Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 9: Do you still need your feet!


Bai Tang was in a bright and warm room, staring blankly at the man hidden in the dark corner. The tools that had hurt him before poured out and were discarded one by one in the big trash can. Suddenly, a flash of blue light flashed for a moment. Abrupt and weird.

Bai Tang's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly turned his face away. The memory was like the sea water at night, dark and salty, dragging him into the bottom of the sea.

"Hey, Baitang," Jiang Yunsu sat on the edge of the bed, turning a pair of handcuffs with his knuckle fingers, and a sapphire flashed away, "Climb over here."

Bai Tang, who had just taken a shower, only paused for a second, then skillfully landed on his knees and crawled to Jiang Yunsu's feet.

Jiang Yunsu looked at the kneeling omega with the corners of his lips curled up, moved his legs generously, and Bai Tang obediently rubbed his cheek against Jiang Yunsu's instep, like a coquettish cat.

Jiang Yunsu put the handcuffs on Baitang's wrist in a good mood, "How is it? Do they look good?"

Bai Tang held his hands flat like a prisoner, and he saw that the shape of the handcuffs was not a regular circle, but an irregular figure with corners, with a beautiful rose pattern carved on it, and a dazzling sapphire inlaid in the center of the rose .

"I spent more than 100,000 yuan to auction this sapphire, and I designed the handcuffs myself," Jiang Yunsu said complacently, "It's pure silver, it took three months to make it, and it's for your face Yes, you know?"

The irregular precious metal chrome made Baitang's wrist red and cracked, and he thanked him with long and curled eyelashes: "It's beautiful... Thank you, sir."

Later, during the violent and rough affair, he accidentally got a drop of saliva on the handcuffs, and was handcuffed and beaten.

Bai Tang hugged her knees and curled up in the corner of the wall, her eyes staring blankly for a long time.

Jiang Yunshu saw that the bandages on the soles of Baitang's feet were stained with blood, but he didn't dare to act rashly, because Baitang was obviously still in an acute stress response, and any external changes would aggravate the condition and lead to more severe reactions. Whether he got up and walked to sit on the sofa, or just changed positions, let alone touched.

Jiang Yunshu kept squatting on one knee and carefully observed Bai Tang's expression. He believed that Bai Tang already had post-traumatic stress disorder, and the trigger was the box of tools.

But he is not a professional psychiatrist, he has only taken psychology-related electives in university, he must let Bai Tang trust him as soon as possible, and then go to psychotherapy.

The minute hand of the clock on the wall moved more than 20 times before Bai Tang's cold limbs began to feel a little bit, and his sanity began to return, his eyes slowly merged, and his fingertips moved.

Jiang Yunshu's feet were already numb, and he shifted his weight secretly several times. Finally, seeing that Baitang didn't respond, he simply sat on the ground.

Bai Tang's eyeballs rolled slowly, and he was blank for more than 20 minutes, only vaguely heard someone whispering to him in a trance, "No one will hit you again in the future, don't be afraid", repeated several times .

He raised his sweaty face from his knees, and saw the alpha in front of him sitting three or four steps away from him.

Memories flooded in, and Bai Tang's eyelashes fluttered, like the wings of a butterfly under the sun.

He began to wonder if Alpha really lost his memory, because how could that arrogant and arrogant man sit on the ground for almost half an hour just waiting for him, how could that Jiang Yunsu, who loves money like his life, be proud of himself Throw your designs into the trash

Or, this is another test, a drop of cold sweat flows from the neck to the collarbone, Bai Tang's eyes are dull, yes, this must be another test...

Test whether he was really obedient during his "amnesia" period, test whether he followed the rules set in the past, test whether he did anything wrong just because of his "amnesia".

Although Bai Tang wanted to destroy all those tools and throw them away, he would not be so stupid as to gamble his already hard life for his own desire.

He said hoarsely, "Sir... you can't throw it away."

"Huh?" Jiang Yunshu asked doubtfully.

Bai Tang didn't dare to look at Alpha's face again: "There's a sapphire handcuff inside... you can't throw it away."

"No more." Jiang Yunshu expressed his attitude without thinking, "Come on, carry you to the sofa and change the gauze."

"But..." Bai Tang said cautiously with old and new tears on his face, "Sir, you said that you spent more than 100,000 yuan on that sapphire, and you designed it yourself..."

Jiang Yunshu paused as he stretched out his hand, hundreds of thousands? ! His original salary of half a year in the world? ! Dr. Jiang, the worker, hesitated.

Perhaps it was because Jiang Yunshu's expression was too shaken, Bai Tang lowered his head again, covering his ashen-hearted eyes, it turned out that he was waiting for him here, trash can, alpha, how could these proud sons of heaven go to the trash can, that money lover How could Alpha really be willing to throw away hundreds of thousands for no reason, it turns out... so it was waiting for him here...

Jiang Yunsu probably wanted to see him covered in stench and hands full of filth. On the surface, he pretended to be distressed, but he might be laughing at him in his heart: "Sure enough, this stinky bitch is only worthy of digging through the trash."

Bai Tang suppressed the fear of being abused by that box of tools, a forced smile appeared on his pale face, he stood up staggeringly with his stiff body, and said thoughtfully: "Sir, let me help you Bring it back."

Jiang Yunshu picked him up and put him on the sofa, "Sit down, I'll pick it up."

Walking brought up a slight wind, which made Bai Tang, who was covered in cold sweat, shiver, and his clothes stuck to his body uncomfortably. He had just sat on the floor and rubbed against the wall, and the bath was wasted.

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he is dirty now, Jiang Yunsu hugged him without disgust, Bai Tang looked at Alpha's jawline in disbelief, how could this be possible...

He didn't think that a person with Jiang Yunsu's personality would endure it to such an extent just to tease him. He obviously only kicked himself away before, disgusted that he stained the floor.

However, in just a few seconds, there was no room for Bai Tang to think. Seeing that Alpha turned around and was about to leave, he reflexively grabbed Jiang Yunshu's corner of his clothes and begged, "Sir, sir, let me pick it up..."

"What nonsense?" Jiang Yunshu frowned, and took a step forward. The tugging feeling of his clothes disappeared immediately. He took a broom and went out, "Sit down, I'll be back soon."

Bai Tang looked at his empty palm in shock, before he could react for a while, he was rejected... How could it be possible... But now there is only one thought in his mind, he can't let alpha go out of this door, otherwise he will be punished...!

Bai Tang couldn't control that much, he hurriedly got off the ground, ran towards Jiang Yunshu who was about to step out of the door with his bare feet, and grabbed Alpha's thigh: "Sir, sir, let me come, please... don't dirty Mr. hands .”

Jiang Yunshu looked at him in disbelief, quickly picked up Baitang, and whispered, "Do you want your feet?"

Bai Tang trembled when he was told, tears fell on his thin chin, and he said pitifully, "I can help Mr. pick it up..."

Physical and mental health is Jiang Yunshu's bottom line. Before he touches on the principled issues, he can follow sugar unconditionally, step by step, but once it comes to it, he will not compromise.

And judging from Bai Tang's stress response just now, that box of tools is obviously the key to triggering Bai Tang's ptsd, and it is impossible for him to let Bai Tang see it again.

"No," Jiang Yunshu looked at the already red gauze, sighed, and coaxed Zhou An, "Hey, your foot is hurt, so you can't pick it up."

"I, I can..." Bai Tang shook his hands, and carefully grabbed Jiang Yunshu's collar, startled and frightened, as if he would kill him if he didn't let him pick it up, he shook his head, sobbed, speaking incoherently Said, "No, oh, no... Mr. Bujian will beat me, he will beat me..."

Jiang Yunshu froze for a moment, frowned, and said firmly, "No, I won't hit you, not in the future."

I don't know which sentence hit Bai Tang, his face was unprecedentedly ashamed and despaired, and he trembled even more.

Jiang Yunshu put the sugar on the sofa, and fell into a dilemma for a while, he was rarely at a loss.

But within a few minutes, he decided: "Then don't pick it up, we don't want it anymore."

I don't want anything that has hurt sugar.

But these words sounded like a threat in disguise to Bai Tang, he raised his head abruptly, his pale lips trembling: "... I can't, sir, please."

Jiang Yunshu: "..."

He calmed down and thought about it. The problem now is that the handcuffs have to be picked up, but Bai Tang won't let him pick them up, he won't let Bai Tang pick them up...

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and in Bai Tang's surprised eyes, he knocked his head as if lamenting his stupidity, so why not find a third person to pick it up for them? !

He called the property manager: "Hi, this is room 1507. Could you give me the phone number of the cleaning lady?"

Soon, someone rang the doorbell, and Jiang Yunshu warned: "Bai Tang, don't go to the ground again."

Bai Tang didn't dare to speak, bit his lip and nodded, staring closely at the alpha who went to open the door, he saw Jiang Yunsu politely thanked, and then gave two big bills to the people outside the door, after the door closed, alpha held a The black plastic bag contained the sapphire handcuffs.

Standing a few steps away from Baitang, Jiang Yunshu shook the plastic bag towards the omega, and there was a slight sound of metal clashing inside. With a helpless smile in his eyes, he said, "Can I change the bandage now?" Sugar."