Wicked Doctor's Wife

Chapter 90: Find out the source of the poison


Bai Ruochen just smiled faintly at Xiao Zi, and stopped speaking.

The head of the Poison Master in Tianqi Continent-Xiao Zi.

In Tianqi Continent, this person was also considered one of the best poison masters, and Bai Ruochen naturally recognized this face.

According to legend, when Xiao Zi was thirteen years old, he joined the Association of Pharmacists and became the Medicine Emperor.

He was a genius pharmacist, but because of his preference for the technique of refining poison, he was eventually expelled and sent out by the Federation of Pharmacists! Suffered the right way pharmacist's eyes.

Later, when he was seventeen years old, he simply joined Poison Vein and was accepted as a relative by Poison Vein’s head.

It has been three years, so now Xiao Zi should be twenty years old.

I don’t know to what extent his spiritual power and soul power have been cultivated...

According to the news that Bai Ruochen has, when Xiao Zi was in the Pharmacists’ Association, he was fairly safe, only refining medicines and poisons, but he had not done anything to hurt people.

But since he was expelled from the Medicine Club and joined Poison Vein—

He has become sinister and fierce, repeatedly provoking the drug society. He would even let living people try poison with his own body, the methods are extremely cruel!

At this time—

Xiao Zi looked at Bai Ruochen with interest, and walked a few steps closer, and noticed the faint fragrance of medicine on Bai Ruochen's body. His eyes became mocking, and his tone was cold and gloomy:

"Oh, pharmacist."

Bai Ruochen's eyelashes drooped lightly, and his face was cold, ignoring Xiao Zi's sarcasm, and only fixed his gaze on Feng Wuxie.

Xiao Zi also fixed his gaze on Feng Wuxie's body—

"You know the female pharmacist who took the lead." Xiao Zi said this to Bai Ruochen, with a very positive tone.

Bai Ruochen responded to him this time: "Know, so what?"

Xiao Zi held the white cat spirit pet, and sat down beside Bai Ruochen, with a wicked smile on his face, and his brows were lightly raised:

"She is a pharmacist, and you are also a pharmacist. She is saving people, but you are watching the excitement."

Xiao Zi seemed interested:

"You know, but you don't know her well. Either you have an antagonism with her, or you want to plan something on her, that's why you observe her like this."

In a few words, he has thoroughly analyzed the relationship between Bai Ruochen and Feng Wuxie.

Bai Ruochen frowned for a moment, but quickly relaxed again: "Aren't you like me?"

Xiao Zi put her index finger playfully: "Oh, I observe her, thinking about how to kill her to be more fun. Are you the same as me?"

This is the end of a conversation.

Bai Ruochen did not speak any more, but left—he was not very interested in the Poison King, nor was he interested in the poisoned patients in Moruo City.

Xiao Zi watched Bai Ruochen go away, but didn't care. Instead, she turned her gaze back to Feng Wuxie—

Very well, this little girl dared to detox his poison and disrupt his plan!

But, can she really understand it

A sneer appeared in Xiao Zi's eyes: the poison of the ghost scorpion, the poison of the heliconia, the poison of the saprophyte—

These three kinds of poisons are very tricky poisons.

What's more, these three kinds of poisons were configured by his own hands and merged with each other. They are simply poisonous poisons, even if they are pharmacists.

Those old things in the meeting can't solve his poison.

With her being a little girl, she wants to detoxify

Xiao Zi's lips curled up with the most playful smile, and coldly spit out five words:

"Innocent girl."

at this time-

"Pavilion Master."

A figure flashed next to him, and a mysterious woman dressed in blue with a veil on her face quietly came to Xiao Zi's side. The veil was extremely delicate, covering her original appearance, which made people look at the face behind the veil. , Imagine:

"Subordinates have something to report."

"En?" Xiao Zi frowned, as if being disturbed by the mood of watching a good show, his face was slightly impatient, and found that the woman's face was slightly abnormal:

"Have you forgotten my rules after you left me for a long time?"

"Pavilion Master..." The veiled woman hesitated for a while, and then replied: "After I checked, the name of the woman who took the lead in curing the poisoned patient was named Feng Wuxie. As for the antidote she held, it was called ' Although the'anti-toxin serum' liquid medicine cannot completely eliminate the toxicity, it can temporarily suppress the poison. This kind of medicine has never appeared in Mora. I checked a lot of pharmacopoeias, but I did not find this'anti-virus serum. 'The origin, so I came to tell the patron master... I wonder if you know about this drug?"

In her opinion, their Xiao Zi Pavilion Master is the King of Poison Masters, and she definitely understands the origin of this'anti-poison serum'.


Xiao Zi raised his eyebrows slightly, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but such murderous intent was only momentary and was replaced by madness:


He asked rhetorically, the corner of his lips was raised, and a wicked smile was outlined.


There are drugs that he has never heard of, which makes him feel very novel and crazy!

"Find a way, get some of this stuff back, and bring it to me." Xiao Zi ordered!

The woman in the veil seems to be a bit embarrassed: "This..."


"Pavilion Master, this is not easy to handle. Every medicine they take is registered. The quantity and the name of the person who took the medicine are numbered... I am afraid, it is not easy to start."

"Oh?" Xiao Zi was even more interested: "This little Nizi has a little thought."

"Yes. She seems to be deliberately guarding."

"Be sure to get me the medicine!" Xiao Zi hesitated, "I'm going to order this medicine, you know?"

She clenched her fists and lowered her eyes, as if made up her mind: "Yes!"

Then it disappeared and retreated.

Xiao Zi coldly watched the busy figure of Feng Wuxie and the smile on the corner of her mouth in the Jinghua Academy, making it more intriguing...

Feng Wuxie and the others had been busy all day, and hardly even had time to drink water!

After thousands of poisoned people alleviated their symptoms one by one, it was late at night.

After Feng Wuxie checked the condition of the last patient, he returned to the place of temporary rest.

Beside her are a group of pharmacists who have long admired her.

To be honest, all pharmacists who can come to the palace are somewhat knowledgeable, but the treatment methods Feng Wuxie uses have opened everyone's eyes.

Medicine can be made into liquid! It can also be injected directly into the human body!

Simply unheard of!

But what moved these pharmacists the most was Feng Wuxie's attitude towards patients.

The pharmacists have always been a group of people at the top of the pyramids on this continent.

So while their status is noble, they never give color to the people at the bottom.

But Feng Wuxie, a woman with mysterious medical skills, seemed to not care about the difference in identity.

Regardless of whether it is an official merchant or a trafficker, or even a beggar or a poor person, she treats them equally.

Under her influence, all the people who were still a little reluctant were also involved in the work of saving people.

Seeing Feng Wuxie's pretty face that was slightly exhausted because of her stressful work all the time, everyone felt a feeling: Maybe she can be called a real pharmacist...

Just when everyone was in a lot of thoughts and no one was talking, a guard walked in:

"Dear pharmacists, your Majesty would like to discuss important matters."

Feng Wuxie's heart moved slightly—could it be that the source of the poison has been found out

"Good." Nodded immediately, and said to the attendant: "Please lead the way."

When they arrived at the previous hall, Lin Yejun was waiting for them, with a trace of solemnity on his face.

"Girl Feng, and everyone—" Lin Yejun said in a deep voice, "The source of the poison has been found out. It is Chengnan Reservoir."

Moro City has a large population and daily water consumption is a huge amount.

In order to solve the water source problem, the first generation of monarchs of Moro City built a reservoir in the south and east of the city.

It can be said that these two reservoirs are the source of life in Moro City. They have always been heavily guarded. Now they are actually poisoned

No wonder Lin Yejun is so worried.

"Now I have ordered the temporary closure of the Chengnan Reservoir and strengthened the garrison! But this is not a long-term solution."

King Moro said to Feng Wuxie:

"Girl Feng, I know that you have excellent medical skills. Please forgive me for how much you offended before. Now that I am suffering from this disaster in Moro City, I ask the girl to do my best and borrow my troubles!"

"The king's words are serious." Feng Wuxie smiled faintly: "Healers are parents, it is my job to save the dead and heal the wounded."

"Then please take care of the girl." Lin Yejun said earnestly: "I'll go and settle the poisoned people first, and ask the girl to take a rest here."

Watching Lin Yejun walk out of the hall, Feng Wuxie nodded to the people around him: "Everyone, take a break first. Mu Lanqin, girl Baili—"

"Yes." The two replied.

Feng Wuxie handed them a piece of paper: "This is the composition of the poison that I analyzed. You can take it for your own reference. I want to think about it alone."

After speaking, he turned and entered the inner room, leaving Mu Lanqin and Baili Yuxue in a daze—

They haven't recovered from the poisoning, why did Feng Wuxie analyze all the ingredients of the poison

This too... Isn't it incredible

Ignoring the eyes of the two people outside looking at the gods, Feng Wuxie closed the door and immediately entered the space.

She must first solve the problem of water sources!

It has to be in the shortest time—

But how can we solve it

She hasn’t developed the antidote yet...

(End of this chapter)