Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 37


In order to travel faster and lighten the burden on the horses, they only brought three tents into the forest this time.

Pei Xia and Lucifer shared one tent, and the other six shared two tents.

In the small tent, Lucifer and Pei Xia took each side. For some reason, although it was midsummer, Lucifer still said it was cold when they slept together on the first night.

He hugged himself, closed his eyes as if he was in deep sleep, murmured "It's so cold", and then began to lean towards Pei Xia.

Pei Xia was very confused, because he felt not only not cold but also a little hot.

Seeing that Lucifer had already hit him, Pei Xia thought about it, and realized that this was a good opportunity for him to perform! He took off his own coat and put it on for Lucifer, and went to get Buck's coats by the way, and covered them tightly for Lucifer.

Seeing his masterpiece, Pei Xia smiled with satisfaction, fearing that Lucifer would still feel cold, he sat cross-legged while sleeping and cultivating, trying his best to radiate the heat of the fire-type sword energy.

Hoho, although I am a little hot, it is enough as long as Master Shengzi is not cold!

Pei Xia praised her for being considerate in her heart, who would not love such a perfect and good subordinate

It's a pity that after that night, Lucifer squeezed over to say that he was cold without falling asleep again, and Pei Xia was a little disappointed that the opportunity to express himself was gone again.

Tonight, in the darkness, Pei Xia heard strange rustling noises outside, as if a thief was digging through things.

If I remember correctly, the elf princess who appeared on the scene now should be injured and wandering outside. Although I don't remember the specific original plot, there is no doubt that the male protagonist Lucifer was the first to catch her!

Pei Xia sat up quietly, and pushed Lucifer. Lucifer, who had his eyes closed, opened them in the darkness. The azure color was extraordinarily deep due to the light.

"What's the matter?" Lucifer asked softly, then he also sat up, and raised his hand to brush his long hair.

Pei Xia whispered: "Master Shengzi, did you hear that?"

Lucifer took advantage of the situation and hummed lightly, and suddenly leaned towards Pei Xia when he sat up.

Pei Xia: "???"

Lucifer stretched out a hand, and lightly and precisely placed it on the tip of Pei Xia's nose. He didn't know if he was having a nightmare, but he panted quickly and quickly: "I can hear your breathing."

Pei Xia: "..."

That hand was like a superficial touch, skipped over Pei Xia's lips and chin, and landed on Pei Xia's heart: "And the sound of your heartbeat."

Pei Xia immediately reached out to cover her heart, what's going on, has her nervous heartbeat been noticed? !

Lucifer asked with a slight smile: "What are you nervous about?"

Nervous, you are about to mess up a relationship line again!

Pei Xia stretched out his hand to press Lucifer's shoulder, swished his body half a circle, facing the tent entrance, Pei Xia said seriously: "Master Shengzi, did you hear, there seems to be a thief outside!"

Lucifer: "Yeah, I heard that."

Pei Xia encouraged: "Go and catch the thief!"

Lucifer raised his hand to cover his mouth, even in the dark tent, his eyes were still bright, his fair face was equally conspicuous, he frowned slightly, and said: "Is it actually a thief..."

Pei Xia: "Yeah!"

Lucifer suddenly leaned over again, and forcibly leaned on Pei Xia's shoulder. He said tremblingly: "It's really scary that such a dark night has attracted ferocious thieves."

Pei Xia: "???"

It shouldn't be, why is Master Shengzi like this again? !

Pei Xia scratched her head sadly: "Thiefs are not necessarily scary."

Lucifer answered the words graciously: "It may also be very pitiful."

Pei Xia: "..."

Lucifer was frightened and terrified, as if he had seen a particularly miserable scene, he turned his face slightly, facing Pei Xia, and breathed into Pei Xia's neck when he spoke.

"Lost people may have suffered very painful experiences. They were forced to become thieves. Pei Xia, let us pretend we didn't find out, and let the poor man maintain his self-esteem."

Pei Xia realized: "In short, you just don't want to go out and catch thieves, do you?"

Lucifer bent his eyes like a spring breeze: "This cruel night, let us be more tolerant."

"In that case, please forgive my offense."

Pei Xia took a deep breath, reached out and grabbed Lucifer's neckline.

Lucifer showed a flattered expression, he looked at his paladin expectantly, wondering what he would do at this time.

He was very cooperative and looked at it affectionately.

Looking at it, Pei Xia stretched out his hand to pick off his clean white robe - the main reason was that Pei Xia changed and washed it very carefully, so that Lucifer could wear such clean clothes in the forest.

Lucifer groaned softly, like a white butterfly falling in the wind, lay down softly and smoothly on his side, he bent his elbows and rested his head, with a smile on his face, looking up at Pei Xia with his eyes fascinated, trying to catch him Pulled into his arms and fell with himself.

Pei Xia didn't respond, and stretched out his hand to push him, grabbed his clothes and yanked him violently.

"Master Shengzi, let me go, you are pressing your clothes!"

Lucifer, who was in a seductive pose, rolled over half a circle, and lay on his back with Paji.

"Borrow your clothes."

Because it was too dark, Pei Xia who couldn't see Lucifer's eyes clearly grabbed his white robe, and put it on his body, covering his head, leaving only a pair of firm eyes outside.

Lucifer looked at the thief-like Pei Xia in a daze, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to stop him, but Pei Xia walked out of the tent and shouted:

"Stop, thief! I, Lucifer, am here to catch you!"

Lucifer, who was lying on his back inside the tent, stared at the low space above his head in astonishment, blinked, and suddenly burst out laughing, his body trembling slightly.

Hearing the chaotic sounds outside, Lucifer slowly sat up.

Finally, Pei Xia who had caught the weak thief walked in quickly.

Pei Xia untied the white robe and put it back on Sifel, coughed lightly and explained:

"Master Shengzi, in fact, I think what you said is quite right, but no matter whether the thief is a simple villain or a poor man with difficulties, I don't think we should just sit idly by. Therefore, I hope to borrow the words of the Holy Son of the God of Light Arrest her in the name, so that whether it is to let her change her past under the light of the light or feel the warmth, it can be done!"

What to do if the boss doesn't cooperate at the critical moment, then cut it first and then play it before flattering you!

Of course, the boss might be angry, but after comprehensively comparing the follow-up development, Pei Xia decided to take a risk.

The elf princess is different from other characters, her position is related to Lucifer's life and safety. Pei Xia could not care about the relationship between the other supporting female characters and Lucifer, but he couldn't ignore hers.

Pei Xia no longer expects the two to have a spark of love. In fact, the dark side of his mind doesn't want the two to have love, but at least they should become friends.

Only in this way, would the elf princess have the possibility to save Lucifer later.

Pei Xia bowed her head and said guiltyly: "She is really a poor thief, I hope you can help her."

Lucifer nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly asked: "How do you know she's pitiful?"

Pei Xia immediately said: "She was seriously injured... worse than that rabbit!"

Lucifer, who didn't really want to hear the word "rabbit" mentioned by the paladin, raised his hand and motioned for the other party to shut up: "Hey, I see."

Accompanied by the paladins, Lucifer walked out of the tent, and saw an elf covered in scars sitting on his knees by the bonfire in the open space outside. The other paladins woke up when Pei Xia yelled, She is watching over her at the moment.

Elves are a race with high overall appearance, noble character and pride. They are the masters of the Emerald Forest and are good at climbing trees, archery, hiding and so on.

At this moment, the seriously injured thief raised his head in a daze, revealing his beautiful face. When he saw Lucifer, he couldn't help but tremble: Impossible, how can there be a man prettier than me in this world!

She was a little lost, with a little fear and unwillingness.

Lucifer was also looking at her with a confident smile on his face.

He walked up to the thief and asked softly and affectionately, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

The thief snorted softly, his voice low and hoarse: "You've already arrested me, why are you asking me, human beings, what can you do to let me go?"

Lucifer let out a soft ah, stepped back, and bumped into Pei Xia's shoulder, he looked back at Pei Xia weakly and helplessly: "She's so fierce!"

Pei Xia: "?? What's wrong? Master Shengzi, be stronger!"

Lucifer sighed softly: "Don't you really think she's fierce?"

Pei Xia was very helpless: "No, she is in a normal state now. Mr. Shengzi, maybe you should tell her that we have no malicious intentions."

Lucifer said leisurely: "If that's the case, then let it go."

Pei Xia was stunned, wait, just let it go? Shouldn't Lucifer, who is sympathetic and sympathetic in the original book, comfort her patiently and heal her

The plot moved so fast that Pei Xia couldn't even react.

The thief, that is, the elf princess, looked at the two of them in surprise, stood up tentatively, and then staggered out.

Pei Xia was very anxious: "Master Shengzi, she is an elf, and she should know more about the situation inside the Emerald Forest. With her leading the way, it will be easier for us to find the source of the abnormal wave of monsters, isn't it?"

Lucifer nodded unhurriedly, raised his hand, and asked Tom to drag the elf princess back.

The elf princess with long green hair and pointed ears looked at everyone in panic: "What are you thinking? I just came here to find some wound medicine, and I have no other plans."

Pei Xia looked at Lucifer, Lucifer didn't respond, there was nothing he could do, so Pei Xia had to poke his arm: "Master Shengzi, don't you think she's hurt very pitifully?"

Lucifer smiled hypocritically: "Yeah, what a poor child, but this child probably doesn't want to accept our treatment. In order not to hurt her self-esteem, I have no choice but to bear the pain and watch."

Pei Xia: "..." It makes sense!

Pei Xia had no choice but to say to the elves: "Hello, we are members of the Light God Sect, and this is Lord Lucifer, the holy son of the Light God Sect. He came here only because of an abnormal wave of monsters at the edge of the forest. High-level demons. We came here to solve this problem, if you have a clue, you can exchange it for wound medicine."

In this way, the self-esteem will not be frustrated, and the follow-up plot can be introduced, which really kills two birds with one stone!

Hearing this, the elf princess bit her lower lip with some hesitation, and the tangled expression on her face was obviously thinking.

Everyone was waiting for her reply.

Pei Xia also saw her appearance clearly through the firelight, she was indeed presumptuous, with the slender beauty unique to the elves. But in fact, she is very tall, about the same size as Pei Xia. At this moment, she was wearing a cool leather armor and skirt, decorated with green leaves and flowers, but they were all dilapidated and messy.

There are many wounds on her body, and the exposed arms and thighs are full of wounds, making her look very pitiful.

"Can you prove it to me?" the elf princess bit her lower lip and asked, "I need to make sure that you are not enemies."

Lucifer cast a ray of holy light on her at the right time, and the wound on the elf princess's arm healed.

Seeing this, the elf princess breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained everything: "I am the princess of the forest elves, and my name is Sophia..."

It turns out that there are not only forest elves in the emerald forest, but also another kind of evil dark elves, but dark elves usually live underground and do not communicate with forest elves.

But a month ago, the king of the dark elves, who had endured enough, reached an agreement with the devil, and began to attack the ground with the help of the devil. this.

The demons also borrowed the power of the dark elves to come to the mainland. Some of them were not willing to fight with the dark elves honestly, so they went to other places in the forest.

"I see. It seems that if we want to solve this matter, we need to participate in the struggle between elves." Lucifer pondered for a moment, then came to a conclusion, "Then let's go and have a look."

"You mean...?"

Lucifer smiled slightly, and said: "We are willing to help your race, just for human beings."

"Thank you!" Sophia's green eyes lit up all of a sudden.

Pei Xia handed her the wound medicine as promised, and Sophia pursed her lips and hid elsewhere to apply the medicine for herself. However, these are just emergency medicines, and the effect is not very good.

This can't be helped, they have Lucifer in their team, they don't need much medicine, so they didn't prepare too much when they went out.

It was still late at night, and although Sophia was a little anxious, everyone still decided to act at dawn tomorrow.

The dark elves and demons are most powerful at night, and it is very dangerous for monsters to hide, so we can only arrange for Sophia to rest here first.

There were three tents in total, full of big men, and there was no room for Sophia, so she bit her lip and said that she could go to the tree to rest.

But before climbing the tree, Sophia tugged at the hem of her skirt and said softly, "I'm going to the side... to solve the problem, not to run away."

Everyone understands.

After Sophia hid behind the tree in the distance, Pei Xia was about to help Lucifer back to the tent to rest, when she heard a scream from her.

"What's wrong!"

Pei Xia raised a torch and walked forward quickly, trying to see if there was any danger.

At this moment, Sophia staggered back with her leather skirt in her hand, and fell into Pei Xia's arms, trembling pitifully in Pei Xia's arms.

Pei Xia felt so ashamed, he quickly raised his hands to show no offense: "What's wrong with you? Have you met an enemy?"

A moment later, Sophia raised her tear-stained face and said weakly, "Sorry, it's nothing, I just saw the corpse of a beast."

That's it, Pei Xia heaved a sigh of relief.

It's just that Sophia still refused to leave his arms, her face flushed slightly: "Your Excellency, can you lend me your coat?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"I was too anxious just now and accidentally tore the skirt."

Pei Xia hurriedly took off his coat and lent her to wrap it around her waist. The slender and beautiful elf princess, who was about the same height as Pei Xia, leaned tightly into his arms, carefully arranging her dress.

"You're too close..." Pei Xia tried to step back.

Sophia looked up at him with tears in her eyes: "Are you despising me?"

"I do not… "

"Because, am I a man?"

Pei Xia: "??!"

He looked down in bewilderment, and saw that there seemed to be something bulging under the skirt of Sophia's coat...

What the fuck!

Why is the elf princess a man!

But... In this case, it's no wonder that even if he sacrificed his life to save others, he still couldn't surpass Princess Eva's position in Lucifer's heart.

"But I have my own reasons." Sophia, the women's clothing tycoon, looked at him beggingly and said, "Can you keep it secret for me?"

Pei Xia: "..."

Finally, Lucifer who was not far away couldn't bear to look any longer, he gritted his back molars and showed a standard perfect smile, walked to the two of them, stretched out his hand to hold Pei Xia's shoulder and gently pushed back.

Pei Xia involuntarily staggered back a step, and in the next second, Lucifer's body with a faint floral fragrance stuck to Pei Xia's back from behind, and he stretched out a hand as if casually resting on Pei Xia's shoulder on, and to Sophia said:

"It's a shame, I've heard it all."

Sophia covered her mouth and looked at him in panic: "Sorry, I didn't hide it on purpose..."

As she spoke, the teardrops fell like crystal beads.

Lucifer looked at him with a smile, his eyes narrowed slowly, and suddenly, a strange and tense atmosphere rose between the Son of Light and the elf "Princess".

I met my opponent.

Lucifer thought so.

It's a pity that you can't compare to me just because of your face! Lucifer slightly raised the corners of his lips, thinking confidently.

Then, as if in great pain, he raised his other hand to cover the corner of his lips, and turned his face to lean on Pei Xia's shoulder.

Crackling, the same cold teardrops instantly wet Pei Xia's shoulders.

"What a poor child, seeing you in such pain, my heart seems to have been hurt so much." Lucifer choked up and said like a chant, "Please be strong, the Illuminati will protect you."

Then he waved his hand, and the holy light enveloped Sophia's whole body, healing his wounds.

Do not rely on injury to win sympathy!

Lucifer swayed weakly, Pei Xia quickly reached out to catch him, bent his knees and leaned into the arms of the paladin who was slightly shorter than him, Lucifer shivered as if it was very cold, he loved and felt tearful. understandably said:

"I understand, I understand everything. You must have a lot of difficulties. Don't worry, I won't force you. Please forgive me for arbitrarily advocating to heal your injuries. Sorry, I just hope...you can feel better."

Lucifer sighed softly, his eyes were sincere and his face was pale: "If you feel angry, just vent it to me!"

Sophia clenched her fists, gasped slightly, and showed a tearful smile: "You are such a good person, why would I lose my temper with you, I am too late to be grateful!"

Lucifer: "No, don't be grateful to me, if you want to be grateful, thank the God of Light!"

Sophia: "I also want to thank Your Excellency the Knight!"

Lucifer raised his pale and smiling face, and looked at Pei Xia very tenderly: "Yes, if it wasn't for Pei Xia, I wouldn't be here today..."

Pei Xia: "?? Master Shengzi, you are exaggerating."

"It's not an exaggeration at all!" Lucifer took Pei Xia's hand, pulled it to his heart, and lowered his eyes weakly, "It is because of your support that I am interested in this world.... "

Pei Xia didn't hear clearly, and was a little dazed: "What did you say?"

"It's nothing, I'm just saying, it's great to have you by my company." Lucifer showed a pure smile that emerged from the mud, "I'm very happy, everyone can be saved."

"You are so kind, and my subordinates admire you." Pei Xia couldn't help looking at him with emotion.

Even though Lucifer is too different from the one in the original work, his kind nature will not change, even the current Lucifer is stronger than in the original work!

What a pure and kind heart to save others even when the body is weak!

Lucifer quietly gave Sophia a contemptuous look, and Sophia pursed her lips.

Pei Xia couldn't help feeling very relieved seeing the two of them getting along in a friendly manner.

He took Sophia's hand, then took Lucifer's hand, and gently folded their hands together, Pei Xia said happily:

"Great, Mr. Shengzi is a kind person and will never discriminate against His Royal Highness Sophia. Her Highness Sophia is also soft-hearted and approachable. I believe you will get along well and become each other's friends!"

Lucifer and Sophia looked at each other and showed a stiff smile at the same time.

