Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 71


A lingering kiss that almost made Pei Xia breathless, he tried to push Lucifer away, but he was trembling because of a strange feeling.

It was as if a gust of breeze embraced the whole body from the fingertips, and immediately soaked into the soul, like water, like smoke, like mist, mixed together to form an invisible bond, connecting Pei Xia and Lucifer together.

At this moment, they possess each other and touch each other's soul.

With his mind constantly soaring into the air, Pei Xia only felt light all over, his brain relaxed, and he stretched out everything lazily... Then, Pei Xia saw the body of the iceberg hidden under the sea.

Pei Xia tried to escape, but was surrounded by gentle waves, gently rippling and soaking every inch and every minute.

Pei Xia seemed to have turned into a ball that could be flattened and rounded by others, and he could only make small whimpers. At this moment, he could hardly control himself at all. into Lucifer's arms.

After an unknown amount of time, Pei Xia gasped and raised his head in a trance: "Just now, what happened?"

Lucifer pressed his lips with his fingertips: "Our souls are hugging."

Pei Xia was shocked: "Is there such an operation?"

He almost thought he was going to die, he was so happy.

But after a long time, he came back to his senses, Pei Xia was still alive and well, his back was covered with hot sweat, and he came out of Lucifer's arms and stood up straight with some unease.

After all, they haven't completely reconciled yet, Pei Xia feels that it is necessary to keep a distance at this time.

"Lucifer." Pei Xia twirled the ring on the root of his finger with his fingers, coughed lightly and changed the topic back, "You said you would tell me everything."

When she said this, Pei Xia didn't dare to look at him, for fear of seeing a mocking expression on his face.

"You, you killed the real Lucifer, this...how do you want to explain it?" Pei Xia asked in a muffled voice.

Lucifer thought for a while, then tapped Pei Xia's forehead with his fingers, Pei Xia stared at him with wide eyes in surprise, then he smiled and said: "Although it's fine for me to kill him, but seriously , Lucifer didn't count as life at the beginning."

Pei Xia: "Huh?!"

"Let's start from the beginning." Lucifer curled his lips and smiled, "Let me take you to a place."


Before Pei Xia finished asking, he saw Lucifer's hand on his forehead, and then the strange feeling of being pulled away from his soul reappeared, but this time he only felt very light and comfortable, and did not There is no numb stimulation to the point of lax consciousness.

Immediately, Pei Xia realized that his soul had really gone out of his body!

Pei Xia's soul was floating in the air, seeing the body on the ground limply lying in Lucifer's arms, the two of them stood clinging to each other at the entrance of the cave as if they had become sculptures.

About to be eaten? Is the soul about to be eaten!

If he didn't know how to cry with his soul, Pei Xia would have burst into tears on the spot.

"Pei Xia." It seemed to be a voice, and it seemed to be a kind of fluctuation, which was directly transmitted into Pei Xia's soul.

Pei Xia looked back and saw Lucifer's soul, which was still so beautiful that it made one lose one's mind, but the aura inside was extremely terrifying and frightening.

But Pei Xia was unexpectedly not afraid of him, but felt very safe. This feeling came from the contractual connection between them, which made Pei Xia trust him and get close to him.

Pei Xia moved, and immediately Lucifer held his hand, which felt soft and comfortable. Lucifer didn't eat him, but led him up non-stop.

I don't know when, they actually left that mountain, that cave entrance, that piece of land... Or it can be said that they left that world, up and down, left and right, surrounded by a deep night and bright stars, they actually came to the starry sky!

Lucifer set up a barrier, they are very safe, Pei Xia knew this, but he was still unavoidably afraid due to the psychological influence of the mainland creatures, mainly because he was afraid of falling.

Of course, he also knew that this would not happen, but looking at the deep starry sky under his feet, he still felt a little suffocated—even though his soul could not be suffocated.

This time Pei Xia didn't ask again, he knew that Lucifer planned to confess everything to himself.

Lucifer hugged Pei Xia, the feeling of being close to one another made Pei Xia almost soften into a puddle again.

"Wait, let's talk about the business first, I'm a little uncomfortable with this."

Lucifer spread his hands and said with a smile: "Okay. Pei Xia, you know where you have come, right? This is the world of a novel."

Pei Xia was very surprised: "You know too?!"


Lucifer unhurriedly told Pei Xia some things he didn't know:

In the vast universe, there are countless worlds, they may be parallel or independent, some are complete and some are incomplete.

, The state without a complete life and soul is like an egg, which needs time to conceive and a suitable temperature to hatch into a chick.

Lucifer is a demon in one of the countless worlds. Of course, different worlds have different names. Sometimes he is called the Lord of the Abyss, and sometimes he is called the God of Darkness, but this is not important.

He admitted this to Pei Xia, admitting that his power was a bit too strong, strong enough to travel through time and space and catalyze the formation of the world.

"I discovered this small world by accident." Lucifer smiled, "Because the core of this world is that Lucifer happens to have the same name as me, so I paid attention to it. You know, sometimes I get bored , just come and play."

Although things like the same name are very common, new small worlds like this kind of broken novels are relatively rare. It takes many, many coincidences to appear with an extremely low probability.

The world is still in a muddled and ignorant state, and because the novel that the world relies on is broken, the world is in a very dangerous state-it may collapse from a half-formed state at any time.

After entering the world, Lucifer catalyzed the formation of a complete world. At that time, the hero Lucifer was just an empty shell without his own independent consciousness, so Lucifer unceremoniously occupied his body ( Although Lucifer has independent consciousness, he will not be polite).

Under the catalysis of Lucifer, the world came alive, the hazy fog was lifted, and everything became clear and full of vitality.

The soul of the creature is condensed, with self-awareness, the vegetation blossoms and bears fruit, the animals have their own characteristics, and are passed down from generation to generation... In Pei Xia's understanding, it means that graphic comics are turned into 3D animations.

By this time, Pei Xia had already understood the role of Lucifer in this story. He was indeed a demon, and indeed occupied the body of the real male lead. It could be understood that he killed the male lead's embryo... But, no With Lucifer's participation, this world is just an empty shell.

The more Pei Xia thought about it, the more subtle it became: "So, if it wasn't for you, Buck and the others would be just walking dead?"

"No, the world is different from the world, the birth and formation of this kind of world is not a step-by-step process." Lucifer explained, "When the accumulated power reaches the critical point, the world will explode, and everything will be formed in an instant. But until then, the world will be in a strange state."

It's not that everyone's body is standing on the ground waiting for the soul to activate, but a glass of turbid river water, which is instantly clear and layered.

Therefore, the people and things in this world are not even the walking dead, and can only be described as a state of "waiting to take shape".

Pei Xia seemed to understand but half understood, but with Lucifer's explanation, the point he couldn't accept was finally relieved, and Pei Xia felt a burst of relief.

Pei Xia couldn't help showing a smile: "That's great, Feifei!"

Strictly speaking, Lucifer didn't count as killing the hero, he just didn't let him be born.

And without Lucifer, everything in this world might be annihilated.

Pei Xia couldn't help but look at Lucifer with admiration: "I'm sorry Feifei, I misunderstood you, not only are you not a villain, but you are a creator god and a savior!"

Lucifer showed a little smile, he watched Pei Xia's brows slightly retracted, and said calmly:

"Pei Xia, I'm not as kind as you think. I also killed life. Pei Xia, I hope you can understand me... It's like ants, cats, dogs, cattle and sheep to you. Treat it as an equal."

Hearing this, Pei Xia was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted.

That's right, Lucifer is different, I thought he was a pure demon before, although demons and humans are different, but in the same world their levels are very close.

But now, Lucifer is more powerful than he imagined, this is already at the level of gods, is human being really that important to gods? Perhaps man is to God what ants are to man.

Pei Xia felt a little inferior, how could he make Lucifer fancy him

As soon as this feeling of inferiority arose, he felt a gentle love from the heart, all from Lucifer. This feeling of being loved made Pei Xia understand that self-pity is for Lucifer. Live up to.

Pei Xia took the initiative to hold Lucifer's hand, and he said seriously: "I will try my best to understand you, but since you chose me, you must also understand me. I will not take the initiative to hurt ants, cats and dogs, I will not take the lives of cattle and sheep beyond the necessary needs. At the same time, I also have enemies, and I will kill humans for self-protection. This is my principle, Feifei, you are so smart, you must understand, right? ?”

Lucifer kissed his brow lightly: "I understand."

If there is no soul contract, Pei Xia will still doubt whether he is lying and deceiving others again, but the connection between souls makes it impossible for Pei Xia to doubt him.

They can clearly feel each other's mind, their souls blend together, and they can never betray each other.

At this time, Pei Xia suddenly thought of some questions: "Wait, since you also know that this is a novel, then, didn't you know me from the beginning..."

Lucifer nodded with a perfect smile: "That's right, from the first time I saw you, I knew you were an accident."

And this accident not only made the boring game interesting to him, but also became the biggest surprise in his journey of eternal life.

Pei Xia was dumbfounded: "It turned out to be like this." Fortunately, he still thought that he couldn't expose his ability to predict in front of Lucifer.

"Pei Xia, your coming here from the original world may have something to do with me." Lucifer said again, "Probably because I accidentally created a space-time rift when I entered this world, and then sucked you in."

Pei Xia: "..." Why are you still wearing this!

Before Pei Xia got angry or anything, Lucifer said again: "But it's okay, I can send you back."

Pei Xia: "...!" The surprise came too fast and his heart couldn't bear it.

Feeling his lover's excitement, Lucifer chuckled: "Not only your original world, but also countless worlds in the universe, I will take you through them one by one."

Pei Xia: "..." I was so excited and moved that I couldn't speak at all.

In the end, Pei Xia groaned, and hugged Lucifer tightly.

Lucifer didn't say anything else, he covered Pei Xia's eyes, letting him accept this information quietly. Only after Pei Xia calmed down from the turbulent mood did Lucifer put his hand down.

Pei Xia opened his eyes, and was taken aback by the sudden surprise.

"This, isn't this my room!" It's his room in modern society, so this is back? !

Lucifer took Pei Xia's hand, and led him to the bed. There was an empty shell lying on the bed, which was Pei Xia's original body.

He said leisurely: "The speed of flow is different from world to world, and the degree of distortion of the space-time tunnel is also different. Pei Xia, you can return to this body and enjoy modern life."

"What about over there?" Pei Xia asked, "What about our bodies? Nuo Sen and the others are still at the foot of the mountain, and Buck and the others..."

The responsible knight captain was really worried.

Lucifer said: "Don't worry, you can go back at any time, as long as you control the shuttle passage, you can go back to the point in time we just left."

Pei Xia muttered, "Things happened so fast, I always feel like I'm dreaming."

Lucifer smiled and pushed him: "Whether it's a dream or not, you'll know when you wake up."

Pei Xia fell to the bed, he felt a suction and exhaustion, and fell asleep involuntarily, this sleep was dark and sweet, when Pei Xia woke up hazily, he didn't even come back to his senses.

He thought he was a paladin, until he opened his eyes and saw his big underpants and mobile phone before he recalled everything before going to sleep bit by bit.

Pei Xia's first reaction was to take the mobile phone by the bedside. The mobile phone still had 40% of its battery, and the date displayed was the second day after he slept through time. He bowed his head and kissed it.

Thank you, my dear mobile phone, thank you for letting me meet Feifei, don't worry, I won't throw you into the refrigerator!

Putting down the phone, Pei Xia rubbed his eyes to look for Lucifer, but found that he was not in the room.

By the way, Lucifer was in a soul state when he came over, so he couldn't see him? Will he occupy someone else's body

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Pei Xia, eat when you wake up."

It's Fifi!

Pei Xia pushed the door out in surprise, and saw Lucifer sitting gracefully by the table on the narrow balcony of the small home, turning her head and smiling at him.

"Feifei!" Pei Xia hurried over and found two simple breakfasts on the table.

"Is this your new body?" Pei Xia was a little surprised, and reached out to touch it curiously. It was indeed real.

Lucifer calmly explained: "It's the soul. When the soul is strong enough to a certain level, it becomes like an entity. That world is just a newborn, too fragile to accept all of my soul, so I can only use a part of it to enter. But this world It is complete and powerful, and can descend to most of it after the power seal is carried out."

As if he understood a little bit but didn't really understand it, Pei Xia sat across from Lucifer, looked at the fried eggs, milk and bread in front of him, hesitantly: "You made this with a gas stove?"

Lucifer didn't know how to do it, and suddenly conjured up a tall red wine glass, then opened the iced cola just taken out of the refrigerator, and poured the dark brown liquid into the glass.

There are only cola milk and mineral water in Pei Xia's refrigerator.

"It's magic." Although I have been to similar technological civilizations, using magic is simpler, faster, and more stylish.

Like this drink.

Pei Xia silently watched Lucifer shake lightly like drinking red wine and then taste the iced cola, wondering whether to remind him to drink less, this stuff is prone to hiccups.

Looking at the graceful Lucifer, Pei Xia thought for a while, but still didn't say this.

He is now a little curious about another thing: "Feifei, what do you look like?" He is curious whether the soul also has a fixed appearance.

Of course, Pei Xia is not that kind of lecher. Even if Lucifer looks ugly, Pei Xia doesn't mind.

Lucifer gave him a smiling look: "It's just like it is now."

Pei Xia was surprised: "You look exactly like the original hero?"

Lucifer shook his head: "No, this is my own appearance."

It turns out that although the hero Lucifer is also very beautiful, he is human after all, and no matter how beautiful he is, it is within the range of human beings. However, the description of him in the novel is too exaggerated and unreasonable. This is also a bug that has caused the delay in the formation of this world.

After Lucifer occupied the male protagonist's body, in order to rationalize the protagonist's setting, he let this body show his own appearance.

Pei Xia thought in a daze, that he used to think that Lucifer's beauty was not human, but it turned out that he really didn't have a human face...

"By the way, aren't you a demon? Why are you so good at light magic?"

Lucifer took a sip of the iced cola, and lightly told the truth that could scare all the believers of the Illuminati Sect to death: "I don't think the Illuminati is qualified to accept my worship, so I devoured him."

Pei Xia: "..."

Lucifer smiled innocently at him.

No wonder, I dreamed that Lucifer came out of the statue of light... Wait, when it comes to dreams, Pei Xia raised his head and looked at him: "Lucifer, you you you... can you fall into a dream?"

Lucifer frowned: "Ah, this..."

Pei Xia gripped her chopsticks tightly and protested, "You said you would never lie to me again!"

Lucifer: Is there? Forget it, Pei Xia said, let's have it.

"Yes." Lucifer flicked his long blond hair, revealing a beautiful side face, he said slowly, "I also learned about your birthday from a dream."

Pei Xia held the bitten fried egg between his hands and fell into deep thought. Slowly, his face became red and hot, and he could almost cook another egg.

He was silent for a while, and asked in a low voice: "Then you can't just enter my dreams in the future, even if you do, you have to make it into a lucid dream like that time."

"That time?" Lucifer raised his eyebrows.

Pei Xia scratched his face in embarrassment: "That's it!"

"Okay, I promise you." Lucifer still smiled and let him go.

Lucifer drank coke, Pei Xia drank milk, and after eating the delicious breakfast, Pei Xia suddenly started crying.

Lucifer's hand shaking the wine glass stopped, he put down the glass, stretched out his slender and elegant fingers to touch Pei Xia's chin, and raised his face to make him look at him.

"Feifei..." Pei Xia couldn't help herself, and said with tears in her eyes, "I really didn't expect this day to happen to me."

Before time-traveling, he thought he would end up alone, but after time-traveling, he was ready to work alone for the rest of his life.

But so lucky, so lucky, so lucky that he was terrified.

Lucifer's eyes were full of affection, and he said softly: "Start crying now, you won't have the strength later."

Pei Xia made a confused nasal sound: "Huh?"

Lucifer's smile became deeper and deeper: "Have you forgotten again? I said, once you call a wrong name, you will do it again. Pei Xia, count it carefully. How many times have you called a wrong name so far?"

Pei Xia was dumbfounded: "Wait, my body is not that strong now!"

Lucifer was very considerate: "When the body is tired, I can do it with the soul."

Pei Xia: "..."

In the end, I don't know how long it took, Pei Xia's soul bloomed like fireworks, he felt sincere joy and happiness, and his soul was full of emotion.

Pei Xia wept and trembled, kissed the contract ring on his ring finger, and was embraced by the most beloved person, sinking in bliss.

Lucifer chanted in his ear: "Pei Xia, no matter which world we are in, we will always belong to each other. I will always be with you, love you, and own you."

Pei Xia blended with his soul, and he gave everything of himself: "Lucifer, I love you."

The starry sky is vast and the universe is majestic. They agreed to walk through countless worlds hand in hand. In the future, endless journeys are waiting.

However, no matter where they go, Pei Xia and Lucifer will love and accompany each other forever.

Death and rebirth don't stop for a moment, the world will collapse, the universe will be annihilated, only love will last forever.

------End of text------

The author has something to say: Oh my god, Gu Gu's ending flag has not fallen, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!

Haha, let’s get down to business, thank you very much for the little angels who accompanied me all the way, accompanied Xiaxia and Feifei to the end, because of you, Guguyan was able to persevere, I love you bobobo!

The story of Xiaxia and Feifei is just like the ending, there is an endless journey waiting in the future, their story will be very long, but Guguyan has a limited lifespan, so I will end it here.

By the way, there will be another episode later, so don’t rush away~

After it is completely over, I also hope to continue to walk with you in the next story!

The next book will be about why the devil is so delicate, and after finishing the devil, I will write about the mysterious boyfriend.

Dagu spread his wings: Fly!