Why Not Soar Your Majesty

Chapter 60: Unleash the day girl 2


Since taking over this drama, Tang Xiao's inner self has been constantly recovering.

It's okay to sit with legs crossed and shake twice in the play. The shaking of the legs has formed an inertia. When there is nothing to do, I wear a short skirt, put Erlang's legs up, and keep shaking and shaking. The blue veins on Mu Cheng's forehead jumped suddenly.

Sometimes I can't help but add drama to myself.

There is a scene where two people just swap bodies. Bai Lei is not used to boys' bodies, especially in the morning, boys can't help but have physiological reactions.

The two of them thought in a whimsical way that if they took a nap, they might change it back. As a result, when I opened my eyes the next day, I saw my own face. And Bai Lei not only saw her own face, but also felt that her blood was rushing towards Duan Yiqing somewhere. Seeing the reaction of her lower body, she couldn't help pulling her pillow and patted it. Suddenly Bai Lei arched her body in pain, while Duan Yiqing's face was pale.

When Tang Xiao was performing, he couldn't help but shouted, "My Haw."

Immediately, the place was silent and silent. Song Liangzhe blushed, and he forgot to continue the following lines. Tang Xiao was still there, with a sad expression on his face.

Mu Cheng covered his eyes and did not look at the monitor.

The director digested it for a while and shouted a card. "No... Tang Xiao, now is a period of harmony. Even if this is an online drama, don't use words of this scale. It's easy to be banned."

Tang Xiao hadn't come out of the emotions just now, and nodded with a sad face. "I can not hold it in."

"Then change your words."

Starting over, Song Liangzhe took the pillow and patted the prop master's fingers under the quilt. Immediately bowing, Tang Xiao rushed over at the same time, shouting, "My lifeblood."

Director: ... Thank you for changing the word.

Mu Cheng: …

Song Liangzhe: …

No one called to stop, Tang Xiao continued to play. With the sadness on her face, Mu Cheng almost believed through the monitor that what was under the quilt was her lifeblood.

Tang Xiao pulled Song Liangzhe's body up a little and looked at a certain part of him distressed. "How can you be so cruel, you actually plan to castrate me." After that, he wanted to touch the place.

The props have withdrawn their fingers. Tang Xiao stared at Song Liangzhe. If he wanted to touch it at this moment, he would definitely encounter Song Liangzhe's place. Even through the quilt, Mu Cheng looked at the monitor with a bad expression.

At a critical time, Song Liangzhe reacted and remembered the script. After dodging for a while, the knee directly pressed against Tang Xiao's chest.

There is no such section in the script, this section is purely accidental. Tang Xiao picked it up quickly, pressing his chest with an inner injury on his face. "Your chest! Not only are you cruel to me, but you are also cruel to yourself. Do you have to lose both?"


Mu Cheng: …

Song Liangzhe: …

"Ka... Okay, this game is over, let's all come down and take a rest." The director followed Mu Cheng's example, covering his eyes and not wanting to look at the monitor.

Song Liangzhe blushed and apologized to her. "Well, are you alright? You're not hurt."

Tang Xiao shook his head and ran over to watch the playback on the monitor. There is nothing wrong with the big scene, just add a few small shots.

Mu Cheng prepared sweet soup for her, Tang Xiao took a sip and calmed down.

Mu Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at her. "Just now, what did you want to touch?"

Tang Xiao was choked for a moment. "How can you, if you really touch it, this is not a funny urban drama, but a small movie. The website will definitely not allow it to be broadcast. The plot needs it, but the plot needs it!"

Mu Cheng touched her face. "Good, your life is here."

Tang Xiao almost couldn't help spouting it out, this is really too hooligan.

"What are you thinking? Didn't you keep shouting about how bad your face was?" Mu Cheng said with a normal expression. "By the way, does the place you hit just now still hurt? Let me rub it for you?"

Tang Xiao couldn't help it and fled.

She always felt that Mu Cheng was now repaying her hooliganism in the play just now. Kneading this word is really shameless.

Until the start of shooting in the afternoon, Tang Xiao still didn't dare to face Mu Cheng. How could she forget that Su Mu was in the game, that was an existence that could give her a knowing blow both mentally and physically.

Tang Xiao recently got to a new point. Playboy's hooliganism doesn't have to be exaggerated whistling. Mu Cheng inspired her. As a literate hooligan, when necessary, Mary Su stood up and penetrated into the girl's defense from the heart.

Duan Yiqing, played by Tang Xiao, just crossed over to Bai Lei. He happened to rescue Bai Lei's roommate from the bicycle. This scene is the highlight of Duan Yiqing being a literate hooligan.

The director spent a lot of money to order a lot of petals, and also asked the crew next door to borrow a blower and gave all the romance to the two girls.

A blower whistled the petals of the sky, planning to ride a bicycle through it quickly, and accidentally scratched a roommate of Bai Lei. Tang Xiao took advantage of the situation and put his arms around her waist, and took the person firmly into his arms.

The girl who plays Bai Lei's roommate is also a newcomer. She was scratched by a bicycle and turned around a few times.

"Can you be more natural." The director shouted with a loudspeaker. "Don't look like death, be beautiful! Beautiful!!"

The little girl was blamed, she was about to cry, and looked at everyone in panic.

Tang Xiao in turn comforted her. "It's okay, we'll practice a few more times."

During practice, the two of them almost rolled directly into the green belt several times.

"Let me demonstrate." Mu Cheng was sitting not far away to rest, but after watching for a few minutes, he frowned slightly and stood up to straighten his clothes.

The little girl stepped aside cautiously. Tang Xiao froze in place, what did Mu Cheng demonstrate? Demonstrate how to pick up people, or how to touch porcelain

Mu Cheng stood in the position of the girl just now and glanced at Tang Xiao. Tang Xiao reacted, this is to demonstrate how to touch porcelain. Suddenly there was some expectation in my heart, and it was also very good to hug Mu Cheng's waist and take advantage of it.

Planning to come over on a bicycle, Mu Cheng took advantage of the situation to turn around, and Tang Xiao did not have a role in it. Just to demonstrate how to touch porcelain correctly and gracefully. As a result, Tang Xiao took the initiative to go up and embrace Mu Cheng's waist, and turned in a circle.

When the group of people reacted, Mu Cheng was already lying in her arms. Tang Xiao wrapped one hand around her waist and bent down slightly. Fortunately, Mu Cheng has been controlling the weight of his body, so that Tang Xiao is not allowed to bear too much weight.

On the top of the head are the petals that the blower keeps blowing, and Tang Xiao's flying hair is stained with a few petals, which makes Tang Xiao's face more gorgeous.

Tang Xiao couldn't help it, and his other hand touched Mu Cheng's face. With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said in a low voice, "Are you alright? Huh?"

She deliberately kept the volume low when she spoke, and added a low kindness after a sentence. This tone of voice was something she asked Mu Cheng to learn recently. Sure enough, Mu Cheng in his arms stiffened.

Originally, it was the girl who hugged the boy's waist. But the pose of Mu Cheng and Tang Xiao, a group of people at the scene actually felt that there was no sense of disobedience, and it was a bit beautiful.

After the demonstration, the girl acted more naturally. After turning around, he fell into Tang Xiao's arms. Both of them had long hair, and the blower blew them up. Tang Xiao naturally gathered her long hair behind her ears. "Are you all right. Huh?"

The girl's face immediately turned red and she nodded.

The director shouted with satisfaction. As a result, the girl blushed and ran away.

"- -What is she running for?" The director was puzzled.

Planning murmured to the side: "Maybe urgent urination?"

During the half-time break, Tang Xiao shook his arm. After one practice session, his entire arm was sore. Mu Cheng calmly massaged her, while Tang Xiao squinted his eyes like a big dog and enjoyed it.

"That..." The second female who ran away suddenly appeared, holding a thermos cup in her arms.

Tang Xiao glanced at her appearance, and immediately felt that the situation was not good. Most of the time, they were sending things to Mu Cheng. After joining the group for more than a week, almost every day there are all kinds of little girls delivering things to Mu Cheng. One by one with a blushing face, just like this girl's expression.

The second girl held back for a long time, and pushed the thermos cup in her hand into Tang Xiao's arms. "Thank you just now."

"En?" Tang Xiao blinked and looked at her, not quite understanding the development of the plot. "For me?"


"Thank you." Tang Xiao opened the lid, which contained tremella lotus seed soup, and smiled slightly, "By the way, I just wanted to ask, what shampoo do you use, your hair smells so good."

As a result, the girl covered her face and ran away.


Mu Cheng: …

Tang Xiao: What happened

Tang Xiao was stunned for a moment, then turned to ask Mu Cheng, "Did I say something wrong? Why did she run away, why is she blushing?"

"Tang Xiao, where did you learn all these things? Your kindness? And your tone of voice" Mu Cheng had a headache. It seems that in the future filming will not only guard against boys, but also guard against girls.

"Ask you, after you drink too much, you speak with grace? Is there any problem? Eh?" Tang Xiao looked innocent.

Mu Cheng: …

It turned out that Tang Xiao had learned the essence of Mu Cheng. A good girl.

When entering the group, the girls in a group all set their sights on Mu Cheng, Mu Cheng smiled slightly, and the girls blushed and their hearts beat. Later, Tang Xiao smiled slightly, and the girls blushed and covered their faces and fled.

The author has something to say: jj you tell me, God. What's wrong with sex! ! ! Release Heaven ~ Where is the disharmony in sex! Let go of eloquence and discord! !

- -There is one more chapter~~You can scroll down~~~