Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 54


In the Beastman City, next to the restaurant, in the small garden, next to the swing.

A majestic lion-human orc was standing with a tall and handsome human youth. They faced each other with friendly and hearty smiles on their faces.

Pei Xia handed him the gift he had prepared: "Ryan, we made an agreement yesterday, you can't refuse. This is the tea and matching porcelain from our human kingdom, please accept it."

Ryan happily took it, opened it, and was full of praise: "Pei Xia, thank you and Mr. Shengzi for your hard work. I really like this gift."

"As long as you like it." Pei Xia smiled.

On the way here, he had already figured out that he didn't need to bother Ryan with his fondness for him. After all, he only had a little fondness for him, and it wasn't to the point where he was willing to leave Lucifer and stay because of love.

After handing over the gift to Ryan, Pei Xia was about to leave. When they were chatting yesterday, after Ryan learned of the purpose of Lucifer and his party, he enthusiastically introduced the situation of Smi Babaka to them. Now, Pei Xia Xia couldn't find any reason to stay here anymore.

But he wanted to leave, but Ryan offered to invite him to wait.

"I prepared a small gift." Ryan raised his hand and patted his broad chest, bang bang bang, "Please accept it, too."

"What is it?" Pei Xia was a little curious.

"It's my tribe's secret beef jerky." Ryan said, "Eating more beef can make your body stronger."

As he said that, he raised his two arms, and the close-fitting clothes perfectly showed his toned figure, deltoid muscles, biceps, anconeus muscles, big pectoral muscles... strong and powerful, full of hormones.

Pei Xia stared dumbfounded, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while.

Ryan smiled brightly and said: "Pei Xia, you look a little thin, and so does the Son of God. If this is the case, it is easy to be looked down upon and bullied by others in the Beastman Kingdom. Come, I can teach you how to make yourself look more powerful! "

Pei Xia: "... I think this should be a racial difference."

"Hahaha, as long as you eat more meat and exercise more, you can be as strong as me!"

As soon as Ryan finished speaking, he suddenly grabbed Pei Xia's hand, and pressed it to his chest muscles without refusal.

Pei Xia was shocked.

The muscles under his hands are soft and elastic, and when Ryan exerts force, they will become firm and powerful again. Pei Xia couldn't help but pressed a little harder.

Really perfect pectoral muscles, if I have them...

Forget it, I'm fine now, this kind of strength is more admirable in other men.

"Cough, it's really strong." Pei Xia praised, and then wanted to withdraw his hand embarrassingly.

However, Ryan exerted a little force, grabbing his hand and refusing to let go.

Pei Xia glanced at him suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Ryan's golden brown eyes looked at Pei Xia affectionately: "What do you think?"

Pei Xia frowned, bent his fingers and scratched: "Are you itchy?"

"Well, no."

Ryan lowered his head, his tall body cast a shadow in the sun, he looked at Pei Xia's face seriously, pressed Pei Xia's hand, and said something surprising:

"Pei Xia, you know that we orcs are as straightforward and passionate. We are not as reserved as humans, and we don't have so many twists and turns. Once we like someone, we will pursue them directly."

Pei Xia thought of the tragic scene where Lucifer was almost squeezed out two days ago, and couldn't help but nodded with sympathy: "Yes, the orcs are indeed too enthusiastic. For us humans, it's a bit overwhelming." It's over exaggerated."

Ryan: "...Really, Pei Xia, I just want to say, I like you."

Pei Xia: "... ah."

He was a little confused, and couldn't understand Ryan's words well for a while.

Ryan showed his white teeth and smiled: "I hope you won't be afraid of my frankness."

"No, no, of course not." Pei Xia finally came back to his senses, feeling extremely uncomfortable all of a sudden, he withdrew his hand abruptly, this time, Ryan did not stop him.

Pei Xia scratched the tip of her nose, feeling her face getting hot: "For this... Thank you for your liking."

"Pei Xia, are you willing to accept my pursuit?" Ryan said boldly, "As long as you are willing, I will share all my prey with you!"

What an exciting confession, what an exciting man, but Pei Xia can't just agree so casually:

"I am the Holy Son's personal guard paladin. I will always protect him when he travels across the continent, and I will return to the Church of God to stay by his side all the time. Sorry, I can't promise you."

Since it is rare, Pei Xia has a good impression of him, and Ryan also likes Pei Xia, but seriously, they are not suitable.

Ryan was a little surprised: "Is that so, oops, there's no way... But, I won't give up easily, Pei Xia, trust me, I will think of a solution!"

What can be the solution

Pei Xia himself felt very sorry, he shrugged: "You better give up, we won't stay here for long."

"Then I'll figure out a way before you leave!"

well! Pei Xia couldn't bear to beat him anymore, he could only be thankful that he didn't show any affection for him before, otherwise, Ryan would probably be more persistent.

Ryan replied with a big bag of beef jerky, saying it was for Lucifer and his party, Pei Xia did not refuse, thanked him and returned to the small courtyard where he was temporarily staying.

Lucifer was sitting on the chair under the grape arbor in the courtyard, and he didn't seem to be interested in beef jerky.

Pei Xia always felt that he was unhappy, but he didn't know why he was unhappy.

After thinking about it, Pei Xia made a pot of iced black tea and walked to Lucifer's side: "My lord, it's hot, drink some cold drinks to relieve the heat."

Lucifer almost reflexively thought it was some kind of new tonic soup, but luckily the teacup contained normal tea, so he picked it up and took a sip.

Pei Xia asked in a timely manner: "What do you seem to be worrying about?"

"Is it obvious?" Lucifer asked back.

"No." Pei Xia said clumsily, "It's what my subordinates think."

Hearing what he said, Lucifer couldn't help but smile, and the air pressure around him relaxed a bit: "It's nothing, Pei Xia, I'm just thinking about how to preach smoothly without causing a stir. By the way, Ryan has prepared a gift in return , do you want to give him another gift?"

Return gift, return gift, return gift... Wouldn't it be endless if this continues, and after Ryan confessed, Pei Xiasi thought about it and felt that he should take some responsibility. Since he can't be with him, he can't give him hope, so it's better to distance himself All right.

Of course, Lucifer and Ryan are different...

Pei Xia shook his head: "Returning the gift is just to express our politeness, since there is nothing else, of course it is not good to come to disturb others."

The Holy Son, who has beautiful eyes that are as clear as jewels, was staring at his paladin quietly. After realizing that what he said was sincere, he couldn't help showing a sincere smile, and even his mood improved a lot:

"you are right."

Pei Xia didn't understand why Lucifer was in a bad mood, and why he suddenly got better again, but when he was in a better mood, Pei Xia was also happy, but Lucifer's next sentence almost scared him to death.

"I almost thought your taste had changed, and you liked strong, burly men like Ryan."

Pei Xia: "... D-dang, of course not! Hahaha... Mr. Shengzi, you are really good at joking!"

After being reminded by Lucifer, Pei Xia remembered what she had told him before, guilty and timid, and cold sweat came out from behind.

If he is found to be lying, even if the Holy Son still likes him, he will definitely be driven away!

Lucifer glanced at him lightly, stood up, walked to Pei Xia's side, and threatened him with a low smile in his ear: "You better not."

Pei Xia: "..."

Pei Xia speculated in his heart that he might be jealous of himself.

But he won't say anything, after all, he can't give Lucifer happiness, but Ryan, Ryan's words... Well, it's not impossible...

In the next few days, they opened the gate of the courtyard step by step, preparing to pass on the glory of the God of Light through free medical treatment, free lectures, etc., but Lucifer's charm was too great.

As soon as they opened the gate, there was a group of orcs guarding it. There is no need to publicize anything. In just two or three days, the news that the Guangming God Sect is like a holy son who descended from the gods, explaining the "Bible of Light" to everyone, spread in Smi Babaka, and even his beauty and talent spread. to another place.

Day by day, every day was full of people, Pei Xia didn't dare to leave Lucifer for half a step, for fear that this group of drunken orcs would take advantage of Lucifer while he wasn't paying attention.

This mission can be said to be a success or a failure.

But anyway, they have tried.

At dusk, Pei Xia and other paladins yelled to drive the orcs away, and closed the courtyard door, sweating profusely.

Pei Xia took a few breaths, and then looked at Lucifer, who was as elegant as ever: "Master Shengzi, do you want to continue tomorrow?"

Lucifer nodded and said: "Continue to finish the last point tomorrow, and we will leave the day after tomorrow."

"Yes, Lord Son."

Tom and the others went to prepare dinner, while Pei Xia wiped off his sweat and prepared to fetch a basin of cold water to wipe off first.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Pei Xia said impatiently: "Sorry, it's already past time today, if you want to listen to the teachings of Lord Shengzi, please come early tomorrow!"

"Pei Xia, it's me, Ryan!"

Huh? Ryan

The smile on Lucifer's face faded, but became stronger in an instant.

He nodded to Pei Xia, and Pei Xia went to open the door and let Ryan in with a gift.

"How did you come."

"Didn't I say to find a way?" Ryan strode up to Lucifer, and put down the gift he was carrying, "Master Son, I heard that you are leaving soon, the next step is to return to the human kingdom Or go somewhere else?"

"We are going to the capital of the orc kingdom."

"In that case, please let me also escort Lord Shengzi to go together!"

Pei Xia: "Huh??"

Could this be what Ryan came up with

Lucifer looked at Ryan, narrowed his eyes, and asked meaningfully: "Why do you think so?"

Ryan looked at Pei Xia affectionately, and then looked at Lucifer: "Actually, I like Pei Xia."

Lucifer raised one corner of his mouth: "There are more."

Regarding this point, Lucifer knew about it a few days ago, and he also knew that Pei Xia rejected Ryan—because he wanted to protect himself.

Heh, orc, as long as I, Lucifer, are with you for a day, you won't be able to assume the position!

"And, I also want to protect you!"

Ryan walked in front of Lucifer, suddenly knelt down on one knee, put his right hand on his heart and said: "Please give me this chance!"

"But Pei Xia doesn't seem to like you." Lucifer was very calm, full of dignified demeanor.

Ryan: "Ah this."

He turned his head to look at Pei Xia, and asked very seriously: "Pei Xia, it's been several days, are you still unwilling to accept my pursuit?"

Pei Xia sighed softly and said, "Sorry, I can't, and...well, I don't like you either."

"That's it." Ryan nodded, but he wasn't very sad, he turned his head to look at Lucifer, "But I'm serious about protecting your heart."

Lucifer looked at him, stood up slowly, walked to Pei Xia's side, and suddenly tilted his body.

Pei Xia subconsciously stretched out her hand to catch him: "Master Shengzi?"

Lucifer frowned slightly, arousing pity: "It seems that I accidentally sprained my ankle."

When he said this, he glanced at Ryan implicitly and provocatively: Be jealous, Pei Xia only has me in his heart!

When Ryan received this look, he was shocked, then fell silent, and then got up.

"How could this happen." Pei Xia helped Lucifer back to the chair, and was about to check whether the injury was serious for him, when Ryan suddenly walked to the side and stretched his hand forward.

Lucifer was quick-eyed, and retracted his legs.

"What are you doing?" Pei Xia was also a little confused.

"I just wanted to help," Ryan said.

"No need, I'll do it." Ryan looked reckless, Pei Xia was not at ease.

In the end, when Pei Xia carefully checked and couldn't see where Lucifer was injured, Ryan asked Lucifer: "Master Shengzi, what do you think of me?"

Lucifer, who showed off in front of his rival in love, was in a very good mood, and praised him without hesitation. Anyway, he was just a defeated opponent. He must have felt even more uncomfortable when he heard himself praise him.

But considering Pei Xia's mood, he will definitely be aggrieved to death without turning his face, orcs, be jealous.

"Mr. Ryan is a very hospitable, personable, handsome and powerful orc."

Ryan's body trembled, and Pei Xia was also a little surprised.

In the next second, Ryan looked at Lucifer affectionately and said: "Master Shengzi, after I think about it carefully, I probably like you, and my love for Pei Xia may have been accidentally caused by your influence Misunderstood."

Lucifer: "…"

Pei Xia: "..."

Ryan Flaucht said: "Oh, by the gods, my beautiful Lucifer, since you like me too, let us be together!"

Lucifer frowned, and couldn't help asking: "When will I..."

Pei Xia was even more surprised than Lucifer: "How is it possible, Ryan, why do you say that!"

Ryan's resolute face showed affection: "Lucifer treats me like this, and still shows me that kind of look, doesn't it mean that he likes me?"

Pei Xia: "What look?!"

Ryan: "It's that kind of pitiful look that likes me."

Pei Xia was shocked.

Lucifer frowned, and his pitiful look disappeared immediately: "No, Mr. Ryan, I think you may have misunderstood."

"Are you worried that Pei Xia minds?" Ryan raised his hand and patted Pei Xia's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Pei Xia is a broad-minded person, and he will definitely not mind that I really like you, after all, he doesn't like you either. I."

Pei Xia's body trembled, and he slowly looked at Lucifer, with complicated eyes and a faint heartache: "Is this the case, Lord Son?"

This look suddenly made Lucifer not want to refute Ryan directly.

Obviously, Pei Xia has her own in her heart, but she keeps refusing it. But now, he was telling himself with his eyes that he was feeling jealous and sad.

Lucifer didn't understand, what was he hesitating about, could it be that he still didn't know his own heart

Perhaps, he should be given a little stimulation to let him recognize his own mind earlier.

Lucifer brushed his long golden hair, and said meaningfully: "If so, Pei Xia, what would you do?"

Pei Xia gritted his teeth, he looked at Lucifer, then at Ryan with a cheerful and joyful face, took a deep breath, and stretched out his hand.

He was jealous, really jealous, even though he had some good feelings for Ryan before, but at this time, all good feelings disappeared. He cared more about Lucifer and liked him more.

However, if it was Lucifer's choice...

He grabbed Lucifer's hand, and the smile on Lucifer's face deepened.

He slowly raised his hand, kissed it reverently, and said: "If this is the case, my subordinates will sincerely bless you. As long as you are happy, you can do anything!"


The smile on Lucifer's face disappeared.

He withdrew his hand and stood up.

Pei Xia looked up at him in a daze: "Master Shengzi, do you still like him?"

Lucifer hooked the corners of his lips, but didn't smile: "Wait a minute."

Ryan was also a little strange: "What's the matter? Dear Lucifer, since you also like me, isn't it just right?"

Lucifer sneered, and after a while, he clapped his hands.

The door creaked all the way open, and four or five tall, strong, beautiful women barged in ferociously.

Ryan's face changed suddenly.

"Well, you old pervert, instead of earning money, you went to harass other men!"

The orc beauties rushed up, punched, kicked, and cursed Ryan in a swarm. Ryan was beaten into a pig's head after holding his head for a while.

The content of their quarrel was very violent, and Pei Xia was shocked and angry when he heard it.

It turns out that the habits of the lion people are very similar to those of lions. They are all a strong male lion with many females to form a big family.

The same is true for Ryan. He makes money in the city, and his old home outside the city has wives and children. Every year during the estrus period, he goes back to pay a wave of public rations and hand in the money he earns. Working hard in the city...

"Let's go, sisters, since this guy dares to chase others, he must have hidden a small treasury!"

"Go, copy him!"

In a hurry, the female lion who came and went left, Ryan stood up staggeringly, trying to explain:

"Lucifer, listen to my explanation, in fact, I have no relationship with them—"


Pei Xia angrily punched Ryan three meters away: "Scumbag! Man!"

He was angry and agitated, turned around suddenly, and grabbed Lucifer's hand: "Master Son of God!"

"Huh?" Lucifer looked at him with a smile.

Pei Xia couldn't restrain his turbulent mood, and on impulse, he blurted out: "Please stay with me!"

It's unreliable for the men outside to compete one by one. In this case, it's better to do it yourself!