Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 94: Mark for life


For a hundred years, the solid wall standing in front of beta and omega has remained unmoved, and Xu's suicide has become a catharsis. The contradictions and conflicts that had accumulated to the extreme, the anger and resentment that had reached the peak, all burst out towards that tiny, imperceptible gap in the big wall.

The 90% who were suppressed quit.

Although the government tried its best to cut the news across the board and blow up all the relevant entries, this would only increase people's anger and make the commotion even worse. The global Internet world was occupied by this series of news, creating a miasma of smog.

"One week has passed, according to the data reported by the single media, the second star omega was killed 8 times, omega committed suicide 72 times, including 11 suicides after killing alpha, and beta killed alpha 3 times." Zuo An had some difficulty reading it out, Behind the simple numbers, there are lives and puddles of blood, not to mention... these are just the tip of the iceberg.

The atmosphere in the conference room was heavy. After a while, Feng Mingyi said, "The government of District 2 held its 11th meeting in the morning. They were forced to give up the practice of covering up the news and are discussing measures to appease the people."

"But I don't know the details." Feng Mingyi picked up a folder, "We just need to do what we can do now. The time for the next week's parade has been determined. Firstly, District 7 on the 15th and District 2 on the 16th and 17th." Next, the 13th district will be closed on the 19th and 20th, and the 9th district will be closed on the 22nd. During this period, many unexpected situations may occur, and everyone will be flexible and report in time."

However, at night, unexpectedly, the major online platforms collapsed again, and the government departments and programmers who were forced to work overtime slammed their pens and keyboards: "Damn it's still over!"

A well-known artist updated his personal work: It is an oil painting, the overall color is only black, white and gray, which is extremely impactful. A tall white man with no facial features stood in front, and beside him, there were three black shadows following him, one was lying on the man's back nostalgicly, one was snuggling by the man's arm, and the other was obediently pillowing on the man's shoe noodle. The black paint flowing out from behind the black figure extended infinitely to the entire background, countless arms stretched out from the darkness, and the man's white clothes were torn into a mess, full of dark or light black handprints and black marks.

There is only one line on the work: They are always by your side.

It was widely circulated by major media, all kinds of reprints, nonsense, and now the topic of AO is the wealth code, so it’s right to repost it first.

"Don't look back."

"Be careful behind you."


"Do you feel like your body is being pressed by something?"

Officer Chai is very tired. He has received countless "reports" these days, saying that there may be something dirty in the house, that the photo frame hanging on the wall fell for no reason at night, the door was closed for no reason, and the lamp just replaced exploded for no reason. Doctor Fang is also very tired. There has been a sudden increase in the number of registered patients in the past few days. The "symptoms" without exception are feeling heavy, a little out of breath, easy fatigue, nosebleeds, and tinnitus. And Master Wang, whose business has been bleak, suddenly came with a lot of orders, all of them asked him to exorcise ghosts. He is the best at exorcising ghosts. easy!

Zhou Zhaoyu and Qin Zhongnan made an appointment to go to the movies after get off work, and then they planned to have dinner directly in the shopping mall, but it was only after 9 o'clock, and at a glance, the number of people in Alpha was less than half than usual.

Zhou Zhaoyu's palms were covered with sweat by Qin Zhongnan, and he asked suspiciously, "Why do you feel that alpha has decreased a lot recently?"

Qin Zhongnan laughed twice, "I've done too many bad things, how dare I go out at night."

On the other side, both Jiang Bai got busy.

"Baitang," Jiang Yunshu called, "I may not get off work until 7 o'clock, can you stay at school for a while?"

"It seems a bit crooked, the left side is on the left..." Bai Tang was standing in front of the cafeteria display cabinet when he answered the phone, directing the only Wanhui poster over 180cm, he said quickly, "It's okay! I'm not that fast either!"

"Okay," Jiang Yunshu said, "hang up first."

Baitang's dormitory has become a "base area". In addition to a few people he knows well, Xie Anqi also recruited 5 omegas to help, and there are 11 people in total. The posters are designed and printed, but the banners need to be made by the omega themselves. They occupy the table and bed, and use marker pens to trace words on white cardboard.

The contents on the banners and posters are all about “us”—beta and omega.

This is what Wei Siyu said, to give beta a feeling that everyone is a grasshopper tied to the same rope, and that everyone is a community of destiny. Let beta think that helping omega is helping himself, although from a macro perspective, it is indeed the case.

Baitang, as the "host", naturally gave up the desk that was more suitable for writing to others, while he propped himself up on his elbows and lay on the bed.

Xie Anqi stared at it for a while, then suddenly pinched Baitang's butt so hard that the latter almost jumped up in fright.

"Bai Tang," Xie Anqi showed an old man's smile, "Your butt is so cocky, hehe... the hand feels very good, hehe..."

Bai Tang clutched her butt, feeling ashamed and angry, "An Qi! You're a girl!"

Xie Anqi was still giggling, spreading her fingers and wriggling obscenely. She took it for granted, "What's wrong with the girls? We girls like to pinch the butts of boys like you the most."

The word "your kind" was deliberately emphasized.

The school playground at night is the most crowded. Those who run at night sit in circles on the lawn and build groups. Many of them are doing club activities. Since Baitang, the "omega team", entered the playground, almost everyone's All eyes were on them.

They were divided into two groups, one set up a stall and the other distributed posters.

When Xie Anqi went to send it, it happened that there were two alphas in that club, and they quit after seeing it, and when they thought they were alphas, they planned to teach others with a vicious voice. Two or three strong betas stood in front of Xie Anqi, and took the poster lightly to look at it. With a glance, he said, "This is our beta and omega activity, what does it have to do with your alpha?"

Xie Anqi hid behind Beta, "That's it!"

There were many people around the booth, and Baitang heaved a sigh of relief after hearing Xie Anqi's words, "Anqi, next time you can omit the word just."

It was already past eight o'clock when the couple finished their work, seriously overtime.

When Jiang Yunshu came out of the shower, he saw two large stacks of white long strips of white cardboard spread out on the dining table. Because the characters had to be drawn very large, Bai Tang could only stand up, leaning on the table with his elbows half-stretched, bowing his head and writing earnestly. , The soft pajamas are against the skin, and the bones on the back of the neck are slightly protruding.

"Baitang," Jiang Yunshu squeezed the bone, and the voice sounded, "Are you going to participate in the parade?"

"Huh?" Bai Tang straightened up, and Alpha was sitting opposite and looked at him, "Of course I'm going! Originally, not many omega can participate, so I'm definitely going."

"But it's dangerous," Jiang Yunshu disagreed. "There are a lot of people, and I can't protect you if I have to go to work. Do you remember the last beta parade? The police suppressed it and shot people."

Bai Tang had just finished drawing a "Stand Up!" sign, and said, "I know, but if Omega is too scared to even go to a parade, how can you talk about standing up..."

Jiang Yunshu fell silent.

After a while of silence, Bai Tang compromisingly lay down on the table, his hips stuck to the edge of the table, his elbows on the table, the distance between his face and his face was only two fists, he looked into alpha's eyes, and said softly: "I'm sorry, I just Wrong, you mean, it's not that I'm afraid, but you will be afraid, right?"

Jiang Yunshu also looked at Bai Tang quietly.

Omega does not have myopia, which may be the reason why his family did not buy mobile phones before the age of 18, and Jiang Yunsu did not let him play after the age of 18. The vision of both eyes is 5.1, so when he looks at people, his eyes are clear and energetic.

Jiang Yunshu lowered his eyelashes, "Well, I'm afraid something will happen to you, but if you want to go, I won't stop..."

Before finishing speaking, Bai Tang said: "Then I won't go, it's okay."

Jiang Yunshu frowned, looking at Omega's drooping face, "Can you guarantee your safety?"

How can it be guaranteed... Bai Tang can only say that he will try his best to protect himself, but who can guarantee what has not happened yet.

He sat back on the chair and confessed his thoughts in a low voice: "If I don't go, it's impossible to say that I won't be disappointed. After all, I have already figured out what slogans I will lead everyone to shout, but..."

Bai Tang said: "You are the most important, nothing is as important as Angel Jiang."

Unfortunately, even if Jiang Yunshu begged him to go, Bai Tang couldn't go.

Sure enough, no one can predict what has not yet happened. Just 5 days before the parade in District 2 and 3 days before the parade in District 7, the estrus period of sugar came. I thought to myself: I'm really afraid of what will come, even if I can't go to the scene, I can still be a logistics...

Jiang Yunshu was delayed for more than ten minutes because of something else. Panting slightly, he ran towards the omega department and swallowed the contraceptive pills that had been kept in his white coat. "Doctor Nian! I'll get the genital cavity detector!"

He asked a Chinese New Year doctor to operate the detector skillfully two weeks ago. To put it simply, he only needs to put the front end of the instrument into the genital cavity, and after hearing three beeps, it will be fine.

When alpha successfully entered the isolation room, the sugar had been in the isolation bag for almost half an hour.

The room maintains a comfortable temperature, and a black isolation bag that can hold a person is placed on the bed with the zipper open. Omega, who is suffering from heat, has lost the strength to pull out the bag, and can only put a bag in vain. Only hands with burnt knuckles that were powdered were stretched out, trying to get a little cold air.

Jiang Yunshu didn't tear off the barrier sticker, and even put on an extra one. He took a deep breath, suppressed the endless impulse and tyranny, and tentatively released a little pheromone.

"Woo!" Omega's movements immediately became fierce, and the isolation bag was kicked out of shape.

Jiang Yunshu held that wet hand, hugged Omega out, and kissed it, "Don't be afraid, I'm coming."

Bai Tang was drenched in sweat, with black hair sticking to his face, he tightly circled Alpha's neck, desperately leaning into Alpha's arms, absorbing the pheromone in Alpha's mouth, his eyes, nose, and lips It was red, obviously she had cried for countless times, and the condensed milk tasted too sweet to be greasy.

Jiang Yunshu was in pain from being strangled, stroking the back of Omega eagerly back and forth.

The skin rubbed against the fabric, Bai Tang pulled Jiang Yunshu's clothes uncomfortable, and murmured in a low voice, "No, it's uncomfortable...it hurts..."

"Take off now." Jiang Yunshu took the hand that brushed his face to his lips and kissed it, then put the sugar on the bed, and wanted to take off his clothes.

As a result, Omega quit, whimpered and stretched out her arms, shaking to hug her, tears welled up, and slapped on the bed sheet, "Yun Shu! Yun Shu..."

Alpha almost tripped over the leg of his trousers in a panic, but he still had no time to think about the omega that had been crying all day because the jelly fell to the ground. Moist lips.

The smell of condensed milk penetrated into his nostrils, and Jiang Yunshu almost went crazy. His voice was so hoarse that he moved his hands down the spine: "Sugar... don't be afraid, it won't hurt."

… (for a long time)

Bai Tang's face was blushing, physiological tears flowed from his closed eyes, his head was hanging down, his calves were tense, his body was caught by iron-like hands and his arms were pulled back, he couldn't escape, and he couldn't escape.

Alpha's tone was gentle, coaxing over and over again, but with a sense of command: "Baby, be good, hurry up."

Omega is very obedient.

The front end of the detector is metal, and it has been placed in the air-conditioned room.

Bai Tang raised her neck fragilely, struggled slightly, and her voice changed a bit, "Uh! Bing..."

"Be patient," Jiang Yunshu squatted on one knee beside the bed, staring at the front, breathing heavily, "I'll be fine soon."

The instructional video given by Dr. Kannian is very simple, but I can’t find the right place when I start the practice. The sugar is almost burned and passed out. I want to escape but have no strength. Didi" three beeps sounded.

Jiang Yunshu put the detector on the table almost violently, bowed his head and kissed the crying Omega, and tore off the two barrier stickers on his glands with his right hand.

… (long time)

He snorted, and at the same moment, he tilted his head and bit down on the omega's gland.

Jiang Yunshu closed his eyes fiercely, and finally, what belonged to him alone——

Marked for life.