Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 44


It finally got dark, and after sending away piles of guests, the small courtyard regained its calm.

Pei Xia took care of Lucifer to rest, and then prepared to eat a fruit of life to upgrade himself, but Lucifer suddenly stopped him, and gave him a word to dispel his thoughts: "I seem to feel the breath of a devil."

Pei Xia: "...!"

When upgrading, you will be in a state of meditation. If the devil sneaks up at this time, you will not be able to deal with it in time.

Pei Xia had no choice but to put the matter of upgrading to the back, and asked seriously: "Where is the devil's breath?"

"It's on the government's side." Lucifer seemed a little worried, "The demon this time is very special, he's not that ordinary demon, he's the kind... not easy to deal with, do you understand?"

Pei Xia shook his head like a rattle drum, then nodded hastily: "Although I don't know what kind of demon it is, this subordinate will definitely protect you!"

"Thank you, Pei Xia." Lucifer smiled.

Because there was a demon by his side, Pei Xia wanted to stay close at every step, but Lucifer said he was too nervous, so he didn't have to.

Pei Xia thought about it, and felt that his reaction was too much, so he tried to relax himself, but he still felt that something was wrong.

Therefore, even though the yard is very spacious and there are many rooms, Pei Xia still insists on resting in the same house as Lucifer.

"I'll go talk to Buck and the others, and tell them to be more careful."

"it is good."

Pei Xia hurried out of the house, and just after talking with Buck and the others, someone came to report that it was the princess's maid.

Pei Xia hurriedly went downstairs to receive him: "Hello, are you here to see Lord Shengzi?"

The maid shook her head and said, "I'm not here to see Lord Son, I'm just bringing gifts for Her Highness the Princess."

It turned out that a few days ago, Princess Eva left first after seeing that the battle situation here was stable, but when she left, she thought of the day when Lucifer and Pei Xia came back, so she prepared a thank you gift in advance.

In the name of the Princess of Sumei Agada Palace, I would like to thank the Holy Son and the Knights for their assistance.

"Your Highness is very kind."

The maid gave the gift with a smile, and said, "His Royal Highness wanted to wait for the two of you to come back, but the Queen was too worried about her and was very anxious, so Her Highness went back first. Please accept a little gift."

"I would like to thank His Highness on behalf of the Holy Son, and please tell me."

"Don't worry, sure."

At this moment, Pei Xia put the gift away, but he was not happy, because he finally knew what was wrong.

So before the maid left, Pei Xia asked, "Excuse me, Prince Harry, are you still in Atna City?"

"Of course, His Royal Highness has been staying here."

Pei Xia frowned.

With Prince Harry's attitude towards Lucifer, how could it be possible that he didn't come to visit for a whole day? It's not that a prince must be condescended, it's just that this is too different from his previous performance, so Pei Xia has to care.

"Is His Royal Highness sick?"

"No." The maid said with a slightly hesitant expression, "It's just that His Highness has been a little busy recently."

"Do you know what he's up to?"

Maid: "... this, this, I can't say, I can only tell you that His Highness seems to have found a new friend."

Pei Xia let out a long sigh, sent the maid away, turned around, and Tom, who was tall and with golden curly hair, was gnawing on an apple while asking curiously:

"Captain, why do you care so much about Prince Harry?"

"I don't care about him, I just feel a little abnormal."

"What's abnormal?"

Pei Xia hinted: "Look at the past, did Prince Harry care about His Son very much, and would come to see His Son whenever he was free."

Tom took an apple in his mouth, thought for a moment blankly, and nodded: "It seems to be!"

"That's why I feel abnormal!"

Moreover, what is very important but cannot be told to Tom is that because of the change of Lucifer's role, Pei Xia now sees him and Prince Harry, no matter how he looks at it, he feels that the relationship is full.

What is certain is that Prince Harry has a crush on Lucifer. Although Lucifer does not necessarily like him, his attitude towards him is very different from that towards Hobson and others.

Does this mean that Lucifer also has a slight affection for Harry

If Lucifer doesn't like Prince Harry Harry, that's naturally very good, but if he does... Pei Xia will feel lost and painful, but he will also support him, and will help Lucifer favorably.

But now, in Pei Xia's eyes, these two people are very ambiguous, why did Harry Harry suddenly get along with someone else

Pei Xia let out a long sigh, and walked upstairs with heavy steps, and planned to observe the abnormality of Prince Harry, if he was not worth it but Lucifer still liked him, Pei Xia would have to be a villain once.

Damn it, slag Gong never wants to get close to my Son!

Back in the room, Pei Xia reported to him about Princess Eva's gift, and asked cautiously, "My lord, did Prince Harry send someone over today?"

Maybe someone else was sent to take a look first, so it's better to ask.

Lucifer shook his head and said with a smile: "You just reminded me that I should visit His Royal Highness tomorrow."

Pei Xia was a little annoyed, and there was a trace of dullness on his face. He was never very good at hiding his emotions, so Lucifer could tell right away.

He sat on the big soft bed with a book in his hand, put down the book at this moment, and looked at Pei Xia with interest: "What's wrong, unhappy?"

Pei Xia sat on his floor, coughed lightly and said hastily, "No."

"Pei Xia, are you going to lie to me too?" Lucifer seemed a little helpless, even so, he was still very gentle, but it just happened to make Pei Xia feel more uncomfortable.

What a good son, what a perfect person, but please don't fall in love with a scumbag.

Pei Xia felt that perhaps it was time for him to have a serious talk with Lucifer, so he sat upright—no, he was kneeling on the floor, with his hands on his knees, and looked at Lucifer very sincerely and seriously:

"Master Shengzi, you said before that you are interested in love... love. Love, is it true?"

Lucifer couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, he put down the book in his hand, changed to a reclining posture, put his left hand under his chin, and said in a meaningful drawl: "Oh—of course it's true, why? , Pei Xia, what do you think?"

Pei Xia nodded subconsciously, then shook her head quickly: "No, I don't have opinions on you, I'm just curious, do you already have someone you like?"

Lucifer couldn't help laughing, he stretched out his fingertips and tapped his lips, his eyes were like a small hook, directly hooked on Pei Xia's body: "Guess what?"

Pei Xia looked at him in shock: "Could it be already there?"

Lucifer lowered his eyes slightly, he originally wanted to refute, because teasing Pei Xia made him feel very interesting, and also because he wanted to experience the thrill of a complete victory, but—it is really rare for Pei Xia to have this kind of time up!

It was so rare that Lucifer didn't even want to refute directly.

Perhaps he should have given him some more obvious bait to lure the timid knight into his cage.

So Lucifer nodded with a smile, and by the way lured him with more seductive eyes, luring him to continue asking, so that he could make this simple paladin play with his heart.

Didn't he ask himself if he had a crush on him before

It's time to bring it back!

Lucifer wants to make Pei Xia wonder whether he likes him or not!


Pei Xia gasped, he didn't expect Lucifer to be so resistant to this question, and even rolled his eyes at him!

He quickly said: "It's fine if you don't want to say it, and the subordinates won't ask."

Lucifer: "Huh??" Wait, why didn't you ask

Pei Xia looked at Lucifer sadly, and Lucifer looked directly with question marks all over his face, then he dragged his floor, and under Lucifer's gaze, he silently moved to the corner farthest from the bed.


Lucifer stretched out a finger, gently rubbed his almost cramp eyelids, gritted his teeth, and said, "Pei Xia, what are you doing?"

Pei Xia said very considerately, "Avoid suspicion."

Lucifer frowned dangerously: Could it be that he guessed that the person he likes is him, so he wanted to avoid suspicion

Pei Xia sighed softly, closed her eyes and got into bed: Oh, since you can't give Lucifer happiness, you can't be his hindrance!

As for how Prince Harry is? Check it out tomorrow! If not, even if Lucifer likes it, Pei Xia will... Sigh!

Today, the Holy Son and his paladin, who are still in good agreement, turned on the lights amidst each other's good night.

When the lights went out and darkness enveloped, the two pairs of eyes looked at the same place—the ceiling.

Sorrow, worry, worry so much that the Holy Son and the knight are about to lose sleep:

After all, what should we do

In the early morning of the next day, Lucifer, Pei Xia and other paladins were fully dressed and were going to the government to formally report the situation of the Emerald Forest to the Consul and Prince Harry.

Yesterday I only briefly said that the source of the World of Warcraft's restlessness has been solved, but I didn't have time to tell them the specific situation, so I will talk about it in detail today.

When they arrived at the place, the consul showed up warmly and received Lucifer in person.

Lucifer looked around and asked, "Is Prince Harry Harry not here?"

The consul raised his hand in embarrassment and scratched his bald head: "Ah, this... His Royal Highness has some private matters, just tell me."


After the detailed report, Lucifer stood up and said: "I don't know where His Royal Highness is now? I promised him that I would travel the mainland with him. Regardless of whether His Highness wants to continue, I think I should visit him. "

"Of course, of course, His Royal Highness is right behind, please follow me."

They went to the back of the office, and they went to a large and spacious palace. After the consul informed, a guard came over to salute:

"My lord, please come with me."

Pei Xia followed behind, but when he reached the gate of the palace, he was stopped: "Your Excellency the Knight, Your Highness the Prince only wants to see the Holy Son."

Pei Xia frowned, and said, "Then I'll wait at the door." If there was something wrong inside, he would rush in.

The guards acquiesced to his actions.

Fortunately, it was normal for Pei Xia to faintly hear the voices coming from the room. Prince Harry greeted Lucifer with a smile, and was concerned about what happened to him.

Everything seemed to be normal, Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, a handsome red-haired man dressed in gold and silver, full of nouveau riche air, walked over. He twisted and twisted as he walked, as if his butt was cramping.

The guard's eyes straightened as soon as he saw him, and his whole body showed an obsessed look.

Pei Xia frowned slightly. Seeing him reaching the door and reaching out to push the door in, he couldn't help but said, "Your Excellency, you haven't reported yet!"

The handsome red-haired man was stunned for a moment, and finally looked straight at the little black-haired paladin.

Seeing Pei Xia's clear eyes, he seemed quite interested, reached out and touched his snow-white chin, and then stretched out a hand with red nails to touch Pei Xia's chin.

Pei Xia: "???" Where's the show? !

Pei Xia hurriedly took a step back: "Who are you? What are you doing?"

"My name is Xuedis." Xuedis said enchantingly, pinching his throat, "Man, what's your name?"

"It doesn't matter what my name is... Hey, if you come here again, I won't be polite!"

Xuedis leaned into Pei Xia's arms frantically, rubbing against her nakedly: "What? Could it be that I'm not beautiful enough?"

Pei Xia: "Yes."

Xuedis: "???"

Pei Xia: "Hey, I mean, please don't harass me!"

Although Pei Xia looks very handsome and looks like 1, you can't judge people only by their appearance! Pei Xia clenched her fists tightly and pushed him out forcefully.

In his two previous lives, what he hated the most was Sao Ling!

Pei Xia herself is relatively introverted and dull. In her previous life, before she realized how chaotic the gay scene was, it was not like she had never yearned for love.

At that time, he knew a powerful and tall fitness trainer. The fitness trainer said that he was 1, and he took the initiative to pursue Pei Xia. Xia then agreed impulsively.

That night, the fitness coach invited Pei Xia to his house as a guest. When he got there, the door opened, and Pei Xia saw a strong man in red lace sexy underwear.

The manly fitness trainer, who is taller and stronger than himself, cocked his head and posed charmingly, and said, "I used to only do 1, but for you, I am willing to do 0. Are you very touched?"

Pei Xia: "..."

Since then, he has left a psychological shadow on Sao 0, he does not discriminate against Sao 0, he is just very angry at being cheated!

But now, for some reason, the handsome red-haired man in front of him is so strong that he is entangled in him and cannot be pushed away.

"Oh, man, where am I not beautiful enough!"

Gritting his teeth, Pei Xia pushed and said, "Nowhere is enough!"

With Lucifer in front of him, how could he fall in love with Xuedis, besides, he is not the type he likes!

"Impossible!" Xuetis gritted her teeth, "You are not affected by my charm, this is absolutely impossible!"

Pei Xia felt that he was simply unreasonable: "If you are short of a man, find someone else, you have found the wrong man!"

"I don't believe it, I just don't!"

The two pushed and entangled with each other, suddenly, a bright ray of light hit suddenly, hitting Xuedis to the open space.

Xuetis uttered a scream and turned back in horror. While covering his injured shoulder, his pupils trembled and shouted miserably:

"Impossible, how could there really be such a beautiful human being!"