Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 73: Wipe body lotion


Jiang Yunshu just rested for a day, and the blackness in his eyes hadn't faded away, and he started to get busy again.

The organization has expanded from the original 14 people to 20 people, and the process and system of the 2nd Star Omega Relief Foundation have gradually improved. So far, a total of 17 omegas have been asked for help, and 6 married omega have not been marked for life. 7 unmarried omega who were intentionally hurt and physically threatened by their ex-boyfriend or boyfriend, and 4 omega who wandered alone in the society due to various reasons. They were all temporarily placed in a private house owned by Secretary Feng.

Funds flowed away like running water. Although there was no shortage of money, there was a serious shortage of people and strength, especially the most important thing at the moment - filing divorce proceedings for the 6 married omegas.

But there was only one lawyer Zhong in the organization, and with the lawsuit of Jiang Yunsu's mother, he was very busy.

The organization did not dare to rashly join new members, firstly because they were afraid of leaking their secrets, and because they were afraid that people with ulterior motives would know the information and addresses of those omegas.

We can only step up the review and test of those who want to join, and try our best to help Lawyer Zhong.

But those bastard ex-husbands quit. On the day they received the legal summons, some people made trouble on the Internet. Afterwards, an alpha found Lawyer Zhong's office from nowhere, blocking people in broad daylight.

Although Zhong Qi was also an alpha, he couldn't bear the fact that the other party came prepared. He was cut on the side of his head, his face was bleeding, and his body also had minor injuries of varying degrees.

This time, things got really big.

When Jiang Yunshu rushed to the ward, Zhong Qi's head was completely covered, with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his fingers were typing quickly on the laptop.

Lin Bairi, who was sitting next to him fishing, was looking at his phone and cursing.

Zhong Qi noticed him and smiled: "Yes, Dr. Jiang is also in the imperial capital."

Jiang Yunshu said, "It's late, I just left the laboratory, I"

The voice was interrupted by a knock on the door, and a nurse stood outside the door: "Doctor Jiang, Bai Tang is here to bring you food."

Jiang Yunshu nodded to express his gratitude, then turned to Zhong Qi and asked, "Can sugar come over?"

Zhong Qi waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

Lin Baizhou's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he threw his phone on the hospital bed, "Hurry up, I've heard the legendary story of your oncology department, let me see what Xiao Baitang did today!"

Jiang Yunshu took the elevator to the oncology department on the 7th floor, and his steps were a little anxious. As soon as he went out, he saw Baitang obediently sitting on the iron chair waiting for him.

The weather has been cold recently, and the cold air hits in waves. Omega put on a plush sweater and a pair of loose wide-leg shallow denim underneath. At a glance, it is estimated that it is a student from Imperial University who is running over. Young and youthful.

For the first time, Jiang Yunshu had some thoughts in his heart: Is he a little old

Bai Tang quickly saw his own alpha, and the moment he met his eyes, the corners of his mouth raised. He trotted to alpha with three lunch boxes in his hand, "Doctor Jiang!"

On the morning of Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Bai Tang had no classes for the third and fourth quarters, so he fixed that he would come to deliver meals to Jiang Yunshu at noon these days.

Jiang Yunshu refused many times, saying: "There is a canteen in the hospital, so why bother."

Bai Tang smiled and shook his head: "It's not hard work at all! How can the canteen compare to what I do."

Because of Jiang Yunsu, he really doesn't like doing housework very much. But serving Jiang Yunshu, he is happy and happy from the bottom of his heart. As long as he thinks of Jiang Yunshu eating his carefully prepared meal bite by bite, his satisfaction is almost overflowing, and he even sings while riding a bicycle.

Jiang Yunshu said "um", and took it over, "Thank you, are you tired?" How could he not be happy to be able to eat the food cooked by his sweetheart. How could he not be moved to be taken care of by Bai Tang.

He was just afraid that over time, Bai Tang would get tired of the complicated cooking process, and the two would quarrel because of this, causing a rift in their relationship.

Bai Tang consciously took Jiang Yunshu's left hand, "I'm not tired, eh? Where are we going?"

"Lawyer Zhong Qi, shall we go? I'll have dinner there."

Bai Tang would certainly like to be able to stay with Alpha for a little longer.

Before the two of them pushed away from the ward, they heard Lin Bairi's continuous "fuck".

"Fuck! These bastards, damn it, are fighting with your Grandpa Lin?"

Zhong Qi explained helplessly: "He got into a fight with those trolls on the Internet."

In front of the two unfamiliar alphas, Bai Tang was a little embarrassed, and said, "Ah yes, Lawyer Zhong's matter has been trending, and the comments below are really ugly."

Why do you care about the couple's affairs, you deserve it.

Although there are more betas helping to speak out, those trolls who don't have three views are very violent, and the rational side has no power to fight back.

Lin Baizhou sneered, obviously annoyed by those idiots, "Playing with me?"

Jiang Yunshu looked away silently, knowing that Lin Baizhou was going to throw a lot of money again.

Sure enough, in just half an hour, all the comment areas about Zhong Qi's news were attacked by a large number of artificial water troops pouring in, and the public opinion suddenly fell.

Lin Baizhou felt relieved, "You get what you pay for, and this family will scold you back!"

Zhong Qi, a young lawyer, trembled: "Although public opinion has to play, but Dr. Lin, you are really too expensive."

At 6:00, Jiang Yunshu got off work, and he went to the school gate to wait for Baitang to go home with him.

Little did they know that as soon as the front foot entered the door, Zhou Zhaoyu and Qin Zhongnan arrived on the back foot. They came to give psychological counseling to Jiang Ruanjia who lived next door.

Jiang Yunshu listened to Zhou Zhaoyu's words and bought a lazy cat to accompany Jiang Ruanjia, but the effect was not good. What she often did was to sit motionless on the balcony all afternoon, with her hands on her stomach, and the cat was lying on her lap. Sleep on your lap.

The two alphas were busy making dinner, and the two omega went next door to accompany Jiang Ruanjia.

Jiang Ruanjia's situation still hasn't improved, and he doesn't respond much to all their actions.

After eating, Qin Zhongnan and Zhou Zhaoyu bid farewell to the two and changed shoes at the gate.

"Hey!" Qin Zhongnan stood up after putting on his shoes, and suddenly yelled, he looked down at his feet and smiled at Zhou Zhaoyu, his glasses chain dangling, "I like your shoes so much I like them so much Marked by me?"

There was a black shoe print on Zhou Zhaoyu's white shoes, and he said, "It's okay, the family just bought some new brushes for you."

The senior has a cold and domineering personality, he treats everyone coldly, Bai Tang thought, but he only talks nonsense with Dr. Qin.

How did Doctor Qin know the senior, and how did he get together with the senior

At the last moment when the door was closed, Bai Tang saw Qin Zhongnan touching Zhou Zhaoyu's face with a smile. The two of them should have done everything so close, right

Bai Tang couldn't help but glanced at Jiang Yunshu next to him, thinking that he liked to have physical contact with Alpha, but in an instant, several images flashed through his mind, his face turned pale immediately, he shook his head, and stopped thinking about it. up.

As soon as Zhou Zhaoyu got home, he tore off the barrier tape on the back of his neck. Regardless of alpha or omega, the glands are extremely sensitive, and it is always uncomfortable to stick things on.

Qin Zhongnan raised his eyes, the omega's glands were smooth and delicate, without any trace.

He smiled wryly in his heart, the omega in front of him would never allow him to mark it for life.

Zhou Zhaoyu will never let himself fall into a situation where there is even a slight possibility of a dead end, even if the probability is only 001.

Thinking in another way, if he were an omega, his choice would be the same as Zhou Zhaoyu's.

But although he thinks that it doesn't matter intellectually, and they can stay together forever without a lifetime mark, Alpha's damn possessiveness still makes him feel a little stuck.

Jiang Yunshu sat in front of the desk with some damp on his body, with a serious and focused expression.

Under the soft light, Bai Tang lay sideways on the outermost side of the bed, and he returned to the days when he slept alone first.

"Doctor Jiang," Bai Tang could touch Alpha's clothes with his extended hand, and he gently tugged, "Doctor Jiang, can you sleep with me? You can't always stay up late."

Bai Tang wasn't begging him willfully to accompany him, but was worried about Jiang Yunshu. It's been two years, and Alpha doesn't go to bed before 11 o'clock for a few days, so sooner or later there will be problems

Bah, sugar smacked his mouth with a crisp "snap".

"Go to bed first," Jiang Yunshu shook Baitang's hand, "I haven't finished my schedule for today."

Ever since Jiang Yunshu told him about the family affairs, Bai Tang knew that these paranoid bad habits were the shackles imposed on alpha by his original family. He really wanted to help Jiang Yunshu get rid of it, but all kinds of persuasion and acting like a baby for more than a week did not work. There is no way to shake Jiang Yunshu.

Bai Tang changed his position in distress, feeling his legs were itchy, he reached into the quilt and scratched, then remembered that he didn't apply body lotion today.

Autumn is hot and dry, and the skin is itchy after two days without body lotion. Omega got out of bed, put on slippers and went to the bathroom.

"What?" Jiang Yunshu asked.

Bai Tang came back with a bottle in his hand, and said, "Take body lotion."

He pushed away the quilt and sat on the bed, lifted the loose trouser legs, squeezed a big lump and wiped it on his calf, suddenly, he noticed Alpha's gaze.

Jiang Yunshu looked away, "It's nothing."

But Bai Tang had a flash of inspiration, yes, yes, put Alpha to bed first, are you afraid that he won't sleep

But this was too embarrassing. His ears turned red, he pursed his lips, thought for a while, and tentatively poked Jiang Yunshu's thigh with his toe.

When Jiang Yunshu looked over, he was startled. Omega propped his hands behind his back, so that the line of the collarbone was obvious, extending to the roundest part of the shoulders. The slender legs were bent, and the loose trouser legs were about to slide to the heels, looming.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Bai Tang put his heel on Alpha's thigh like he was going all out, and said, "Doctor Jiang, please help me apply body lotion."

The leg was heavy, Jiang Yunshu looked down, the white lotion that omega had just applied to the calf was not evenly applied, and it was sticking to it bit by bit, and he said after a while, "What?"

"Doctor Jiang, please help me apply body lotion!" Bai Tang endured the shame and stared into Alpha's eyes, "My hands are too tired today. I wrote a 2,500-word paper in school, and my hands are sore."

Jiang Yunshu's body was a little stiff, he was silent for a moment, and said, "Wipe it yourself."

"No," Bai Tang stuck to his red neck, anyway, it's already like this, and he can't make Alpha go to bed early, isn't it because he can't do it? His voice softened and he insisted, "Doctor Jiang help me"