Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 55


The sound of cicadas chirping, the sky full of colorful clouds, the beautiful Son and the handsome Paladin held each other's hands, facing each other, staring deeply at each other.

Lucifer doubted his own ears, and said in an almost persuasive tone: "Say it again, what you just said."

Pei Xia said impassionedly: "Please stay with me, Lord Shengzi, I like you!"

Hearing this, Lucifer's hand couldn't help exerting force all of a sudden, and he held Pei Xia's hand tightly. Lucifer looked at him intently: "It's not Lord Son, call me by my name."

As the saying goes, one go at a time and then decline and three times exhaust, until now, after recovering a little bit, Pei Xia finally felt embarrassed.

He lowered his eyes slightly, not daring to look directly at the dazzlingly beautiful man opposite, and stammered:

"Lu, Lucifer, I like you. Ryan is not a suitable match for you... If you still have a place for me in your heart, please choose me! I will definitely work hard to make you happy!"

At this moment, Lucifer didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "Okay."

Pei Xia was stunned for a moment.

Although he confessed himself now, and even though Lucifer liked him before, it still feels... so subtle.

It always feels unreal.

Pei Xia couldn't help looking up at Lucifer, trying to find a teasing look on his face with a strange psychology.

But no.

The warm sunlight shining into his light-colored pupils was as clear and beautiful as looking at the rising sun through a transparent glacier. The golden soft long hair seemed to reflect the orange-red sunset light again, which was gorgeous and colorful.

On his face like a work of art carefully crafted by the gods, the smile became deeper and deeper, and finally it was as heart-warming as the night's cloud slowly blooming:

"Pei Xia, you said it yourself."

"Yes." Pei Shan nodded, but couldn't help but confirm again, "Then you really promised me, then we are now—"

Lucifer nodded with a smile, holding his side face, the smile made his eyes crescent like: "Lover."

Pei Xia's face turned red all of a sudden, his hands trembled, and he pulled them back abruptly. He was walking around with hands and feet with a smirk like a stressed animal.


No way, I'm acting too stupid, but I can't help it!

The courage he had just confessed to had vanished, and now there was only joy, excitement, embarrassment and dissatisfaction with himself left in his heart.

So informal, so informal!

A character like Lucifer should be accompanied by a confession scene with perfect scenes, props, and characters. He should be more cautious and choose a better time to hug him in a beautiful garden or by a fountain under the blue sky. Confess to him with a bouquet of roses.

In the end, there was nothing, and I just said it impulsively!

Pei Xia covered her face in shame and bowed slightly.

At this moment, the cool body temperature stuck to his back, Lucifer hugged him tenderly: "Why do you look stupid."

Isn't it just stupid? Pei Xia covered her face and whispered, "I feel like I'm dreaming."

Lucifer laughed, covered his hands, rested his chin on his shoulders, and his smooth hair hung down from Pei Xia's shoulders: "Obviously you were the one who rejected me before, but now it seems to be the realization of your dream It's average."

Pei Xia frowned, straightened up, and put down her hands: "... yes! I almost forgot!"

Lucifer laughed out loud.

Pei Xia's ears were itchy, and he carefully raised his hand to rub it. This time, he didn't hit Lucifer with his arm again.

"I-I'm not too excited." Pei Xia always felt that the other party was laughing at her stupidity, Pei Xia couldn't help puffing out her chest and defended, "Besides, there is a reason for my refusal, but now, I think...you are better than those Things are more important, I like you, and I am willing to work hard to overcome all difficulties for you!"

This is love!

Pei Xia's eyes were firm.

Lucifer only felt that he was very happy.

He has always been able to handle everything with ease. Once the game has achieved a victory, he quickly loses interest. He can do everything he wants. Pei Xia is considered an accident, but now he is already his own.

However, Lucifer didn't think about these things at all.

It seemed that at this moment, there was only pure joy left in his heart.

He is happy because of Pei Xia.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand and gently stroking Pei Xia's face. In any case, his love for him at this moment was real.

The young couple who just confirmed their relationship, you and me, Pei Xia thought about it, and felt that since he voluntarily repented and broke the distance between the two, he should take responsibility.

So he broke free from Lucifer's arms, turned around, stretched out his arms and hugged Lucifer with all his strength—on tiptoe, in a protective posture.

Pei Xia said seriously: "Master Shengzi, from today onwards, I will try my best to shoulder the identity of your boyfriend."

Lucifer felt that there was something weird about it, but he was very flattered that Pei Xia, who had always been slow, could realize this, and he didn't want to hurt the ambition of the good knight.

So he cooperated, folded his hands and held them delicately in front of him, looked sideways at Pei Xia with dependence: "Xia, then I'll leave it to you."

Pei Xia nodded seriously, and shook lightly without seriousness.

No, no, I'm a little unsteady on my toes.

Just at this time, Ryan who was knocked down staggered to the ground and stood up again. He covered his unilateral panda eyes, and said in disbelief: "Lucifer, Pei Xia, are you all angry because of me?" ?”

Pei Xia took the opportunity to let go of Lucifer, and his heels landed on the ground. He glared and said, "Lion, don't be too whimsical. A scumbag like you who is irresponsible and cheating on you is not even worthy of carrying the shoes of the Holy Son!"

Ryan was shocked: "Are you humans falling in love to this point?"

Pei Xia: "?? Cough! I can't explain to you, anyway, you are not worthy. From now on, I will be the lover of Lord Shengzi!"

As he said that, he gave him another symmetrical panda eye, and Pei Xia waved his hand: "Come on, throw him out!"

"Yes, Captain!" Not a second later, Buck and others rushed out of the corner like the wind and threw Ryan out.

Pei Xia who was standing there was suddenly taken aback.

Wait, they are so close, didn't they see and hear what happened just now!

Some of the six paladins were smiling, some were excited, and some were crying sadly, but without exception, they all sent their blessings.

Pei Xia was a little surprised: "Don't you object?"

Buck gave him a strange look: "What are you objecting to? I thought you, Captain, and Lord Shengzi had been together a long time ago, so it turned out that this relationship was revealed today."

"That's it."

Tom wept sadly: "It turns out that the captain and Lord Shengzi were not lovers before. Oh, I would have fought for it if I knew it."

"Come on, stop crying, there will be someone who will cry harder than you when you go back."

Tom stopped his tears all of a sudden, and gloated, "That's right haha!"

Pei Xia was embarrassed and warm in his heart, he couldn't say anything nice, so he said emotionally: "In that case, let me cook and invite everyone tonight!"

Everyone present was silent: "..."

After a moment of silence, they all said in a hurry: "No, no, this is so troublesome."

"That's right, Captain, you should spend more time with Lord Shengzi."

"Tonight's dinner is ready, really!"

Pei Xia laughed and scratched her head: "That's it, then fine."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, the rest of the paladins continued to prepare dinner and tidy up the yard... Pei Xia continued to accompany Lucifer.

There was no one else around, Lucifer said:

"Pei Xia, since we're already lovers, there's no need to call him such an unfamiliar title, Mr. Shengzi."

Pei Xia said aloud: "Yes, Shengzi Da... Cough, I'm not used to it. So, what should I call you?"

Lucifer supported his chin, stretched out his finger and tapped his lips, and said with a smile, "What do you think?"


"It's so rusty."

"Master Lucy?"

Lucifer was helpless: "Do you think there is any difference between this and 'Lord Holy Son'?"

Pei Xia looked at him as if asking for help.

Lucifer liked to seduce paladins very much, so he seduced: "Be more intimate, like I call you Xia, what should you call me?"

Pei Xia blushed and called affectionately: "Feifei!"

Lucifer: "... There's no need to be so intimate."

Pei Xia was at a loss, and at the same time, he was a little helpless and afraid of doing something wrong. He said cautiously: "I'm too stupid, Shengzi... No, I... I'm sorry."

Pei Xia lowered his head in frustration, and said, "I can't even handle this kind of trivial matter well, yet I'm still talking nonsense to you."

At this moment, Lucifer had to admit that his heart softened, so he put his hand on Pei Xia's shoulder, and said against his will: "No, this title, after thinking about it, doesn't seem... not bad."

"Then can I continue to call you that?" Pei Xia's eyes lit up, and she looked up at him, "I only call you that in private, outside, can I still use other names?"

"Okay, I promise you." Lucifer smiled helplessly.

Afterwards, they had dinner, Pei Xia had just assumed the position of Lucifer's boyfriend, but he felt that he should not be too aggressive, so he maintained the same attitude as before and served Lucifer to take a bath, and then went to the next room by himself take a bath.

In the cleaned room, there was a sticky black shadow slowly wriggling on the ground.

"Great master, congratulations on getting what you want! Oh...you are the embodiment of everything perfect, a mere paladin, and you can't escape from your palm at all—who is the next target?"

Lucifer lowered his head slowly, raised his foot to step on the black shadow, and walked lightly.

The shadow demon who was ruthlessly trampled on was confused and wronged, and he didn't know where he said something wrong.

"Perfect master, great master, wise master... When are you going to abandon Master Pei Xia? Haha, he will definitely show a shocked and heartbroken expression, a stupid knight addicted to love! He is only worthy to be yours play uh uh-"

Lucifer pinched the Shadow Demon's neck, raised the corners of his lips, and said with a blunt smile: "Who said I'm going to abandon him, huh?"

The Shadow Demon looks at Lucifer pitifully and helplessly, won't you abandon him? Is this still the master of his bad taste? !


"But." The Shadow Demon said weakly, "Master Pei Xia is different in some places, but like others, he was finally captured by your disguised image. He fell in love with your appearance superficially, such a person , do you still want to keep him by your side?"

Lucifer frowned slightly: "Nonsense."

The Shadow Demon made a voice as thin as a mosquito: "Then are you going to pretend to be in front of him all the time?"

Lucifer: "…"

"If you talk about such annoying nonsense again, I'll tear you up and feed it to the dogs. Also, don't speak ill of Pei Xia in front of me."

With a casual threat, Lucifer let go, and kicked the Shadow Demon out of the room lightly.

I'm in a good mood today and don't care about this noisy demon.

After a while, Pei Xia walked over with hair, he was a little nervous.

After the identity change, some things are not so simple, such as now... It's called cohabitation!

Pei Xia turned her head, and saw Lucifer, who was wearing light pajamas on the bed, with a charming and charming posture, felt a little numb.