Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 36


Pei Xia always didn't know why Lucifer was so weak, and couldn't guess why Lucifer got angry again.

The point is, he doesn't admit to being angry.

The road conditions in the forest are not good, and everyone on horseback is walking forward slowly. It is daytime, and it is peaceful and peaceful. The broken golden sunlight shines on the dense forest through the dense branches and leaves. The shadows of leaves and butterflies move with the wind like elves .

Lucifer's dragging robe hung down the horse's body, almost blending with the golden-white horse. Coupled with his beautiful and smooth golden long hair, the whole person looked like an otherworldly angel.

If it wasn't for the inevitable grass leaves and dust sticking to the corner of his robe, Pei Xia looked at it and felt that he was about to flap his wings and fly away.

Pei Xia pulled the rein of the horse, approached Lucifer, coughed lightly and thought about how to talk to him.

Ever since the Tutu Delicious incident happened last night, Lucifer hadn't spoken to him much, he must have had an opinion, but what exactly did he have an opinion on

After thinking about it, Pei Xia probably guessed that it was because Lucifer was too kind-hearted, he thought that the rabbit was so cute that he couldn't eat it, he must think he was too cruel.

Pei Xia felt that he should make amends.

After all, as a paladin of the Light God Sect, he should indeed be kind and gentle, ah, he must find a way to make up for it, and not make him feel that he is too cruel!

"Master Shengzi, you have been walking all morning, please drink some water." Pei Xia handed over the water bag.

Lucifer glanced at him listlessly, then hummed slowly, then took a sip from the water bag, and continued to look forward with a cold look after drinking it.

Pei Xia was anxious: It still doesn't work!

At this time, they were passing by a dense grass, which was so tall that it almost reached the horse's body, and it made a soft rustling sound when passing through.

After they passed through the grass, almost all of them had blades of grass stuck to their legs, especially Lucifer, whose clothes were wide and had a wide contact area.

Suddenly, Pei Xia discovered something!

He pulled the rein, and the black horse was next to the white horse. Pei Xia leaned over and stretched out his hand, grabbing something on Lucifer's robe.

He came so suddenly that Lucifer was frightened.

The holy son, who had a delicate face that didn't seem like a real person, looked at him sideways in a little astonishment, his light pink lips parted slightly, revealing some white teeth.

Pei Xia straightened up slowly, and put her hand in front of him, trying to make herself appear full of emotion:

"Look, Master Shengzi, what a poor little life, it must be very painful to have a broken leg!"

Lucifer stared blankly at the struggling beetle in front of him, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Pei Xia, I've seen it all."

Pei Xia was holding the shiny black beetle the size of a thumb, not understanding why Lucifer didn't treat the little rabbit with love and affection, Pei Xia said weakly: "It's so pitiful..."

"You broke its legs secretly."

Pei Xia: "...!!!"

He sat up straight on the horse, stared ahead, and stammered trying to explain: "That, that was an accident!"

Lucifer squinted at him, and sighed softly: "Pei Xia, don't force yourself."

Pei Xia looked at the beetle in his hand, still unwilling to give up: "Master Shengzi, in fact, I pity small animals as much as you do!"

Lucy Film remained silent, and raised his hand to take the beetle into his hand. After a brief flash of holy light, he threw it into the grass.

Pei Xia looked at him expectantly: "You are so kind, so are you still angry?"

Lucifer blinked slowly, and said with a light smile: "I'm not angry with you, in fact, I'm just praying for these poor lives."

"..." Are you so serious?

Pei Xia felt a little ashamed, clenched his fists and said, "Your kindness will definitely help them survive in this beautiful forest. Cute little beetle, he will definitely become stronger."

However, this beetle obviously didn't help Pei Xia refresh his image. Could it be because it wasn't big enough, or the injury wasn't serious enough

Beta in the rear suddenly pulled the rein of the horse and screamed: "Captain, be careful, there are snakes in the tree!"

Pei Xia subconsciously drew his sword backhand, and cut the green snake hanging on the treetop with its head down in two with lightning speed.

The green snake fell to the ground and twisted non-stop. Pei Xia held the sword and suddenly hesitated.

This target seems to be big enough, and the injury is also tragic enough

Pei Xia's heart froze, his legs were hooked around the horse's belly and saddle, and he flexibly reached down, grabbing the snake's body and head which were still twisting.

He pinched the cut tightly, turned around, and faced Lucifer: "Look, Lord Son, what a poor little life, it was actually broken in two, it must be very painful to be so seriously injured!"

Pei Xia said with a broken heart: "My heart aches so much, just like yours!"

Lucifer: "..." I suspect you are mocking me.

The kind-hearted Holy Son, who loves and pities small animals, stares straight ahead, leads the horse and walks forward, ignoring his equally kind-hearted paladin.

Pei Xia pinched the snake that had been cut in two, not understanding what he did wrong again.

They were also small animals, and they were also injured, so why was Lucifer still dissatisfied when he acted worried and unbearable

too difficult.

It's so hard to be a kind and caring paladin.

In the end, the paladin threw the broken snake to the ground dejectedly, rubbed his bloody hands on the tree casually, and hurriedly chased after it.

He still, temporarily give up showing his love.

As long as they avoid the tide of monsters, the emerald forest is still very safe. In the next two days, they stopped and went, and soon reached the depths of the forest.

When he stopped to rest at noon, Buck let out an oops.

"What's wrong?"

"We don't have enough dry food."

"I have no choice but to go hunting."

"Yes, Captain!"

The knights were divided into three teams, one team went hunting, the other team collected firewood, the other team protected Lucifer in place, and cleared out an open space for a barbecue.

Soon, a huge rabbit-shaped monster was brought back, and after being handled briefly, it was placed on the fire and started to roast. After it was cooked, Buck began to share food for everyone.

First of all, it's Lucifer.

Pei Xia, who was checking the luggage, looked back, was taken aback, rushed forward, and snatched the meat skewer from Lucifer's hand.

"Buck, please don't do this, Lord Son will feel very painful seeing innocent lives being victimized!"

Tutu is so cute, how can Master Shengzi who likes Tutu bear it?

Buck was taken aback, looked at Lucifer, and then at the caring captain, he said shamefully: "I'm sorry, it's all because I didn't notice, I will never let Lord Shengzi eat this meat again!"

"That's right." Pei Xia said sadly, "Let us bear the sinful meat!"

Since you can't show your love in front of Lucifer, then avoid making him sad!

As for Lucifer

The pure, kind and weak-hearted Holy Son, holding the dry toast in his hand, looked at the Warcraft rabbit meat that was roasted until it was browned and slicked with oil, and could not speak for a long time.

The paladins gathered around the bonfire, and you shared the barbecue with me, crying while eating.

"Master Shengzi seems to be in a bad mood."

Pei Xia gnawed at the meat sadly and said, "He must be feeling hurt for the poor rabbit."

"Master Shengzi is so kind!"

Pei Xia sighed: "That's right, so we should try our best not to make Lord Shengzi sad!"

"The captain is right! But Master Shengzi is in such a bad mood that he can't even eat bread, what should we do?"

Pei Xia looked at Lucifer who was silently exuding low air pressure, and was also a little worried: "Let's finish eating as soon as possible, maybe the Lord Shengzi won't be so sad if he can't see it!"

"That's right!"

So the seven paladins began to eat extravagantly, their mouths were full of oil, and it seemed that they had a great appetite!

In the end, looking at the skeleton of the rabbit, Pei Xia wiped the grease from his hands, stood up and said, "Tom, you and me, the rest of you will protect Lord Shengzi and clean up this place."


Lucifer sat on the clean bluestone, the bread in his hand was warm because it had been baked, but it was also drier. Smelling the aroma of barbecue, he felt that he had no appetite at all.


Lucifer tore the bread slowly and ate it, looking down at the ground, looking unhappy.

In fact, he didn't care about his appetite that much, he was just inexplicably... a little upset.

Lucifer, who was in a bad mood, ate this small piece of bread for a long time before he ate a small piece. Suddenly, someone approached him.

He straightened his mind, without looking up, and said softly, "What's wrong?"

With a bang, a magical beast in the shape of a calf was thrown in front of Lucifer.

Lucifer raised his head slightly in surprise, only then did he see who was walking beside him—it was Pei Xia.

His clothes, sword, and hands were stained with blood, and he was breathing lightly as if he had just been through a battle. Lucifer saw him half-kneeling in front of him, putting his hands on his chest in a knightly salute.

Pei Xia said seriously: "Master Shengzi, I know that you are kind-hearted and cannot bear to kill, but eating bread all the time is not good for your health. Please eat some meat. You once told me not to eat other animals, but often Pray for cattle and sheep to offset sins. I think, if this is the case, then you can accept monsters that look like cattle, right?"

Pei Xia raised her head and looked at Lucifer's expression cautiously, seeing that he was not disgusted, she continued: "If you still feel unbearable, then pray for him before eating."

This is already the monster that Pei Xia can find for him, and it looks the most like an ordinary cow.

The Holy Son, who sat quietly and listened, finally showed a smile when the paladin felt uneasy.

He stretched out his hands, helped the somewhat tired paladin up, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Pei Xia."

Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief, obviously feeling that Lucifer's mood had improved.

This magical beast really made Lucifer feel better, even though he didn't show any inclination towards barbecue, at least he started to treat Pei Xia as usual.

The paladin who was already prepared to be cruel and despised by Lucifer became more and more confused.

Why, shouldn't Lucifer be more sad when he saw this monster? Pei Xia didn't understand, really didn't understand.

When entering the depths of the emerald forest and stationed at night to rest, a strange sound suddenly sounded outside the tent.

In the darkness, Pei Xia opened his eyes all at once.

Here we come, elf girl!