Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 32


Pei Xia rekindled her fighting spirit, and decided that she couldn't just be compared to Prince Harry.

He can't change his identity, and he can't have plastic surgery on his face, and flattering can't reach his level in a short while.

Although I have made progress (I think) in flattering, but I still need to learn, so Pei Xia decided to continue to work hard on flattering, while finding ways to make up for it in other directions.

So, what is it that I am better at than Prince Harry and can gain Lucifer's favorability

Pei Xia's eyes moved to the bowl in front of him.


Since Lucifer's body is so weak, then... let him make up for him!

Pei Xia decided to make a heart-warming bowl of Dabu Tang that is even more luxurious and delicious than before!

Well, first of all, it's the material.

Pei Xia looked in the kitchen and only saw some ordinary materials. Although this is the residence of the prince and princess, both of them strictly refuse extravagance and waste, so there are no expensive materials in the kitchen.

There are no longan and black pepper, but there are some red dates and hazelnuts, and there is no donkey skin here. Now the donkeys are guarded as strategic materials and will not be slaughtered and eaten easily.

Pei Xia had no choice but to go out and find the materials by herself. Anyway, Lucifer was accompanied by Prince Harry, so there was no problem with his safety.

It was a sunny afternoon, before the wave of monsters started, Pei Xia went under the city wall and began to look for his prey.

He didn't dare to go deep into the emerald forest, lest he would cause disasters that he couldn't afford to cause, but he didn't have to be so careful under the city wall. There were also many people here, cleaning up the accumulated monsters.

Those who are alive and suitable for eating are taken away, and those that are not suitable for eating are killed and thrown away together with the corpse, so as not to rot under the city wall and spread the plague.

There were also some tenacious monsters that were not injured, and ran away in a panic after waking up.

Pei Xia's targets were those edible beasts, and he was picking them out when he suddenly met a person.

"Huh? Pei Xia?"

It was Princess Eva who came. She looked at him curiously and said, "Your body has recovered? How is the Holy Son? Why don't you guard him?"

Pei Xia resisted the almost complaining "The Holy Son is fine and doesn't need me to guard", cleared his throat, and said, "Please rest assured, Your Highness, I am fine, and the Holy Son has woken up and is talking with His Royal Highness. I came out to make tonic soup for the Holy Son, to make him stronger!"

Princess Eva was stunned for a moment: "Tonic soup?"

Pei Xia nodded: "Yes, Master Shengzi is weak and needs to be mended."

"Interesting, I also like to cook, I will accompany you!"

"How embarrassing." Pei Xia was a little restrained.

Princess Eva waved her hand and said, "It's okay, it's what it should be. Originally, Lord Shengzi and you have helped us a lot. I am very grateful. Let me thank you."

"You are too kind."

But Princess Eva insisted, so Pei Xia had to act together with her. With the help of Princess Eva, Pei Xia finally brought back five kinds of monsters.

Princess Eva is eager to try. Of course, Pei Xia can't really let her help him, and Pei Xia also has some ideas.

While dealing with the beast, Pei Xia chatted with her: "Your Highness, actually, I have always admired Prince Harry's literary talents."

Princess Eva: "It's funny that you envy that..."

Pei Xia said embarrassedly: "You are a princess, you must be as talented as the prince."

Princess Eva: "You overestimate me."

Pei Xia: "It's like this. I want to praise a person, but I don't know how to say it to make him happy."

Princess Eva: "I see, is it the Holy Son?"

Pei Xia was very surprised: "You guessed it!"

Princess Eva: "Yes, I'm not stupid."

Pei Xia: "...cough cough, can you teach me two words of flattery? I mean, can you teach me two words of literary grace to praise Lord Shengzi?"

Princess Eva: "No, no, you really overestimated me, I don't know anything about this."

Pei Xia looked at her expectantly: "Then can you give me some advice? You and the prince are brothers and sisters. Even if you are not good at it, you must have a high level of aesthetics."

Princess Eva: "Okay then, first tell me how you usually praise him?"

Pei Xia spoke seriously, and after she finished speaking, she saw Princess Eva's dignified eyes.

"This man... is too difficult to deal with!" Princess Eva clenched the hilt of the sword and said, "Maybe it's because he doesn't like the object you used as a metaphor? Try another one next time?"

Pei Xia's eyes lit up: "You are worthy of being Your Highness the Princess!"

Princess Eva looked up to the sky and smiled: "Hahahaha... wait! What are you doing!"

She looked at Pei Xia's hand and the things under his hand in horror.

Pei Xia looked down, and suddenly remembered that although Princess Eva was kind and eclectic, she was a girl after all. He turned sideways to block it, and said:

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, this is one of the most important ingredients of Dabu Decoction. Many men in my hometown will take it, and Lord Shengzi also likes it very much!"

In an instant, the face of the noble and beautiful princess changed, and she was very strange: "Are you sure the Son likes this thing??!"

Pei Xia nodded with a smile and said, "Of course, last time he drank all of it!"

Princess Eva: "... as expected of God's darling Son of God, I dare not underestimate him anymore!"

"You are too polite!"

As he said, Pei Xia took one end of each of the five monster whips and sliced them into the stew pot. Originally, he wanted to make enough Shiquan Dabu soup, but he was afraid that Lucifer would not be able to make up for it, so he came first. Let's have five whip soup!

In addition to the five kinds of monster sugar, Pei Xia also put honey, beef, eggs, sugar, ginger, etc...

While cooking Wubian soup, Pei Xia enthusiastically introduced it to Princess Eva: "Actually, this tonic soup is also very suitable for women. I would like to invite Your Highness to taste it after it is cooked."

Princess Eva: "... No, no need! I suddenly remembered that there is something urgent, oops, I have to go to work, goodbye!"

Princess Eva is really a dynamic, kind-hearted and responsible princess! Pei Xia watched her going away, couldn't help laughing, and after the Wubian soup was cooked, he carefully divided it into two bowls.

One bowl is for Lucifer to replenish his body, and the other bowl is for Prince Harry Harry, lest he only give it to the Holy Son and make the prince feel that he is targeting him.

Cough, although I do have some opinions on him, but I'm not so stingy.

Pei Xia came to Lucifer's room confidently with two bowls of Wubian soup. Through the crack of the door, he saw that Prince Harry Harry hadn't left yet. Phil discusses.

Knock knock.

Pei Xia knocked on the door: "Master Shengzi, is it convenient for you now?"

"It's Pei Xia, please come in."

Lucifer gently looked up at the door, but when Pei Xia came in with two bowls of miraculous soup, the smile on his lips froze slightly.

Pei Xia walked to the table and put a bowl in front of them for each of them.

Then he took a step back and bowed slightly to the two of them: "My lord, Your Royal Highness, this is the soup I prepared to nourish the body, please taste it."

Prince Hali looked at Tang in surprise, and said, "I didn't expect Pei Xia to have such skills. My lord, even your paladin is so powerful. I really admire you."

Pei Xia: "..." Why can he flatter Lucifer at such a time!

Not to be outdone, Pei Xia turned to Lucifer, and said earnestly while recalling Princess Eva's proposal: "My lord, you are as warm and generous as that rose, as warm as black tea, as your paladin , I have been taken care of by you for a long time, now, please be sure to accept my heart!"

Lucifer looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar soup in front of him trembling slightly, and was silent for a moment, and after a while, he said: "Pei Xia, thank you for your hard work."

Pei Xia bowed her head in embarrassment: "No, it's because of your hard work. There's only these things I can do for you."

The kind and pure Son looked at his knight and saw him bowing his head, with nervousness and apprehension in his eyes, as if he cared a lot about his own reaction.

It's like this again, making it hard to figure out whether he cares about himself or not.

Lucifer sighed softly in his heart, he couldn't bear to make his poor little knight sad, he lowered his eyes, thought for a while, then suddenly raised his hand, frowned slightly, and said pretentiously: "Hiss..."

"What's wrong, Master Shengzi?!" Pei Xia immediately raised his head and asked in concern.

Lucifer said meaningfully: "It seems that the mouth was accidentally injured before, and it's still hurting now."

Pei Xia felt a little guilty: "So that's the case, you are still recovering."

Lucifer said with a bit of regret: "There's no way, this soup is too hot, we can only drink it after it cools down."

"So that's the case, then I'll fan you to speed up the cooling?"

Lucifer immediately said: "No need!"

Pei Xia regretted that she lost another chance to flatter her.

At this time, Lucifer looked at Prince Harry Harry who was sitting across the table from him, and he said enthusiastically: "Your Highness, please taste this soup, Pei Xia has added a lot of essence in it, it is very beneficial to the body the benefits of."

Prince Harry was flattered and said: "Then I will not be polite!"

He picked up the spoon, took a spoonful, blew it, and ate it, his face became a little strange: "Uh...why does it feel sweet, salty, and a little fishy?"

Lucifer smiled and said: "The taste is secondary, the key lies in the essence."


Halihari ate a kind of smooth, crunchy, and very elastic meat slices. Although the taste was a bit strange, the taste was good. He scooped up another slice and asked curiously, "What kind of meat is this?"

Pei Xia enthusiastically explained: "This is the essence of Wubian Tang!"

When he heard the name Wubian Tang, Lucifer couldn't help but go numb.

Prince Harry didn't know what kind of terrible thing he was about to face, so he asked curiously: "What is Wubian Tang? What kind of meat is this?"

"Cough, in fact, five whips refer to the reproductive organs of five male animals, that is, the meat you ate just now!"

Prince Harry: "…"

He froze in place, took a moment to react, and suddenly spewed out with a terrified expression.

The filth shot straight out, Lucifer had quick eyesight and quick hands, and dodged before being sprayed by the filth, but the bowl of soup in front of him was not so lucky.

Lucifer exaggeratedly raised his hand to cover his mouth, and said with regret on the surface but happily: "Ah, what a pity, Pei Xia's heart was wasted like this."