Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 68


The corner of Lucifer's mouth twitched, and he still asked Pei Xia to tie himself up with iron chains.

After tying it up, Pei Xia immediately turned his face like a book, he quickly pulled out the saber hanging on the wall, Sen Han's sword pointed directly at Lucifer's heart.

"Devil, you are finished!"

Lucifer looked at him meaningfully, he was at a disadvantage but he was not at all embarrassed, he bent his knees and rubbed against Pei Xia: "This is your real purpose? Are you afraid of being killed by me?"

Pei Xia's legs were numb when he rubbed against her, and she almost reacted in disappointment, she said shamelessly: "I'm afraid! But do you think I will choose to live forever and be eaten by you, Lucifer, even if I'm afraid?" Death is timid and cowardly, but I also have a bottom line!"

Shall the weak bow their knees and collude with the darkness? Obviously, the reality is already hateful enough, is it still like that when you come to the world in the book

Pei Xia inexplicably felt a sense of sadness. He didn't know whether it was aimed at Lucifer or himself. He whispered: "I can do a lot of things to live. I am obedient and flattering. I am afraid of death and the darkness. No one wants to live hard." Go on... However, there are many things that cannot be done like this."

Even if there is danger, some things must be faced.

The hand bound by the iron chain moved up and touched Pei Xia's eyelids, Lucifer suddenly leaned forward, and Pei Xia hurriedly moved his sword back in fright.

"Pei Xia." He called him, looking at his eyes full of surging emotion, "You are not cowardly, you are very brave, I like... Pei Xia very much."

What is going on here, is it being praised by the devil? Pei Xia sniffed in embarrassment, and then tried to look fierce: "Enough, stop talking."

"I don't." Obviously, Lucifer is also very willful at times, he bit his lower lip, with a little smile in the corner of his eyes, "Do you want to kill me? Pei Xia, you said you love me."

Pei Xia tightly grasped the sword, pointing the dangerous sword point at Lucifer to prevent him from resisting, but this abominable demon was too arrogant, he kept rubbing his legs against Pei Xia, Pei Xia had no choice but to Said angrily: "Be serious!"

Lucifer: "...um."

The messy legs stopped, Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief, he was finally able to smooth out his words and said: "I love you, there is no doubt about it, but love is not everything!"

Yes, he still likes him, even if Lucifer is a devil, he still can't stifle this emotion, this is the most uncomfortable thing for Pei Xia.

Besides, it was precisely because of loving him that Pei Xia couldn't accept that she was just a toy to him.

It seems that since they met, the two have never seriously talked about the Three Views, because one of them is a holy son and the other is a paladin. No one would think that their position is different from the Three Views. Syphil.

But it's different now, Pei Xia already knows that Lucifer is a devil in the skin of the Son of God.

He said sadly and resolutely: "Because I love you, I can't kill you, but after arresting you, I will always be by your side, no matter what you face I will bear the trial together with you. I'm sorry, Lucifer, I'm too stupid, I can't find a second way other than this."

He couldn't find a second way to feel at ease. He wanted this devil who was full of lies to really have no way to harm others. Only in this way could he stay by his side with peace of mind, otherwise Pei Xia would fall into endless entanglements and fears. Pei Xia can't get out of this state until he confirms that one day he will eat him or someone else will be killed by him.

And on this day, everything will be irreversible.

"Pei Xia..."

Lucifer stared at him blankly, as if he didn't expect him to answer himself like that. Those eyes that seemed to contain the entire ocean were surging with affection that was almost overflowing, his body trembled slightly, and he wanted to raise his hand to touch Pei Xia's red eyes.

Pei Xia sideways avoided his hand in embarrassment.

"Enough, devil, show yourself!"

Pei Xia bent down, and dragged out a large box from under the bed. After opening it, he solemnly threw ten crosses on Lucifer.

"This is the cross blessed by the God of Light! Ah, Light, you are the beginning of everything. At the beginning of the growth of all things, the God of Light descended to the earth, and he taught the ignorant people..."

Lucifer: "…"

No response, really useless? Pei Xia gritted his teeth, and took out another medal: "This is a reward from the Goddess of the Grassland. I specially borrowed it from the Temple of the Goddess of the Grassland!"


Still no response.

There was no other way, Pei Xia frowned, and opened the light spirit that he had obtained from Shatz before—this is the purest light element specially extracted by the great magician, it is very thick and has become a liquid, it is the essence of the human body Absolutely cannot be accommodated directly.

Such a rich and pure light element, even Lucifer, must not be able to resist it!

Pei Xia sprinkled it on Lucifer full of confidence, the light white translucent liquid gradually evaporated, and the bright bright elements filled the whole room, Lucifer sat on the bed calmly.

Is my last magic weapon useless

Pei Xia's expression was gloomy, and the hand holding the sword kept shaking.

Sure enough, he still couldn't beat this terrible devil... He had tried his best.

"Pei Xia, you are serious." Lucifer said softly, "I am serious too, Pei Xia, I love you."

"Enough." Pei Xia frowned, in great pain, "It was all lies from the beginning, how can you make me believe you?"

He had already killed the real Lucifer, and he didn't know his real appearance or name. Under such circumstances, how dare Pei Xia believe him

What if he was lying, what if he was just teasing himself? If it is not the best, but if it is, who can bear the consequences

The battle failed, and they only have themselves on their side. Even if Lucifer is captured now, Buck and the others will only feel that they are being controlled by the devil, they will not believe in themselves, and they will even help Lucifer to capture themselves …

The first purpose is to capture Lucifer. If he fails to be captured and his true face is exposed, everyone will be on guard.

Now, while Lucifer is bound by chains, run quickly!

This thought flashed through Pei Xia's mind. The knight who was not good at hiding himself could not cover it up well, and the devil who was good at playing with people's hearts saw through it at a glance.

At this time, the devil finally raised his heart of anger.

Pei Xia fell off his lap, turned around and was about to run, Lucifer said in a deep voice: "Pei Xia! You can't go."

No matter whether he wanted to kill him or whatever, Lucifer was willing to accompany him and let him mess around, but leaving was the only thing he couldn't do!

"If you dare to leave..." A dangerous and sinister breath rose from the beautiful Son of God.

Pei Xia turned her head, feeling chills involuntarily, how ridiculous, the most perfect person is the scariest person.

"Are you going to kill me?" Pei Xia faced him cautiously and retreated step by step, guarding against the devil's sudden attack.

Lucifer was also irritated by his appearance, he squinted his eyes in displeasure, the iron chains on his body were broken, he decided to capture this silly knight first, and explain the rest slowly.

He got out of bed, still wearing a flowing white nightgown, stepped on the ground with his slender and clean feet barefoot, and approached Pei Xia step by step.

The oppressive atmosphere seemed to bind Pei Xia with invisible worm hands. Pei Xia thought he was about to make a move, and waved his sword vigilantly to try to stop him from going forward. As a result, Lucifer did not dodge or dodge, pursed his lips and raised his hand. The hand caught his sword.

Pei Xia was stunned, the glaring bright red fell from between Lucifer's fingers, pattering down, making people shudder.

At that moment, Pei Xia didn't have time to think about it, and rushed towards him out of instinct. He was angry and scared, and while taking Lucifer's hand away from the long sword, he angrily reprimanded:

"Aren't you stupid to grab the sword with your hands? Aren't you very smart and powerful? Aren't you a devil? How can you make yourself like this!"

Pei Xia looked at Lucifer's bloody palm, and frantically tore off the cloth on his sleeve and tied it to his wrist to stop the bleeding: "What's going on, use light magic quickly...you..."

The man in front of him remained silent all the time, and Pei Xia dully noticed that the dangerous aura had subconsciously disappeared. He couldn't help raising his head, meeting Lucifer's face.

Lucifer scraped his side face with the other hand, with a happy smile in his eyes, he couldn't hold back the corners of his lips: "You're worried about me."

Pei Xia: "..."

He let go of Lucifer's hand abruptly, stepped back vigilantly, and pointed his sword at him: "Are you bewitching me?"

Lucifer tilted his head, innocently: "No."

Pei Xia bit her lips: "Don't pretend to be pitiful, I'm leaving, you can play your son's game as you like, I won't accompany you!"

Lucifer held up his bloody hand, with a sad expression: "Pei Xia, you misunderstood, I didn't pretend to be pitiful, my current body is indeed like a human being, so—"

He took another sudden step forward, pointing Pei Xia's sword point directly at his heart, and said with a smile: "You can kill me, if you want, you can do it. Come on Pei Xia, you want to get rid of me , Conquer me, there is only one way.”

So, is it so simple to want this demon to disappear

Pei Xia was confused for a moment, he always thought that it would be very difficult to subdue Lucifer, but it turned out that there is such an easy way

But in this way, Lucifer really died...

Pei Xia shook his head violently: "You must be lying to me again, give up, I won't be fooled again!"

Pei Xia turned and ran, unexpectedly, Lucifer did not catch up, he was standing in a bright room, the door was pushed open and the night wind poured in, his long blond hair moved with the wind, the saint of the Light God Sect The son, the hidden and unknown demon king, quietly watched his lover escape in the night.

The door was closed again.

Two groups of thick black shadows appeared at Lucifer's feet.

Lucifer raised his hand, the wound on his palm had fully healed, but he was still smiling and looking at something else.

"He loves me." Lucifer said with a smile, "I can't bear to scare him like this."

Shadow Demon complimented at the right time: "Great and wise master, what you said is really true!"

Lucifer: "Shut up, Erdora, do you know why I keep you?"

Erdora said humbly: "You must have your own reasons, ignorant subordinates dare not guess."

Lucifer stroked his chin with a delicate tone: "It's too stupid, I think, since you can bewitch Nogia, you should have some understanding of love. Tell me, what should I do with Pei Xia?"

Eldora: "..." Is it because of this!

"This, this subordinate is not too clear." Erdora said timidly, "Human beings always have a lot of unnecessary persistence. Maybe you can explain it properly."

"He won't believe me easily." Lucifer felt a little distressed, "He doesn't even believe that I love him."

Erdora thought for a while, and Hei Ni's body turned into the shape of a fist: "Master, omnipotent, perhaps, you can arouse Lord Pei Xia's sympathy as you did just now, and then take the opportunity to dispel his defenses. This kills two birds with one stone, and you can still see how much Lord Pei Xia loves you!"

Lucifer thought for a while: "You are stupid too, get out."

Eldora: "…"

He got out, and rolled to Pei Xia's side with the Shadow Demon to quietly protect him. As for Lucifer, he stood under the light and meditated for a moment, talking to himself.

"Well, it's stupid... But it's not impossible to think about it."

On the other side, after Pei Xia ran out of Lucifer's room, he was surrounded by paladins.

Failure to expose Lucifer's true face is safer than telling them the unprovable truth... Pei Xia couldn't explain it, so he could only say:

"I have a private matter to leave first, you take good care of yourself - protect yourself, pay attention to safety, and don't break the bottom line of being a human being at any time."

After leaving this small courtyard, Pei Xia was confused for a while.

When he came to this world, he never thought about doing a big business, and there was nothing he had to do. It seemed that his whole life revolved around Lucifer. His wish was very simple, that is, simplicity. Live alone.

Later, he was infected by Lucifer and influenced by many people, he began to integrate into this world, and began to have higher pursuits.

But - Lucifer is fake.

The central role of his life plan, is false.

But sadly, he has been too deeply influenced by him.

Now that he left Lucifer, he didn't know how he was going to live alone. Before he knew it, Pei Xia came to the abandoned branch church of the God of Light.

Although it has been cleaned here, the vegetation is dense and the walls are covered with vines, which looks extremely eerie at night.

Pei Xia came to the broken statue with cracks, and he knelt in front of the statue with a depressed expression: "God of Light, do you really exist?"

In the past, devout beliefs were all used by Pei Xia to pretend, and he believed in Lucifer more than illusory gods. Therefore, every time he prayed, he was superficially serious and in a daze, occasionally praying that the hero would kiss him the most.

But now, he has an extremely strong desire—he hopes that God really exists.

Pei Xia put on a prayer posture, and there was no day more pious than today: "Great God of Light, if you really exist, please bless Lucifer to really fall in love with me, so that maybe I can convert him with love ...Forget it, forget it, please bless me to become stronger, as long as I am a little stronger than Lucifer, then I can always stand by his side and watch over him to prevent him from harming anyone. "

After finishing speaking, Pei Xia thought about it, and felt that no matter which request might be a bit overwhelming, he changed his mind and said: "If the first two are not acceptable...then, then..."

Let me stop loving him.

These words came to his lips several times, but Pei Xia was still unable to utter them. In the end, he raised his hand and knocked himself on the head, and left the statue of Guangming with a compassionate expression with a sigh.

He searched behind the abandoned church and found a room where he could sleep. Because it was too dark to see anything, Pei Xia packed up casually, closed the door of the small dark room, and hugged a small The God of Light fell asleep.

He was really tired, not only physically, but also mentally. I don't know if it was because he was too tired, but as soon as he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but fell asleep.

In his dream, he came to a clean, majestic and solemn cathedral with polished floors. This place seemed to be the main church of the God of Light.

Pei Xia knelt in front of the statue, muttering prayers, but prayed and prayed, looked up, and was shocked.

When did the statue of the God of Light turn into Lucifer's face!

Lucifer walked out of the statue gracefully and stood in front of Pei Xia. He called Pei Xia's name, and the haze and sense of distance brought by the dream disappeared.

For a moment, Pei Xia suddenly woke up, but he was still in a dream, just like the lucid dream he had heard before, he could clearly feel his dream, and even manipulate it.

"I even dreamed of you." Pei Xia raised his hand to touch Lucifer's face with complicated emotions.

Anyway, it's a dream, so it doesn't matter anyway. Perhaps, only in the dream can he temporarily put aside all the messy things and enjoy being with him quietly.

Lucifer held his hand instead, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and his expression was sad: "Pei Xia, I love you."

Pei Xia glanced at him in surprise: "Wow, it turns out that Qingming Dream is so cool, if I let you love you, you will love me."

Lucifer: "…"

Pei Xia hit him angrily: "Bastard, you liar, how could you do this, everything has changed, do you know how uncomfortable I am..."

Lucifer looked at him pitifully: "You hit me, as long as you don't get angry anymore, it's fine anyway."

"That's what you said." Pei Xia glanced at him, clenched his fists, took a stride, and began to beat the old master to death.

Lucifer: "... I thought it would be more gentle." Like hitting your chest with a small fist.

Pei Xia gave him a strange look, seeing that he didn't respond, she withdrew her hand embarrassingly.

Well, even though it's just a dummy in a dream, it's enough to let off steam, it's really hard, and he's still a little bit reluctant.

Lucifer held his cheeks and tried to kiss him, Pei Xia closed his eyes and didn't dodge.

"I didn't expect things to turn out like this." Lucifer whispered on his lips, "I'm sorry."

"It's really nice to say." Pei Xia muttered.

"Pei Xia, I know you're still suffering, but it's okay, I'll tell you some things slowly, trust me."

When Pei Xia heard this, he was very unhappy. He even told this person to be a fake, so how could Pei Xia be sure that what he said was true

"I dare not." Pei Xia said honestly, "Your disguise is too perfect, I don't know how to confirm whether you are lying again."

Lucifer: "..." This is indeed a problem.

He thought for a while, his eyes became extremely serious, he held Pei Xia's hand and said: "Pei Xia, come to me, this time, as long as you are willing to trust me again, I will tell you everything, everything... I will tell you everything, and when the time comes, I will prove to you how much of what I said is true and how much is false."

Pei Xia moved his hand away, and wiped away tears: "It's too real, this dream is so real! Yes, I really want this, but dreams are always just dreams."

Too, sad, hurt, too!

Lucifer looked at him helplessly: "Is it a dream, well, since you insist it's a dream, then..."

Because the most longed-for wish was performed, Pei Xia felt in a bad mood instead, he didn't know how to face this fake Lucifer, he thought several times in his heart that he was about to disappear and the other party didn't disappear, there was no way , Pei Xia had no choice but to turn around.

As a result, as soon as they turned around, the dream space changed and became their bedroom from the beginning.

Pei Xia: "Isn't this my dream?" Why do you still bring yourself to become!

Lucifer just smiled and said nothing.

Pei Xia was startled, subconsciously looked back, and saw Lucifer lying on the bed at some point.

Under the dark red velvet quilt, she was wearing a pure black silk nightgown, her long blond hair was loosely scattered, the neckline revealed a large area of snow-white skin and thin and lean muscles, and under the wide open hem was a slender and straight body. Legs, he put on a charming posture and hooked Pei Xia.

This is, completely different from the previous Lucifer, he looked at Pei Xia with a smile, a pair of beautiful eyes captivated his soul, he clearly had the appearance of being a gentleman, but with a forceful force.

"Pei Xia, I was wrong." He licked his lower lip, begging for mercy in a non-serious way, making a deliberate lowliness, but in fact he easily controlled the prey's heart.

"This is a dream." Pei Xia was dumbfounded, and swallowed when she saw such an alluring Lucifer.

Lucifer gave him a glance, hooked the silky belt and pulled it lightly, revealing his white and lean muscles.

Pei Xia raised her hand and covered her nose.

"It's all fake!"

Lucifer looked at him with a smile and said: "That's right, it's all fake, so don't have to worry about it, just do whatever you want to me. See, you still can't refuse me, you feel ashamed and painful, but here It's a dream, isn't it? In the dream, you can do whatever you want, you don't have to worry about anything, you don't have to worry about anything... Tonight, I will listen to you."

Pei Xia couldn't refuse at all, he couldn't help walking to Lucifer's side, shaking his fists.

"That's right, this is a dream, it's all fake..."

So what if you can't refuse the temptation, what's fake is fake!

He doesn't have to worry about his own life disappearing at any time, and he doesn't have to worry about that demon harming the world after he gets tired of playing with it. He doesn't have to bear the guilt of hanging on the edge of a cliff, he doesn't have to think about anything...

But he was still very angry, relying on dreaming, Pei Xia arrogantly pressed Lucifer's shoulder and let out bold words: "I will squeeze you dry, so that you will never be able to harm anyone again... you will never be able to seduce others again! "

Lucifer brushed his long hair with a smile: "Well, since this is the case, I'll let you be on top."

As soon as the words fell, Pei Xia immediately looked at him vigilantly, and subconsciously moved back.

Lucifer: "...I mean ride..ride, nothing else."

Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief, and kissed her excitedly.

The author has something to say: The previous chapter has been revised, the part about Shatz has been changed, and the part about notifying the paladins has also been changed.

The 6,000 words in this chapter is equivalent to a double update, Gu Gu is dead, Gu Gu is so tired, Gu Gu's wings are broken!