Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 67


Under Lucifer's surveillance, the two big demons fought desperately, and in the end, Eldora, who lived longer, won. Er knelt down deeply.

"It's over." Pei Xia nervously grabbed Lucifer's arm.

If it was before, Pei Xia would have no hesitation that Lucifer would purify this demon to ashes, but now, after knowing his true identity, Pei Xia is not sure.

Pei Xia had no idea what he wanted, what he wanted, and which side he was on.

But fortunately, Lucifer seems to be addicted to being a holy son, and has no intention of tearing off his disguise in front of others right now.

The soft light illuminated the entire ice cave, and the divine power seemed to disperse everything. Eldora screamed and turned into flying smoke, merging with the darkness in a hidden corner.

If Lucifer hadn't smiled and said a word in Pei Xia's ear, Pei Xia would have been deceived by this magnificent picture of light defeating darkness, thinking that Lucifer was still the Holy Son he followed wholeheartedly .

"Pei Xia, he has witnessed that we are honest with each other, so let him stay and become a souvenir of our love."

Pei Xia: "..."

However, at this moment, apart from Pei Xia, there is no other person to bear this secret and terrible truth with him.

Nordnosen came over and bowed deeply to express his gratitude to Lucifer, the Holy Son of the Light God Sect. The sincere werewolf prince praised Lucifer with angels without hesitation, and the young werewolf second prince also showed The overwhelmed expression expressed his sincerity to Lucifer.

Pei Xia was finally let go, he slid down from Lucifer's lap, and watched Lucifer with a dignified and hypocritical smile to catch up with others.

After that, Nordnosen controlled the unconscious Nogia, went out and called many guards to help rescue the innocent girls trapped in the ice cave.

The girls' hands were tied behind their backs, and their mouths were gagged with sackcloth. Nuo Sen immediately ran to Rui Bei, carefully removed the cloth from her mouth, and hugged her with guilt on his face.

"Ribei, I'm sorry, it's all my fault!"

Rui Bei, who had already been kidnapped, was very calm: "This is your father's fault, Second Highness, can you let me go?"

Nuo Sen: "No, I will never let you go again!"

Ruibei was very puzzled. She first expressed her thanks to Pei Xia and Lucifer through Nuo Sen's shoulder, and then asked Nuo Sen: "Why? I have nothing to do with you."

Northon was devastated: "Because I like you, you know it!"

"Of course, but I have already rejected you." As early as last spring, before Rebe was arrested, she had already rejected Northon.

Nuo Sen raised his hand and scratched his hair, and said in pain: "But I still like you! Rebe, what can you do to give me a chance."

Ruibei thought for a while: "I prefer gentle opposite sexes, such as His Royal Highness Nord, Your Excellency Pei Xia, and Lord Shengzi."

Northon: "..."

The girls were captured for varying periods of time, but fortunately none of them suffered irreparable harm because of the need to take their lives together at the last moment.

They will be taken out to receive the kingdom's compensation and assistance, these things don't need Lucifer, Pei Xia and others to bother.

Pei Xia sat next to Lucifer with stiff hands and feet, they were assigned a carriage, and they were going to the small courtyard before.

Because the werewolf emperor was the one who had the accident, and the palace was in chaos now, Nord had no choice but to ask them to go back to rest, saying that he would formally express his gratitude to the Light God Sect after the matter calmed down.

Pei Xia secretly complained in his heart, buddy, do you know that the person you are grateful for is actually a devil... Forget it, if Lucifer hadn't taken the initiative to expose his identity, Pei Xia would still be kept in the dark like everyone else.

Pei Xia looked at the starry sky outside the car window, and Lucifer was looking at him.

"Why are you so indifferent all of a sudden?" Lucifer asked.

Pei Xia's hand on her leg grasped her trousers tightly, and replied nervously: "No, no, I just... to get some air."


A hand gently touched the back of Pei Xia's hand, and Pei Xia gasped, not knowing how to react.

If it was before, he would smile embarrassedly and hold Lucifer's hand instead, but now, he is really... Feeling very uncomfortable, his movements are all stiff.

He smiled at Lucifer, a little reluctantly.

Lucifer blinked lightly, his eyes without a trace of haze were clearly the clearest sapphires in the world, but in the end, its owner was a demon who was good at disguising.

"Pei Xia, as you said, you love me."

Pei Xia: "... Yes, I love you deeply." Why do you have to repeat this, is the love game so fun! Pei Xia glanced at Lucifer with a bit of grief and indignation.

After arriving at the small courtyard, Pei Xia couldn't wait to get out of the carriage. He took a few heavy breaths before he stabilized his mind, and tried his best to behave the same as before, even trying to please Lucifer so as not to anger Lucifer.

It's just that he couldn't help but fell into deep worry when he looked at his colleagues who he didn't know anything about. They didn't know anything, moreover, they couldn't prove Lucifer's real identity just by talking.

I have to think of a way!

Then at night, Pei Xia stood at the door of the room, feeling very torn.

Yes, he intends to please others first before running away, but... even if Pei Xia has no integrity and is cruel, facing the fact that his close lover has suddenly become a terrible liar, he has no choice but to act heartlessly. Be intimate with him.

This is really embarrassing for a poor knight who left a deep shadow on the devil!

Pei Xia stood at the door until his hair got tangled, the door was suddenly pushed open from the inside, Lucifer, who was wearing a light nightgown, stood in front of him, and asked gently: "Why don't you come in?"

Pei Xia looked up at him.

In the thick night, the room revealed a warm orange light, shining on Lucifer's white nightgown, reflecting his warm appearance.

At this moment, Lucifer seemed to be a gentle wife welcoming her incompetent husband home, no matter how downcast her husband was and his work was not going well, his wife was always considerate and gentle.

Pei Xia choked up, with tears in his eyes.

Summer has come to an end, the heat of the day has turned into a cool night, Pei Xia feels his body is cold, and his heart is also cold.

Lucifer stretched out his hand and scratched under his eyes, and asked with a smile: "What's the matter, who bullied you?"

Pei Xia: "..." Who else could it be? Isn't it you!

But he couldn't say that, his legs were trembling quietly, and he said, "It's just for a while, and I still can't recover... About your identity."

Lucifer's smile deepened, he gently pulled Pei Xia into the bright room, Pei Xia let out a sad moan, at this moment this warm house was no less than a wolf's den in his eyes.

The door was shut with a snap, Pei Xia was lying on the bed, with his hands neatly placed by his side, not knowing if he wanted to say something.

To his surprise, Lucifer didn't do anything, he blew out the lights, covered Pei Xia with a quilt, and his voice was calm and inclusive in the darkness:

"Pei Xia, I told you that I lied to you, but now I choose to confess."

Wei Liang's hand stretched out, and Pei Xia was hugged by Lucifer.

Lucifer whispered in his ear: "I know, this is hard for you to accept, but I will wait slowly... You belong to me and will always belong to me, Pei Xia, remember this."

After finishing speaking, he pecked and kissed the young man in his arms, but the person in his arms was trembling all the time, as if he was very scared.

Are you afraid of being like this

Lucifer's mood was a bit complicated, because he had never regretted it. For him, there was nothing he knew earlier, he always did whatever he wanted, and it was the same when he confessed directly without giving Pei Xia any buffer time.

But now, he felt a little regretful, perhaps, he should choose a more tactful way to tell Pei Xia.

Lucifer coaxed softly: "Afraid?"

Pei Xia replied with a trembling voice: "No, it's not..."

"Then what are you shaking?"

Pei Xia: "Urgent urination."

Lucifer: "…"

Pei Xia carefully explained: "I was a little nervous just now, I drank too much water."

Lucifer bit his ear as if venting his anger: "Go!"

Pei Xia: "Oh!"

For the next three days, Lucifer still perfectly played the role of the Holy Son of the Light God Sect, and Pei Xia still made false claims with him.

Probably because he was overwhelmed by Pei Xia's outstanding acting skills, Lucifer treated him very well and didn't force him to do other things at night. Even with connivance, Pei Xia always found excuses to go out and didn't care, and didn't mention the punishment mentioned before.

This made Pei Xia's mind active. Perhaps, escaping is not particularly difficult, but before that, Pei Xia wanted to try to fight back.

He killed the real Lucifer, he was a dangerous character, if he didn't do anything, Pei Xia would feel uneasy.

In any case, Pei Xia couldn't run away alone, but watched Buck's safety with cold eyes.

The demon Lucifer, no matter whether he acted or actually had some affection for him, gave Pei Xia a chance to fight back.

From the beginning, Pei Xia planned to seek foreign aid.

Pei Xia believed that it was bright that could deal with Lucifer. Lucifer must have a bright skin on the surface, but in fact he is not dark. As long as he finds a strong enough bright magician, he will be able to tear off his disguise and reveal his true face!

As long as this is the case, Buck and the others can stay away from him, so they will be safe.

As for the others, I believe that the thousands of years of inheritance of the Guangming God Sect will not be unable to resist a demon.

Best is the capital of the orc kingdom, and there are a lot of talents here. Even if the orcs are not very good at magic, there are still treasure magicians.

Pei Xia asked Prince Nord for help, and met an old bright magician who had lived in seclusion for many years. Prince Nord didn't know what Pei Xia was going to do, but he still helped because of the previous favor.

The old bright magician's name was Shazi, and after seeing him, Pei Xia said that Lucifer was possessed by a demon.

Shaz laughed: "I've also heard about the fact that the Holy Son of the Light God Sect came here to teach and preach, but your joke is too ridiculous, I can't believe it."

"This is the most difficult part for me. Can you tell the difference between demons?" Pei Xia sighed.

Shaz said: "Of course! When I was young, I have dealt with countless demons. As long as the demons appear in front of me, I can definitely tell them apart at a glance!"

"It's so powerful!" Pei Xia was overjoyed, "Then don't you know after just one look at me?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Pei Xia took Shazi and hid in the corner to peek at Lucifer. After watching, Shazi looked at Pei Xia deeply with a complicated expression: "Is it a demon... I understand."

Pei Xia was overjoyed: "Great, you also know his real identity, so can you subdue him?"

Shaz nodded solemnly: "Your Excellency, perhaps, you should check yourself."

Pei Xia: "???"

Shaz: "Even I have heard about the reputation of Lord Son of God. He is definitely the purest person in the world and the only person who can approach the core of light. How could such a person be a devil! Compared to Lucifer Lord Er, in fact, you have a faint devilish aura on your body."

Pei Xia: "..."

Shaz rubbed his chin very puzzled: "It's strange, this breath definitely comes from an incredibly powerful demon, it's long and deep, like a mark. But, why haven't you been eaten... Ah, I see, it must be this The devil has bewitched you and asked you to murder the Holy Son!"

Pei Xia: "...Do you believe me that this impossibly powerful demon is Lucifer?"

Shatz raised his staff: "Accept the purification of the light, you foolish people bewitched by the devil!"

Pei Xia immediately gave up, turned around and left, leaving Shazi behind him in great confusion: "It's strange, why is this breath so deep, it can't be purified!"

Pei Xia had no choice but to fight alone. He thought of a method that was not a solution, because apart from this, he really didn't know how else to deal with Lucifer.

Later, on the day of the battle plan to reveal the true identity of the devil, Pei Xia called out the other paladins and seriously instructed: "For a while, everyone needs to stay hidden near the Son's room."

Everyone was in an uproar, chattering: "Is there any danger, Captain?"

Pei Xia thought for a while, did not tell them Lucifer's true identity now, after all, if the battle fails, Buck and the others will continue to believe in Lucifer, but they who have been exposed to the news are likely to be angered.

It's better to continue to know nothing and play role-playing games with Lucifer, it's safer.

Pei Xia then said: "Yes, there is a little danger, but it does not come from the outside, but from the inside. I will be with the Holy Son later... Cough, listen carefully, if there is something strange in the room If there is any movement, get ready immediately. If the danger is too great, don’t worry about it, and run away immediately after seeing it clearly, but no matter when, don’t forget your identity and mission as a paladin!"

Tom's expression changed, and he was shocked: "Captain, it must be that you and Lord Shengzi have some special hobbies, in fact, there is no need to be so serious, we will cooperate!"

Buck silently put his arms around his chest: "I'm a heterosexual with a fiancée."

Pei Xia: "It's not what you think!"

There is absolutely no such thing as listening to the hobbies of the corner!

"Be more serious." Pei Xia said helplessly, "I want to lure a demon to appear with Lord Shengzi. It may appear, or it may not, and it may even possess Shengzi... Play by ear, but absolutely Don't spread it, even the Holy Son can't tell, so as not to lose face if the Holy Son fails, do you understand?"


Anyway, what the captain and the others are going to do will be known in a while.

At night, Pei Xia clenched his fists and took a deep breath to calm down his nervous mood.

Then he walked up to Lucifer, blushed and said actively: "Phil, I've thought about it for a long time, maybe we should pass this hurdle."

Lucifer looked down at him, his eyes were like water: "Huh?"

Pei Xia continued to read the lines: "You said that you also like me, and I like you too, so, so...cough, so, we should continue to look forward."

Lucifer smiled: "Yes."

"But!" Pei Xia quickly added, "You lied to me before, and I'm still very angry!"

Lucifer took his hand, raised it to his lips and kissed it: "It's my fault, what kind of compensation do you want?"

Pei Xia's eyes lit up, she didn't expect him to be so cooperative, so she dragged him into the house, and said as she walked, "You said that... I, I want that kind of compensation, just..."

Speaking of the latter, he still glanced at Lucifer guiltily: "Is everything okay?"

Lucifer nodded, tenderly: "Of course."

"Then I want to play something more exciting, bundled PLAY!" Pei Xia said bravely.

I didn't quite understand what Pu Lei meant, but he understood the binding, Lucifer gave Pei Xia a meaningful look, and then found a rope to tie him up.

Pei Xia hurriedly said, "I'm the one who tied you up!"

Lucifer let out a long sigh, with a teasing smile in the corners of his raised eyebrows, he obediently sat on the bed.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

When Pei Xia straddled his lap, Lucifer suddenly leaned over and bit the corner of his lips: "My most loyal knight, remember to be gentle."

Then he leaned back, with his upper body leaning against the head of the bed, with his hands raised in front of him, clearly about to be restrained, but his whole body revealed a calm and breezy air that everything was under control.

Lucifer handed the rope to Pei Xia, very cooperative: "Come on, Pei Xia."

He wanted to see how brave Pei Xia was, and then he saw Pei Xia throw away the rope, bend down, and drag out a length of iron chain from under the bed.

Pei Xia sneered: "Since you want to pursue excitement, then follow through to the end!"

The author has something to say: Oh my God, God, Gu Guyan is so considerate and kind. The little angels said they wanted to see the binding, so Gu Guyan wrote the binding. Gu Guyan is really a caring and good Gugu, so that Goo, it deserves the nutrient solution award!

Cuckoo Spreading Wings: Come on, I can catch more!