriedly said hello, "Doctor Lin."

Lin Baizhou said, "Bai Tang, I bought some newest toys for Brown Tang and put them in the car."

Bai Tang's first reaction was to look at Jiang Yunshu in the driver's seat, who smiled and motioned for him to solve it.

Bai Tang could only shake his head, and quickly waved his hands, "No, I can't take it."

Lin Baizhou's face changed in a second, and his face was full of flattery: "Bai Tang, help me, can you call Zheng Ruyun out?"

"Huh?" Bai Tang was a little taken aback, "Dr. Lin, don't you have Ruyun's contact information?"

Lin Baizhou said, "He doesn't pass me."

Bai Tang thought of Zheng Ruyun's negative look, and also remembered the lively look of the latter and Lin Baizhou when they met together.

Perhaps, Dr. Lin has a solution

He said: "Then I'll try? But Ruyun may not be in a good mood for some reason."

Lin Bairi said: "I know."

The phone rang for tens of seconds before it was connected. Zheng Ruyun's voice came over with a mournful voice: "Bai Tang? What's the matter."

"Ruyun," Bai Tang looked at Lin Baizhou, who nodded, "Doctor Lin is beside me now, he said he wanted to see you."

There was silence for a few seconds, "Lin Bairi is beside you?"

Zheng Ruyun said, "Turn on the speakerphone."

Bai Tang was stunned for a moment, and followed suit: "Open."

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Ruyun's indifferent voice sounded between the two: "Alpha get out."

Lin Baizhou: ""

Lin Baizhou took a deep breath: "Zheng Ru—"

The phone hung up.

Lin Baizhou: ""

Lin Baizhou asked Bai Tang: "Is he still in school?"

Bai Tang finally saw the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two, he said, "Huh? Huh."

"Very good," Lin Bairi rubbed his fists, "I'll just wait here, I don't believe he spent the night at school."

Bai Tang didn't know much about Lin Baizhou yet, so he was a little worried about Zheng Ruyun. He dissuaded him, "No, no, Doctor Lin, you're an alpha guarding in front of the omega school. You really look like that."

Lin Baizhou finally returned without success.

In June, Bai Tang, who had been trained by Jiang Yunshu's devil for several months, took the college entrance examination.

On the same day, Jiang Yunshu delivered Baitang to the school gate. Before the school gate opened, Baitang was shaking his legs nervously, "Dr. Jiang, can you check again if I have everything? I'm afraid I forgot."

It has been checked 16 times, but Jiang Yunshu still took it and checked it again: "It's all there, don't be nervous."

But it can't be said that if you are not nervous, you will not be nervous. After waiting until the cordon was opened, the two got out of the car, and Bai Tang took a deep breath while walking towards the school gate.

"Sugar." Jiang Yunshu called to stop him.

Bai Tang turned her head stiffly: "Huh?"

Jiang Yunshu put his hand on top of Bai Tang's head. He knew that Bai Tang had no confidence in him, so he had to let Bai Tang have confidence in him. After all, he was a student who had been reviewing for several months: "Bai Tang, if you play normally, you will definitely pass the exam. Do not you trust me?"

Bai Tang said: "I believe..."

Jiang Yunshu said: "I will wait for you outside, don't be afraid."

He smiled, made a movement of tearing the post-it note, and pressed it on Bai Tang's forehead: "A piece of Dr. Jiang's blessing charm."

Bai Tang's eyes were full of Jiang Yunshu's smile, and his nervousness instantly turned into another kind of nervousness, his heart was beating "thumping", he poked his reddish neck, and said, "Then you have to stay here obediently, don't mess around." Run, I think I can see you as soon as I come out."

Jiang Yunshu laughed: "Okay."

Bai Tang tightly clenched the transparent pencil case in his hand. In addition to the admission ticket and ID card, there were also pens and erasers used by Jiang Yunshu for the postgraduate entrance examination.

In July, the results of the college entrance examination were announced.

It was still that computer, it was still that table, it was still the position where Jiang Yunshu sat in front and Bai Tang stood behind.

Bai Tang bent over, buried her face in Alpha's back, and said in a muffled voice, "Doctor Jiang, how much is it?"

Jiang Yunshu's Adam's apple twitched, he held the mouse in his hand, and his index finger didn't click: "Wait a minute."

Two minutes passed, Bai Tang waited until his heart was about to explode, "Doctor Jiang! How is it? Is it bad? Why, why don't you talk?"

There was a light "click".

Jiang Yunshu's pupils dilated slightly, staring at the screen, and the page jumped.

"621" Jiang Yunshu read out in a low voice, and the voice suddenly became louder again, "Baitang! It's over."

Only then did Bai Tang dare to open his eyes. He jumped up from Alpha's broad shoulders almost instantly, and jumped in front of the screen. After seeing the numbers clearly, he turned around and hugged Jiang Yunshu: "Wow!"

Bai Tang finally relaxed.

That night, I cooked a big meal without restraint, and said, "Doctor Jiang! Eat with your belly open!"

In the end, the two of them stood in the kitchen together, wrapped a dish of food in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator.

Bai Tang was really overexcited, and followed Brown Tang from the second floor to the first floor, and then from the first floor to the garden.

Jiang Yunshu had no choice but to intercept him halfway, and hugged the frantically rushing Bai Tang, "Bai Tang, calm down, go take a shower first, it's late."

No matter how excited she is, Bai Tang will obediently listen to Dr. Jiang's words.

It was only when the white sugar hadn't come out after staying in the bathroom for almost half an hour, and Jiang Yunshu dullly noticed that the brown sugar seemed to have disappeared for a long time, did he feel that something was wrong.

When I went up to the second floor and approached, I heard a bang and laughter in the bathroom, and occasionally a few brown sugar calls.

Forget it, Jiang Yunshu shook his head, as long as Baitang is happy.

Even he didn't notice that the corner of his mouth was hooked.

After playing until after 12 o'clock, the dog was asleep, and Bai Tang entered the room with unsatisfied intentions.

Jiang Yunshu was preparing for the medical license exam, without raising his head: "Did you wash up?"

"Wash it!" Bai Tang threw himself onto the bed, bouncing his body.

Jiang Yunshu said: "Sleep, it's very late."

Bai Tang hummed and went to bed, lay down obediently and covered herself with the quilt.

It is a very quiet and beautiful learning environment, if there is not a scorching sight beside it.

Jiang Yunshu stopped writing helplessly: "Baitang."

Bai Tang immediately closed his eyes: "Doctor Jiang go to bed early!"

Jiang Yunshu's concentration was invincible after entering the state. After finishing a set of papers, the hour hand of the clock on the wall was almost close to the number 2.

Jiang Yunshu habitually looked to the right, but was stunned.

When Bai Tang saw Jiang Yunshu looking over, he raised his neck slightly, squinted his eyes and smiled at Alpha, and could see a few white teeth.

Jiang Yunshu: "...you."

Bai Tang patted the bed beside him: "Dr. Jiang, come quickly."

Jiang Yunshu went downstairs to fill the cup with water and put it on the bedside table, then walked to the other side, "Turn off the light."

The room darkens.

Bai Tang was lying on his side facing Alpha, and he found that Jiang Yunshu's most common sleeping position was lying on his back, and his face was still turned to the other side.

He folded his hands on his chest and whispered, "Good night, Dr. Jiang."

It was also the first time for Jiang Yunshu to lie on the same bed as Bai Tang, who was not asleep. He somehow felt a little uncomfortable, "Well, good night."

His eyes gradually adapted to the night, Bai Tang blinked, and the outline of Alpha appeared.

It's so good, I can't watch it enough times.

His gaze was like a scanning machine, from Alpha's forehead to his chin.

Dr. Jiang's jaw line is really sharp, his nose bridge is very straight, and his lips are so sensitive, especially when he opens and closes when talking to himself, even the structure of his ears is so sensitive.

Want to give me a kiss? Can I give you a kiss

The smell of condensed milk came out a bit, and Omega didn't know about it.

Dr. Jiang should not be asleep yet, do you want to kiss him when he falls asleep? Just one, very light.

Bai Tang moved, and his knee touched Jiang Yunshu's hand, making a rustling sound.

How about holding hands? want to hold hands

can you? Usually, they also hold hands outside and sleep, right

In the dark, people are always bold, sentimental and impulsive, especially when the object is an excited omega who just finished the college entrance examination with good grades, the situation is even more serious.

Bai Tang held his breath, tightened his fingertips, and lifted the first quilt bit by bit, feeling a bit of cold air with his hand, rested for a while, and gently lifted the quilt of Jiang Yunshu's bed again.

Bai Tang was exerting force all over his face, licking his dry lips within a few seconds.

Hurry, I met it... Bai Tang gritted his teeth nervously, did he just, just met it

The two hands are as if away from each other, and they can't touch them.

It's a pity that when it was almost posted, Baitang flinched again.

What if Dr. Jiang threw away his hand? What if Dr. Jiang actually doesn't like him? What if Dr. Jiang decides to stay away after discovering his heart

It's better to take your time and be more cautious.

Bai Tang pursed his lips, lost his mind immediately, and was about to evacuate quietly——

The hand was suddenly held.

Jiang Yunshu closed his eyes and said, "Good boy, I'm asleep."