Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 57


At night, Pei Xia squatted under the vines, covering her face with her hands and refusing to move.

Passing Tom poked his shoulder curiously with his finger: "Captain, what's wrong with you? Did you quarrel with Master Shengzi?"

Logically speaking, except for some necessary private time, Pei Xia will always stay by Lucifer's side, the two of them are sticky all day long, it is rare that Pei Xia doesn't follow Lucifer when he has nothing else to do. The situation around you.

Moreover, Pei Xia didn't seem to get close to Lucifer this afternoon.

Seeing Pei Xia covering his face as if he was very sad, and looking at the bright lights in Shengzi's room, Tom's heart of gossip was completely mobilized!

Pei Xia, who was squatting under the vines, trembled suddenly, his hands covering his face slid down a little bit, and a pair of blushing eyes slowly appeared on his back.

Tom was taken aback.

Yo ho!

Could it be that there was really a quarrel

Fortunately, Pei Xia's answer dispelled Tom's guess in time, and he said in a muffled voice, "No, there was no quarrel."

"Then what's the matter?"

Pei Xia let out a choked sound of embarrassment, and lowered his head again, as if he was very embarrassed: "It's nothing, I just got rejected."


Pei Xia took a deep breath of air-conditioning and sighed, "Oh!"

Tom: "?" It turns out that Master Shengzi also dislikes people, and the object is still Pei Xia? It's incredible!

Pei Xia said slowly: "He asked me tactfully if I was possessed by a demon."

Tom: "..."

Although I don't know what happened, but Captain Pei Xia seems to be very pitiful.

Pei Xia stood up with the help of the grape shelf, rubbed his numb legs, and changed the subject, "Have you packed your luggage?"

"Yes, everything has been packed, supplies have been replenished, and the horses have been fed."

"In this case, let's rest earlier, we should set off tomorrow."

"Captain, you should rest well with Lord Shengzi!" Tom patted him on the shoulder and said, "The head of the bed dislikes the end of the bed, come on!"

Pei Xia looked at Tom who didn't know what happened, and his mood improved a little, and his self-confidence returned.

He turned and walked towards the room.

In fact, Lucifer didn't show any obvious attitude of disgust. After all, he is a gentle person, he is very tactful, but Pei Xia can still tell from his questioning sentences and eyes that he doesn't seem to be very capable. Accept that you are evolving in the direction of domineering and fierce 1.

Pei Xia was very puzzled, Pei Xia was very wronged, so it turns out that everyone doesn't like the domineering president

Or did he evolve so fast that he frightened the weak Lucifer

In the end is to give up the line of dominance, or to slow down the process? Pei Xia thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out.

But—no matter, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, let's talk about it at that time!

Pei Xia pushed the door open as if nothing had happened. Inside the door, Lucifer was sitting by the bed, stroking a little bird in his hand.

"Where did the bird come from?" Pei Xia decided to skip the midday episode, and silently walked to Lucifer's side to watch.

Lucifer lightly raised his hand, and the cute bird obediently rubbed its head against his finger. He smiled and said, "I picked it up, it seems to be injured."

"It seems you've cured it, and he's very grateful to be near you."


Lucifer rubbed the bird's neck with his fingertips, grabbed its chubby body and threw it out of the window, then turned his head, a look of mourning appeared on his beautiful face that made it impossible to look away:

"It's a pity that the birds are so close to me, but some people are not willing."

Pei Xia: "...you annoying little demon."

"Shut up!" Lucifer's eyes were sharp, and he raised two fingers to reach Pei Xia's lips. He said with a helpless smile, "If you say this, don't force yourself."

Even though he said so, Pei Xia felt a little aggrieved.

Is your performance really that bad? He lowered his head and coughed lightly: "Okay, I see."

Seeing Pei Xia's sullen look, Lucifer frowned slightly, and suddenly smiled again, his finger slid down and landed on Pei Xia's heart, he tapped lightly, and said: "You are always like this, I will not Sorry."

Pei Xia's eyes lit up: "Then I'll be more tactful in the future."

Lucifer blinked, the water rippled on the frozen lake: "Okay."

A small crisis was resolved, and the knight returned to his silly and happy state, until he fell asleep at night, Lucifer leaned against the head of the bed and shyly lifted a corner of the quilt.

Pei Xia lay down stiffly.

But luckily, Lucifer didn't say anything.

Pei Xia thought it was an ordinary night. Although the two slept on the same bed and were lovers, they were as pure as little white rabbits—no matter on the outside or inside.

However, after the lights were turned off, at night, when Pei Xia fell into a drowsy sleep, a slightly cool body pressed against his back.

Pei Xia was startled, and he wanted to repel the enemy who attacked him on a conditioned reflex, so he elbowed him backwards.

After hitting, Pei Xia froze.

Lucifer stuck behind his back remained silent, like a silent sculpture.

Trembling, Pei Xia slid forward, then turned over, facing Lucifer, he squinted his eyes, and saw that Lucifer was still sleeping with his eyes closed.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand to touch Lucifer's ribs that he hit just now, it was fine, it was still intact.

"Feifei, Feifei?" Pei Xia called a few words in a low voice, and was relieved seeing that Lucifer still didn't respond.

So hanging, it seemed that Lucifer was in a deep sleep, Pei Xia rubbed Lucifer's ribs with a little guilt.

Suddenly, Lucifer raised one hand and grabbed Pei Xia's hand!

Pei Xia was taken aback and almost thought he was pretending to sleep just now.

In fact, Lucifer, who was actually pretending to be asleep and had been pretending to be asleep, did not open his eyes, his brows were furrowed, his pale and thin face under the silvery moonlight showed an expression of uneasiness and pain!

His thin lips parted slightly, and he murmured intermittently: "Pei Xia..."

Pei Xia's body shook, and she immediately held his hand gently: "Feifei, I'm here."

Lucifer seemed to have had some kind of nightmare, and was deeply trapped in the nightmare at the moment, crystal clear teardrops slipped from the corners of his eyes: "Don't go, don't leave me, Xia..."

Pei Xia couldn't help being shocked, he didn't expect that Lucifer was so insecure, he was already having a nightmare!

Lucifer: More than that!

The beautiful blond young man seemed to be a god himself. He groaned, his body trembled into a slightly curled up posture, and his broken voice was fragile and pitiful:

"Don't dislike me... Xia, I just... want to be close to you... Xia..."

Once, Lucifer had nightmares in front of Pei Xia, Pei Xia took off his shirt and didn't bother him, now, the two are lovers, seeing Lucifer struggling in the nightmare, how could Pei Xia turn a blind eye Woolen cloth!

His heart was so touched that he was in a mess, and he felt guilty for not being able to adjust his mental state for a long time.

He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, deciding to try harder.

Of course not now.

The important thing now is that Lucifer is having a nightmare.

He had to do something to save his beloved, weak, crystal-loving lover from this nightmare!

He grabbed Lucifer's hand, pressed his face, and said in pain: "Give me a little more time, I will definitely be able to do it!"

Lucifer in the nightmare didn't know if he felt Pei Xia's determination, he let out a sigh, and frowned: "Xia, don't..."

Pei Xia nodded, grabbed his shoulders, and began to shake him vigorously.

Lucifer intermittently: "zi... o... go... poof."

A certain person who was sinking in the nightmare trembled, and slowly opened his misty eyes.

"Feifei, you're finally awake!" Pei Xia showed a happy smile, reached out and patted his chest, and said, "You must have had a nightmare just now, come back to your senses, wake up and go back to sleep!"

Lucifer's voice was weak and short of breath: "...Like, what."

Pei Xia grinned, "Yes!"

Lucifer, who accidentally bit his tongue, showed a difficult smile to Pei Xia: "Really... Thank you so much, you woke me up from my nightmare."

Pei Xia was obliged to say: "Since we are already lovers, doing these things is the right thing to do, don't be polite to me!"

Lucifer closed his eyes in pain.

Pei Xia thought he was still immersed in the nightmare just now, so he said: "Nightmares are the opposite, Feifei, don't be afraid, I won't leave you."

Lucifer, who closed his eyes, was silent for a moment before whispering: "Really?"


The beauty who was awakened from the nightmare smiled lightly and said, "Good night then."

"Good night."

Pei Xia lay beside him, thought for a while, then suddenly leaned over and kissed Lucifer on the face, then shrank back to his original position, pulled the quilt up with both hands, covering it own head.

The face under the quilt was red and hot, Pei Xia's heart seemed to be tap-dancing, thump-thump-thump, and refused to calm down for a long time.

Outside the quilt, Lucifer raised his hand and lightly touched the side of his face, the soft touch still remained in the place where he was kissed by someone just now.

It is greedy and exciting.

On the day they left Smi Babaka, Lucifer and his party had the grandest farewell ceremony in the entire city—whether it was humans or orcs, they had never caused such a strong commotion like him.

The residents in the city were reluctant to part with them, and even chased them all the way with their own dry food, trying to go with them in the name of protecting the Holy Son.

Pei Xia was so frightened that he didn't dare to be distracted for a moment, and stood by Lucifer's carriage. As soon as he left the city gate, there were fewer people in front of him, so he immediately urged the horse to run wildly. It took two or three days to get rid of this group of people The fans who had a headache were thrown away.

Afterwards, they headed towards Best, the capital of the orc kingdom. While walking on the road, a large shadow suddenly passed over their heads.

The shadow came with the strong wind and terrifying pressure, Pei Xia looked up and saw a huge silver dragon flying in the sky.

It spread its wings and flew extremely fast. After a while, only a small black spot could be seen in the sky. When Pei Xia saw where it went, he felt a little uneasy.

This direction seems to be the direction of Best.

Fortunately, the group of them stopped and went, and arrived at Bast after about half a month, and there was no sign of the dragon making trouble here.

As we all know, the giant dragon is a domineering, greedy and unreasonable magical creature, and ordinary people can only consider themselves unlucky when they encounter it.

Of course it would be great if it didn't happen.

Best is bigger and more prosperous than Smi Babaka. They rented a small courtyard to live in as usual. Considering that there are more orcs here, Lucifer did not show up for the time being.

In the past half a month, when they were on the road, Pei Xia would often enter the carriage to cultivate their relationship with Lucifer. Don't get me wrong, they didn't do anything disharmonious, they just simply... communicated, Then played poker.

After half a month of mental construction, Pei Xia felt that he could do it!

So on the first day they came to Best, they investigated the surrounding environment. On the second day, Pei Xia sneaked into the street and bought a bunch of big red flowers that were in full bloom.

The flower seller introduced that the name of this flower is "Aphrodite", and whoever you give it to means that you love someone deeply.

So this night, Pei Xia stood at the door of Lucifer's room, took a deep breath, raised and lowered his raised hand, and after hesitating for a long time, he suddenly tripped over something, holding the flower in his arms. , knocked open the door.