Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 4


On the third day, the sun was shining brightly, and Lord Shengzi set off with Pei Xia, six other knights and two carriages.

Everyone cheered and bid farewell to Lord Son, hoping that he would travel smoothly and spread the light of the God of Light to more places. All smiles, except one - Andre.

He looked at Lucifer sitting on Ruidi with tears in his eyes, and said, "Master Shengzi, do you really not need me to accompany you? God of Light, you can't do without me. How can the safety be guaranteed!"

Pei Xia, who was sitting next to the Son, poked his head out silently: "Depend on me, and them." Pointing to the other six knights.

Lucifer kept smiling, and waved goodbye to the people who saw him off: "May God bless all beings."

"May God bless all beings!"

Lucifer rode in the front on his handsome tall horse, Pei Xia rode a black horse in front of him, the other six knights, two drove the carriage, and four rode on both sides.

The little team started to move forward.

Originally, the church planned to deploy more personnel to escort Lucifer, but Lucifer refused on the grounds that he should not waste extravagance. Besides, his own strength is not low, so he only formed this small team.

Because there were no servants or other priests, Pei Xia took over all the corresponding things to take care of Lucifer.

They moved forward slowly, until they left the gate of the imperial capital, and the crowd of people sending them off enthusiastically became less.

It was finally not so crowded, Pei Xia couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He opened the map he carried with him and looked at it. Before he set off, he had already discussed it. The first destination was Fade City, which was a medium-sized city relatively close to the imperial capital. Country Danadan.

After that, they will travel around the continent in the direction of east→north→southwest→southwest, spreading the light of the God of Light to more places, and then returning to the imperial capital.

"Ahem..." A weak cough suddenly came from beside him, Pei Xia immediately turned around, and saw Lucifer covering his mouth with his hands.

He immediately took the rein of the horse to slow down, came to Lucifer, and persuaded: "My lord, there are no believers around now, you can take a rest in the carriage."

"It's okay." Lucifer's voice was slightly hoarse, "It's just a little illness."

Pei Xia frowned disapprovingly.

The matter of Lucifer catching a cold has to start with Pei Xia falling into his bathtub that night, maybe it was blown by the wind with his wet hair, and he became hoarse the next day.

Fortunately, it was not serious and did not show itself, so believers were not worried. Light magic is very effective in healing damage and trauma caused by demons, and less effective but equally effective in curing diseases.

Pei Xia didn't know why Lucifer didn't heal himself, and after much deliberation, he came to the conclusion: the Holy Son must be too seriously ill, and the light magic could barely maintain him recovering a little.

Thinking that Lucifer's cold had something to do with him, Pei Xia blamed himself a little, he insisted: "Please rest in the carriage, if the illness gets worse, believers will be worried."

Lucifer slightly frowned his perfectly shaped eyebrows, with traces of sadness hidden in his eyes, he looked sideways at Pei Xia, so that his clear blue eyes could reflect the other's figure: "Then what about you, Pei Xia?" Xia, are you worried about me too?"

"Of course." Pei Xia was surprised why he would ask such a question, "I am your personal guard knight, so I will naturally worry about you."

"Sigh." Probably sick people are a bit hypocritical, Lucifer asked after him, "If you weren't my personal guard knight, would you still worry about me?"

"..." Workplace Rule #1: Never be 100% honest with your boss. Pei Xia's eyes moved quickly, and he said with a guilty conscience that was somewhat concealed, "Of course, Lord Shengzi, I am the most devout believer in the God of Light."

Lucifer looked at him quietly, as if he had seen through his lies.

Pei Xia was startled, afraid that he would fire him, he hurriedly began to think about how to make himself appear more sincere, so after a moment of silence, Pei Xia spoke:

"Ah, light, you are the beginning of everything. At the beginning of the growth of all things, the god of light came to the earth, and he taught the ignorant people..."

The "Bright Bible" must be memorized to enter the Guangming God Sect!

Since he made up his mind to be the most devout believer of the God of Light, no matter how devout he is in his heart, he must never let the project of face be left behind.

Pei Xia doesn't think he is a smart person, so he can only start with stupid methods. He has already memorized the "Bright Bible" backwards!

The corner of Lucifer's mouth moved slightly, seeing that he didn't know what to say for a moment, he sighed softly, and raised his hand to signal Pei Xia to stop.

"Okay, Pei Xia, I feel your piety."

"Since this is the case, Master Shengzi should hurry back to the carriage and rest."

This time Lucifer did not refuse again, but obediently got off the horse and entered the carriage. There were two carriages, one for Lucifer's use, and the other for several people's luggage and other things.

Lucifer's carriage was extremely comfortable and exquisitely furnished, the interior was lightly scented, there were fruit black tea and snacks, the interior space was spacious enough for two people to lie down and rest without being crowded.

Pei Xia helped Lucifer into the carriage, just as he was about to put down the thick velvet curtain and return to his horse, Lucifer grabbed his sleeve.

"Pei Xia, come in and stay with me." He looked at him tenderly and said, his pale pink lips curled up in a gentle arc.

Pei Xia asked in surprise, "What's the matter, Master Shengzi?"

"Ahem..." He coughed twice, pressed his forehead, and said, "I feel a little tired after being sick, and I want to hear you read the Holy Bible. Is that okay, Pei Xia?"

It turned out to be like this, truly worthy of being the Holy Son, the difference between true piety and false piety is really big!

Pei Xia looked at him with admiration: "Of course."

Lucifer smiled slightly: "Then let's come in together."

Pei Xia was very moved, and then refused: "No way, Lord Shengzi!"

"???" Lucifer frowned.

"If you get too close, you will infect me with a cold." Pei Xia said sincerely, "I want to protect you from getting sick."

Lucifer opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say for a moment, he paused, then he seemed a little weak and asked, "But you promised me just now..."

"Please don't worry, I can recite it to you by the window." After finishing speaking, Pei Xia put down the door curtain, rode on his horse gracefully, and came to the window of the carriage.

He cleared his throat, full of confidence: "Don't worry, I don't need to read the Bible to read to you, please listen—oh Guangming, you are the beginning of everything. At the beginning of the growth of all things, the God of Light came to the earth, He taught a foolish people..."

Lucifer: "…"

The other escorting knights whispered quietly:

"As expected of someone who was personally promoted by the Holy Son to be a personal guard knight, his faith is so pious!"

"As expected of Master Shengzi, your vision is really good!"

They looked at each other a few times, showing each other a gratified smile.

The weather has been a bit abnormal recently. The heavy rain falls as soon as it is said, and it rains down in a burst of splinters.

Pei Xia was wearing the armor, and the rain still wet the clothes inside along the cracks of the armor, Lucifer was sitting in the carriage, so there was no need to worry about him being drenched.

At this moment, Lucifer's cold has healed up, and I hope that other people will not catch a cold after the rain stops.

Pei Xia thought for a while, and silently prayed in his heart that the gods would bless him with a holy light.

This is also a kind of magic, but in fact, paladins such as Pei Xia do not know how to use magic, but after they become paladins and receive the blessing of the Pope or the Holy Son, they can gain glory by praying to the gods. It is equivalent to adding an all-round gain buff.

And real magicians are very rare, not just anyone can be one. For knights like Pei Xia, the special power they use is called sword energy.

Compared with magic, its power is lower, and it relies more on its own sword skills and strength, but the threshold is also low. There are more people who can use sword energy than magic.

As far as Pei Xia himself is concerned, he is a paladin who can bless holy radiance and use fire sword energy.

"Pei Xia." Lucifer suddenly opened the car window, and the cold rain blew into the carriage along with the wind, inevitably wet his face and long hair. "Do you want to keep going?"

"Yes, Master Shengzi." Pei Xia wiped his face and explained, "There are fields and trees nearby, and there is no place to shelter from the rain. If you hide under the trees, it will be bad if you attract lightning. Not far away is Earl Hobson's fortress, which can be reached in about half an hour. At that time, we can borrow the Earl's house."

The current rain is not so heavy that it is impossible to continue on the road, but Pei Xia vaguely remembers that this seems to have reached a plot point in the original novel. He has forgotten the specific plot, and only remembers the key character Earl Hobson and the torrential rain that will last for several days.

So it's best to hurry to Earl Hobson's fort before the rain starts, or it will rain even more.

"Okay." Lucifer nodded, looked at Pei Xia, and suddenly invited, "It's raining so hard, Pei Xia, get in the carriage to avoid the rain."

"It's okay, Master Shengzi." Pei Xia wiped his face, "I'll be there soon."

Lucifer suddenly withdrew his smile, and when he looked at Pei Xia, he felt more condescending than usual gentleness, he said: "Pei Xia, this is an order."

Pei Xia looked at Lucifer, he was still sitting in the carriage, with a faint smile, his blue eyes were like the sea and glaciers.

Suddenly, her intuition told Pei Xia that it was best not to refuse again.