Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 64


Anxious Nuo Sen forced his way into the yard, and threw down a question without hesitation. Seeing him like this, Pei Xia felt even more ominous.

He didn't care about playing face-slapping games with the second prince, and asked directly: "Has Ruibei been taken away?"

The second prince was anxious with a trace of panic: "Ruibei is gone, I asked many people, but they didn't see her!"

"When did she disappear?"

"At noon, I went to the restaurant where she worked to look for her, and the boss said that she didn't come to work..." Nuo Sen scratched his hair, and looked at Lucifer as if asking for help, "I asked the guards in the city, but no traffickers were found. The traces of the slave team. If the devil captured her, it would definitely be... "

There is still a way to survive if you are caught by the slave trade team, but it will be worse if you are captured by the devil!

Thinking of this, he shivered: "What to do, what to do, Rebe will be in danger!"

Lucifer raised his hand, and the faint light comforted the excited Northen, making him calm down a bit: "If it was done by a demon, there should still be a demon's breath at the scene, we can go and track it down."

Nuo Sen was overjoyed: "Really, that's great! I'll take you there!"

The group did not hesitate to stay, and went directly to Ruibei's rented house. Lucifer stood outside the house and shook his head lightly: "The devil's breath has almost disappeared, and it cannot be traced."

However, Pei Xia knew where the demon's base camp was. He was very worried about Ruibei's safety and hoped that Ruibei could be rescued as soon as possible, so he offered to propose:

"Master Shengzi, Second Highness, since the devil has captured so many girls, they must have common characteristics. We can check the records to find out, maybe we can deduce their whereabouts."

"Okay, I'm going to get the record now!"

The corner of Pei Xia's mouth twitched, and he quickly stopped him: "It's a waste of time, why don't we follow."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lucifer beside him: "My lord, what do you think?"

When Lucifer is in front of people, he always maintains a very perfect image of the Holy Son. He usually smiles, and when something bad happens, he shows proper worry and love for everyone.

"Okay, just do as you say."

They went to the palace again in the second prince's carriage. The files were in the palace's conference hall. On the way, they met Nord who came out to look for Nuo Sen.

"Northon!" Nord followed on horseback, "I've heard about Rebe, calm down!


Nuo Sen pursed his lips and said, "Brother, I just want to find her now!"

Nord sighed and didn't stop him, just said: "Okay then, I'll be with you."

Because there were two princes leading the way, and no one stopped them all the way, Pei Xia and Lucifer walked into the palace smoothly. The werewolf prince brothers lead the way.

Nuo Sen murmured to himself: "Ruibei will be fine...she must just get lost by accident, even if it's a slave trade team..."

Pei Xia couldn't bear to tell him that Ruibei had already been caught by the slave trade team once, and with vigilance, she probably wouldn't be caught a second time.

But for the devil... that's not necessarily the case.

Nord patted his younger brother on the shoulder: "Miss Ruibei will be fine, she must be waiting for you to save her."

Nuo Sen raised his hands to cover his face, a little broken: "Actually, this spring, when I went to the Rabbit Ear Tribe to look for her, when others said that she disappeared at the same time as several girls in the tribe, I already guessed What happened. She finally came back, and I wanted to stay by her side to protect her, but—but why can't I do it! "

Nord sighed: "Miss Ruibei is a lucky person. This time, the goddess will also protect her."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Lucifer beside him, and added: "The God of Light will also protect her."

Pei Xia nodded secretly, no matter whether the God of Light will bless Ruibei or not, anyway, with Lucifer here, the plans of the werewolf old emperor and the devil will definitely be wiped out!

When walking into the palace, Lucifer suddenly stopped.

Pei Xia asked knowingly, "What's the matter, Master Shengzi?"

Lucifer glanced at him vaguely, this glance seemed to have seen through Pei Xia's little trick.

The torch-lit palace was not considered dark. The warm fire light shone on the earth, and the halo danced accordingly. In the vast and magnificent building, the beautiful Son closed his eyes and raised his head slightly, as if facing the direction of the moon.

He didn't know what he was thinking about. After a while, he brushed the blond hair hanging on his forehead behind his ears, and said, "I feel the devil's breath, it's very strong, and it's blocked by the barrier... just under this land .”

"Impossible!" Nuo Sen was shocked, "This is the palace!"

Not only the werewolf royal family lived there, but also people from the other three royal families. Under such circumstances, how could the devil hide here without being discovered

Faced with other people's doubts, Lucifer had a very good temper and did not argue with him, or in other words, his temper has always been

It's all good, everyone else is the same in his eyes, he can see through it at a glance, no matter whether they are happy, angry, sad or happy, they are all so boring... Except for Pei Xia, Pei Xia can always succeed in making him angry.

Lucifer calmly looked into the depths of the night, and said, "Go and see."

Pei Xia had already stopped between the two of them, in case Nuo Sen got too excited and accidentally offended Lucifer, in Pei Xia's eyes, the prince is a ball, even the emperor can't bully Lucifer!

The person who bullies Lucifer the most expresses that he has a heart for the Holy Son and has no second thoughts!

Nord grabbed his younger brother's arm and nodded lightly: "Nuosen, since you choose to ask the Son for help, you must trust him."

Northon nodded uneasily.

Afterwards, Lucifer headed towards the place where the devil's aura was strongest. This huge palace became very quiet because of the nightfall. The grasslands are always sparsely populated, even this palace is no exception.

Because the current emperor has no intention of enjoying himself, the palace is empty, only guards standing guard and patrolling guards appear.

With the assistance of the two princes, they came to a palace deep in the palace without encountering any obstacles.

"This is where father rests!"

The bedroom of the orc emperor!

Nuo Sen clenched his fists, and all the hair on his tail exploded: "How could it be here! Could it be that Dad was also caught by the devil? No... Dad is so powerful, it won't happen!"

At this point, even Nord has some doubts about Lucifer: "Your Excellency, Son, are you really sure?"

Lucifer nodded: "That's right, it's underground in this palace. Your Highnesses, if possible, please take us in."

Pei Xia's hand was already on the hilt of the sword, ready to fight at any time: "There is a famous saying in my hometown - come here, it means that since you have already come, you will lose money if you don't go in and have a look."

Nord felt that this made sense: "In that case, let's listen to the two of you."

In any case, the Holy Son of the Light God Sect will definitely not collude with the devil, and it is safest to fight with them.

The four of them walked to the door of the emperor's bedroom, and the guards standing quietly held the gun to stop them.

"Sorry Your Highness, Your Majesty has given an order that no matter who comes over tonight, they are not allowed to enter!"

This kind of attitude is simply forcing people to think about it, and Nuo Sen's temper suddenly came up, and the whole night of worrying and doubting life all turned into a fire.. The smell of medicine: "Get out of the way! We are the sons of the emperor. , what is not allowed to visit my father!"

"Sorry Your Majesty, this is Your Majesty

The command. "The guard was determined.

"You!" Nuo Sen was about to draw his sword angrily.

In the next second, the four guards fell limply, Pei Xia took a step forward tacitly, grabbed them neatly one by one, and then gently put them on the ground without making a sound.

Lucifer smiled at the bewildered two princes and said: "The devil's aura is getting stronger and stronger, I'm sorry, I think it's a waste of time to continue pestering here, so I'll make my own claim."

It turned out that Lucifer did it.

Nuo Sen nodded awkwardly: "Then let's go in."

"Well, let's go in."

Going in does not mean that you will be able to reach the werewolf emperor immediately. There are only a few moonstones in the palace emitting a faint cold light, other than that, there is no one there.

In the silent environment, their footsteps became more and more obvious, as if there was an echo.

"Is anyone there?" Nuo Sen called a few times in a low voice, but no one responded.

Lucifer stopped suddenly, and looked down at the carpet under his feet: "It's just under this land."

Pei Xia knew that the devil's altar was at the bottom, and he had to go through a secret passage to reach his final destination, but Pei Xia didn't know where the secret passage was.

"Is it here? There must be a secret way to go underground!"

Nord and Northen also started to help find them. They searched the wall hangings, bookcases and the bottom of the bed, but found nothing.

Lucifer thought for a while, then took a few steps back, bent over and lifted the carpet under his feet. Right where he was standing just now, there was a concealed and flat iron plate.

Everyone: "..." So it's really down there!

"Master Shengzi, it's going to be very dangerous. Be careful behind me." Pei Xia stepped forward, wanting to take the lead in scouting the way.

Nord stopped him: "No, Your Excellency Peixia, let Nosen and I be at the front. Anyway, we are the emperor's sons, and our father is in danger. There is no reason for us to hide behind others and wait for rescue."

"For my father, for Ruibei." Nuo Sen pulled out his sword with a determined face, "I will kill all the demons!"

The two princes had made up their minds, Pei Xia couldn't find a reason to refuse, so he nodded and walked behind Lucifer.

"Since the two Highnesses have decided to open the way ahead, let me break the trail."

Lucifer turned back and smiled at Pei Xia: "Pei Xia, be careful."

"Yes, Lord Son!"

In front of outsiders, Pei Xia always likes to call Lucifer the Holy Son, this is a habit and a kind of respect.

The iron plate on the ground was pulled away, revealing

A staircase spreading to the deep underground, with Nord at the front, followed by Nuo Sen, Lucifer and Pei Xia, they walked down the stairs in order.

The stairs are very crowded and dark, and this kind of environment brings people a very serious psychological oppression. Pei Xia clearly heard that Nod and Northen's breathing was a little disordered, because of this depressing environment, they felt nervous and fearful.

But Lucifer didn't seem to be affected by these, he accepted it well.

After walking up the steep and long stairs, they came to a much more spacious corridor. After entering, everyone was obviously relieved, because the top of the head here was inlaid with a dull moonstone.

Although the light is still not bright enough, it can relieve the tension in everyone's hearts.

Worried about being discovered by the devil in advance, Lucifer did not use light magic to create a light source, but just walked like this.

Walking and walking, Nord stopped at a corner, he tensed his body suddenly, and then slowly took two steps back.

"What's wrong, brother?" Nuo Sen asked in a low voice.

Nord motioned everyone to step back, and said in the same low voice: "Man, there are many people in front of them. They are stuck there motionless. Judging from their clothes... they seem to be the original servants in the palace."

Lucifer's voice was calm: "The demons controlled them."

"Then what to do?"

"Don't worry, just let them fall asleep."

With Lucifer's guarantee, they mustered up their courage and rushed across the corner. Sure enough, there were a lot of people standing in the corridor with blank eyes. When they saw the four of them, they turned their heads in unison, raised the weapons in their hands, and rushed forward to attack without saying a word.

Nod and Northen stood in front, blocking the group of puppets, Lucifer didn't care about being discovered by the demons, and a gentle holy light radiated from his hands.

The light was like a river, washing over the bodies of Nord and Northen, and then drowning all the puppets in front of them. The radiance flowed to the end of the corridor, and the control was so precise that it stopped. Lucifer used earth magic to construct a dam at the end of the river of light, restraining the radiance and preventing it from escaping into the next corridor.

Soothed by the warm holy light, the hideous expressions of the puppets disappeared, revealing peaceful sleeping faces, and fell to the ground one by one.

Pei Xia was not completely relieved.

Suddenly, Lucifer stepped on a stone, his body swayed, Pei Xia habitually stretched out his hand to support him.

Lucifer turned back to him with a charming smile: "Forget what I said,

Or... just want me to rely on you? "

Pei Xia was a little embarrassed: "I'm used to it."

Almost forgot, Lucifer said that he used to pretend to be weak, which means that he was actually not that delicate.

"It doesn't matter."

Lucifer/Pei Xia: "Since you want to hug, then come. / I will remember!"

When Lucifer fell backwards, Pei Xia withdrew his hand.

With a plop, Pei Xia froze.

Lucifer who fell on the ground was also stunned.