Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 84: newborn


The meeting broke up.

Bai Tang walked forward with Alpha's arms around his waist, his face was full of excitement, he looked at Alpha with bright eyes, and he was gesticulating with both hands to say something.

Jiang Yunshu pinched the omega's arm flesh, it was a little limp, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he listened quietly, but in his heart he overturned what he had done and thought before. It can be seen from today that Bai Tang didn't want to be a canary at home under his protection, but not only did he not ask Bai Tang's opinion, but he also thought that he was protecting her very well.

Only Baitang has a good temper, he won't get angry with him, he won't blame him secretly, instead he discusses it with him nicely.

The stitches on Bai Tang's left wrist can be removed, and the wound on the back of his right hand has also scabbed. Although it is still gauze, but fortunately it is recovering well.

Omega looked depressed, "Doctor Jiang, will there be a scar?"

Jiang Yunshu replied truthfully: "Should be."

Bai Tang lowered her brows and looked at her hands silently, without speaking.

"Let's go buy scar cream." Jiang Yunshu took the omega and slowly rubbed it with his fingertips. "New scars can be repaired."

Bai Tang asked sullenly, "What about the old scar?"

Jiang Yunshu kissed the back of Omega's hand, and answered the wrong question: "Bai Tang, you look good."

Bai Tang blinked his eyes, feeling a little better.

Seeing that he still didn't speak, Jiang Yunshu kissed him again, expressing his true thoughts unskillfully: "These scars look good on you."

Being praised by the person he likes like this, no matter how bad the mood is, the omega pursed his mouth and smiled, "When did your mouth become so sweet, Doctor Jiang?"

Jiang Yunshu moved his eyes to the flowers and plants on the side of the road: "Tell the truth."

Bai Tang seemed to be thinking of something, the end of his eyes was stained red bit by bit, his toes in white socks curled up, biting the flesh at the corner of his mouth back and forth, looking very tangled.

Jiang Yunshu: "What's wrong?"

His dry lips were licked and licked, and a complex expression of shyness, embarrassment and excitement mixed on his face. In the end, Bai Tang closed his eyes, raised his feet, and pressed his fingers down, signaling Alpha to turn his head.

Jiang Yunshu didn't know why, so he bent slightly and brought his ears closer.

"Go back and let me have a good taste." Omega's eyes were red with embarrassment, she was almost fainted from the embarrassment, and she still had to endure the shame and insisted on finishing the overbearing president's remarks, "Is the mouth really that sweet..."

It's the type that relies on alpha and won't do anything wrong with him.

When other alphas heard it, the pheromone would burst out and directly blow up the measuring device.

Jiang Yunshu's lip line was pressed suddenly, and he warned in a low voice: "Baitang."

"I haven't seen you for four days," Shen Ting said with a smile, "How have you been these few days?"

Jiang Yunshu said: "Very good."

Shen Ting shifted her gaze to the side of Omega, which was obviously whiter than Alpha and redder by one degree.

Bai Tang followed up and said: "... me too." It would have been better if she hadn't been dragged to the escape channel by alpha just now and kissed her lips a little peeling.

He wanted to cover his face, he had already let alpha, the culprit, slap cold water on his face, why not!

Shen Ting didn't tell the truth, and said softly: "Then let's start."

Today is the third session of psychotherapy.

Compared with the first gaffe, Jiang Yunshu has been able to communicate with Shen Ting calmly. Although he is occasionally agitated, he usually calms down quickly.

There is no escaping the emotion of sadness, and there are no shortcuts.

During the treatment process, many victims cannot help but feel sorry for all that has been lost—the loss of the fantasy of a good family, the loss of innocence, love, and childhood, the years of happiness and fulfillment that should have been there.

This grief has the potential to be overwhelming for the patient.

Jiang Yunshu didn't say a word, his hand was tightly held by Omega, as if he was immersed in this kind of sadness.

Fortunately, Shen Ting has enough confidence and experience to believe that she can lead the alpha in front of her through this level. She just wanted to speak——

"However, I would like to thank them now," Jiang Yunshu smiled unexpectedly, "If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be able to meet my lover."

Shen Ting didn't know that Jiang Yunshu had traveled here, she was a little stunned, this was the fastest person she had seen to escape from this state in her 13 years of career.

She involuntarily looked at the omega with red eyes. This young omega also seemed a little surprised when she heard the words. She was staring at her alpha without blinking, and a teardrop fell from her lower eyelid.

Shen Ting smiled, "That's good, everything has two sides."

Two hours passed, and this time the treatment was over.

Jiang Yunshu got up calmly and shook hands with Shen Ting: "Thank you, Dr. Shen, for your hard work."

"You're welcome," Shen Ting said with a smile, "it's your omega that needs to comfort you."

Jiang Yunshu turned his head and saw Baitang sitting on the corner of the sofa with his back to them, wiping tears pitifully.

Shen Ting left the treatment room to the patient with ease, and went back to the office first.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yunshu pulled omega's arm and turned Bai Tang around, "Why are you crying so badly?" It seems that during the treatment, Bai Tang endured pain and shed tears silently in order not to disturb them So much so that he didn't even notice that omega was crying.

"I don't want to cry, I can't help it... I just think," Bai Tang sniffed his nose and said aggrievedly, "How could they treat you like this, I'm so angry..."

The omega is very white, so the red circle around the crying eyes is very obvious. Jiang Yunshu was silent for a while, and hugged the white sugar into his arms.

Obviously his parents were worse than his parents, obviously his own experience was much more miserable than his, and obviously experienced such dark things, but why is this omega... so cute and pure

Jiang Yunshu didn't know what kind of mood he was in. He was distressed that Baitang shed tears for him, and he was also happy because Baitang was sad for him. For a moment, he had the thought of "how about he make it worse next time".

When the two just got down to the hospital lobby, they bumped into Lin Bairi who was about to get off work.

Jiang Yunshu: "Doctor Lin, do you want to have dinner together?"

Lin Baizhou refused, "No, I'll go buy a peach soda."

Jiang Yunshu didn't continue to invite, but nodded and said, "Okay, see you next time."

The peach soda that Lin Baizhou likes to drink is produced by an old brand. He has been drinking it since he was a child and likes it very much, but it may be due to the poor sales, so that no supermarkets have restocked it seven or eight years ago.

After driving for almost half an hour, a dilapidated small shop appeared in the field of vision. Lin Baizhou searched the entire second district, and found that this was the only one still selling that peach soda.

Xiaoshiduo's boss knew him well. After all, he had bought it for so many years. Lin Baizhou walked to the corner and saw that there were two rows of peach soda left. He asked, "Boss, why did you buy so much this time?"

The boss is an old man who is almost 60 years old. He said loudly with an accent: "No, I only buy three boxes at a time because another boy hasn't come to buy it for a long time. Last time you two bought it for the last bottle. Fight that with you!"

Lin Baizhou froze in place, his face full of surprise: "Huh?"

The boss muttered in a low voice: "If you two hadn't been buying it, I would have stopped buying it a long time ago, and I wouldn't make money! No one bought it except you two, no one bought it!"

After the transcript of the interrogation ended, Jiang Ruanjia seemed to have finally realized that she was free.

Facing the reaction from the outside world, she began to respond. When Caramel flicked her tail to rub against her, she would lower her head and scratch Caramel's chin.

Caramel, the name of that big lazy cat.

After the three of them finished their meal, Jiang Ruanjia stood up a little slowly, wanting to clean up the dishes.

Just as Jiang Yunshu was about to stop him, he was blocked by a hand. Bai Tang smiled at Jiang Ruanjia, "Please trouble me, auntie!"

Jiang Ruanjia paused, nodded, and continued to do what he was doing.

Bai Tang pulled Alpha into the garden, "The senior said that it might be better for Auntie to do some things."

Jiang Yunshu used his feet to push away the brown sugar that kept protruding from the omega, and said, "Okay."

"Ah, that's right!" Bai Tang ran into the house suddenly, and after a while, he came out with an iron pot and a few books. He put the scrap iron pot on the gravel road, and then put four books into the iron pot.

Jiang Yunshu took a closer look, it was his notebook, it was the planner that he started to use when he came to this world, and now it was the fourth.

Bai Tang ran back and asked, "Doctor Jiang, I want to burn them, can I?"

Jiang Yunshu tilted his head, staring at the notebook in the middle of the garden for a long time.

Bai Tang was a little nervous, thinking he was unwilling, and was about to say, "Then don't burn it, let's take our time", when Alpha spoke.

"Okay," Jiang Yunshu said, "burn it."

Bai Tang looked at him worriedly: "Is it really possible?"

"Why not?" Jiang Yunshu looked down at Omega and smiled, "It's not something important."

Bai Tang put his feet up and kissed the corner of Alpha's mouth, as if to reward: "Doctor Jiang is so good."

Jiang Yunshu was stunned for a moment, feeling that the words of praise came inexplicably and something was wrong, but Omega had already run away.

I saw Bai Tang squatting next to the iron pot, first tore off a blank piece of paper, lit it with a lighter, and threw it on the notebook.

A flash of fire appeared in Jiang Yunshu's pupils, and in the firelight, Bai Tang trotted towards him with a smile on his face, and the distance between the two gradually decreased, "Doctor Jiang! You have to watch carefully!"

Jiang Yunshu reached out and took omega's hand and put it in his pocket. He was tall and straight, standing at the door and watching the notebook being burned bit by bit by the fire.

The surroundings were pitch black, as if they were all black and white, with no end in sight, only bright flames beating in the eyes.

It was not only the notebook that was burned, but also the shackles and burdens that had weighed on him for 32 years. He just felt relieved and relaxed.

Bai Tang also watched quietly, but the image of Jiang Yunshu picking up the heavy box of tools and dumping them into the trash can flashed before his eyes when he was still in the old house 2 years ago.

The sound of metal colliding coincided inexplicably with the crackling sound of burning paper.

In just a minute or two, the fire went out with a "snap", and the surroundings instantly became dark.

Bai Tang trotted over again, teasing it with a branch, only ashes remained in the iron pot.

nothing left.

He turned around and shouted, "Doctor Jiang, it's all burnt!"

Jiang Yunshu's pupils reflected the omega's smile, he bent his eyes, "Yes."

Unexpectedly, Omega took out a new notebook from her arms, handed it to Alpha with both hands, and said, "Here is what I ask of you, you have to do it."

Jiang Yunshu was stunned for a moment. The cover of the notebook was a plush bear. He remembered what Bai Tang had told him before.

Omega sat on the bed with red eyes, crying and said: "You can't get rid of the parents' request in your bones, so you can replace theirs with mine, okay? I'll let you go to bed early now, okay?"

Jiang Yunshu took it and opened it, only to find that in the entire notebook, only the first page had words:

1. My husband wants to be healthy all his life and live a long life with me.

2. My husband has to go to bed with me every night, and he is not allowed to play tricks.

3. The husband should combine work and rest, and reasonably allocate time between work and life.

4. My husband wants to love me all his life.

Jiang Yunshu stared at the four rows of delicate characters for a long time, his eyes were uncontrollably hot, he opened his mouth, but couldn't speak for a while.

"There are other things I haven't thought of yet..." Bai Tang's cheeks were flushed, his eyes wandered, and he only dared to look at the unformed pond in the distance, "I will make up for it in the future."

Jiang Yunshu gave a soft "hmm".

"I will also do the above request," Bai Tang's eyelashes fluttered slightly, he took a deep breath, and promised seriously, "I will too, I will love you for the rest of my life..."

Jiang Yunshu suddenly turned his head to the side, staring at the iron door with wide eyes, trying to hold back the tears inside, but rather than losing face, at this moment, he wanted to strangle Baitang into his arms.

He buried himself in the omega's shoulder, smelling the scent of his beloved condensed milk, his voice trembling, "... good."