Wicked Doctor's Wife

Chapter 45: Sit down for her


Everyone was attracted by this arrogant but cold voice, and they all looked back at the same time.

I saw—

The man stepped on the rising sun, with a long posture, coming right in time, like a savior god descending from the sky.

He was lightly dressed in red, and his robe seemed to be stained with the mist of the dawn, hazy and beautiful, like a dream.

A mask concealed his original unparalleled beauty, but the eyes and corners of his lips exposed under that mask were all breathtakingly beautiful.

He has always hated this ugly golden mask, but today in front of others, he still wears it...

Just because he promised that woman before, to hide his face and act low-key...

Therefore, at this moment, what everyone sees in their eyes are the red clothes that are like hell fire, a pair of angry icy eyes, and the thin lips that are pursed lightly.

The gem is covered, but the light is still on—

Everyone is still watching it!

Just because the spirit power he released was too strong! Too dazzling!

Who is this uninvited guest? Where did it come from? It has become a question in everyone's mind!

When everyone didn't react, he had already changed his shape, and he was in front of Feng Wuxie in a moment!

"Women, you got up early, if you didn't go to practice, just ran over to quarrel with these annoying flies? Is it fun? Huh?" Di Qianxie said with a mockery.

Flies? It refers to the generation of Feng Wuxin and Feng Wulin, right? !

Feng Wuxie was worried about Feng Mingzhu's life, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with Emperor Qianxie, and said directly:

"Di Qianxie, I must save this girl, you help me block them! Don't let them come near!"

Emperor Qianxie snorted coldly.

This woman actually ordered him

Damn it!

Forget it, look at her in such a hurry, don't worry about her for now!

Emperor Qianxie glanced at the crowd, his eyes seemed random, but they were so shocking that they could not help but take three steps back!

Since Emperor Qianxie's appearance, Feng Wuxin's eyes have been fascinatingly staying on him. She originally thought that the Murong family's son Murong Feng was already the most gentle and handsome man in the world. She did not expect to see him today. Arriving at such a man who is as cold as an iceberg, and evil like gods and demons, who is plundering the world to harm the country...

But what did she hear

Feng Wuxie, that bitch, didn't allow her to come close? !

How can she stand it? You have to put Feng Wuxie's momentum under your feet in front of this man!

In this way, he might be able to look at her more...

Feng Wuxin speculated secretly, and already began to curse:

"Feng Wuxie, you shameless, you are obviously a waste. You want to kill Miss Mingzhu! You dare to say you want to save... Ah!!!"

Feng Wuxin screamed!

The words are not finished, the mouth is rotten!

It was slapped with great strength and smashed abruptly!

Everyone looked at Feng Wuxin in surprise...

Because it was not someone else who started pulling her mouth, it was Feng Wuxin himself...

Her hands are out of control! Can't restrain the movement of making one's own mouth!

-This is the spirit of Emperor Qianxie.

Darkness, puppet spiritism!

Darkness! I'm afraid there are not many spiritists in the entire continent who have this kind of talent. This dark-type spirit arts can not only control the souls of people in the world, but also control the attribution of the evil spirits of hell. It is almost a god-like existence!

I saw that Emperor Qianxie didn't even bother to say another word. He frowned like a fly and waved to everyone—

In an instant, everyone didn't react, and only after the dazzling spirit came, did they suddenly discover—

Everyone has arrived outside the courtyard in an instant? !

This is—Space Transformation, Earth Soul Art!

Feng Yuanzhi reacted and wanted to forcefully rush in and continue to stop Feng Wuxie from applying the needle on Feng Mingzhu's body, but only after exerting force did he discover that his leg had been locked in place and could not move at all!

He was anxious and wanted to talk, but he couldn't move his mouth!

He glanced at the side with the corner of his eye... It turned out that it was not just him, everyone in the scene had the same movements, standing stiffly in place, like stone sculptures or wax statues, maintaining various postures, still motionless!

This is—spirituality that can control time!

The main essence of this kind of spiritism is to control the flow speed of the spirit power in each person's body—because the spirit power flows in the blood vessels, controlling the speed of the spirit power is equivalent to controlling the blood vessels and behavior speed of the human body!

Emperor Qianxie suspended the lives of these people at this moment!

Except for one person-Feng Wuxin!

Feng Wuxin actually knelt stiffly on the stone brick in a very funny posture, his body was already still, but his mouth remained open to talk, so big that he could squeeze an egg!

And her hand was still pumping her mouth!

Her saliva, mixed with blood, slowly flowed out of the mouth that had been sucked out...

No image, disgusting!

This scene fell into my eyes, and in an instant, everyone was scared...

Puppet Soul Art! Space conversion technique! Time Soul Art!

Is this man a monster? !

Of course, it's not just that they are afraid.

Even Feng Wuxie was startled to sweat...

She has always known that Emperor Qianxie is a very powerful, very powerful, and terribly powerful person!

But in her cognition, Di Qianxie is so powerful, in addition to being able to summon out of prison fire, extinguish her sky fire and other tricks! More, she felt that he:

Very domineering! Tsundere is terrible! The shelves are also great!

Now, she finally saw his real power! But perhaps, the spiritism he displayed today is only the tip of the iceberg of his strength

Especially unknown.

Emperor Qianxie didn't even look at the group of "living wax figures" outside.

He sat casually on the chair in the outer room, drank a sip of tea from the pot on the table, and then his brows under the mask wrinkled tightly, making it difficult to drink!

So he put it down again, and took out his jade pot and jade lamp from Qiankun's bag. He started to drink himself, and lazily spit out a word to Feng Wuxie: "Save."

Feng Wuxie did not delay, immediately administering acupuncture and pulse diagnosis for Feng Mingzhu, combining the medical knowledge of the 21st century with the medicine of this world.

After tossing for a long time, I finally figured out—Huo Xie Feng Po in Feng Mingzhu!

No wonder the average pharmacist can't recognize this poison!

Just because it has not been widely recorded, and its toxicity is extremely deep!

Feng Wuxie was able to recognize this poison, thanks to the very rare "Poison Book" among the bunch of "meeting gifts" sent to her by Emperor Qianxie.

This book is said to be very precious, and there are only one or two manuscripts left in the world!

This fire evil wind poison is highly toxic, and most of the potions are in powder form. The most unique thing is that this kind of medicine specializes in restraining the spiritists of the two attributes of fire and wind, even if others eat it in their stomachs, they will not What's the big deal!

Moreover, it takes a certain amount of time for this kind of poison to spread from contaminated to poison!

So it is very likely that Feng Mingzhu was already poisoned by the day yesterday!

Even after she was poisoned, she still used the spirit technique of fire and wind in front of everyone-"Xia Guang is like brocade".

This undoubtedly accelerated the onset time of Huo Xie Feng Po!

Otherwise, according to the normal time calculation, Feng Mingzhu should be able to be delayed until the successor election meeting before he will be poisoned!

If such a hidden poison was from Feng Wuxin and Feng Wuxia's generation, then this job would be really fine enough!

Without further ado! Regardless of those in the family who are staring at her outside the courtyard!

Feng Wuxie immediately took out the medicine cauldron from Qiankun's bag, and then took out the medicine field on the first floor of the ancient space tower, plucked the life-saving medicinal herbs on his body, and put it in the medicine cauldron!

She mastered the sky fire skillfully, concentrating on refining the pill...

The moment she released the blue sky fire—

In the courtyard, all the people standing still, although they could not speak or move their hands, the eyes of each of them projected incredible light!

Feng Wuxin twitched her mouth while staring at Feng Wuxie fiercely. The look in her eyes was extremely angry and hated to the extreme!

—Feng Wuxie, when did this bitch learn to make medicine

She turned out to be a pharmacist? !

(End of this chapter)