Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 50


Rat people are a special race in the kingdom of orcs. First of all, you must know that not all beasts have human branches, and not all orcs are united as one.

For example, this rat tribe was rejected by other orc tribes for many reasons, not to mention being ugly. The hygiene conditions and sneaking habits of the rat tribe were really unbearable. It is easy to get sick, but it will bring the disease to other races.

Over time, they were repelled to wander on the edge of the grassland, earning a living by robbing and abducting houses.

Because they are small in strength, their only advantage is that they have a large number of people, so they only dare to bully the few with more, and even big caravans dare not snatch them. Life is hard, people are dirty and messy, and their looks are relatively wretched, so they look more and more obsolete.

Moreover, although there are many of them, they are all thin and weak. Even if there are more than 30 people, they are not the opponents of a group of paladins. It is useless for Lucifer to make a move. In a short time, Pei Xia and the others defeated all these Rat Clan people up.

I wanted to grab them all, but when I approached them, I was attacked by a strong and pungent biochemical weapon, causing a few people to escape, and the remaining paladins did not dare to touch them, so they had to surround them with their swords. Waiting for Lucifer's disposal.

The Rat tribe huddled together and shivered, knowing that they had encountered a hard stubble, and they might not be able to eat today.

And they are also very clear about the attitude of foreigners towards the Rat Tribes. If they catch them, they will either die or be abused and bruised all over their bodies.

Thinking of this tragic end, they couldn't help crying.

Pei Xia was taken aback, and turned to look at Lucifer who was sitting in the carriage: "Master Shengzi, they have evil intentions, how do you want to deal with them?"

Lucifer touched his chin, and said: "I've also heard the rumors about the Rat people... Everyone, have you been doing this kind of robbery all this time?"

Seeing that Lucifer seemed to be very kind, the leader of the Rat Clan boss plucked up his courage and said, "My noble lord, we don't have livestock, and the fields produce too little, so we can only make a living like this."

Livestock will be robbed, and the food in the fields will not be enough to feed all the rat people. They are weak and have a large number of children, so they cannot cultivate more fields.

Another person cried: "We haven't had enough to eat for a long time. Every day is grass roots and grass seeds. My sixth child is starving to death. Please forgive me, let us go!"

Pei Xia was a little surprised, his understanding of the rat people was limited: "Aren't you running a business?"

The boss of the Rat tribe shook his head and said, "No outsider is willing to communicate with us. They think we will spread diseases. There are some fields in the tribe, but we have too many people and can't eat enough."

"how many people?"

"..." Seeing that this group of humans inquired in such detail, there must be a conspiracy! The boss of the rat clan began to shake his head frantically, resolutely refusing to betray the secrets of the clan.

Lucifer didn't force them, but only asked: "Have you ever killed anyone?"

The boss of the Rat tribe hurriedly said: "Don't dare, if someone dies here, no one would dare to go here."

But if it is rumored that there are rat tribesmen robbing things here, the passers-by will only find them annoying, and will not really regard them as a threat. This is how the witty rat tribesmen squat here to guard their prey.

And in the process, the Rat Clan had sacrificed a lot of their own people. Alas, thinking of this, the Rat Clan boss couldn't help crying for his own race.

Seeing that Lucifer seemed to be thinking about something, Pei Xia couldn't help but turned around and asked in a low voice: "Master Shengzi, have you thought about it yet?"

Lucifer said: "They didn't lie."

Pei Xia didn't have the slightest doubt about the identity of Lucifer's human lie detector: "Yes, Lord Son."

"If that's the case, then death is not a crime." Lucifer tapped his fingers, smiled and asked Buck to fetch two books from the carriage behind, "Pei Xia, do you still remember our purpose?"

"Of course, Master Shengzi, we are here to spread the glory of the God of Light to more people... I understand, do you want to preach to the rat people?"

Lucifer nodded and said: "Although the rat people are weak and dirty, their brains are more flexible than the beast people. I think it's enough to give them some advice."

The boss of the Rat Clan understood what they said, and when he learned that his group had the hope of being alive, his eyes began to shine, and he responded to whatever Lucifer said.

Until Lucifer started to talk about the "Bible of Light", it was obvious that the rat people kneeling on the ground were collectively listless.

Lucifer closed the book and said with a smile: "If you can memorize it, I will let you go."

If the group of them went to the rat tribe, they would probably be smoked to death.

As soon as these words came out, the Rat Clan's eyes lit up, and he thanked each mouthful. The group simply stationed nearby, planning to stay for two days.

During this period, in addition to teaching them the contents of the Bright Bible, Lucifer also performed a bright magic to kill the pathogens they might carry.

Pei Xia inquired curiously about the internal situation of the Rat Clan while resting. After a day of getting along with each other, the Rat Clan did find that this group of humans was very special, and they had a little trust in them. Confidentially.

They not only have a large number of people, but also occupy few resources. The high-quality water sources on the grassland have been occupied by other tribes, so the Rat tribe can't find enough water to use. In addition, they don't get sick easily, and they don't care about being dirty, so they just It became what it is now.

"How many people do you have?"

The boss of this group of rats, that is, the son of the patriarch, is called Gamma. He belongs to the more educated group. He has a good brain and is the fastest at reciting the Bible. He sighed:

"Our population is so large that only newlyweds are allowed to have one child."

Hey, family planning has been started, and Pei Xia admires the Rat Clan people in this respect.

"If you only have one child, you should be able to control it soon."

Gamma said sadly: "Ten children are born in one birth."

Pei Xia: "..."

Because Pei Xia had a good attitude, Gamma and the others were also willing to talk to him, so they complained: "There is nothing we can do about it, we are born so naturally."

Moreover, the Rat tribe can easily enter the estrus period, and sometimes they can't control the desire to reproduce at all. Now, their tribe is so poor that they can't support so many children.

Pei Xia comforted him a few words, then walked to the carriage and asked: "Master Shengzi, the situation of the rat people seems to be very bad. I'm afraid I won't have the energy to preach the word after memorizing the Bible."

"That's a problem." Lucifer nodded, "If their situation can be improved, newborn children won't have to follow the old path of their parents, and passers-by can feel more at ease. Pei Xia, do you have any ideas?" ?”

Lucifer looked at him with encouraging eyes, Pei Xia scratched his head embarrassingly, and said with a smile:

"I don't know if it works. You said, if you teach them how to make soap, can they exchange soap for daily necessities, get rid of the hidden diseases on their bodies, and make peace with other orcs?"

"The orcs are not good at crafts and technology, and they have always traded with humans for soap. This method is not bad. But, Pei Xia, you actually know the craft of making soap?" Lucifer raised his eyebrows.

Pei Xia coughed lightly and said, "There used to be a maid who could make soap at home."

This is of course made up. In fact, Pei Xia participated in an intramural handicraft competition when he was in college. The theme was making soap. When their group checked the information, Pei Xia had seen the method of making soil soap. It was quite simple. remember.

It's just that, when I read novels before, I thought that the transmigrators had skills, and they should show their talents here and become the existences admired by everyone. But after Pei Xia really came, he realized that there is absolutely nothing lacking in this world.

Soap? here has. Glass, here too. Porcelain is still there. Although there is no cement, there are earth magicians here, as well as some other convenient daily necessities, which are not lacking here.

There is no stage for Pei Xia's blockbuster! Thinking of this, Pei Xia couldn't help complaining about the author of this novel, setting the background without considering the limitations of the times at all!

The two discussed a few words in a low voice, and set a policy for dealing with the Rats, and then Pei Xia walked over and taught them how to make soil soap.

Grease (no matter what kind of oil, basically can be used) and natural alkaline water soaked in plant ash, adjust the ratio according to the concentration of alkaline water, mix together, boil until the mixture is viscous, and then put it in a cool place to dry for ten days and a half months , a piece of soil soap is fine.

As for how the rat people find raw materials? The Guangming God Sect and a group are not their mothers, and they have done their duty by giving them a solution. For the rest, let the Rat Clan figure out their own solutions.

If even this difficulty cannot be overcome, it can only be said that they have failed too much, and it is not worth continuing to rescue them.

After getting the simple method of making soap, the rat people became more enthusiastic and pious. They were very grateful to Lucifer, Pei Xia and others, so they rested around the campfire at night.

The young patriarch, Gamma, waved his paw and called the clansmen together: "It's time to change our image!"

They had memorized the Bible of Light and listened to the conversation between the knight commander and the Holy Son. They seemed to be leaving tomorrow. Gamma felt that he had to hurry up.

"We want to tell the foreigners that the Rat people are not without some merits, at least we remember others' good points!"

"Boss, I understand what you mean. We want to thank them, but...we are so poor and have nothing, so what can we do to thank them?"

Gamma gritted her teeth and said, "Do you still remember what we heard when we ambush them?"

"of course I remember!"

Mice, with pointed noses and pointed ears, move lightly and are very flexible.

"In that case, we'll..."

In the early morning, Pei Xia and Lucifer had dinner together, they planned to sign a contract later and release this group of rat people.

But unexpectedly, the rat tribe came over first.

The leader was the patriarch Gamma, and behind him stood ten thin and short Rat men who didn't know if there were any over 1.6 meters.

"Hello, Lord Son, hello, Your Excellency the Knight!" Gamma mustered up the courage to step forward and greeted loudly.

"Hello, Gamma, you don't have to get so close." Pei Xia gently reminded, "What's the matter?"

Gamma took a deep breath and said, "Our group has received a lot of teaching from you these past few days, and I am very grateful, so I want to express my gratitude to you!"

"Oh... what thanks?" Pei Xia was a little curious about what they could come up with.

Gamma waved his hand, and the ten Rat men behind him took a step forward in unison, and then began to remove their shirts.

Pei Xia stared dumbfounded at this shocking scene and forgot to speak for a moment.

After stripping off the rough shirts, ten men with sly eyebrows, sharp mouths, and even undeveloped mouse beards on their faces began to bend their arms and make gestures, trying their best to show their muscles and strength to everyone present.

Gamma said proudly: "That day I heard you praise us for being strong and attractive. To express our gratitude, we are willing to send ten of the most handsome men in the clan to serve Lord Son!"

Pei Xia: "..."

Lucifer: "…"

That's a question, not a compliment!

The rat people with their upper body naked surrounded him, Pei Xia turned around and covered Lucifer's eyes.

Then Pei Xia sternly reprimanded them to put on their clothes, and then let go of the hand covering Lucifer's eyes.

Lucifer glanced at him faintly, then simply took out the scroll of the magic contract, and asked Gamma and others to sign the contract: never hurt innocent people, work hard to preach to the clansmen, and maintain a hygienic and active life.

Magic contracts have special effects, and those who sign them cannot easily violate the contents of the contract.

The rat tribe wanted to continue to express their gratitude, including but not limited to tearing off their collars to emit their "hormone", but they were stopped by the paladins.

Afterwards, the Guangming God Sect group couldn't wait to move on. They looked back at the handsome Rat Clan guys who lined up in two lines and waved goodbye with tears in their eyes. The two carriages and a team of knights seemed to be running away. .

In Lucifer's carriage, Pei Xia knelt in front of him, obedient and innocent.

Lucifer raised his hand and rubbed his brows and said, "Pei Xia, get up quickly, it doesn't have to be like this."

"No, I have to apologize to you for the misunderstanding caused by the rat people." Pei Xia coughed lightly, "This kind of misunderstanding will never happen again, I swear!"

Lucifer let out a long sigh, raised his hand to touch the side of his face: "The people outside are very chaotic."


"You mean, you want to solve it from within?" Pei Xia was shocked, "No way!"

"Oh? Why?" Lucifer raised his eyebrows.

Pei Xia said very seriously: "There is a saying called 'Don't worry about scarcity, but about inequality'. If you solve it internally, there will definitely be people who are jealous and dissatisfied, which will lead to a series of problems."

The interest on Lucifer's face showed some seriousness: "Is that so, but what if I definitely want to solve it internally?"

so firm

"Could it be that you already have someone you like?" Pei Xia looked at Lucifer in surprise, because he usually stayed by his side, but he didn't see who Lucifer liked at all, "In that case... it doesn't matter Got it. Can I ask who it is?"

If it is resolved internally, Pei Xia will be very jealous too!

"you guess."




Lucifer shook his head gracefully, and raised a cup of black tea to sip lightly.

Pei Xia continued to guess, after guessing everyone, Lucifer shook his head, Pei Xia was at a loss.

It's not right, is it...

"Are you a horse lover?!"

"Puff—cough cough." Lucifer wiped the tea from the corner of his mouth in a bit of embarrassment, and looked at Pei Xia with puzzled eyes, "How did you think of this?"

Pei Xia said weakly: "Isn't that true? Apart from people, there are only horses and things in our team. Compared with fetishism, horse fetishism is more normal."

Lucifer couldn't bear it anymore, he put down his teacup, leaned forward slightly, supported his face with one hand, put the other on his knee, leaned over to look at Pei Xia's perfect face and frowned.

"Why don't you guess yourself?"

"Ah, this..." Pei Xia said weakly, "Didn't you say it yourself, didn't you have a crush on your subordinates?"

Lucifer: "..." That's true.

Seeing that his immediate boss seemed unhappy, Pei Xia had no choice but to ask cooperatively: "Then, will the person you like be Pei Xia?"

Lucifer stared at him for a while, his brows relaxed, but the smile on his face disappeared.

His eyes were too complicated, with a little confusion and solemnity mixed with indifference, and he said, "I don't know."

At this moment, Pei Xia's heart began to beat wildly.