Why is the Holy Son So Delicate?

Chapter 72: Modern extras


Spoiler about me raising you

Because of the cheating guy Lucifer, Pei Xia can freely go back and forth between the two worlds, but if the frequency is too high, it will be very tiring, so the two decided to live in the modern society for a while before going back.

So, here comes the problem.

Although Pei Xia is an otaku, he is also a social animal with a job. Most of his otaku means staying at home after get off work.

On the day when he just came back, Pei Xia was so obsessed with Lucifer that he wasted the whole day. He slept in the bed in the dark. At four or five o'clock in the afternoon, the boss finally couldn't bear it and made a fatal phone call. .

Pei Xia answered the phone in a daze, sat up in shock, and apologized to his boss with a smile on his face.

After finally coping with it, Pei Xia heaved a sigh of relief and leaned against the head of the bed without moving.

Lucifer played with his fingers and asked, "Work?"

Pei Xia hummed: "I even forgot about work."

Lucifer kissed his finger: "Resign."

Pei Xia was very hesitant: "If there is no job, there will be no wages. What should we do without wages?"

Food, clothing, housing, transportation, water and electricity bills are all free, and Pei Xia's savings are not so rich that he will not be able to work for the rest of his life.

Although Lucifer is a god-like existence, but does God... pay wages

Lucifer said leisurely: "Don't worry, I will support you."

"How?" Pei Xia was curious about what he was going to do.

Lucifer raised his finger and hissed near his mouth: "Secret."

Pei Xia chose to believe in Lucifer. In his heart, Lucifer was omnipotent, and there was nothing he said he couldn't do.

So Pei Xia resigned immediately, but after applying for resignation, he still needs to continue working for a period of time for handover. Pei Xia is a responsible person and he doesn't like to let others suffer losses because of him, so he has to work for another month.

The next day, Pei Xia went to the company, and all the colleagues who were close to him came to care about him, and suddenly a person pointed to his neck and asked: "Pei Xia, what's wrong with your neck, yo—could it be because you have a girlfriend?" right?"

Pei Xia didn't come out at the company, he scratched his neck and smiled sheepishly, and put the matter aside for the time being.

As a result, when I was about to get off work, my colleagues suddenly talked about something. It turned out that just now, there was a Weibo hot search that was climbing at a very violent speed, and the place where this hot search news happened was Pei Xia and the others. City A where I live!

Pei Xia moved his ears, and heard keywords such as "fake, special effects, beauty, foreigners", etc. He was very curious and clicked on a hot search called street angels. After clicking on it, he almost felt guilty. drop the phone to the ground.

The first headline of the hot search "#街街天使#A shocking scene appeared on the streets of City A. Is the mysterious man an angel or a goblin..."

It was a small video, very clear, the main character of the video was Lucifer who stayed with Pei Xia in the morning.

In the video, Lucifer is standing at the intersection of Xingdong Road. The people around are bewitched by his beauty, staring at him, unable to look away and refusing to leave. The intersection is getting more and more congested, and finally even the driver is Accidentally shook his head.

A small car suddenly ran into the crowd out of control, and was startled by the car. The cars behind and on the opposite side began to show signs of a series of car accidents. Seeing that a tragic tragedy was about to take place, the beauty in the center of everyone's eyes was so beautiful that it was not like ordinary people. The blond beauty didn't hide, he suddenly raised his hand.

The out-of-control vehicle suddenly flipped up and rushed straight into the sky!

At the intersection, more than a dozen cars that were about to collide rushed into the sky, then slowed down steadily, and then fell to the ground in a slow and gentle manner.

There was an uproar among the crowd, and they took out their hands and clapped.

Lucifer sighed softly, took two steps in full view of everyone, his figure gradually disappeared under the bright sunlight.

The first hot comment: This is true, I was at the scene, and I guarantee with my life that the video is not fake! ! !

Pei Xia put down his phone and felt his blood pressure keep rising. When he picked up his phone again, he suddenly found that this trending search had disappeared.

Not only did the hot searches disappear, but all related videos, pictures and other information also disappeared.

"Pei Xia, did you see the hot search just now?"

Pei Xia sneered: "I see."

"Hey, do you think it's real or fake? Could it be for filming?"

Pei Xia: "Ah, I don't know either."

The colleague said curiously: "I think it's a dummy made of special effects! There really is such a good-looking person, who would have become a big star long ago."

Pei Xia said slowly, "I think it's quite real."

"No way, haha." The colleague obviously didn't take it seriously, and stopped pestering Pei Xia after a few gossips.

Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief, but the trending searches were gone, and the entry for #街街天使# was also blocked, and the desire for gossip and rebellion among netizens was even higher. Pei Xia dared not look at the various speculations on the Internet.

As soon as the off-duty time came, he hurried out, walking, and found that people in the company ran downstairs like crazy.

Pei Xia, who caught some key words again, changed his face, and hurried downstairs, and saw Lucifer who was standing in the living room of the company to pick him up from get off work.

The crowd formed a circle, but they didn't dare to get too close to him, so there was a vacuum around Lucifer. They looked at Lucifer with curiosity, fear and obsession, and whispered to their side People are discussing.

Pei Xia rushed over and held Lucifer's hand: "Fei... Phil, why are you here?"

"Phil? I didn't expect such a cute name. Wow, he can't be a girl, right?" the colleagues whispered.

"Damn it! Pei Xia actually knows this person, it's a pity that he played a fool with me just now!"

"Wow... wait, I seem to have discovered something."


"Hey, don't you think the atmosphere between Pei Xia and him is a little bit like that?"


However, no matter how quiet the voice was, Lucifer could still hear it, so he frowned and raised his eyebrows: "Girl? Is there something wrong with Phil?"

Pei Xia: "No, it's because they think too much, let's go home!"

"En." Lucifer glanced at him thoughtfully, then took Pei Xia's hand and went home.

Pei Xia didn't dare to look back, he didn't dare to face the eyes of his colleagues in the company, and at the same time he started to have a headache about how to face them tomorrow.

While still on the road, Pei Xia's WeChat was crowded with gossiping colleagues, he really didn't know what to tell them, so he simply ignored them all.

But the problem was quickly resolved. As soon as Pei Xia and Lucifer returned home, they were surrounded by several special forces in cool costumes with guns and swords.

There are only a few special forces in the room, and a few others are wearing suits or robes, who seem to be leaders.

And not only was the room full of people, but there were also many people hiding everywhere outside.

Pei Xia: "..." Although I knew this would happen when I saw the trending search, I was still shocked by the scale and speed.

The other party was sent by the state agency. Faced with a strange existence like Lucifer's sudden appearance and terrifying power, they had to control it to prevent accidents.

As for why he wasn't arrested directly... The advice given by the masters is very consistent: don't make him your enemy.

Pei Xia could still understand them very well, Lucifer only understood Pei Xia, he said meaningfully "I only care about Pei Xia", and then asked Pei Xia to communicate with them.

Pei Xia's attitude was very polite. Seeing that he was very cooperative, the leaders felt relieved. In the end, they reached a consensus through communication:

First, Pei Xia, as the only citizen of our country who can restrain Lucifer, needs to fulfill his civic duty and do his best to prevent Lucifer from any possibility of sabotage.

Second, as Lucifer's guardian, Pei Xia must try his best to ensure that Lucifer can act in a low-key manner, and must not do anything that is popular like today.

Third, Pei Xia was awarded the status of a special non-staff civil servant, with a monthly salary of 10w soft sister coins. Special needs can be reported for reimbursement (example: buying a car or a house), and can be completed with official assistance after communication with superiors (example: traveling abroad) after negotiation.

Fourth, the government will supervise Pei Xia and Lucifer to a certain extent (Pei Xia euphemistically expressed that this is not very realistic, but the other party said that there is still a process to go through).

Fifth, in special circumstances, Pei Xia and Lucifer need to do their best to cooperate with the country's work.

The above five items are the main components of the agreement. The official point is to make Pei Xia optimistic about Lucifer full-time, and he must not be allowed to be a moth.

Pei Xia's point is: You can still make money in a relationship, and you still have a solid job, I'll post it!

As for the original company, the leader waved his hand and said that Pei Xia would not have to go tomorrow, and they would communicate with the company.

The leaders left reluctantly, not because they wanted to leave just like that, but other than that, they really couldn't find any other better way, and they could only pin their hopes on Pei Xia.

The text message from the bank arrived very quickly. Looking at the number on it, Pei Xia smiled so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, and stood on the balcony waving them off.

After returning home, Pei Xia bumped into Lucifer's shoulder, looking at him with eyes full of admiration and joy: "Phil, so you said you wanted to raise me, so what happened, you are so amazing! "

This can be regarded as another aspect of "I support you".

Lucifer looked at him with a half-smile and said, "I didn't say that."

"Well, isn't it?" Pei Xia held the phone and looked at him suspiciously.

Lucifer didn't know how to tell Pei Xia that he went out in the afternoon just because he thought Pei Xia liked to work, so he was influenced by Pei Xia and wanted to experience the feeling of working here, but Shengzi didn't get a job halfway. Dao Bengchu, what happened after that... Well, he didn't intend to manipulate it.

But looking at Pei Xia's shining eyes, Lucifer decided: Forget it, let's not break his beautiful misunderstanding.

It's also fortunate that he didn't break it, otherwise Pei Xia would have told him seriously: I don't like work at all!

Lucifer put his hand on Pei Xia's shoulder, and a smile like Ye Tan bloomed on his exquisite and beautiful face, his voice sounded like the sounds of heaven: "It's not important, Pei Xia, now we have another One thing to talk about."

Pei Xia was dazzled by him: "What's the matter?"

"The culture here seems to be extraordinarily broad and profound, maybe we should talk about things related to homonyms..."

When he was overwhelmed, Pei Xia struggled and protested: "This is too fussy, it's just a nickname, hiss! Take it easy!"

Lucifer chuckled on his neck, of course he was not so stingy to this extent, the address or something was just an excuse to bully Pei Xia.