Wicked Doctor's Wife

Chapter 111: Be honest and relative


"Uh, this...Feng, Feng, and Feng," Mo Rong's ears were red, and he was a little stuttered when talking, his expression was very tangled: "This, it really hurts your reputation... I..."

Feng Wuxie glanced at him coldly: "Is my reputation important, or your leader and your life? And, don't worry, he is in a coma now and can't do that kind of thing."

Mo Rong blushed, and then nodded: "Oh, yes, he can't do it now..."

Feng Wuxie was really speechless.

Di Qianxie is now in a coma and can't do anything at all. How could she lose her reputation

At best, it's a skin pro!

Really think that with a person whose life is at stake, and who is unconscious, can do something like that once the spring breeze

Feng Wuxie answered from the professional perspective of a doctor—impossible!

She did this purely because there was nothing she could do! Even the healing power of the spirit weapon can't rescue him, she can only try more and use stupid methods—

According to their fate, it seems that her soul can complement his fate, as long as the fate is no longer missing, Emperor Qianxie will be saved.

And what does the soul mean

Feng Wuxie felt that a person’s spirit is actually the person’s soul—

It's like the spiritual power and soul power in her body, in the final analysis, it is actually controlled by her with her powerful spiritual power!

Therefore, she needs to really accept Emperor Qianxie mentally! I am sincerely willing to supplement his life and sustain his life—

In other words, as long as she rescued Emperor Qianxie's mental power is strong enough! Then, perhaps, she can manipulate her spiritual power and soul power to dispel the black energy that erodes the soul power of Emperor Qianxie!

Of course, this is only her speculation, and she is not sure whether it will work.

"Girl Feng, currently there is a life-replenishing spiritual stone in our religion. Someone specially guards this spiritual stone, because this spiritual stone can monitor the changes in the leader's fate and remedy the fate. According to our guess, it should be The leader can control this lifestone himself, but no one really understands how to manipulate it..."

Feng Wuxie waved his hand: "The answer is here, but the way to get the answer is definitely not the only one!"

She is a science student, and an equation can have multiple ideas for solving problems, and a patient who is in danger can also have multiple treatment options!

"Stop talking nonsense, get out now! Don't talk about today's matter with anyone!"

Feng Wuxie didn't want to explain to Mo Rong anymore, and if he said one more word, Di Qianxie's life would be lost one more point!

Once she becomes anxious, her temper is very irritable!

Mo Rong sighed and thought: Feng Wuxie is indeed the best candidate for the leader's wife, and even the tone of his speech is sometimes exactly the same as the leader...

He went out and closed the door.

Outside, the people of the Emperor Ling Sect were all around, and when Mo Rong came out, they all gathered around to ask what happened!

"Don't ask any more! Miss Feng is treating the leader in the room. No one is allowed to go in and disturb. You are all guarded outside and no one is allowed to enter!"

Mo Rong gave the order.

It's just that this command made him feel guilty and blush.

At this time, an unexpected guest came to Tang Mansion.

It was Baili Yuxue who worked with Feng Wuxie to rescue thousands of poisoned patients in the Jinghua Hospital.

Entering the Tang Mansion, it was not the Feng Wuxie she expected to receive Baili Yuxue.

It was Tang Xiaozha, the second lady of Tang Mansion.

When Tang Xiaozha heard Feng Wuxie talk about meeting the monarch

About the things in the temple, knowing that Baili Yuxue had spoken for Feng Wuxie in the main hall of the Moro Palace, so she was extremely enthusiastic!

"Miss Tang, I took the liberty to visit and bother you." Baili Yuxue gave Tang Xiaozha a slight salute.

"It's okay!" Tang Xiaozha waved his hand generously: "I heard Wu Xie told you that you helped her! That's a friend! You're welcome! And you have treated so many poisoned patients, really. That's amazing!"

"Ah, don't dare to help."

Baili Yuxue chuckled softly on her lips, and said with a serious face:

"As for the treatment of poisoned patients, it is fortunate for me to be fortunate to be guided by Ms. Feng, and to experience such magical medical skills!"

"Haha." Tang Xiaozhagu smiled strangely: "Wuxie will surely feel refreshed when he hears you say this!"

"That's right!" She clapped her hands again: "You are here today to find Innocent!"

"Yeah." Baili Yuxue nodded gently: "Yuxue admires Miss Feng's medical skills and ethics very much, so I took the liberty to come here today and want to ask for some advice."

"So..." Tang Xiaozha supported his chin, frowned and said:

"But now Wu Xie seems to have something to do. She is locked up in a room with that fierce man and doesn't know what she is doing..."

Fierce... Are you talking about Emperor Qianxie? Baili Yuxue almost couldn't help laughing.

—For the first time in my life, I heard someone describe the leader of Emperor Lingjiao like this!

But... locked in a room

Baili Yuxue must have thought of Xiao Zi's secret explanation to her in her heart.

"That's it..." Baili Yuxue's thoughts turned, with a slightly worried expression on her face: "Could it be that Wu Xie is in trouble? How about we go and see if we can help?"

-With Tang Xiaochuang's cover, this is an excellent opportunity to understand the situation of Emperor Qianxie!

"Yeah..." Tang Xiaozha had a simple mind, and he was a little worried after hearing Baili Yuxue's words: "Okay, let's go and take a look."

So with Baili Yuxue, the two walked to Feng Wuxie's room.

Just turning around the corridor, they saw a bunch of people standing outside Feng Wuxie's room.

Although they kept a certain distance from the room, they faintly surrounded the room.

"Huh?" Tang Xiaozha looked at this group of people strangely—all of them were the secret guards of Emperor Qianxie. They appeared here and surrounded the room!

Turning her eyes, she saw Mo Rong who was paying attention to the room.

Her eyes lit up, and she patted Mo Rong's shoulder: "Hey! The builder! Great engineer!"

—Engineer, Feng Wuxie used to describe Mo Rong.

Ever since Feng Wuxie told them the meaning of the word, many people like to call it Mo Rong.

Of course Mo Rong himself refused, but there is nothing to do with it...

That's right, the "egg use" is also Feng Wu cult Tang Xiaozha's!

Mo Rong was looking at the room with endless reveries, and was startled by Tang Xiaozha's shot like this: "Who?!"

Turning his head to see Tang Xiaozha: "Miss Tang! Why are you here?"

Take a look at Baili Yuxue: "This one is?"

"She is Baili Yuxue, an innocent friend." Tang Xiaozha said, and then asked curiously:

"Why are you in a daze? What is Wu Xie doing inside? We want to go in and find her."

"Uh..." Mo Rong was stagnant, and his heart said that it would be worth it for you to go in at this time: "They are... topless and backless... Puff! No, no, no, no! It's'frank' relative!'Frank' relative! They're here. Busy with that... well, anyway you can’t

Come in! "

"What a mess!" Tang Xiaozha gave him a white look.

"Anyway, you can't go in!" Mo Rong waved his hand and said firmly.

"Oh..." Tang Xiaozha and Baili Yuxue looked at each other suspiciously, and had to wait outside.

In the room —

Feng Wuxie concentrated all his spirits and released almost all of his soul power and spiritual power!

Her spirit power and the black spirit of Di Qianxie's body resisted fiercely!

And she leaned down...

Her fingertips traced Emperor Qianxie's picturesque eyebrows.

Hooked over the bridge of his tall nose.

Stopped on his bloody lips that he had lost.

He is too haggard, this is not good, it will make her feel distressed...

Feng Wuxie buried his head on his chest, almost unable to hear his heartbeat...

She became more anxious.

"Di Qianxie, you must wake me up today!"

Feng Wuxie almost gritted her teeth and uttered these words. Then, with a flick of her finger, she unbuttoned Di Qianxie's large red robe, revealing the pure white shirt inside...

Without hesitation, Feng Wuxie also removed that layer of coat—

The first thing I saw was the charming collarbone of Emperor Qianxie...

At the second glance, his charming abs...

Feng Wuxie's heart was pounding, even she, at such a moment, couldn't help but swallow her saliva nervously...


It's not really going to go!

It's just a dear to the skin, um, a dear to the skin!

Feng Wuxie forcibly brainwashed himself, but his eyes fixed on Di Qianxie's collarbone, unable to take it back...

Finally, she rubbed her lips under his neck and between the collarbone, gently covering it...

"Di Qianxie, I'm in love with you, so you won't die!" Feng Wuxie's heart to save him became more determined!

With the concentration of her spiritual power, the black energy in Di Qianxie's body was faintly suppressed by her soul power this time!

Feng Wuxie discovered this!

She was so pleasantly surprised!

It's strange that she tried several times before, but she didn't succeed. Why did she succeed this time

… Could it be because, after she admitted that she fell in love with him, her soul in another world really affected his fate

In this case-

It shouldn't be too late!

She once again condensed her spirit and released her soul power without reservation!

The spirit power in her body was already close to zero—all infused into Di Qianxie's body!

Feng Wuxie now eagerly wants to awaken Emperor Qianxie!

Therefore, she endured the pain of being depleted of soul power—

She started kissing him non-stop!

Kiss her forehead!

Kiss his eyes!

Kiss his lips...

She sticks to his ear, calling his name again and again:

"Di Qianxie, if you dare to die, I will plan your grave every day, so that you will not be peaceful after you die!"

Feng Wuxie was anxious and listened to his heartbeat again—still so slow and weak.

For the last time, she kissed the weird blood lotus soul mark on his brow.

"Di Qianxie, I beg you, okay?! My spirit power is about to be unable to hold it. If you dare to sleep again, I really can't do anything..."

at this time.

A weak, slightly hoarse voice, but with a faint smile, rushed into Feng Wuxie's ears:

"You begged me this way, and the leader promised you not to die."

Feng Wuxie suddenly raised her head—

—Di Qianxiezheng looked at her quietly with his gentle and evil eyes...

(End of this chapter)