Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 82: Call husband


Zhou Zhaoyu arrived at District 13 at night. He was wearing a turtleneck sweater, and the barrier stickers hid him well. In the eyes of others, he was just a good-looking beta.

It was raining heavily outside, and the long black windbreaker was fluttering in the wind. He was waiting on the side of the road holding a black umbrella. After a while, an extended Lincoln stopped in front of him.

The car window opened, revealing an extremely white face, "Mr. Zhou, nice to meet you."

It was the voice on the phone, and it was also the face on the document. Zhou Zhaoyu put away his umbrella and sat in, "Mr. Wei."

Wei Siyu, the general manager of the omega independent association in the 13th district, they founded the "Liri" magazine, which has both paper and electronic versions, mainly to promote the idea of omega independence, mainly among the students, but the scope is very limited .

Because there are too few awakened omegas.

They met to see if there was any possibility of a union, and both of them were exploring.

"Education is the most important issue," Wei Siyu said. "Schools teach omega slavish thinking. How can they stand up?"

Zhou Zhaoyu was very silent.

Wei Siyu asked: "Mr. Zhou, can you ask me the purpose of your organization at this stage? Shouldn't it be equal rights in the true sense or the overthrow of the A-right society?"

"No," Zhou Zhaoyu said, "Based on the existing basis, try to fight for the rights and interests of Omega."

Zhou Zhaoyu knew it well: equal rights would not be seen in his lifetime.

Wei Ciyu smiled and said: "I met with the leader of another organization before. He said that their goal at this stage is to achieve equal rights. When will this goal be realized? Is a few thousand years enough?"

A-right ideology is deeply rooted, there is no good leader, omega masses are weak, and the mind is not liberated.

"The conditions are not enough in any aspect," Wei Siyu said, "Overthrowing will require bloodshed."

In the morning, the curtains were lifted by the wind outside, Jiang Yunshu quietly opened his eyes, and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall: 6:43.

Before going to bed last night, Bai Tang put away all his electronic products, maybe an alarm clock.

But the biological clock still dutifully woke him up.

Jiang Yunshu turned sideways, with his forehead pressed against the omega's heart, and he saw that the two pieces of fabric tied up in front of him were bent, and through the gap, the white skin inside was heaving up and down regularly.

Bai Tang lay much higher than him, with his chin resting on the top of his head, his right arm draped over his arm, and his palm protecting his head. Since no one knows when, Bai Tang has been used to sleeping with him in a protective posture.

Jiang Yunshu arched forward comfortably, the smell of condensed milk stained the tip of his nose, and he closed his eyes again.

After failing to fall asleep for the third time, Jiang Yunshu was very helpless, but his eyes were really clear, and he was inexplicably agitated. He sat up and gently took Baitang's hand away.

Bai Tang slept a little heavily, and it took a lot of energy to run an injured body. Doctors often say that injured and sick people need more rest, because sleep is a way for the body to repair itself. During this time, people will feel uncontrollably tired and bored even if they get enough sleep.

Jiang Yunshu took out both mobile phones to avoid waking up Baitang with the news.

Brown Sugar charged at him the moment he closed the door, and the whole dog jumped on him, even the alpha he took a step back.

Brown Tang now looks like a large dog, with ears pricked up and tail wagging in afterimages.

After Jiang Yunshu was forced to be intimate for a while, Brown Tang ran to the garden again with a grunt.

Nuo Da's house became quiet and became a little empty.

Jiang Yunshu was suddenly a little confused, standing motionless in the living room, not knowing what to do.

Psychological counselors say that it is very normal to have emotions such as anxiety, irritability, and confusion. It is impossible to break away from the original living habits all at once, and we must change slowly and bit by bit.

As usual, he got up at 6:30, woke up Tang at 6:45, and went out at 7:15. Everything was clearly arranged, and he just had to follow the schedule, but now he told him: You can do whatever you want.

What interrupted his thinking was a muffled vibration, Jiang Yunshu looked down, it was Baitang's cell phone.

He turned on the screen and pressed the alarm clock, and then a message popped up:

7:00 Get up, get up, get up! Sugar wake me up! ! ! ! ! ! My husband wakes up and wants to be with him! If you don't wake up, coax you to continue to sleep!

Jiang Yunshu blinked slowly.


His finger clicked the message involuntarily, and immediately after, the content of the message box changed:

Next day's schedule: 7:30, there is a high probability of waking up QAQ, so let's make breakfast together, and don't let my husband feel idle! Today's breakfast: Beef Burrito with Cheese and Pepper! Want to eat want to eat want to eat.

The tip of Jiang Yunshu's tongue suddenly felt a little itchy. He pushed his teeth and tapped the message box again impatiently.

But the permissions are not allowed to be viewed, and the phone page has become a password lock.

Jiang Yunshu knew Bai Tang's phone password, 911127, his birthday.

Reminder The software opened automatically, and he saw the content below.

8:30 Give my husband an hour of free working time!

9:30 Renovate the garden with my husband, today's task: dig out the small pond in the lower right corner!

11:00 Make lunch with hubby! Today's lunch: sauerkraut chicken, cold lotus root slices and green vegetables in soup.

Jiang Yunshu silently crossed out the first two menus. Eating them with white sugar is not good for the current body. It is not bad to use the chicken to stew chicken soup.

ps: During the period, you should give your husband more kisses and hugs, and make him feel caring and loving (you should control yourself not to kiss too much, right

1:00 Coax husband to take a nap (there is a high probability of failure, but work hard!

Go out at 2:30, forensic examination (a little scared...but it’s okay! My husband will be by my side! (Be sure to prepare the matching clothes in advance.

husband. husband. husband.

At a glance, at most it is the word "husband".

Jiang Yunshu felt a little ashamed, and his throat was a little tight. The fingers holding the phone were so hard that they turned white. He wanted to go to the bedroom to wake up Baitang, but his precarious reason still stabilized him. Baitang needs more rest now.

Omega's body recovers slowly, unlike him, who is alive and well after a nap.

Jiang Yunshu suddenly wanted to know what Baitang's note was for him.

His finger rested on the communication software, what could it be? Yes, husband

But this is very immoral, how can you watch it without Bai Tang's permission

But... he is already my omega. want to see.

Reason and selfish desires are at war. Heaven and man are at war.

In the end, he moved his eyebrows and pressed down.

The top chat is him: Angel Jiang.

It's not... my husband. At that moment Jiang Yunshu was in a strange mood, he didn't know whether he wanted Bai Tang to call him husband or not.

Immediately afterwards, he paused his gaze, and the one below the top chat box turned out to be Qin Zhongnan, and the time next to it was 22:49 last night, so that means he was still chatting before going to bed last night? And another alpha

But right away, Jiang Yunshu realized that his tone was not right. He crossed out the backstage expressionlessly, turned off Baitang's cell phone, and walked to the kitchen expressionlessly to start washing rice.

It's a pity that there is no beef burrito with cheese and peppers this morning.

In order to start acting according to Bai Tang's plan at 9:30, Jiang Yunshu entered the bedroom at 9:00.

Omega was still sleeping, but she rolled to her side, holding her own pillow with her hands.

He bent down, propped his hands on both sides of Baitang, bowed his head and kissed.

Omega was in a daze, his eyes hadn't opened yet, but his hands wrapped around Alpha's neck very naturally, the collar was open, a large white area was exposed, and it was fragrant. After being kissed for a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, turned his head away and refused to let the kiss go, "You, you hurry up... lie down, don't stand up."

Jiang Yunshu didn't know why, so he sat obediently on the bed.

Bai Tang breathed a sigh of relief, hugged her tighter, and whispered, "Don't stand and kiss me from now on..."

Jiang Yunshu: "Why? What's the matter?"

Bai Tang rubbed Alpha's face and shook his head.

It took Jiang Yunshu a while to realize that last time he fell down straight in front of Baitang after kissing like this. He touched Omega's side face distressedly, and agreed, "Okay."

"Why didn't the alarm clock go off..." Bai Tang got up and muttered while looking at the bedside table, "Huh? Where's my phone?"

Jiang Yunshu said, "I took it out."

Bai Tang's expression was dull for a moment, "... Did the alarm clock go off?"

Jiang Yunshu: "It rang."

Bai Tang looked at Alpha, blinked dumbly, he was a little flustered, and said with difficulty: "Did you turn it off?"

Jiang Yunshu clearly saw the red floating up to the tip of Omega's ear little by little, and he said truthfully: "Yes."

At that moment, Bai Tang fell silent.

He wanted to get into the brown sugar nest, but he didn't dare to lift his eyes, and he stammered after a while: "You, you didn't see anything, did you?"

Jiang Yunshu's eyes sank slightly, he scraped the palate with his tongue, looked at omega quietly for a few seconds, and said, "No."

Everything went according to plan, except that Bai Tang begged his alpha too many times and was kissed on the sofa for almost 20 minutes, and Jiang Yunshu resolutely made chicken soup at noon regardless of the omega's saliva and coquettishness.

Da, da, da, Jiang Yunshu looked at the clock, 12:57.

Bai Tang rubbed his eyes, yawned very naturally, and said, "Doctor Jiang, let's take a nap, shall we?"

Jiang Yunshu smiled in his heart: "I don't really want to sleep, so go to sleep."

Failure +20%, Bai Tang thought angrily, but how could he go to sleep by himself, the time of sleeping is alpha's free time, if there is nothing to do, alpha will easily feel anxious and restless, and taking a nap is also beneficial to alpha Physical and mental health!

He tried to persuade: "But doesn't Dr. Jiang also take a lunch break in the hospital?"

"Well," Jiang Yunshu said, "I'm tired from work, so I sleep for 20 minutes."

Bai Tang's eyes lit up: "Then now..."

Jiang Yunshu didn't know why he wanted to tease Omega, but he just wanted to.

"I'm not tired now, because I'm with you, so I feel very relaxed."

Bai Tang let out an "ah", not knowing whether he should be happy or unhappy, but his heart was quite sweet anyway.

The alpha looks unimpressed.

Bai Tang blushed, leaned down and leaned in front of Jiang Yunshu and kissed the tip of Qin Yingting's nose, "But I'm sleepy, can you accompany me, I fell asleep as soon as I lay down."

Alpha hugged the fragrant and soft white sugar, sitting still in his arms.

Bai Tang held back his embarrassment and stuck out the tip of his tongue to lick Jiang Yunshu's lips, "Are you okay? Come with me..."

Jiang Yunshu lowered his eyes, and his eyes were full of white sugar, bright red and moist tongue. He felt that if he didn't agree, it might explode.

His voice was a little hoarse: "Well."

Cheng, succeeded! White sugar is very fulfilling.

Jiang Yunshu felt that Baitang really didn't know his position in his heart.

Going back to six hours ago, alpha gradually deleted the words "there is a high probability of failure, but you have to work hard", and carefully wrote the words "will succeed".

But after reacting, he was afraid that Bai Tang would be angry because he saw his reminder schedule, so he recovered.

Omega seemed to be really tired, and obediently curled up into Alpha's arms and closed her eyes.

Jiang Yunshu smelled a little pheromone specially released by Baitang, and closed his eyes. After some time, when he was about to fall asleep, he realized belatedly that he might want to hear Baitang call "husband".