Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 14


Where did Pei Xia go

Of course Pei Xia went to the kitchen!

Since taking care of Lucifer is a punishment, then Pei Xia can't slack off, he will definitely take care of Lucifer seriously!

Pei Xia couldn't think of any other aspects that could better reflect her caring care for the time being, after much deliberation, she could only come to make some food for Lucifer to show her sincerity.

In his previous life, Pei Xia lived alone and was used to taking care of himself. He did a good job of cooking. Although he can't compare with a big chef, the taste is not bad, at least he doesn't have diarrhea after eating!

What should I do for him... Pei Xia frowned, standing in the kitchen thinking seriously.

"Master Knight, the breakfast for the Holy Son is ready, do you need to check it?" The servants in the kitchen asked nervously and respectfully.

This stern-faced paladin is the most valued person around the Holy Son, but the original owner of the servants was Hobson who was in collusion with the devil... Oh my god, God of light, they see this knight now My lord, I feel my little heart beating wildly, and my neck feels cold.

Pei Xia was startled, and nodded: "Okay."

The servants immediately brought over the prepared meals. The meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, etc. were nutritious and delicious. Pei Xia was a little distressed. In this case, he didn't need to cook any more.

He only knows simple Western food. As for Chinese food, I don't know if Lucifer is used to it, so instead of cooking, it's better to let Lucifer eat what the chef cooks.

Pei Xia waved his hand: "Very good, send it over quickly, don't get cold."

"Yes, Lord Knight!"

A few servants left with breakfast, and the rest still looked at Pei Xia curiously and uneasily. The food was also ready. If a paladin didn't go to protect his master, why would he stay in the kitchen

It couldn't be that Lucifer treated his paladin harshly and didn't give him enough food, so he came here to steal food, right

Just when everyone was curious, Pei Xia rolled up his sleeves: "Hey, is there any candy?"

That's right, Pei Xia has made a decision, he wants to prepare a bowl of soup that is rich in nutrients to keep the cold away! Although he himself has not done much research on health preservation, people in the age of science and technology can always easily acquire a lot of bits and pieces of knowledge. Although he himself has not experienced physical weakness, he knows female classmates with dysmenorrhea and heard them mention red dates and brown sugar water .

Pei Xia decided to make a bowl of tonic soup for Lucifer that combines the wisdom of modern health preservation!

Pei Xia asked the people in the kitchen to prepare for herself: "Red dates, longan, roses, brown sugar... Ah, don't you know brown sugar, ordinary sugar is also fine, a little honey. Hmm... add some nuts, walnuts nourish the brain."

"By the way, donkey-hide gelatin! It's a pity that there is no one here." Pei Xia touched his chin, and suddenly thought of the raw material of donkey-hide gelatin, his eyes lit up, "Is there any donkey skin?"

Servants: "Yes, yes, are you planning to...?"

"Take a piece first."

Pei Xia closed her eyes and recalled: "Hmm... pork liver fried with leeks? Forget it, as long as pork liver is fine... and some black pepper, ginger and eggs!"

Pei Xia remembered that he had a cousin who was many years older. They lived together when they were young. When her cousin suffered from dysmenorrhea, she would drink a bowl of brown sugar, ginger and egg water. Black pepper must be added, so that her body would be warm and comfortable after drinking it.

As for the taste? Pei Xia didn't come to his aunt, so he could only look at it with envy, but he never drank it himself.

At that time, the family was poor, and my cousin only received special treatment at this time, so the taste must be very good!

Half an hour later, Lucifer sat gracefully on the exquisite white-painted chair. In front of him was a dining table for one person. There was a blooming red rose in the vase on the table.

He had finished his breakfast and was sitting here bored, waiting for his lovely paladin.

Why didn't Pei Xia come over

On the other hand, other people seemed to be approaching this side inadvertently, and they stared at Lucifer with what they thought were concealed eyes, either admiring or greedy.

Lucifer has long been used to this kind of gaze, he said it leisurely, and didn't feel uncomfortable. His identity is the guide of the believers, and he is destined to stand at the forefront of all people, guiding them to the light.

However, light... Lucifer seemed to have thought of something, and the arc of his lips became more and more obvious.

Human beings, who have never even seen the true face of a god, but under the guidance of their own kind, fanatically believe in gods. Is this stupid

Lucifer stretched out his white and graceful hand, pinched a rose with his slender fingers and held it up in front of him, he narrowed the bright eyes of the rose, and smiled as if he saw something else.

He didn't care that the sharp thorns on the flower branches pricked his fingers, the wound healed quickly as soon as the bright red blood beads emerged.

Bored, he tore off a petal and threw it on the ground.

"Pei Xia."

Where did it come from

Pei Xia, what are you thinking

Pei Xia, what does he know

Pei Xia...

He suddenly became impatient, and with a flick of his fingertips, the rose petals he had plucked started to burn soundlessly, and then the rose he held in his hand withered rapidly, and finally turned into pieces of fly ash that merged with the dust in the light Oneness eventually disappears.

The bright Son of God, still sitting at the table, he gracefully stretched out his hand again, and was about to destroy a rose again—the person who saved the rose came!

Pei Xia walked over solemnly and steadily, holding a silver jar.

"Master Holy Son!"

The edge of the lid of the silver jar was still steaming, Pei Xia put the jar in front of Lucifer, then stepped back a little, and knelt down on one knee facing Lucifer.

With his left hand holding the saber at his waist and his right hand resting on his heart, he slightly bent down and lowered his head, expressing his respect and loyalty to Lucifer: "My great Lord Son, I feel sorry for hurting you." I am so sorry. I am grateful for your generosity and kindness, which I will always remember."

Lucifer glanced at the silver jar, and then at Pei Xia, feeling very satisfied with his sincere and straightforward apology.

So he smiled and said magnanimously, "Pei Xia, don't worry about it, I'm fine."

Really… ? Pei Xia was stunned for a moment, and was overwhelmed with gratitude, Lucifer is so kind and excellent!

Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Even if you say so, this subordinate will definitely carry out the punishment seriously."

"Then what is this jar?"

Pei Xia enthusiastically introduced to him: "It's popular in my hometown to make great tonic soup for the weak. This is the great tonic soup that I personally cooked for you. You will be healthy after drinking it. This kind of soup It can treat cold hands and feet, make people warm and energetic, and can also cure dysmenorrhea!"


"Painful experience."

Lucifer couldn't help sighing: "It's really a miraculous tonic soup, Pei Xia, I can feel your heart, and I will definitely taste the soup that you personally made!"

As he spoke, he lifted the lid of the silver jar with great interest, and suddenly, a sweet, fishy, spicy, nasty, and magical smell floated up along with the white mist.

The white mist dissipated, revealing a black-red muddy soup with muddy petals floating in it.

Pei Xia took the lid off Lucifer's hand expectantly, and stuffed the spoon into his hand: "Master Shengzi, please taste it. In my hometown, this kind of tonic soup is very popular, especially among girls. favorite!"

Beloved of the God of Light, countless people devoutly believed in Lord Lucifer, the Holy Son, holding the spoon, and fell silent.

The author has something to say: In order to celebrate that Ben Xiaohua has his first cute creature, let's add more celebrations in the middle of the night!
