Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 20


How does it feel to be surrounded by five knights who are taller and stronger than you, wearing armor and fully armed

Tess could hardly breathe.

She stiffened and was escorted into the knight's quarters behind the church.

The paladins dispersed, Pei Xia sat in front of her, and said seriously: "Miss Tess, please be careful not to show your face in the next few days, and you must not be discovered by people here so as not to startle the snake."

Tess nodded: "I understand."

Tess jumped off the carriage and escaped while she was being taken into custody. She kept her eyes closed when she left the underground brothel and came to the underground brothel, so she couldn't determine where the underground brothel was located.

If you want to wipe out this group of hateful criminals, you need precise investigation.

"Tom." Pei Xia ordered, "Go find a nun's attire that covers your head and face. We want Miss Tess to pretend to be the maid of the Holy Son, so that no one will be suspicious."

"Yes Captain, I'll go right away!" Tom nodded earnestly.

"Jack, you and Beta are smarter. When Beta comes back later, you and him will find a way to establish a good relationship with the local paladins. The task of collecting information will be handed over to you!"

"Don't worry, captain, we promise to complete the mission!"

Pei Xia looked at Buck and Mallory again: "Buck, Mallory, the two of you are responsible for Miss Tess's safety. You must have someone by Miss Tess' side at all times, understand?"


After instructing them, Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and prepared to go to find Lucifer, as Lucifer's personal guard knight, he should have been by his side all the time.

But Lucifer didn't say how to arrange for Tess, so Pei Xia could only do it by himself.

"Are you leaving?" Tess sat on the edge of the bed, with her hands on her knees, a little embarrassed.

"Yes, but don't worry, Buck and the others are very good gentlemen, and they will never hurt you." Pei Xia comforted him patiently.

Anyway, Lucifer couldn't see it, so he couldn't be jealous.

Tess bit her lower lip, her eyes gradually became firm, she nodded and said, "I will take care of myself, and you should be careful too."

"Okay, I will."

After leaving here, Pei Xia went to look for Lucifer, and met the last remaining paladin on the way. He was in charge of taking care of the horses, so he came late.

"Ranta, come here."

"Captain, what's the matter?"

Pei Xia leaned into his ear and said, "I have an important task for you. You need to investigate who are the people who buy a lot of horse fodder in the city, and exclude the normal military, noble households, and caravans. It's all recorded."

"Understood Captain, I'll go right away!"

"By the way, it would be even better if we could investigate the whereabouts of these abnormal feeds."

"I will do my best!" Ranta patted his chest.

Pei Xia patted him on the shoulder in relief: "Come on!"

Tess currently identified two clergy, one is the bishop of the branch church, and the other is an ordinary priest, and their names were heard by Tess when she was in the underground brothel.

Tess also said that those who go there are rich and powerful people, ordinary people can't go in, and how can these people who have enough money and power come out to have fun wrong themselves

They must have traveled there comfortably in a carriage. Once they went there, they would spend the night at ease. Dozens of horses gathered together consumed a large amount of feed. Starting from this aspect, the scope of investigation can be narrowed down.

When Pei Xia rushed to Lucifer's side, Lucifer had already checked the daily affairs of the branch church. In any case, knowing in advance that the Holy Son will come, the work on the bright side will definitely be handled beautifully.

After it was completely late, Bishop Andron stared closely at Lucifer, and invited him to have dinner with the priests.

Son Lucifer is getting more and more beautiful, Andron still remembers that the last time he saw him was five years ago, obviously he was not as eye-catching then as now.

He is obviously very holy and pure, but he has a fascinating magic power for no reason, so that Andron, a bad old man who likes to play with women, can't help but feel aroused in his face.

Lucifer showed a not-so-obvious, indifferent expression of disgust, and Pei Xia who had just arrived swished in front of him.

"Of course, it just so happens that our Lord Son of Heaven has traveled all day, and I hope to take a rest as soon as possible after eating."

"It's natural." Andron smiled amiably, "This is Bishop Andron, you must be the knight of the Holy Son, please don't worry, we will take good care of the Holy Son, you can rest assured to have dinner .”

After speaking, he yelled and called a guard over to take Pei Xia to the knight's restaurant for dinner.

"No need, I am the personal guard knight of Lord Shengzi." Pei Xia said seriously, "I will always be by Shengzi's side, please don't be so polite, I will eat with everyone."

Andron's smile could hardly be maintained, who is being polite to you, you ugly stinky knight!

He still wanted to persuade a few more words, but Lucifer said: "When I was in the main church, Pei Xia ate and slept with me all the time, this is my personal guard knight."

Pei Xia: "... Uh, yes!" Male lead, male lead, your words are a bit exaggerated.

He didn't expect Lucifer to be so afraid of Anderen, also, Anderun is such a disgusting person, anyone who sees him hates it.

It's a pity that they are afraid that if they expose it immediately, they will slip through the net, so now they can only make false claims with the other party.

When we arrived at the restaurant, apart from the guarding knights at the door, Pei Xia was the only knight left. The rest were either priests or nuns setting the table.

Andron enthusiastically opened the chair for Lucifer: "Saint—"

With a creak, Pei Xia sat down, and then helped to pull out another chair beside him.

Lucifer sat down beside him with a smile. Andron's face was a bit embarrassed, but he had a good patience and didn't say anything. He just looked at the chair on the other side of Lucifer and was about to walk over and sit down.

At this moment, Pei Xia quickly grabbed Andron's clothes and pulled them down. With a bang, the bishop was forced to sit on the chair beside Pei Xia.

Andron smiled with difficulty, feeling embarrassed to get up again.

He tried to lean forward or lean back to pass Peixia to communicate with Lucifer, but this unsightly paladin could always block him just right.

Andron was a little annoyed.

In this branch church, he was the boss, and the old man who was used to being praised by everyone couldn't bear to be resisted and scorned by others, so he stood up with a smile on his face, and poured two glasses of holy wine respectively.

"Master Shengzi, in order to express my welcome to you, I would like to offer you a toast! Please be sure to accept my heart!"

"In that case, I will be disrespectful."

Lucifer stood up unhurriedly, just as he was about to take the wine from Andron's hand, Pei Xia got up.

He stood up, and with an exaggerated groan, he bumped into Andron and fell to the ground: "I'm sorry, sorry, I thought the bishop gave me another glass of wine."

Andren: "That's mine!"

Pei Xia scratched his head with a smirk, pulled him up, turned around, and met Lucifer who was splashed with holy wine.

Pei Xia: "... I didn't mean to."

Lucifer: "... I believe in you."

So this dinner ended in Pei Xia's enthusiastic disturbance.