Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 67: also


Ever since Jiang Yunshu took the initiative to hold Bai Tang's hand while sleeping that night, Bai Tang has truly interpreted the words "make progress" to the extreme.

Today's Jiang Yunshu finished the day's tasks ahead of time, ticked off the last line in the notebook, and went to bed lightly. As a result, not long after lying down, there was a rustling sound next to him. Bai Tang, who he thought An Jing had already fallen asleep, started to stir, and his hand broke through the two layers of quilt stealthily and openly, and then held own hands.

Jiang Yunshu's eyes were still closed, and he didn't hold back his hand or shake it off, as if he was asleep.

White sugar didn't just accept it as soon as it was ready.

They've both been holding hands and sleeping together for almost a week now, and now it's time for a breakout!

Omega grunted and moved towards Alpha until there was only a small gap between them.

Afterwards, Jiang Yunshu felt the omega's warm forehead touch his arm, and his calf touched the side of his thigh.

The temperature of the other person is continuously transmitted to him.

Jiang Yunshu waited for a while, opened his eyes in the dark, turned his head and looked down, only to see the furry head sleeping obediently against him.

They slept together in the same bed for several months, and with Bai Tang's unremitting efforts, they finally had a taste of sleeping together.

Before going to bed the next day, he was still not satisfied with sugar, so he held back his embarrassment and asked in a low voice, "Doctor Jiang, can you turn around?"

Jiang Yunshu didn't know why, but he turned around anyway, "What's wrong?"

Immediately afterwards, Bai Tang lowered his head and lifted Jiang Yunshu's quilt, like a hard-working little hamster, he leaned into Jiang Yunshu's arms bit by bit. His heart pounded against his chest forcefully, he was very nervous, he was afraid that Jiang Yunshu would show even the slightest bit of resentment and resistance.

"Bang, bang, bang—" beating rhythmically.

Fortunately, Bai Tang slipped into Alpha's quilt safely, with his face pressed against Jiang Yunshu's heart, although he clearly felt that Alpha's body was a little stiff.

Jiang Yunshu was no longer silent this time, and only asked after everyone was lying in his arms, "What are you doing?"

Especially the omega still flirting back and forth like a baby.

I don't know if it's an illusion or what, but Bai Tang felt that Alpha's heartbeat seemed a little loud.

He blushed from the smell and body temperature of alpha, carefully pushed the button of alpha pajamas with the tip of his nose, and muttered: "I want to sleep in the same quilt with Dr. Jiang, the quilt is big enough."

Jiang Yunshu closed his eyes again, and pressed the back of Bai Tang's head, "Don't move, go to sleep."

A month later, the "Second Star Omega Relief Foundation" was established, announcing that any omega in difficulty could contact them, which caused an uproar in the society.

In the same month, there was also a lot of trouble between alpha and beta. A large-scale parade took place in a bustling central area, and 98 of the participants were betas. They shouted slogans, waved flags with banners in their hands, and said "betas must stand up!" "Weaken alpha rights!" Also beta a fair and fair environment!" etc.

People who occupied a whole street were forced to be suppressed and evacuated by the police.

As a result, the betas gathered again the next day, and the number even increased. More and more betas spontaneously joined this demonstration and protest.

Some excited betas also besieged the alpha police, some of the beta police were bloodied, they yelled and took off their uniforms and joined the parade.

It wasn't until the fifth day of the parade that the central government had to use force to suppress it. Two male betas were shot dead and nearly 50 demonstrators were imprisoned.

On the third day after the parade was completely over, the alphas went out one after another.

Jiang Yun, who was affected and didn't want to be an alpha, had self-defense tools in his schoolbag, went to Hwacheon University to report, and was assigned to the imperial capital as a matter of course.

The two also moved into an apartment that Jiang Yunshu had found a long time ago.

When Brown Tang went to his new home, he first pissed under the dining table to mark the site, and was taught a lesson by White Tang pinching his ears, and finally stood in a corner by himself.

It was impossible to move the hollow shelf full of photos, so Bai Tang had to buy a few thin woolen ropes and hang them on the wall of the living room. After this period of time, many alpha figures have been added to the photo wall. The candid shots were taken by Bai Tang, and the most popular one was the view of Omega lying on the bed under the warm yellow light.

It took Bai Tang an hour to clip all the photos, and the middle one was still the account book on the page where the photos were turned.

After eating, the two sat together and watched TV for a rare moment. Just as Bai Tang watched the clip that finally hit the laughing point, the TV screen suddenly turned white, accompanied by the sizzle of electricity.

Bai Tang straightened up slightly, and asked, "What's wrong? Is it broken?"

Suddenly, the screen twisted.

"Good evening, everyone," a thin and frail man with glasses appeared on the screen, looking like a press conference scene, "I am Li Tangqi, a beta, sorry to take up everyone's time, but I hope you can listen patiently What I said next."

Jiang Yunshu changed several channels and found that they were all rebroadcasted into this scene.

"In this world, the number of betas is as high as 85, omegas account for 5, and alphas account for 10. But because alphas are generally strong and capable, they naturally become the rulers of this world."

Bai Tang was a little dumbfounded. The man was thin and thin, but he was very imposing, and his voice had the power to hit people's hearts. Bai Tang Nene: "Why do I feel that this person looks familiar?"

Li Tangqi continued: "I have been fighting for the beta's due rights, and because of this, I have been blocked, intimidated and even physically threatened by some alphas. Just a month ago, I was beaten and seriously injured and entered the ICU. However, the perpetrator was only released after being detained for 15 days—”

Li Tangqi was excited, and there was a sense of sadness in his anger: "Just because he is an alpha!"

"At this moment, I am standing here, not only calling on the betas to unite, but also hope that all people who have suffered injustice will stand up! Whether you are a beta or an omega, or a small number of alphas, join us! Unite with us Front! Human beings are created equal, and the world should not be divided by gender, let alone bullying the weak. Finally, I appeal again: rights should be equal to obligations! Being strong is to protect the weak! Not to oppress the weak!"

At the end of the conversation, the TV went blank for a second, and then jumped back to the variety show. The host's voice sounded, but Li Tangqi's voice seemed to echo, resounding through the living room over and over again.

Bai Tang was dazed for a while, then suddenly grabbed Jiang Yunshu's arm, and said excitedly, "Doctor Jiang! This man is the one who was beaten by three people at the opposite side of Fengqi that day!"

Jiang Yunshu also remembered: "Yes."

"That's amazing!" Bai Tang's eyes brightened, "I used to think that the world would never get better, but now, I feel that although it is very slow, bit by bit, it seems that it is really changing. .”

Jiang Yunshu looked at Bai Tang silently.

Bai Tang bent his eyes: "I also want to work harder and become better!"

In September, Baitang entered school, and Jiang Yunshu accompanied him throughout the process. There are only 11 omegas among the freshmen, 7 male oga and 4 female oga, and they were assigned to the top floor of the beta dormitory building.

Although Bai Tang didn't live in the dormitory, Jiang Yunshu still paid the accommodation fee, thinking that Bai Tang was sometimes tired and sleepy, at least he had a place to rest and sleep at school.

The dormitory is a room for 4 people. Jiang Yunshu moved some basic luggage to the door of the dormitory, but did not go in. Instead, he stood outside the door. Bai Tang took care of all the rest by himself.

But there was such a tall man standing at the door, it was hard for the dormmates not to notice, they asked, "Who is that?"

Bai Tang glanced at Jiang Yunshu and said, "It's my brother."

Yesterday, Bai Tang consulted Alpha's opinion: "Doctor Jiang, if someone asks at that time, can I say you are my brother?" He didn't think Jiang Yunshu couldn't do it, but he had a shadow, afraid of the high school incident The impact is repeated. The anger and panic caused by Jiang Yunsu's appearance in Fengqi at that time made Bai Tang subconsciously want to avoid this problem.

It doesn't matter to Jiang Yunshu, he also thinks it's better for Bai Tang: "Okay."

The roommates nodded and said nothing.

After Jiang Yunshu left, one of the roommates asked, "Bai Tang, is that actually your boyfriend?"

"Huh?" Bai Tang opened his eyes wide, flustered.

"It's okay," they said, "we don't hate normal alphas."

Only then did Bai Tang feel relieved, and admitted in a low voice, "Forget it, let's take it for granted."

He asked curiously again: "How do you know?"

One of the roommates was very disgusted: "Obviously, when you two look at each other, you can't pretend anymore, especially you, you smile so much that the corners of your mouth reach your temples, and you have the kind of love between lovers." "Aura of Mystery"

Another roommate said: "It's the kind of atmosphere that others can't get in."

The last roommate nodded in agreement.

"No way... You guys are exaggerating." Bai Tang was a little ashamed, but more people still didn't believe it. Even though it was obvious when he saw Dr. Jiang, how could Dr. Jiang see himself...

Bai Tang continued to wipe the bed boards. After a while, he threw down the rag in his hand and asked, "What does he think of me...? Is it the same?"

The roommate thought about it for a while and said, "Well, although it's not as obvious as you, I can tell that I like you too."