Wife’s Color is Addicting

Chapter 1: Killed, reborn


Even if the summer air is windy, it is still unbearably hot, and there is a constant heat boiling in the bones, but it still cannot stop the noisy screams in the concert!

Everyone is shouting the same name, and everyone is crazily worshiping one person's performance.

Today is the last stop of their queen, Shen Wei’s concert tour. From now on, their queen will completely become a myth in the entertainment and music circles!

Then in the dressing room behind the stage, there was another scene.

Shen Wei's entire face was ashen, she frowned tightly, and her chin was held by a strong hand, causing unspeakable pain.

A tall black figure half-curved in front of her. His voice was hoarse and low, full of magnetism, but extremely sinister, "Did you never think that such a day would come to you?"

"You... who are you..."

"Want to go to a concert to say goodbye to your fans? Shen Wei, don't be too fanciful. Look at you now. You can't speak or hear clearly. Why do you want to return to that radiant stage? That place, It can only belong to me!”

His lower abdomen seemed to have been kicked hard by that person, and there was severe pain. He arched his body in slight pain, but he could not make any resistance.

"You have refused to give me a chance for so many years, and now, there is a huge opportunity in front of me. Do you know? I am going to succeed! I am going to stand on the top! I can only Sacrifice you!"

The crazy and exciting voice fell in Shen Wei's ears, and she felt a little familiar, and big beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

She gritted her teeth and stretched out her fingers hard. Just when she was about to write something on the ground, her palm was severely stepped on!

"Don't worry, as long as you pass today, your wish to retire from the entertainment industry will come true!"

After the man finished speaking, he exerted more force on her palm. Shen Wei's body trembled violently from the pain radiating from her palm.

But the moment she raised her head again, the man took off his feet and hurriedly walked out of the door.

"Have you arrested her? I didn't expect you to be so ruthless for your position in the so-called entertainment industry!"

A familiar female voice came from outside the door, which was a little cold. Shen Wei was stunned for a moment. She didn't know why, but the woman's voice always felt inexplicably familiar to her.

"Well, I have followed your instructions. How about you help me speak in front of those people? I have done what I promised you, and you must complete what you promised me!"

The man seemed to be a little excited, and Shen Wei finally knew that the woman was the instigator behind this murder.

Backstage at the concert, the man's face was hidden in the shadows, his black pupils reflected a cold and fierce glare, and there was an extremely cold smile in his voice.

He has long said that this entertainment industry can only belong to him!

"Five, four, three,..."

The countdown sound on the phone sounded in this small space, and every inch of the space began to condense into ice.


The moment the final countdown mixed with extremely excited voices settled, a loud noise suddenly came from the entire concert!

"No!" The hoarse roar was choked in his throat the next second, and the huge shock instantly made Shen Wei understand what disaster would happen in the next second.

The sky-high flames began to ignite, and the entire center of the concert venue turned into a sea of fire almost instantly. The flames quickly began to spread, covering the entire venue almost in the blink of an eye.

"Oh my God! Explosion! The concert stage exploded! Where is Shen Wei! She hasn't appeared yet!"

"Run away, run away! Everything here is about to collapse!"

"Save my child! Call the police!"

Cries, noises, and extremely frightened trembling sounds resounded over the entire concert venue in such an instant, tearing apart the otherwise dead night.

In the chaos, the black car left quickly, and no one noticed anything unusual.

On September 1, 2015, the Chinese Empress Wei passed away at the age of twenty-eight.

The accident was believed to have been caused by a short circuit in the circuit. As for the explosion, it was believed that a machine inside the stage exploded.

After one night, the ground was covered with ruins, but things had already changed.

My whole body was in pain, as if it was being torn apart, every cell was screaming for pain, and deep in my soul, a light seemed to suddenly appear.

Shen Wei stiffened all over and suddenly opened his eyes.

The sudden light made Shen Wei feel uncomfortable for a moment and he squinted his eyes slightly. After the adaptation period, he could clearly see what was happening in front of him.

A white room with dense spider webs on the ceiling and simple furniture next to it.

A table, a chair, a TV, and a bed were everything in this room, and at this moment, she was lying on this bed.

A slight stinging pain came from his wrist. The dazzling bright red made Shen Wei's pupils shrink slightly. A deep scratch was visible to the bone. There was a fruit knife next to it with obvious blood stains on it, but it was The blood on it has solidified.

All of this told Shen Wei the indisputable fact that she committed suicide while lying on the bed.

His brows were tightly knitted.


If I remember correctly, she should have died due to an explosion during the concert. How could she commit suicide while lying on the bed

But before Shen Wei could think about it, a wave of heat surged in his mind, flooding Shen Wei's mind in a flash.

Song Chumo, seventeen years old, was a student of Huaguo No.13 Middle School.


It's been brewing for a long time. Finally released a new book, the status is temporarily occupied.

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