Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 16


In less than half a day, Pei Xia finished picking the flowers, just as the other paladins had also boiled the water.

Pei Xia washed the tender yellow and lovely petals with clear stream water, then threw the petals into the bathtub, and subconsciously washed them down with boiling water. Tea is always made with boiling water... Wait, this is a bath!

But... it should be about the same, right

Pei Xia, who had never taken a bath with flower petals before, and only soaked in hot water, doubted himself for a moment, but soon, he regained his confidence by smelling the fragrance of flowers overflowing after being washed away by the hot water.

That's right, what is not a bubble? Fragrant is enough!

The tender yellow petals soaked in the bathtub soon turned translucent, and the bath water in the entire bathtub turned into a light bright yellow. Pei Xia took cold water and rinsed it to a suitable temperature. .

At this time, the petals that had been softly boiled turned into mottled colors, one piece was darker and the other was light, tsk, no, this is a bit ugly, and with Lucifer's taste, he would probably dislike it.

Pei Xia thought for a while, and simply fished out the petals and threw them away. Although there were no petals, the water in the bucket was still fragrant. Well, you can tell Lucifer that it contains essential oils.

After Pei Xia got ready, he walked to the side of Lucifer's carriage, he raised his hand and knocked on the door frame: "Master Shengzi, have you rested yet?"

"Not yet, what's the matter?" Lucifer's voice was very gentle.

"You've been bored in the car all morning, why don't you come out and take a bath, I've prepared the bath water for you."

Lucifer was flattered: "It's really hard work for you."

As he spoke, he lifted the door curtain, and the bright sunlight instantly poured into the interior of the carriage. Lucifer walked out slowly against the light, his elegant figure was not at all faultable.

Pei Xia stretched out his hand to help him get off the carriage, and then led him out to the bathtub surrounded by curtains.

"I'm sorry, Lord Son, I don't have rose essential oil and petals. I used other flowers instead."

"It's okay, Pei Xia." Lucifer was easy to talk about such trivial matters.

"My lord, you can put your clothes on the stool. The towels and soap are inside. I'm right here. If you need anything, please call me."

"Thank you." Lucifer folded his hands, standing in front of the white curtain with a touched expression, he said, "You can tell me about this kind of thing in the future."

"If I told you in advance, you would definitely refuse." Pei Xia laughed.

"It seems that you really understand me." Lucifer said meaningfully, then he opened the curtain and walked in, Pei Xia could only see his shadow moving on the white cloth.

He was taking off his clothes, very slowly and gracefully... like a coat, then a coat, and finally, the lean figure moved forward, slowly disappearing into the shadow of the cylindrical bathtub.

Crashing... The soft sound of splashing water made people think, and Pei Xia couldn't help but recall the time when he fell into Lucifer's bath.

At that time, it should be when he was closest to him, the elastic warm muscles soaked in hot water and the faint fragrance of roses, under the dim candlelight, weaved together a charming and vivid scene. picture scroll.

Pei Xia felt a little bit ashamed—for the fact that he had started to think about Lucifer.

Wake up, Lucifer is not only a straight man, but also a homophobic straight man!

Look at Andre, he was ruthlessly left behind because he was too enthusiastic about Lucifer, Pei Xia, do you also want to be left behind to face the devil alone

Pei Xia couldn't help but hammered his head hard.

He glanced at Lucifer's shadow on the curtain, he was washing slowly, holding a handful of water in his hands and pouring it on his shoulders, his long hair was hanging out of the bucket.

The hot air seemed to spread, covering Pei Xia all the way, making Pei Xia feel a little short of breath.

Pei Xia took a deep breath, walked away silently, and came to the cool stream.

Calm down, Pei Xia, don't think about it!

He squatted by the stream, took a handful of cool stream water and washed his face. After he calmed down, he suddenly saw two buzzing wasps flying in front of him.

Pei Xia was startled, and took two steps back. The huge and frightening wasp circled around him twice and then slowly flew away.

Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Pei Xia is not afraid of bugs, if he gets stung, he will definitely feel uncomfortable for half a month.

After calming down, Pei Xia wiped his face with his sleeve, and then went back to Lucifer's curtain to wait for orders.

After a while, he vaguely heard something strange.

Pei Xia glanced over and couldn't help but turn pale with shock, where did so many bees come from? !

"Everyone get up, be careful, there are bee swarms!" Pei Xia immediately shouted.

"Why did the swarm come here?" The paladins were taken aback, and hurriedly packed up their things to avoid them.

At this time, there was a clattering sound from inside the curtain, Pei Xia looked back, and it was Lucifer who stood up from the bucket.

He hurriedly said: "Master Shengzi, put on your clothes quickly, it's not safe if there are bee swarms coming!"

"I see." Lucifer responded quickly and calmly, he stepped out of the bucket, did not wipe his body very carefully, and asked while putting on his clothes, "Pei Xia, I have a question to ask you. "

"Excuse me?" Pei Xia also held a torch in his hand. He nervously looked at the swarm of bees in the distance, praying that they were just passing by.

But unfortunately... Even if they were passing by, they were heading straight in Pei Xia's direction.

"The flowers you put in the water, what are they?" Lucifer asked.


"Pei Xia, there are no chrysanthemums near the city of Abululaburula." Lucifer felt a little helpless.

Pei Xia: "..." He quickly ran to the corner to pick up a flower that still kept its shape, and then quickly came back to show it to Lucifer.

Lucifer smiled a little bit reluctantly: "Pei Xia, this is called Queen Bee Flower, do you know where the name comes from?"

Pei Xia: "... I don't know." But I probably already guessed it.

Lucifer sighed softly.

Buzzing buzzing—the swarm of bees arrived in no time, and their targets were Pei Xia and Lucifer.

"Master Shengzi, go!" Pei Xia took the initiative to wave the torch to drive away the swarm of bees, but soon got stung on his finger, and the torch fell to the wet ground with a snap and went out.

His expression changed, he quickly pulled up the cloth of the curtain, and when he looked back, Lucifer hadn't left yet.

Before he had time to think about it, he ran over and waved the cloth to cover Lucifer and himself. Pei Xia's hands were wrapped in the cloth and hugged Lucifer's waist tightly from the outside, so that he couldn't let it stick to his body. The tight fit, Lucifer's body was forced to be buried in Pei Xia's arms.

where to hide

Pei Xia thought quickly: In the stream? No, the water is too shallow and you can't hold your breath for long. In the carriage? No, bees will get in through the window seams and air holes.

I have no choice but to run away!

Pei Xia gritted his teeth, and ran away in a posture that was inconvenient but able to cover Lucifer's hands and face completely, because his head and face were covered by cloth, he could only look at the ground from the gap under his feet, Therefore, it is impossible to determine where he ran.

But he and Lucifer were the only ones who smelled of the queen bee flower. No matter which direction they ran, if they ran farther, they would not drag other colleagues.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Pei Xia ran to a hillside, sprained his foot, and rolled down holding Lucifer.

After rolling to a gentle place, Pei Xia slowly got up shaking his dizzy head. He found that the buzzing sound of the bee swarm had disappeared, Pei Xia carefully lifted a corner of the cloth, and only after finding that there were indeed no bees nearby did he let go of Lucifer, and completely lifted the cloth covering the two of them.

"Master Shengzi, are you okay!" Pei Xia asked guiltily.

"I'm fine."

Lying in his arms all the way, the face of the Son of God, whose hair and clothes were wet, was flushed, panting lightly and standing firm.

There wasn't enough time for him to dry off his body and tidy up his appearance, so now Lucifer looked extraordinarily embarrassed, with a kind of beauty that had been destroyed.

Pei Xia was stunned for a moment, and while spurning her dirty thoughts, she knelt down on one knee and pleaded guilty: "My lord, what happened this time, I..."

"Okay, Pei Xia." Lucifer smiled lightly, bent over and reached out to hold Pei Xia's shoulder, "I'm not injured, you don't have to."

He looked down at his loyal paladin, the black-haired young man frowned slightly, his handsome face showed guilt, he was panting slightly, very tired, his calves and shoes were covered with grass dust, and his trousers were worn out , exposing the bruised legs inside.

There were four or five red and swollen bumps on his hands, arms, and ankles, which were stung by bees. He looked very haggard and humble.

But Lucifer, who was tightly protected in his arms, didn't have a single wound on his body.

Lucifer didn't understand what Pei Xia was thinking.

He grabbed Pei Xia's shoulder and made him stand up: "Okay, Pei Xia, now we have to consider other things."

"Yes!" Pei Xia came back to his senses, and said hastily, "Master Shengzi, take a shower quickly, it will be terrible if the bee swarm comes here again."

"Okay." Lucifer nodded, and then whispered the spell of water magic. Although he is a light magician, he can also use other low-level magic, but he is not as proficient and powerful as light magic.

A clear stream of water emerged from the top of the head, rushing over the two of them, and it didn't stop until the smell of queen bee flowers disappeared from their bodies.

It's just that the water is very cool, even in the warm noon, when it suddenly washes over, it still makes people shiver involuntarily.

Pei Xia felt cold all over, he looked at Lucifer, Lucifer's face became even paler, Lucifer staggered weakly, and fell into Pei Xia's arms again.

This time Pei Xia didn't care about whether his knees were tired or not, he half hugged and half hugged Lucifer and walked to the clean ground aside.

"My lord, how are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I just feel a little tired from using magic that I'm not good at."

Pei Xia found that Lucifer's hands were frighteningly cold, he subconsciously rubbed them for him, hoping to warm him up.

Pei Xia himself was also very tired, so he found a clean stone and sat down, Lucifer leaned on him, and Pei Xia stretched his hand to his back: "Master Shengzi, please let me dry your clothes Bar."

"No, Pei Xia." Lucifer made you really look at him and said, "Before that, there is another thing that must be done."


Lucifer sat up straight, and carefully cupped his hands: "Wounds stung by bees must be treated as soon as possible."

"It's okay, Lord Son, a little injury..."

"It's related." Lucifer said in a deep voice, he slightly raised his eyes and glanced upwards, this one glance made Pei Xia subconsciously silence.

At this moment, Pei Xia saw a cold expression on Lucifer's face in a trance, inhumane and superior.

But it was only for a moment, when he came back to his senses, he was sure that Lucifer had a worried and caring expression on his face.

Ah, what a kind and honest male lead, except for homophobia, he has no other shortcomings!

Lucifer pursed his lips slightly, the color of his lips was very light due to the cold, he carefully squeezed out the thorns from Pei Xia's wound.

In fact, Pei Xia didn't care about this wound like he himself said, he had been stung by a bee before, first he was numb, and then it expanded bit by bit and went deep into the bone marrow.

Whether you touch it or not, swelling is painful enough to make you sleepless or sleepless.

Now, his wound was already numb, and it tingled slightly when touched, and occasionally a sharp soreness brushed along the nerves and pierced into the brain.

Pei Xia tensed his muscles, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, and he tried his best not to show a painful expression.

Finally, the wounds on the upper body were treated by Lucifer.

Then there's the bag on the calf.

"Master Shengzi, I can do this by myself." Seeing Lucifer looking at his legs, Pei Xia quickly said that he had recovered.

But it was useless, Lucifer smiled and raised a finger to Pei Xia's mouth.

When he stretched out his hand, Pei Xia almost thought he was going to slap himself, but fortunately, he just gagged him.

However, this action is a bit... strange. Pei Xia looked at Lucifer slightly with frowned, thinking wildly in her heart.

Of course he didn't dare to dodge, he could only let Lucifer grab his calf with the other hand and pull him towards him.

"It must be very painful." Lucifer asked full of pity.

Pei Xia: He's testing me!

Pei Xia smiled slightly, trying to highlight the straight man's spirit: "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all, please rest assured, Lord Shengzi, even if my leg is broken, I don't care!"

The author has something to say: wuli, the great God of Light, your devout believer, Gu Guyan, has felt the care and love of those lovely, beautiful, and enthusiastic little angels under your seat, and Gu Guyan is motivated! Please wait a moment, your tribute will be presented tonight!

Gu Guyan also hopes that the great God of Light and the cute little angels can continue to love Gu Guyan~