Wicked Doctor's Wife

Chapter 88: The pharmacist followed the order


Time passed quietly.

The spirit masters guarding Feng Wuxie and Mu Lanqin in the Chang'an Hall were silent. Feng Wuxie ate and drank in the hall, and simply lay on the table and fell asleep—

Since the storm is destined to start tonight, she is forbidden here by the monarch whose brains have been squeezed out of the door, and she can't do anything else. It's better to replenish her energy and wait until dawn, and there will be a tough battle to fight!

Feng Wuxie lay down for a while, and then greeted Mu Lanqin: "Don't stand up too much, get down and squint for a while. When it's dawn, there are still so many patients in the city waiting for us to help. Now that we are trapped. In the palace, just follow the emperor's thousand heresies, so you can sleep first."

Mu Lanqin glanced at the spiritist guards who were watching them eagerly, and at Feng Wuxie, who was lying lazily on the table and dozing off, only felt:

As expected to be the wife of the leader, she is not surprised at all changes, and can sleep freely and easily in this situation...

She is also very impressed!

Mu Lanqin was also not welcome, she felt that Feng Wuxie's words were very reasonable, so she got down on the table too!

After a while, both of them were asleep...

The guards in the hall looked at each other...

Where did these two women emerge from? In the main hall of the palace, under the eyes of the guards, dare to sleep so unscrupulously? !

The guards thought about the task that the monarch gave them-watch them, but don't be rude to them.

Therefore, they fell asleep, and it seemed impolite for the guards to just stare at the two girls to sleep, but if they were awakened, it would not seem good...

The guards waited tangledly for more than an hour, and the Lord finally came back!

But Lin Yejun's face was very gloomy, as if he had just lost his temper!

Look at the pharmacists following Lin Yejun again, all of them are downcast and look gray...

There is no need to think about it, there must be no one who can cure Princess Youchan.

As soon as Lin Yejun returned to the hall, he saw Feng Wuxie and Mu Lanqin lying on the table and resting—

He was not angry, and hummed angrily: "What a courage!"

With this sound like thunder, Feng Wuxie and Mu Lanqin both woke up.

The two girls are casual and elegant in their sleeping faces. After waking up, Feng Wuxie glanced at the people indifferently, and already understood the current situation in general.

She looked at the monarch and chuckled calmly: "Wasting time, if you continue to use it like this, Princess You Chan's life will probably be consumed by you."

Lin Yejun's majestic gaze stared at Feng Wuxie coldly:

"You are young, can you really cure this disease?"

"It’s impossible to cure all at once, but it can relieve the princess’ symptoms first, and then study a complete cure. I did a good intention to treat your princess just now, but you stopped me, so now I changed my mind and died! Mu Lanqin, let's go!"

Feng Wuxie no longer gave the monarch face anymore.

Just because he was alone, tossing until it was light, how many patients outside the palace are still suffering? !

Princess Youchan's life is almost in her hands now, why is she polite with this Monarch Moro

"Dare you!" Lin Yejun was also anxious, how could this woman be so bold and arrogant that she actually choked with him openly!

Feng Wuxie sneered.

What can't she dare? For a while, he had to beg her to treat Princess Youchan!

"Be bold!" Lin Yejun was furious.

"If you ask for help, you must behave like asking for help!"


The evil eyes were cold, like a sword like a sword, standing proudly above the hall:

"Although you are a monarch, I don't owe you a single cent! You asked for a doctor and invited me into the palace first, but you detained me in this hall for no reason, regardless of right or wrong! You know, except for your secluded cicada Princess, there are thousands of people in the city suffering from illnesses! You don’t put the people first, call all the city’s pharmacists into the palace, just to save a princess Youchan! So this is the monarch of Mora Kingdom Today, I can be regarded as having gained insight!"

Every word, every word, you're not polite!

Lin Yejun's face turned pale—

He is the king of a country!

Now being taught this way by a civilian woman? !

The pharmacists and guards who were present also squeezed their sweat for Feng Wuxie. This little girl was really proud and bold enough to be afraid of death—

Feng Wuxie didn't care at all. It was not that she was not afraid of death, but she knew that she could not die!

For one thing, Lin Yejun must have asked her.

Secondly, she has the thighs of Emperor Qianxie to hold! After this period of understanding, she understood that the sect under the jurisdiction of Emperor Qianxie is much more powerful than the prince of a country!

"What's your name?" Lin Yejun's face changed several times, and finally he calmed down his anger and asked.

Feng Wuxie raised his chin slightly, neither humble nor overbearing, his eyes still cold: "Feng Wuxie."

"Very good!" Lin Yejun snorted softly, "I handed You Chan's life into your hands. You must cure it!"

Feng Wuxie sneered: "I said, begging for someone must look like a beggar. Do you not even understand the most basic etiquette?"

What does it mean to be cured

With such a commanding tone, it is enough to have Emperor Qianxie by her side and talk about it!

Which green onion is this monarch

It was the first time Lin Yejun met such a commoner woman. He was absolutely crazy. He had to wonder, what is this person's background

"Okay." He was patient: "What do you want this monarch to do before you are willing to treat Princess Youchan?"

The corner of Feng Wuxie's mouth twitched lightly, and a clear smile floated on her lips:

"It's very simple for me to treat Princess Youchan. I want the twenty-five pharmacists present to obey my assignment! Follow the method I taught to treat the people outside the palace who are infected and poisoned!"

With this sound, all the pharmacists in the temple fried the pot!

You know, every cultivator must be arrogant in his heart. The pharmacist has a lofty status and has received the admiration of ordinary people! At this moment, let these senior pharmacists with decades of experience in medicine, and those young disciples who consider themselves high-minded, take orders from a mad woman who does not know where she came out of—

How are they willing to do it

"The little girl speaks wild words! What skills do you have to show first, saving lives, how can you be kidding?!"

"That's right! I don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick, the old man, as the king of medicine, has no solution for this disease, how can you cure it?"

Arguments kept coming and going, and they kept talking, but they were all dissatisfied!

Feng Wuxie ignored them, and only asked Lin Yejun: "How about it? Do you not agree? If you want to save your princess, you can give an order and let them follow my command!"

Lin Yejun asked: "If you can't cure Youchan, can't save the people outside the palace?"

Feng Wuxie spit out four words coldly: "Yi, fate, pay, fate!"

Every word is firm and sound!

For a while, the discussion in the entire hall ceased.

There was no sound.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the white cloth in front of them, clear

In the beauty of the immortal, everything is shocking in my heart—

This is to take all the responsibilities on her own body!

It’s good to treat Princess Youchan or to treat the sick people in the city...

It is naturally good to be able to cure. But in case it can't be cured... She will pay her life!

does it worth

Feng Wuxie glanced contemptuously at the irritated pharmacists around him, spitting orchid fragrance, and his tone was cold: "Now, are you satisfied? Can you start saving people?"

Heh, as a pharmacist, you should have regarded Xuanhu Jishi as your lifelong responsibility, and now thousands of people are poisoned under their noses, but they are still arguing about their status! No one dares to take the lead in treating the sick!

But a group of cowards pretending to be noble with the title of pharmacist!

Everyone was choked with nothing to say.

Lin Yejun waved his hand and announced the emperor's order: "Okay! Everyone is obedient. If Feng Wuxie can relieve Princess Youchan's condition within an hour, then all the pharmacists will be under Feng Wuxie's command! Follow her instructions. Meaning, go outside the palace to treat the sick people!"

The pharmacists all knelt to take orders: "Yes!"

"Okay! You, Miss Baili, and you, and this one," Feng Wuxie followed a few pharmacists, and explained: "There are too many people to rush into the patient's room all at once, so Let me pick a few helpers first and walk with me. I will take the treatment of Princess Youchan as an example. I will teach you the methods of healing first! After you learn it, you can teach it to others!"

Those people nodded: "Okay."

Without delay, Feng Wuxie took Mu Lanqin and headed to Princess Youchan's Changning Palace!

Lin Yejun tossed for the whole night, and he didn't move anymore. He sent some personal guards to stare at Feng Wuxie and his party, and he followed the rest of the pharmacists in the Chang'an Hall, waiting for news.

Waiting is always suffering...

Everyone stayed until the time-

Everyone simply ran out of breakfast in the Chang'an Hall, and finally waited for the news that Princess Youchan turned to peace and the fever had gone away!

Lin Yejun was so happy, his mouth straightened:

"Good, good! Reward! Reward the phoenix innocent one hundred thousand gold! Feng Chinese doctor!"

"Don't rush to reward me, let's do business first!"

At this moment, Feng Wuxie came in from outside the hall, and he was still so merciless when speaking!

But Lin Yejun is in a good mood now, he thinks Feng Wuxie's words are beautiful, he is not angry!

After injecting Princess Youchan with anti-toxin serum and infusing nutrition, Feng Wuxie returned with the first batch of pharmacists who learned infusion.

—The pharmacists who followed Feng Wuxie all looked weird!

"What are you waiting for?" Feng Wuxie glanced at them: "Hurry up and teach others the method of infusion. I will be distributing medicine in a while!"

Those people moved quickly...

It's just that, in their hearts, they are actually excited and collapsed...

Because just now, they witnessed a bizarre medical technique!

Put a needle into the blood of the human body and inject water!

Well, it's actually an injection of liquid medicine...

They all feel lucky to learn this kind of medicine!

And now, they are going to teach others the magical medical skills they just learned...

Everyone is wondering, what is the origin of Feng Wuxie? !

How could she have such mysterious medical skills

Is she a ghost? Or a demon? Or-is it God? !

(End of this chapter)