Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 6


As soon as the words "Master Shengzi" came out, both the weak girl and the man on horseback were startled.

Earl Hobson, who was the leader, wiped the rain from his face and looked carefully. He was surprised to find that the armor and carriage of these knights actually had the emblem of the God of Light.

It seemed that the leading knight was not wearing armor, barefoot, and under short black hair was a pair of bright honey-colored eyes. He was sitting astride a black horse, holding the sword in a hand that could be drawn out immediately.

The torrential rain hit him, but his expression remained firm and did not waver in the slightest.

Behind him, the door curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a moving magnetic voice asked, "What happened?"

Pei Xia immediately reported to him what she saw.

"Lord Lucifer." Earl Hobson took off the hat on his head, he still sat on the horse, and gracefully bowed to the carriage, "This is the master of the Hobson family, I think it is Your knight misunderstood, this woman is a servant of my manor, she stole valuable jewelry and escaped, and I just came out to catch the thief herself."

"No!" The girl was about seventeen or eighteen years old, sitting on the muddy ground, her underwear had been dyed black, she said angrily, "I'm not a thief, I'm just an ordinary servant!"

The girl cried and told her fear. She said that in Lord Hobson's manor, maids often disappeared. Last night, she accidentally saw a bloody corpse being carried away, so she escaped in panic.

"you're lying!"

Without waiting for the girl to finish speaking, Hobson's manservant suddenly raised his bow and arrow and shot at her. Pei Xia's eyes dimmed, and he leaned out with his long legs hooked on the saddle and split the arrow with his sword.

"Please don't be violent in front of Lord Shengzi." Pei Xia said seriously.

Hobson grabbed the reins tightly, squinted his eyes slightly: "Huh." It looked very dissatisfied at first glance.

Pei Xia silently sympathized with him in his heart: he is so indifferent now, don't change when he meets Lucifer.

The man in the carriage chuckled, and said, "Since the two of you have different opinions, let's judge after the investigation. It's just right, Mr. Earl Hobson, I'm thinking of borrowing your place for a few days, I don't know if it's okay. permit?"

"Naturally." Hobson also laughed, "The Holy Son of the Light God Sect is here, how could I not welcome her, but I have to take this woman back."

"Lord Earl." Lucifer said gently, "I think it's more appropriate to hand her over to us to take care of her, what do you think?"

"Master Shengzi wants to meddle in my housework?" Hobson bluntly expressed his displeasure, and said in a cold voice, "This is not something that the God of Light should be in charge of!"

Pei Xia silently watched the two arguing, Earl Hobson is not a believer of the Illuminati, and he has not met Lucifer yet, so what should I say...

He quietly looked at the carriage behind him, and really wanted to say to Lucifer: Just show your face, everything will be settled!

Earl Hobson was very upset, but Lucifer did not show any sign of anger, he still said calmly: "She is asking us for help, she is asking the God of Light for help. God will not forget his believers , Lord Earl, if you insist on doing this, we can only obey God’s will to save believers.”

This is a threat, the ultimate threat! Hobson gritted his teeth and glared at the carriage in front of him, his angry gaze wished he could pierce through the door curtain and rush in to chop Lucifer to pieces.

It's just that he also knows that the other party is a well-known light magician, and he has seven knights with him, more people than he has now. If he really fights, he will definitely suffer and lose face.

After struggling for a while, Earl Hobson backed down. He promised to hand over the girl to Lucifer for the time being, but if they failed to verify the girl when they left, he had to admit his mistake and hand the girl over to Hobson. Busson disposes.

"Naturally, thank you Earl for your thoughtfulness." Lucifer said leisurely while hiding in the carriage.

Pei Xia then jumped off the horse, pulled up the wet girl, and pushed her towards Lucifer's carriage.

The girl shivered, got into the carriage, and met Lucifer who was serving tea and tasting it leisurely. With a swipe, the girl's face turned red, she restrainedly grasped the corner of her skirt and lowered her head, stammering, "My name is Alice, thank you Lord Son for your kindness."

Lucifer looked at her quietly, and by the way looked at Pei Xia who was standing behind Alice, he maintained his perfect smile when facing believers and said: "Please don't be afraid, God will bless you."

Afterwards, the soft white light enveloped the girl, dispelling the cold air on her body.

Pei Xia silently bowed to Lucifer and was about to turn around and leave, but Lucifer stopped him, even a little confused: "Pei Xia, where are you going?"

"Go outside." Pei Xia froze for a moment, and replied honestly.

The group of them had already started to follow Earl Hobson to his territory, and the first female peach blossom appeared, Pei Xia very wittily planned to give the space to the two of them not to be light bulbs.

Lucifer nodded with a smile, and said: "As a gentleman, you must learn to be considerate of ladies. Pei Xia, take Alice to rest in the carriage behind, and then report back."

"Yes... eh?!" Pei Xia answered straight away, and only after she finished the answer did she realize that something was wrong.

He clearly remembered that after Lucifer rescued the girl in the original book, he kept her by his side all the time. In the carriage, they would also have an ambiguous scene of "lend you my clothes". .

Why now, Lucifer actually wants to let Alice go to the carriage behind

However, Pei Xia couldn't refuse Lucifer's request, so he had no choice but to bring the reluctant Alice over. He thoughtfully helped her find a dry towel and a thick coat: "This is what I wore. Sorry, there are no new clothes here. If you don't mind it, you can use it to keep out the cold."

His rough knight's clothes can't be compared with Shengzi's, but if he wears it casually, I think the girl won't mind too much.

Alice lowered her head in embarrassment: "Thank you."

"If there is nothing else, you can rest here first." Pei Xia comforted.

This carriage is full of sundries, and there is only a small space to accommodate Alice. It is not easy for Pei Xia to squeeze together with her, and he has to reply to Lucifer, so after placing Alice, Pei Xia hastily hurried back to Lucifer's carriage.

"Pei Xia." Lucifer clasped his hands and looked at him, "Your clothes are wet again."

"Sorry." Pei Xia subconsciously apologized.

"Repeatedly exposed to the rain is easy to get sick, if you get sick, who will protect me?" Lucifer sighed.

Pei Xia lowered her head to express that she was very guilty, but in her heart she wondered if Lucifer really needed someone else's protection

He heard the other party sigh softly, and then wrapped himself warmly directly, Pei Xia saw in astonishment that the wet clothes dried at an extremely fast speed!

He couldn't help frowning tightly.

Lucifer smiled: "Pay attention to your body."

Pei Xia couldn't help it anymore: "Master Shengzi, since you can directly dry... Sir Shengzi!"

Before he could finish his question, he was surprised to see Lucifer collapsed with a pale face!

Before Pei Xia had time to think about it, she immediately rushed to his side and supported his shoulders. Lucifer coughed lightly and leaned into his arms: "Xia, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Master Shengzi, what's the matter with you?" Pei Xia worriedly touched his forehead, praying that nothing would happen to him, it's time to go to the small boss's territory later, how can the protagonist be beaten when he is sick

"It's nothing." Lucifer said weakly, "It's just that I've consumed too much and I'm a little tired."

Is that right? Pei Xia recalled everything that happened after he became Lucifer, and suddenly discovered an astonishing thing—even though he didn't know the reason, Lucifer was very different from him in the original book!

Just like the soul of the original owner Pei Xia died with the demon, causing Pei Xia from another world to occupy his body, other plots and settings will inevitably change.

From this point of view, I can't always use the original to apply to the current Lucifer.

Pei Xia pursed her lips, pressed Lucifer's shoulder tightly, and swore sincerely: "Please rest assured, Lord Son, I will definitely protect you!"

Lucifer smiled gratifiedly, because he found that his efforts had finally paid off: "I'm looking forward to it."

So he snuggled into Pei Xia's arms and closed his eyes to rest.

Soon, Earl Hobson's manor arrived, and the people outside drove the carriage to stop in front of the castle, Pei Xia pushed Lucifer's shoulder: "My lord, it's time to get out of the carriage."

Hearing this, Lucifer opened his blue eyes, and there was still a hazy mist in his eyes, as if he had just woken up.

He put his hands together in front of him very weakly: "I'm sorry, Pei Xia, I don't have the strength right now." He looked at Pei Xia, as if implying something.

Pei Xia thought for a while, squatted down, and put him behind her back: "Please hold my Lord Son tightly."

Lucifer, who originally wanted the other party to hug him, had no choice but to hug Pei Xia's neck first.

Pei Xia held Lucifer's leg, then walked out of the carriage with a bowed body.

When he stepped out of the carriage door, suddenly—


Pei Xia was stunned.

He was startled, and quickly jumped off the carriage to straighten his body. With another bang, Lucifer fell to the ground and raised his hand to cover his forehead.

"It's okay." Lucifer forced a smile, "Pei Xia, I'm fine."

Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief: "That's really great." After saying that, he turned around and made way for the gate of the castle.

Lucifer: "..." He suddenly realized something, blinked lightly, and put his hand down, revealing a small patch of light pink on his forehead.

"Pei Xia, I suddenly feel that I have a headache." Lucifer stared at Pei Xia, and said so bluntly.