Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 30


"Because penguins are Antarctic animals!"

Moreover, the penguin that the bearded gentleman is holding is not exactly the same as a normal penguin. Flat yellow mouth.

It's cute, but still suspicious!

Lucifer frowned alternately: "Penguin? Antarctic?"

Wait, does this world have Antarctica? Pei Xia thought for a while, and said firmly: "Yes! Penguins are creatures that live in the ice and snow. It appears here, there must be a conspiracy!"

Lucifer looked at him with a subtle look: "Pei Xia, you really know a lot."

Pei Xia blushed: "You are too good! My lord, what should we do now?"

Lucifer thought for a while, and said: "I don't know if the penguin you mentioned is the same as it, in fact, the name of this kind of demon is Black Heart Goose Demon, its own fighting power is not strong, but it will confuse those around it people as his slaves and use them to steal money."

"This kind of devil only likes money, it's really unique." Pei Xia was very surprised.

"No, in fact, after the people bewitched by him exhaust all their money, their souls will be eaten and become part of it, so the black-hearted goose demon is getting stronger and more greedy. When it's not strong enough."

Pei Xia asked solemnly: "Then what do you think is the strength of this black-hearted goose demon in front of you?"

"I'm afraid he has bewitched many people, but he can still be dealt with."

"Do you need me to call some more people?"

"No, this kind of demon is very cunning. If we leave now, it is likely to find the abnormality and escape."

Lucifer smiled lightly, and said, "Get ready, my knight."

Pei Xia was stunned for a moment, and when he understood, he nodded and put his hands on the hilt casually, maintaining the posture that he could draw the sword immediately at any time.

So, Lucifer and Pei Xia walked towards the bearded gentleman, he was an accountant in the logistics department, although he was busy with work, he was very happy.

"Hello, sir." Lucifer stood in front of his desk and greeted him in a very normal tone, "My friend and I are soldiers who have been summoned, do you know when the allowance will be distributed?"

The bearded gentleman looked up at him, his happy expression slightly cold: "I don't know, probably after the war is over."

Lucifer looked at him meaningfully and said: "I heard that the allowance is very generous this time, I'm looking forward to it, I hope there won't be a single copper coin missing."

The bearded gentleman twisted his body, showing a little uncomfortable expression.

The black-hearted goose demon disguised as a cute penguin opened his mouth and called softly: "Qian woo Qian woo."

So he immediately regained his composure and waved his hands impatiently: "Okay, what's the rush, I will definitely send it when the time comes!"

Standing behind Lucifer, Pei Xia was stunned. He didn't know how a normal penguin would cry, but he definitely didn't expect that this black-hearted goose demon would even cry "money, money, money".

Lucifer was not angry, he smiled lightly, turned his eyes to the black-hearted goose demon in the arms of the bearded gentleman, and said: "The monster in your arms makes me feel very kind, may I touch it? "

The black-hearted goose devil's eyeballs are gurgling. It is a greedy demon who likes money and the same greedy soul the most. The blond man in front of him was extremely beautiful, and the black-hearted goose demon immediately thought of many ways to use him to make money.

For example, ask him to perform as a performer, or even sell himself! As long as he has money, the Black Goose Demon is confident that he can enslave all souls!

And this man is also very concerned about money, the black-hearted goose demon expressed his satisfaction, waving two short clumsy wings, and then got out from the arms of the bearded slave, stood on the table, raised his head and began to act cute:

"Qian woo, Qian woo—"

Lucifer showed a cooperative smile, then raised his hand and gently stroked the little goose demon's head.

Pei Xia was terrified when she saw it, no matter how cute she looks, she is still a devil!

Suddenly, Lucifer withdrew his smile, and a strong light shrouded the Black Heart Goose Demon. At the same time, Pei Xia stepped forward cooperatively, and kicked the slave controlled by the Black Heart Goose Demon to the distance.

The black-hearted goose demon screamed, flapped its wings and ran out like a black shadow.

Lucifer followed closely behind, and the light magic formed a cage to surround the Black Hearted Goose Demon, preventing him from escaping from this courtyard. Seeing that he couldn't intervene for a while, Pei Xia shouted loudly while guarding Lucifer. :

"Everyone spread out, get out of here!"

This is the logistics department, there are a lot of people coming and going, they screamed and ran around in confusion.

Pei Xia had no choice but to shout at the top of his voice: "The Sect of Light is exorcising demons, please leave as soon as possible for those who have nothing to do with it!"

Most of them left obediently, but some did not leave. They were the slaves seduced by the Black Goose Demon when he was in the city. They were all men, women, young and old, and the only thing they had in common was that they could provide money for the Black Heart Goose Demon.

At this time, the black-hearted goose demon screamed in Lucifer's cage of light, and black smoke came out of it, but the black-hearted goose demon is indeed a powerful demon with a physical body. It gave up its cute disguise, and its body Getting bigger and bigger.

In the end, the Black Heart Goose Demon revealed his true colors!

I saw a huge creature like a small three-story building standing in the center of the courtyard. Its obese body was covered with a layer of black skin. rise.

Those protrusions move from time to time, and occasionally struggle to reveal the deformed human face that screams. These are all souls swallowed by the black-hearted goose demon!

"Qian woo, qian woo—qian woo!"

The black-hearted goose demon made a low and piercing voice, which seemed to have magical powers, and people couldn't help being irritable and painful after hearing it, and a greedy heart was born.

The black-hearted goose demon stomped its feet, and the ground trembled slightly. It flapped its wings and kept screaming, then opened its mouth wide, spewing out one after another souls that fell into the abyss due to greed and were finally swallowed. Those fallen souls surrounded it tightly, Lucifer's holy light can only hurt the Goose Demon's body after first purifying the fallen soul.

At the same time, the slaves in the city who had been bewitched by him before also rushed over under the call of the black-hearted goose demon. With red eyes, they crazily rushed forward to attack Lucifer and Pei Xia.

Holding the sword, Pei Xia closely guarded Lucifer and fought against the bewitched slave.

These people are only temporarily bewitched and have not yet completely fallen. As believers of the Light God Sect, they should be rescued instead of being lazy..

Pei Xia wanted to knock them out without letting them hurt Lucifer, and eventually he was out of breath. This was much more difficult than simply killing monsters on the battlefield.

But fortunately, they caught it during the growth period of the Black Heart Goose Demon, and did not allow the Black Heart Goose Demon to confuse more people.

"Master Shengzi, how are you?" Pei Xia panted heavily while looking at Lucifer and the Black Hearted Goose Demon.

In the cage of light, the size of the black-hearted goose demon has shrunk a lot. It ran amuck trying to break out of the cage. Luckily, Lucifer's light magic was powerful enough to prevent him from running away.

But again, it is not so easy to eliminate it.

"Qian woo, Qian woo!"

The cry of the Black Heart Goose Demon was disturbing, it crashed into houses and trees, suddenly turned around, and ran towards the slave who was knocked unconscious by Pei Xia before!

Lucifer's expression was very solemn, he turned pale, and said quickly: "Pei Xia, the body of the Black Heart Goose Demon is at the very center of its body, can you pierce it?"

"Please leave it to me, Master Shengzi!" Pei Xia responded without hesitation.

He anxiously threw the fainted slaves into the distance, but some of them were scattered due to the battle, and there was no time to rescue them, so he could only kill the black-hearted goose demon so that it could not eat people!

Lucifer nodded, and suddenly, the cage of light that covered the entire courtyard was gathered in his palm, leaving only a few rays of holy light to stop the clumsy body of the black-hearted goose demon from running.

In the end, a sword of light as dazzling as the sun took shape in Lucifer's hands.

"Go, Pei Xia." Lucifer held the sword of light in both hands and looked at Pei Xia with confidence.

Pei Xia took the sword, at that moment, he felt a strong shock, the power of light jumped in his hands and wanted to fly to the sky, Pei Xia had to hold the hilt with all his strength, and use all his willpower Come tame this sword of light.

He held the sword, shouted, and ran towards the clumsy and huge black-hearted goose demon. The black-hearted goose demon sensed the danger, turned around quickly, and slapped Pei Xia with the wind with its heavy wings.

Pei Xia rolled on the ground, got through the gap, and then jumped up suddenly, stepping on the fat belly of the black-hearted goose demon, and bounced upwards.

Pei Xia stared closely at the black-hearted goose demon's chest, holding the sword in both hands and stabbing at it. Suddenly, the black-hearted goose demon lowered its head and opened its mouth wide, and the ear-shattering sound wave attack caused Pei Xia to faint and fall to the ground .

During that period, Pei Xia's mind was completely occupied by brainwashing words: Everything belongs to my black-hearted goose devil, you are just slaves who make money for me, and you have no right to resist! ! !

However, Pei Xia didn't fall to the ground, a warm light caught him and woke him up from the brainwashing.

Pei Xia only had time to give Lucifer a grateful look, and jumped up with the light. Lucifer relied on the light, so that Pei Xia could fight around the huge black-hearted goose demon.

"You are dreaming!"

In the end, Pei Xia jumped up angrily, looked at the black-hearted goose demon and scolded: "Not everyone in this world will fall with you!"

Immediately afterwards, he stabbed the sword of light deeply and fiercely into the chest of the black-hearted goose demon!

For a moment, the black-hearted goose demon stayed in place, and Peixia let go of his hand and fell down. Then, he was caught by the light magic and sent back to Siphil's side.

He saw the black-hearted goose demon trembling violently, and then the fallen souls scattered and danced, revealing the most central body. It was a completely pitch-black monster exuding a greedy and rancid smell. The sword of light extended through its body. Afterwards, the sword of light turned into light and bloomed, and the black-hearted goose demon screamed and disappeared completely into smoke.

Those fallen souls were screaming and being purified in the ever-spreading holy light, turning into peaceful and transparent soul bodies and flying to the kingdom of heaven.

Great, finally... over.

Pei Xia watched all this with relief. At the same time, the bewitched people on the ground also groaned in pain. After waking up, they will return to normal, but they don't know if the seeds of greed have already been planted in their hearts. Buried deep, it will become the breeding ground for the next black-hearted goose devil.

The little flying carpet of light disappeared with a whoosh, Lucifer turned pale and shook his body, Pei Xia fell to the ground with a bang.

His face twitched, and he couldn't help but reach out tremblingly to rub his sore butt, but his physical strength was so exhausted that he couldn't even do such a simple action as reaching out.

At this time, a white robe covered Pei Xia's hand, it turned out that Lucifer had squatted beside him.

Lucifer looked at Pei Xia with eyes full of trust and admiration, and he stretched out his hand to pull Pei Xia up.

Pei Xia leaned against him weakly, blushing a little: "Master Shengzi, you don't have to do this."

Lucifer was full of emotion, and said in cadence: "Pei Xia, please don't refuse, this is what I should do, you fight for me, I am very..."

"No, no, you are too polite. I am not just for you, but for everyone." Pei Xia was flattered and humbled quickly, "This is what a paladin should do!"

"Anyway, it's what I should do to send you back." Lucifer smiled kindly.

Pei Xia leaned against him embarrassingly, always feeling very uncomfortable, Lucifer's arm was around his back, and he could smell his good smell.

When Lucifer turned his face to talk to him, that flawless face slammed into Pei Xia's eyes, making him nervous and excited.

Damn it, if this continues, I won't be able to hold it anymore!

Pei Xia said weakly: "But Master Shengzi, you have also worked hard. Before you were so weak and always fainted. Although you are getting stronger and stronger now, I am also worried that you will suffer."

Lucifer frowned, and suddenly remembered something: "I almost forgot."

Pei Xia: "Huh?"

The next second, Lucifer turned his head and smiled palely at him, his whole body seemed to be overwhelmed, his body swayed, his white robe fluttered like an angel's wings, and then his body limp and fell to the ground.

Pei Xia, who was being supported by him, didn't even have time to yell "Fuck!", and fell down with a plop.

It's just that under Lucifer is the ground, while under Pei Xia is Lucifer.

Pei Xia lay powerlessly on top of him: "Master Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Son!!!"

Being pressed tightly against Lucifer's swan-like fragile neck, he trembled slightly, his eyes were hazy and hazy: "Pei Xia, I may... have no strength anymore, cough cough."

A thread of blood snaked down from the corner of his mouth, against the snowy complexion, it was extremely beautiful.

Pei Xia tried to crawl away from him, but found that he couldn't move in despair: "Master Shengzi, please hold on!"