Wicked Doctor's Wife

Chapter 85: Think of it as the boss


Jin Yuyin rushed in first, followed by Mu Lanqin, who had already been unable to bear it.

Everyone was stunned as soon as she entered the house—what kind of dress is Miss Feng, she was so curious, didn’t she check the condition of Master Jin? How did she change her clothes

Feng Wuxie wears a doctor's suit, isolation gloves and a mask that she has changed from the space. She is preparing to inject anti-toxin serum for Jin Changlong. The situation is urgent now, and she can't explain that much.

A hint of playfulness flashed in Di Qianxie's eyes. Some surprises always appeared on this woman. He was really more and more interested in her!

This woman is indeed... a visitor from outside, someone who does not belong to this world!

He hadn't noticed before, but now he discovered that Feng Wuxie was so novel from beginning to end!

"How is it! My father... How is it?!" Jin Yuyin asked in a hurry as soon as he entered the door.

Feng Wuxie raised her hand and motioned to her to calm down:

"It has been determined that Master Jin did not have any disease, including what Xiaozhu told me before. If the symptoms of those'patients' in the city are the same as those of Master Jin, then I am afraid that they are not suffering from any disease, but Poisoned!"

"Poisoning?" Everyone was unbelievable.

Di Qianxie had a faint expression, as if everything had nothing to do with him, he was just here to cheer Feng Wuxie.

"Yes!" Feng Wuxie nodded, his face also very serious.

She explained the results of the test to everyone in the simplest language possible.

After listening to everyone, everyone was shocked!

"It's so strange, how come so many people are poisoned together?" Tang Qi frowned.

"Don't care about this, Wu Xie, since you have found out, is this kind of poison well solved? What happened to Uncle Kim?" Tang Xiaozha asked.

Jin Yuyin also hurriedly echoed and asked: "Yes, whether it is poison or disease, you should save my dad first!"

Feng Wuxie nodded, but his expression was quite solemn: "Actually, no matter what kind of toxin it is, it is a foreign body in the human body. As long as it is cleaned out, most of the problem will be resolved."

As she said, she shook the nano anti-virus serum in her hand:

"This anti-toxin serum can fight toxins very effectively, but it can't completely detoxify. It can only temporarily relieve his symptoms. This kind of poison is not trivial. The combination of ghost scorpion venom and Heliconia is already very tricky, plus the rot … I need to study carefully before trying to formulate the antidote! I can’t guarantee the final effect, I can only say that I will try my best—"

This is the truth. Rao is Feng Wuxie. At this moment, he can't hold his chest and say that he will definitely develop an antidote!

She must be responsible for her own words!

Jin Yuyin was even more upset when Feng Wuxie said this: "You liar! You really can't cure my father! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Feng Wuxie did not respond to her, but took the time to take out a set of infusion tools to prepare for the infusion of Master Jin.

Serum is injected into the patient's blood as soon as possible to temporarily relieve the symptoms of poisoning!

Everything is ready.

Feng Wuxie shook Master Jin's hand—at that moment, Di Qianxie narrowed his eyes dangerously!

This woman... is starting to shake other people's hands again!

Even though he is an old man, why does he want to kill like this in his heart? !

Feng Wuxie carefully checked, avoiding the ulcerated part of the patient's hand one by one, wiped off the alcohol, and prepared to put a needle into the vein.

Jin Yuyin reacted violently:

"Wait, wait! What are you going to do... You won't... You are going to put this needle into my dad's body! You still want to pour water into it?! Are you trying to save my dad or kill him! "

What is water injection? !

Feng Wuxie rolled his eyes, thinking it was pouring pork? !

Is she giving the patient an infusion, OK? Inject anti-venom!

Is this Jin Yuyin's mind pretending to be Xiang

Feng Wuxie didn't bother to care about her, and said without looking back:

"Miss Mu! Go and teach her about science."

"Yes! Madam!" Mu Lanqin seemed to like to listen to Feng Wuxie's instructions.

Mu Lanqin dragged the gold, jade and silver, and dragged her out regardless of whether she was yelling there.

No one interrupted, Feng Wuxie quickly and skillfully injected Master Jin, and put antibiotics aside for later use.

"The effect of the anti-venom serum will take about half an hour to show up... Or, you guys go take a rest first?" Feng Wuxie wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to everyone.

However, no one left.

Upon seeing this, Feng Wuxie didn't say more.

Time passed quietly.

Soon, half an hour passed...

With the infusion of the anti-venom serum, Master Tang's fever gradually subsided, and his entire body slowly stopped, and even his festered hands and feet no longer continued to drain.

Feng Wuxie nodded in satisfaction, and breathed a sigh of relief for the time being.

After the anti-virus serum was infused, she replaced him with antibiotics to prevent other viruses from entering the body during the period of Master Jin’s poisoning.

At this time, I don't know when the Jin Yuyin who came in has already burst into tears.

Seeing his father slowly getting better from such a miserable situation, Jin Yuyin felt like he was dreaming!

Feng Wuxie is a little bitch... No, Jin Yuyin shook her head, she can't scold Feng Wuxie like that in her heart now!

Before, she had eyes but no beads, now Feng Wuxie saved her father! How could she verbally verbally toward her benefactor again

"Girl Feng..." Jin Yuyin choked.

Tang Xiaozha watched from the side, and couldn't help but curl his lips: "What I said, leave it to Wu Xie's okay!"

Jin Yuyin heard this and looked at Feng Wuxie, "Puffing" and knelt down:

"Miss Feng... I really... I really don't know how to thank you... Before me, I said you... I'm so damn!"

He knocked Feng Wuxie's head one by one.

Feng Wuxie was speechless too!

This Jin Yuyin has a strange character, she used to hate her, but she didn't expect her heart and eyes to be so sincere, just for a while, her forehead was swollen!

Like a pig's head!

"Why are you doing this?" Feng Wuxie shook his head, not knowing what to say to this Jin Yuyin!

She looked at her for a while, then took out the golden sore medicine and put it on Jin Yuyin:

"Okay, don't cry here too! Your father's current condition is only temporarily under control, and the poison has not been solved yet, it is still dangerous! It's useless if you kneel on my knees! I will save you in the future. If you don’t mess with me, I will thank you!"

With that said, Feng Wuxie couldn't help showing a teasing smile:

"Besides, when you kneel, the jewelry on your head is crackling, and my eyes are dazzled."

Jin Yuyin stared at Feng Wuxie's smile blankly, thinking that this was the most beautiful smile she had ever seen in her life.

"Innocent me..." Jin Yuyin's eyes flashed a firmness: "Innocent, you are my benefactor, my boss, no matter what you order in the future, just say, you let me go east and I will never go west!"

Feng Wuxie's face is black...


What the hell is the boss, she is obviously a doctor!

Do you want to change *** this is

"It doesn't need to be so serious..." Feng Wuxie shook his head and smiled, then his face became straight.

"Your father is not very poisoned. Although he has been injected with serum, but the poison has not been resolved, he still needs to take care of him."

With that said, he gave Jin Yuyin a few pills that could consolidate the foundation and cultivate the vitality, and asked some precautions.

Jin Yuyin took it down seriously with a face!

After tossing for a whole night, the entire Jin Mansion and Tang Mansion were all stunned and stayed up all night.

Feng Wuxie walked out of the room, and finally took a sigh of relief, only to see that the eastern horizon was faintly white...

It's already Mao time...

Tang Xiaozha grabbed Feng Wuxie's hand and couldn't help but thanked him: "Wuxie, this night, it's really hard for you!"

Feng Wuxie shook his head: "Don't be too relaxed. I'm really not sure if I can formulate an antidote. What I am curious about now is, who is behind the poisoning? And you, Uncle Kim. , How is it poisoned?"

At this time, Di Qianxie came over and dragged Feng Wuxie into his arms:

"You are busy enough."

Feng Wuxie frowned—what did he do? With so many people present, what did he pull and pull at her like? !

Di Qianxie completely ignored Feng Wuxie's dissatisfied eyes.

He took off the mask and gloves on Feng Wuxie's face, and even wiped the sweat on her forehead and nose himself...

Finally, in a cold tone, he gave an order that could not be refused:

"Don't worry about anything! You must get me out of bed now! Everything will wait for you to wake up!"

(End of this chapter)