Wicked Doctor's Wife

Chapter 2: The pistol disappeared


After looking at each other for a few seconds with the dirty big black pig—

Feng Wuxie decided to take a deep breath first and calm down.

The result-take a deep breath, your sister! Almost choked to death in one breath! This place is too stinky! Pigpen

It's crazy!

Who is so wicked, so cruel! Put her in a pigsty? !

Uncle's! After she goes out, she must take care of the wicked brain damage!

She tried to move her body.

"Hiss..." The pain made her gasp, and she had to start to look at herself.

The clothes were torn, and the style of clothing was not the camouflage uniform she originally wore in the special forces fighters, but the ancient costume.

She was wounded all over her body, and she moved her whole body when she pulled it, and even her face hurts fiercely. The wound was not formed by the explosion of a fighter jet at all, but it was more like being whipped by someone with a whip!

Is it because she, as a medic of the special forces unit, rescued the wounded and saved enough virtue, so at the moment when the fighter jet exploded, God opened her eyes and let her live again

At this moment, I heard sneaky footsteps—

Feng Wuxie stayed calm, followed the reputation, only to see a woman, taking advantage of the darkness, sneaking towards the pig cage.

Thinking of the injuries on the original owner, Feng Wuxie decided to pretend to be dead for the time being to see what the woman was going to do.

I saw the woman open the pig cage, drag her out of the pig cage abruptly, and cursed while dragging her:

"Tell you to fight our young lady! You deserve it!"

After scolding, he kicked her hard.

Damn, it hurts so much!

Feng Wuxie suddenly opened his eyes and stared at her.

In the moonlight, her eyes are as sharp as an eagle


"Ah—" she exclaimed, "You fool is not dead yet?"

Feng Wuxie smiled coldly, with a smile set against the blood, extremely horrible, like hell Shura:

"Dead, but the king of Yan said that I will not live until I am dead, and that I will die. Let me come back, and there will be revenge, and there will be grievances."

"You—" The woman took two steps backwards in fright, and then stopped, as if she had made some determination, she suddenly drew a dagger from her sleeve: "In this case, I will kill you for the young lady!"

Feng Wuxie could tell at a glance that this little Nizi was good at martial arts.

Seeing that the dagger was about to fall towards her carotid artery, it was absolutely impossible for her to fight against this little niezi with all the traumas and internal injuries all over her body, and the fierce tiger fell in Pingyang.

Feng Wuxie suddenly felt a strange sense of familiarity around her waist!

Almost subconsciously, Feng Wuxie touched her waist—

Originally, this action was only the first reaction, Feng Wuxie didn't hold any hope at all, but when her hand touched the guy with the ***, she was instantly surprised!

Fuck, in the 21st century, her favorite personal thing, went to another world with her.

Without hesitation, she exhausted all her strength and quickly pulled it out and aimed at the enemy! Pull the trigger!

Bullet shot out—

The smell of gunpowder spreads—

There was a big hole in the center of the forehead of the Xiao Nizi who wanted to kill Feng Wuxie's mouth, and blood was gushing out from the blood hole.

She fell straight back, staring at Feng Wuxie with a very unbelievable gaze before she died, as if she was looking at an evil spirit that had just crawled out of hell.

"Say hello to Hades for me, just say I thank him."

Feng Wuxie charged her

He smiled coldly, and looked at the corpse in front of him with a blank expression, slowly falling down, calmly.

In her hand, she was holding a 7-inch CZ100 military silencer pistol!

Weapons that do not belong to this era of cold weapons at all!

When she was worried about how to place this pistol on her body, the pistol disappeared inexplicably!

what's the situation

What fantasy is this playing with her

Her favorite baby pistol, why is it gone again

Just when she was wondering, she felt something strange in her body, and suddenly an illusory image appeared in her mind!

She seems to see a man!

The man wore a coquettish blood-red robe, with a bloodthirsty smile at the corner of his mouth, and his long hair was shackled by a demon-red gem.

His long and narrow eyelashes seem to be able to lightly hold the falling snow, and the black eyes are faintly mixed with the splendid brilliance of ruby...

His face-as beautiful as a god, like Shura, like a peerless evil demon born in the fire.

Feng Wuxie looked a little dazed. She lived a whole life, but she had never seen such an evil but beautiful man...

Who is he

Before Feng Wuxie could ask, the Shura-like beautiful man had thin lips and lightly opened:

"Woman, you are here, right?"

Feng Wuxie was startled—Illusion can still speak

Before he was surprised, the hallucinations began to speak again:

"Women, wait obediently! You must not die before the leader finds you!"

"Don't look at other men!"

"You are not allowed to marry another man!"

Feng Wuxie was confused and just wanted to ask—

The man in the hallucination has disappeared!

(End of this chapter)