Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 46


Lucifer: "I think."

Pei Xia: "Huh?!"

Lucifer raised his eyebrows lightly, as if with traces of mourning: "Why, are you surprised?"

Pei Xia responded in a low voice: "It's a little bit, I thought you put your heart and soul into the bright cause."

Lucifer in the original book is a model who wants career without love, besides, seriously, this novel still has no CP.

Alas, I don't know what happened, not only the male protagonist's sexual orientation has changed, but she even wants to fall in love.

Lucifer's smile was kind and cordial: "This is not contradictory."

Pei Xia nodded and took a deep breath: "Yes, you are right, since you have such an idea, then I will definitely help you with all my heart!"

Lucifer raised his hand and brushed his long, beautiful and bright hair like gold. His eyes were like those of a delicate girl, timidly, but with a little expectation: "Oh? How are you going to help me?"

Pei Xia was stopped by the question. It seems that this question is not easy to answer.

Pei Xia thought for a while, and sat upright with his hands folded, trying to make himself appear serious: "My mission is to protect the Holy Son, whether it is your body or your heart, I will try my best to protect you. So... as long as you are happy, I will protect you." Will try to do it.”

Lucifer seemed a little lost, he repeated softly: "As long as I'm happy?"

"Yes!" Pei Xia looked at his unknowingly thoughtful expression, felt a little drummed in his heart, and quickly added, "I will try my best not to let the scumbag hurt you, of course, if you really like someone , I will also help you pursue it!"

"Pfft." Lucifer covered his face with one hand, patted the table with the other, and couldn't help laughing.

Pei Xia's head was full of question marks: "What are you laughing at?"

He was a little embarrassed. Could it be that what he said was so ridiculous? !

"Ah, this..." Lucifer laughed twice, took two deep breaths, and looked towards the opposite side with his eyes bent, "I just think this is very good."

Confused, Pei Xia smirked: "Is that so... Aha, hahaha..."

But at this moment, the man across the table put down his fork, and sighed slightly sadly: "But, the person I want doesn't seem to like me."

At that time, Pei Xia's heart skipped a beat.

"How is it possible, you are so outstanding!"

What, does Lucifer already have someone he likes

"But I really can't figure him out." Lucifer held his face, squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Pei Xia, "He never said he likes me."

It was the first time for Pei Xia to be a relationship consultant for someone, trying to make himself appear more mature, so he pretended to think for a while with a blank mind, and then asked: "Then does he know your feelings?"

Lucifer shook his head slowly: "Maybe I know, maybe I don't know, I never said."

Pei Xia looked at him sympathetically.

Lucifer stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked his lower lip in distress. Under the candlelight, this made his lips more moist and attractive: "Pei Xia, why are you looking at me like that?"

Pei Xia sniffled pitifully, and said, "Master Shengzi, please give up on him, he is a scumbag and is not worth it!"

Lucifer: "Do you know who I'm talking about again?"

The other party didn't confess, nor did the Holy Son say anything. It seemed that they were interested in each other very ambiguously, but now they felt that the other party didn't like him—isn't this Nima Prince Harry Harry!

Pei Xia clenched his fists and stood up abruptly: "Master Shengzi, choose someone else, anyone can be except Prince Harry, and I will definitely help you get him!"

Lucifer: "No, first of all, I think there seems to be a little misunderstanding between us, I don't have any feelings for Prince Harry—"



Suddenly there was a miserable cry from the backyard, Pei Xia was startled, and rushed to the window to look out.

A servant was holding a basket of feed and fell to the ground, and several people were running in a panic. In the stable, the ropes that tied the horses had been lifted by someone, and several horses were frightened at the same time, neighing and lying on the ground. Hoofs pounding.

Seeing a horse rushing towards him and the handyman was about to die, Pei Xia quickly jumped out of the window and dragged the handyman aside.

He immediately turned his head and looked at Lucifer: "My lord, the horses in the yard have been let go."

Lucifer nodded, and said solemnly: "Pei Xia, you and the rest of the people take care of this."

Pei Xia hurriedly said: "It looks a little weird, it seems that someone did it on purpose, Lord Shengzi, you should be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll go back to my room."

"Yes, I'll come to you right away!"

Soon, Pei Xia and a few paladins controlled the frightened horses, and left the rest of the work to others. Pei Xia hurried upstairs with one long leg.

In the end, that ominous premonition actually came true!

On the second floor, there were strange people in black robes who came to obstruct it.

"The Holy Son said he would kill you too, go to hell, knight!" the black-robed man raised his long and rugged staff, chanting.

Pei Xia: "You fart! It is absolutely impossible for the Holy Son to kill me, you are not allowed to spread rumors!"

The man in black robe was stunned: "Isn't your name Pei Xia?"


"The Holy Son said he wanted to kill you."

"Nonsense, you must have heard it wrong." Pei Xia was also puzzled, walked up to the black-robed man and asked, "What's your name? What does it have to do with Lord Shengzi? Why have I never seen you? Hurry up." Say!"

The black-robed man said weakly, "My name is Kendela..."

"I don't know." Pei Xia raised his hand and knocked him down with a punch.

Candela lay on the ground and screamed, clutching her nose and looking at him in shock: "You, you, you, shameless!"

"You are shameless! How dare you pretend to be someone close to the Son of God to sow discord, heh, this kind of conspiracy is too mentally retarded!" Pei Xia raised his foot and kicked him unconscious.

Then Pei Xia sprinted all the way up to the third floor, only to see the black-robed man at the corner of the third floor.

Only then did Pei Xia discover that they were dark magicians.

The invisible black mist surged, which seemed to be poisonous and corrosive. Pei Xia rushed forward regardless, and knocked the black-robed man unconscious before the black mist poisoned him.

He finally came to the door of Lucifer's room, so Pei Xia saw Lucifer standing calmly in the thin black mist, holding a sharp sword.

With a careless smile on his face, he swung his sword gracefully, and the gleaming sharp blade cut an enemy's throat, and the blood burst like hot magma flowing wantonly in hell.

The blood splattered and fell on his cheeks, one dot or two dots, which stood out against the whiteness of the snow.

Pei Xia saw that the curvature of the corners of his lips became more and more obvious, which made people obsessed and intoxicated. He was so beautiful, and even in the midst of killing, people still couldn't take their eyes off.

The three enemies killed him in the blink of an eye. In the end, Lucifer tilted his head and turned half a circle in a boring way, the blood-stained robe fluttered like the pattern on the wings of a butterfly.

When he turned around and saw Pei Xia, the smile on the corner of his lips was slightly stiff.

Pei Xia did the same: "Holy, holy son..."

Lucifer: "...Ah!" He suddenly let out a long and trembling weak moan, and the circle that had slowed down to a stop continued whizzingly.

He threw the long sword in his hand with a clang, and Lucifer spun half a circle, before falling limply to the ground.

"Master Holy Son!!!"

Shocked, Pei Xia suddenly slid and knelt down, hugging Lucifer's upper body anxiously and worriedly.

"Master Shengzi, how are you? Are you injured?!"

"Pei, Pei Xia... cough cough!"

Lucifer looked at him with dazed eyes, and stretched out his hand to hold Pei Xia's hand. His voice was hoarse, and his breath was like a wind, as if he was going to go away like fluff in the wind in the next second.

He was coughing, his face was pale, a wisp of bright red blood snaked from the corner of his lips, he was already on the verge of death!

Pei Xia held his hand tightly, distraught: "Master Shengzi, you have to hold on! Cough cough—"

The dark poisonous mist slowly dissipated, but it still affected Pei Xia. He felt that his breathing was not smooth, his body temperature rose, and his head was dizzy, which were signs of poisoning.

The skin and respiratory tract are also aching, it seems that they have been corroded by the poisonous fog.

But now, Pei Xia is not in the mood to care about herself at all. They say that men don't shed tears lightly, but facing life and death, Pei Xia still can't help but shed two lines of men's tears.

"Master Shengzi, they are coming soon, you have to hold on! Tom, Buck—go find the Light Mage!" Pei Xia shouted loudly, hoping that they could find rescue in time.

And Buck and Tom didn't know if they heard it or not, and there was no response, Pei Xia had no choice but to stagger and hug Lucifer, shouting while moving.

At this time, the dying Lucifer gently held Pei Xia's hand and said, "Stop shouting, talk to me."

Pei Xia's eyes were red, and she looked down at him: "Master Shengzi, you will be fine."

Lucifer showed a faint smile, pure and beautiful: "You are also injured and poisoned, Pei Xia, don't be afraid, eat the fruit of life, you will be fine... don't worry about me, as long as you are fine... okay Yes, that's enough..."

After speaking the last sentence intermittently, Lucifer's eyes slowly closed, and he fell into a coma.

Pei Xia yelled, Lord Shengzi, and wanted to wipe the blood off his face in heartbreak, but raised his hand—hey, he's still angry!

If you are angry, it proves that there is salvation!

Lucifer mentioned the fruit of life, so if he eats it, it will definitely save him!

Pei Xia hurriedly carried Lucifer back to the bedroom, and then carefully put him on the bed. At this moment, the rest of the paladins rushed over, and Buck panted, "How is the Lord Son? Tom has already Go get the Light Mage."

"Master Shengzi's situation is very dangerous. I don't know the details. Anyway... I will know when Master Magician comes over!"

"it is good!"

Lucifer on the bed frowned slightly, and then, for the sake of realism, not to show his secrets in front of the light magic, he really fainted himself.

Pei Xia at the side of the cabinet rummaged through the cabinet in a panic: "Where did it go... Ah, I found it!"

But, why is there only one fruit of life left

Pei Xia raised his head abruptly, and quickly scanned the room. The window was opened at some point. He was too impatient to pay attention before, but now that he looked carefully, the arrangement in the room was a bit messy.

Into the thief!

It doesn't matter who the thief is, if there is only one fruit of life... Pei Xia gritted her teeth and decided to give it to Lucifer.

After all, after Lucifer recovers, as long as Pei Xia doesn't die, no matter how serious the injury is, there is hope of being rescued.

Pei Xia staggered to Lucifer's window, and called out in a low voice: "Master Shengzi, you must be well."

Then he lifted half a fist-sized fruit, and was about to feed it to Lucifer when he was stunned, this one seemed not very easy to feed, it was so big, if he stuffed it directly, he would choke to death!

Pei Xia frowned, stood up, and issued an order: "Buck, you must desperately protect the Son, understand? I'll leave first."

"Yes, Captain!"

The weak paladin trotted to the downstairs kitchen while leaning on the wall, and the messy servants looked at him: "Your Excellency, what happened?"

"Don't be afraid, it's fine for now."

Pei Xia coughed twice, brought a spoon and a bowl, scraped the fruit of life into a puree, then mixed it with a little cold boiled water to make a thinner paste, and brought it back to Lucifer's bedroom.

He lifted Lucifer's upper body, and carefully fed the whole fruit of life into his mouth spoon by spoon.

After Pei Xia finished feeding the fruit of life, the light magician came belatedly and healed Lucifer.

Lucifer woke up leisurely, the first thing he saw was Pei Xia, he stretched out his hand to hold Pei Xia's hand affectionately, and asked: "Pei Xia, have you eaten the fruit of life?"

"Eat, eat." Pei Xia sniffled moved, and decided to make a small fuss. What a kind-hearted Lord Shengzi, he deserves everything for himself!

"That's really great." Lucifer smiled and rolled his eyes, then forced himself to sit up, opened his arms, and suddenly hugged Pei Xia.

Pei Xia, who was suddenly hugged, was stiff and stammered uncomfortably: "Master Shengzi, you, you..."

"Thank you, Pei Xia."

Lucifer let him go, but held his paladin's face with both hands again, he frowned slightly, as if he was a little puzzled: "Pei Xia, it looks like the poison on your body hasn't been released yet."

Pei Xia: "Uh, maybe the fruit of life has expired."

Lucifer smiled slightly, and rubbed his hands gently and carefully on his face, until Pei Xia blushed: "Don't be afraid, let me check... Well, it's not serious, I will cure it for you."

Pei Xia whispered, "Thank you, Master Shengzi."

The gentle holy light enveloped Pei Xia, and he felt that his state was recovering bit by bit, the toxin was expelled, and his red and hot face gradually returned to normal.

In the end, everything calmed down. Because of the injury and poisoning, their energy was impaired. Lucifer and Pei Xia stayed in the dormitory to rest, while the others searched for the identity and accomplices of the assassin.

In the middle of the night, Pei Xia who had been healed by Lucifer tossed and turned, unable to sleep peacefully.

Alas, why is Master Shengzi so nice...

How could he touch his own face, such an intimate gesture, to others so easily

The unsuspecting Master Shengzi is really too dangerous.

Pei Xia sighed, and made up her mind that even if she couldn't be with Lord Shengzi, she still had to protect him!

With this thought in mind, Pei Xia got up quietly, sat by the bed and guarded Lucifer for the whole night.

When it was almost dawn, Lucifer did not know what kind of nightmare he had, and he frowned very unhappy.

Pei Xia thought for a while, and when he saw the first ray of sunlight pouring in, he gently pushed him: "Master Shengzi, did you have a nightmare?"

"I..." Lucifer slowly opened his eyes, and sat up in some confusion.

As soon as I uttered my words, I heard Pei Xia's shocked voice: "Master Shengzi, your belly...why has it become so big!"