Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 70: Then come and like me


When Bai Tang opened his eyes in the morning, there was no one around him. He stretched out his hand to caress the cold sheet, rolled over and buried his face, wanting to smell the alpha to be happy.

Ever since he went to college, Bai Tang discovered that every morning when he got up, the smell of glaciers on his body would be stronger than before, so he ran to ask Jiang Yunshu, Jiang Yunshu's face was unnatural for a moment, and then he said seriously: "Let others know You'll be safer with an alpha."

Bai Tang's mood improved, he straightened up in one go, and went out in ten minutes. He didn't even eat breakfast, and returned home non-stop after morning reading.

He planned to deliver food to Jiang Yunshu at noon today.

White sugar is indeed very good at cooking. He first opened a hole on the top of the coconut with the tip of a knife, poured out the coconut juice, cut the coconut meat into pieces, and put half of the boiled black-bone chicken and goji berries into the earthen pot. Bring to a simmer.

When the soup was ready, he moved the computer to the dining table and continued to sort out the data from yesterday. Brown Sugar was sleeping under the dining table, the only sound in the room was the sound of the keyboard and the gurgle from the kitchen.

When the hour hand passed 10, Bai Tang stopped working and walked into the kitchen. It took half an hour to mix milk, eggs, white sugar, high-gluten flour and tapioca flour into a viscous shape, and then squeeze them onto the baking tray. At 160 degrees for 20 minutes.

Then, vegetables were cut, stir-fried, steamed pork ribs with bean drum, scrambled eggs with shredded carrots, fried pork slices with king oyster mushrooms, and choy sum topped with soy sauce. During this period, the mochi was changed three times, and the mochi in the oven swelled into small buns. , Bite down and q plays very well.

The brown sugar smelled the aroma, and turned around impatiently. The white sugar tore a mochi in half, blowing half of it into the brown sugar's mouth and eating the other half by itself. It tasted great!

He gave a thumbs up to the brown sugar, and while chewing, he took out a four-layer insulated lunch box, loaded vegetables and rice layer by layer, then took out a second insulated lunch box filled with a can of soup, and finally a bento The lunch box contained three whole plates of mochi.

At 12:15 noon, he went out with three large lunch boxes.

Jiang Yunshu said that he would go to the operating room with the director to study in the morning, and it would end at 12:30.

Bai Tang was wearing a simple T-shirt and shorts, and a pair of mid-length white socks and sneakers that covered his ankles. He took the elevator to the oncology department on the seventh floor and asked the nurse at the front desk. He was told that Dr. Jiang hadn't left the operating room yet. out.

"It's okay," Bai Tang smiled, "Then I'll wait here."

"Hello there"

Bai Tang raised his head when he heard the sound. It was the two nurses who saw him looking over, and one pushed the other. They asked gossipingly, "Are you Dr. Jiang's omega?"

This question was too unexpected, and Bai Tang subconsciously let out a "hey", he didn't know if he was, he didn't know if he should admit it, and he didn't know if it would cause trouble to Jiang Yunshu.

Bai Tang looks too small, like a student, this tangled look is shy in the eyes of the nurses, and their eyes are shining: "Is it? Is it! I finally saw the deity!"

Bai Tang was a little confused.

The nurse went on to say: "Dr. Jiang's arrival at that time really improved the appearance of our oncology department! Many people teased and introduced their daughters, nephews, etc., but Dr. Jiang said with a smile."

Speaking of the most important thing, the nurse also created a little mystery, "Guess what it is!"

Bai Tang pursed her lips nervously, blinked dryly, and said on the repeater, "What is it?"

The nurse imitated Alpha's tone: "I have an Omega, and the relationship is very good."

The moment the nurse said it, Bai Tang's heart felt as if it was hit hard by something, and he felt dizzy for a moment, and it took him a while to realize, omega? Yes, are you talking about him? But Jiang Yunshu is so busy, who else is there besides him? good relationship

Bai Tang knew that it might be an excuse for Jiang Yunshu's refusal, but his eyes still curled up unconsciously, the corners of his mouth were raised high, and there seemed to be a warm current gushing out of his heart, flowing along the blood vessels to every corner of his body, joyful and sweet.

"That's right," the nurse looked at Bai Tang, with the radiance of maternal love in her eyes, "I have such a beautiful and well-behaved omega, and I have to show it off to the world."

Another nurse nodded in agreement and sighed, "Dr. Jiang is still too low-key."

The two sang together, and Shengsheng was really shy about the white sugar, and quickly opened the lid of the mochi for the nurses to eat.

In ten minutes, Bai Tang had already chatted with the nurses, and even the patients who passed by couldn't help but stop by the way he was smiling.

So when Jiang Yunshu and other doctors came down from the elevator, what they saw was this picture: Omega rested her left hand on the front desk, her right leg was bent backwards, her shoes were pointing to the ground, her calves were slender and well-proportioned, and she was wrapped in white socks. His ankles were slender and skinny, his face was thin red, and he smiled shyly while listening to the girls at the front desk chatting happily.


Omega turned her face away when she heard the sound, her eyes lit up when she saw Alpha, and immediately left the nurses behind and ran over, "Doctor Jiang!"

This is the first time Baitang has seen Jiang Yunshu in a white coat. He has handsome features and a straight nose. The hem of the white coat reaches his knees, but it sets off his figure even more superior. The top button of the shirt is unbuttoned, and the depression of the collarbone can be seen vaguely The silhouette, a breath of abstinence.

Although the haggard face can't be covered, it still can't stop the 100-meter-high filter in Bai Tang's eyes, very handsome, super handsome! He looked straight, and somehow had the illusion that he was one meter shorter in front of Jiang Yunshu.

It's a high climb, Bai Tang thought firmly in his heart, it's really a high climb.

"Doctor Jiang," he stood still in front of alpha, and handed over the lunch box in his hand, "you must eat it! Mochi can be shared with everyone."

Jiang Yunshu looked at the delicate-looking omega, and then glanced at the nurses at the front desk over there. After receiving the lunch box, he naturally took Baitang's hand and said, "Thank you, they are blessed."

Bai Tang gripped back subconsciously, and at the same time he was a little puzzled, what happened today that Alpha wouldn't be so proactive? Just when he was about to speak, he glanced suddenly and saw seven or eight doctors standing there with surprisingly unanimous smiles on their faces, kindly, gossip, and staring at Jiang Yunshu. The lunch box in the house smiled enviously.

Since then, no one has been able to connect with Jiang Yunshu again. In the oncology department, there has been a story about Dr. Jiang having a beautiful wife. Doctors who have never seen it are eager to move.

But no matter how well he ate, he couldn't fully make up for the fact that he lacked sleep and was overworked. Alpha was still losing weight day by day, and his mental state looked bad, especially on the rare rest day. come out.

After Jiang Yunshu casually hid the miniature camera in the flowers in the living room, he came up with the most suitable excuse he could think of: "Bai Tang has been very disobedient recently, I'll take my mother to discipline him and see how omega behaves of."

Jiang Jinsheng didn't think there was a problem, "Remember to send her back tonight."

Jiang Ruanjia sat in the car without saying a word, dull.

Arriving at the gate of the police station, Jiang Yunshu said: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, let's go and ask the police to make a record, and soon we can escape from that house."

Jiang Ruanjia didn't seem to hear, she got out of the car when asked to get off, left when asked to walk, sat down when asked to sit, her waist was bent all the year round, and she could no longer raise her head.

After completing the alarm records and injury appraisal, Jiang Yunshu took Jiang Ruanjia home, thinking about sending her back later.

Bai Tang has been chatting with women, and also asked Brown Tang to perform lying down, circling, shaking hands, etc. in front of the living room, "Auntie, don't be afraid, I was like you before, but Dr. your!"

After a full 7 hours, Jiang Ruanjia finally had a little reaction, and the sound of "Scared, scared, scared" came out of her mouth.

Bai Tang's eyes widened, and he hurriedly leaned over to listen to what she was talking about.

"No one can scare you, no one will come to scare you!"

Another month passed, and Jiang Yunshu made a total of 5 injury appraisals for Jiang Ruanjia, and together with the video from the miniature camera, he formally filed a divorce lawsuit against Jiang Jinsheng.

Due to the protection mechanism, Jiang Yunshu, as an alpha son, has the right to isolate his mother from the domestic violence party during the litigation period. He rented the house next door and let Jiang Ruanjia live in it.

at the same time.

So far, the 2nd Star Omega Relief Foundation has received a total of 8 omega requests for help, through phone calls, the Internet, text messages, and escaped with injuries all over their bodies.

Jiang Yunshu said that night: "Bai Tang, can we use the 70% of the company's income for the Omega Relief Foundation?"

Bai Tang has no objection: "Okay!"

Jiang Yunshu pressed the bridge of his nose and said wearily: "Life in the future may not be like this."

That's what he said, but in fact, he and Bai Tang didn't spend any money at all, and neither of them was a big spender. He smiled: "I can only rely on my meager salary to buy dog food for Brown Tang."

Bai Tang stuttered immediately, "I, I will work hard! I will also get paid in the future, Doctor Jiang, don't worry!"

Everything is on the right track, Jiang Yunshu can finally breathe a sigh of relief, recently his condition is so bad that even the director wants him to take a vacation.

But very unfortunately, he ran into the seventh susceptible period when he came to this world.

When Bai Tang received the call from Alpha, Jiang Yunshu had already made a fuss very restrainedly, suffered a lot of pain, and was isolated by the hospital, "Bai Tang, you will stay at school with your roommate for a week, don't go home gone."

Bai Tang is in a hurry. Originally, Jiang Yunshu's mental state was very poor. Now he is in a susceptible period. It must be very uncomfortable. If he goes to use pheromone to comfort him, Alpha may be more comfortable. "Doctor Jiang, you Sleep for a while, I will go to the hospital after class."

He also wanted to go there now, but according to Jiang Yunshu's personality, he would definitely not be allowed to skip class or ask for leave, maybe he would not even be allowed to go.

"Don't come," Jiang Yunshu frowned, "in case something happens on the way here"

Bai Tang said: "I asked a beta classmate to accompany me. His house is also nearby. Doctor Jiang, please rest first, I will be there soon!"

Hearing Bai Tang's voice, Jiang Yunshu didn't seem to feel so uncomfortable. He pressed his forehead against the cold wall. There was nothing in the isolation room, only a bed, a chair and a bathroom. It was a vast expanse of white. Although this was the seventh susceptibility period, he still couldn't get used to the pain like an electric drill stirring in his head.

He also wants to sleep very much, tired and tired, but whenever he is about to fall asleep, a certain nerve will suddenly tingle.

Scholar Jiang Yun endured for two hours, during which his thoughts were only sugar, sugar, or sugar. The susceptibility period magnified his yearning and desire for sugar to the extreme.

Bai Tang came running, and all the beta students were out of breath. He first found Lin Baizhou, "Doctor Lin!"

Lin Bairi stood up and walked towards the isolation room with sugar, while explaining: "There is a pheromone detector in the isolation room, as long as one of the two parties exceeds a certain concentration, an alarm will be issued, you don't have to worry, it's very safe .”

Bai Tang shook his head, Jiang Yunshu even endured the first susceptibility period without a barrier, he didn't worry about what Jiang Yunshu would do to him at all.

Lin Baizhou gave him a device, pointed to the bottom white line, "You can release the pheromone when you go in, it is safe and most suitable to go under this white line, it will neither make omega uncomfortable nor Make alpha go crazy." He pointed to a red line above, "Between the red line and the white line, omega may go into heat in response, and alpha may also become violent. As long as it exceeds the red line, we will force you to separate. "

Bai Tang nodded, "I see, thank you."

After Lin Baizhou asked Bai Tang to stick a strong barrier sticker on the gland, he opened a door to signal Bai Tang to go in, and said, "Just open the door inside, the smell is too strong, so I'll stay away first." .”

"Thank you, Dr. Lin."

The door at the back was closed, and Bai Tang couldn't wait to push open the door in front of him. Alpha's biting pheromones immediately surrounded the fragile prey with teeth and claws.

This is a small compartment inside the isolation room, the doors on all four sides have small holes, and there is a small transparent window on the door of the compartment. He saw Alpha lying on the bed, as if asleep.

Bai Tang looked at Jiang Yunshu's sleeping face without blinking, and tentatively released some pheromones.

Almost instantly, he opened Alpha's eyes when he saw them, they were very red, full of bloodshot eyes.

"Sugar?" The voice was also hoarse.

Bai Tang said softly, "It's me, here I come."

Jiang Yunshu moved the chair over and sat down against the wall of the cubicle. He could feel the pheromone of omega pouring out of the small hole in the cubicle continuously.

It was like a naked person walking between glaciers tens of degrees below zero and suddenly encountered a source of warmth, which made his stiff limbs and bursting mind relax a little.


If it wasn't for him and he was still sane, he might have put his nose close to it and kept sniffing like grabbing a life-saving straw.

White sugar was pulled on the small window, which was too small, only the size of a palm, and Alpha sat against the door of the cubicle, so that he could only see some strands of Jiang Yunshu's hair.

"Doctor Jiang, are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Jiang Yunshu closed his eyes, "It's not that uncomfortable anymore."

lie. Bai Tang said: "Go to bed and lie down, go to sleep for a while, okay?"

Jiang Yunshu didn't want to talk much, and he didn't want to go to the bed, because it was too far away from Baitang. He shook his head and said hoarsely, "I don't want to sleep much, it's okay."

"But how uncomfortable it is to sit," Bai Tang said, "Can you move the bed over and lie on it? Doctor Jiang?"

Jiang Yunshu lowered his eyelids, stood up obediently, and directly lifted the bed over, lying on his side with his face facing the direction of Baitang.

"Then I won't bother you," Bai Tang lowered his voice, "Go to sleep."

Jiang Yunshu said: "Don't, just talk, you can say anything."

Bai Tang lay down on the table and laughed, and the two felt each other's presence through a thin door.

"Then let me tell you, today a beta and an alpha fought in our school, for a piece of chicken chop, it was amazing that the beta won. The students said that the alpha insisted on fighting the beta who was originally in line. ... Dr. Jiang's chicken chop is really delicious! It has a unique taste of New Orleans and black pepper. I will try it at home next time and see if I can make it, or I will bring you to our cafeteria to eat!"

Jiang Yunshu gave a "hmm".

"Also! Today we have physical education class, and I am not the last one to run 800 meters! Although I am very tired from running, my throat feels like it is on fire, dry and astringent"

Jiang Yunshu said calmly: "Don't sit down immediately after running, walk for a while, you can drink some water."

"I know hey, there's more"

Bai Tang kept talking, talking about everything, even the little things about not flushing the paper towels down when flushing the toilet, until finally his mouth was dry and there was really nothing to talk about.

"Well," Bai Tang racked his brains, "Then let me tell you about my childhood? My mother is a beta, and my father is an alpha. I have two older brothers and one older sister. My older brothers are all betas, and my older sister is an alpha. I'm an alpha, I thought I was very obedient when I was young, I would never compete with them for anything, and the strawberries I ate every time were the smallest, sour and astringent."

Jiang Yunshu said: "I will buy big strawberries when I go back."

Bai Tang laughed out loud, his eyes were hot because of this sentence. In fact, it is still very wronged, super wronged, why should he eat the smallest one, why parents don't like him, why.

He sniffed, and continued to talk, saying whatever he thought of, intermittently and piece together, the more he said, the more wronged he was, the whole omega started to spit out sour juice.

During the period, Lin Bairi sent Bai Tang a can of warm milk, and Omega drank it in small sips.

"Actually, I didn't seem to have a very good life when I was a child." After a moment of silence, Alpha's deep voice suddenly sounded from the other side of the cubicle, "My parents are both doctors, they are usually very busy, and they have high demands on me. For example, elementary school requires 100 points for each subject, junior high school requires no less than 95 points for each subject, senior high school requires 135 points for Chinese, Mathematics, and English, and no lower than 90 points for other subjects.”

It may be because of the susceptibility period, it may be because the object of the complaint is Bai Tang, or it may be because Bai Tang first talked about his family, as a ceremony or something else, it was the first time he spoke to others about these things.

He also wanted Bai Tang to know more about himself.

"They won't take me out to play, they will only let me go to remedial classes non-stop. I have never been to an amusement park, an aquarium, or a zoo. On the contrary, I have gone to almost all museums, large and small, across the country."

Bai Tang twisted her beautiful eyebrows, pressed her fingers against the transparent window, and pressed her fingers until they turned white, pretending to say relaxedly: "Then we will go when we get home. Although I haven't been there many times, we will definitely have a good time." , I see those headbands on other people's heads are so beautiful! There are also limited ice cream!"

Jiang Yunshu smiled and agreed.

"When I was young, I still had expectations for them, thinking that as long as I did well enough, I could get a little tenderness from them, so I worked hard to learn. Once in junior high school, the sum of my 7 subjects did not deduct more than 20 points. , I really got a very simple compliment from them. Since then, I have been even more crazy in order to let them pay attention to me. At that time, I was young and my energy was very good. I could not sleep for two days Just to thoroughly study the learning content of a chapter."

Jiang Yunshu said: "But later, I found out that I was wrong. No matter how much I gave, in their eyes, it was just a trophy that must always be excellent, so I gave up on myself for a while. I skipped school and went to Internet cafes to play games. I went to learn how those punks smoke and how to fight is more handsome, and then I was discounted by my dad, my dad is an orthopedic surgeon, and he connected the leg to me."

Bai Tang's eyes were full of distress, his nose wrinkled sorely, and he endured it several times before suppressing his tears. He wanted to say some comforting words but felt too powerless, he just wanted to hug that alpha who seemed a little fragile at this moment.

He just wanted to give Jiang Yunshu a hug.

Jiang Yunshu's tone was still calm, "No matter how much I gave, I couldn't get their rewards. I gave up, but found that their demands for me had been engraved in my bones, and I couldn't throw them away."

"Doctor Jiang" Bai Tang called out suddenly, with a hint of crying in his voice.

Jiang Yunshu opened his eyes: "Huh? What's wrong? Why are you still crying? I won't say anything"

"Doctor Jiang!" Bai Tang's tail tune was a little out of control.

At this moment, Bai Tang suddenly didn't want to wait anymore, something burst in his heart, and he was so distressed that he could hardly breathe.

He doesn't want to worry about future worries or lessons learned from the past.

Unprecedented impulse, he even wanted to open the door of the cubicle, hug alpha tightly, and tell him: "It's your parents' fault, you are so good that you should enjoy the love that the whole world can't match."

Such a good doctor Jiang, so good... there are parents who don't know how to cherish it.

Such a good doctor Jiang... He can't wait to give his all to Dr. Jiang.

Bai Tang had never had such a strong longing and longing, he didn't need anything, as long as Jiang Yunshu was by his side.

There is only one thought in his mind: he wants to catch Jiang Yunshu, he wants to love Jiang Yunshu with all of himself.

Although he has been betrayed, betrayed, and hurt, Jiang Yunshu deserves him to abandon the past, break through the restlessness, break through the darkness, and give love desperately.

As long as Jiang Yunshu likes him a little bit, he can give everything.

Just a little will do.

Bai Tang cried and said: "Then come and like me, this time you will get a lot in return."