Wife’s Color is Addicting

Chapter 40: Trial relief


Opening the door, unexpectedly, there were at least five people in the lounge. However, everyone looked at the scene in front of them with cold eyes, and no one said a word.

No one noticed Song Chumo who was pushing the door in. At this moment, next to a rocking chair on the right side of the lounge, a little assistant who looked like a little girl was kneeling on the ground and shivering. The actress was lying in the rocking chair. Song Jiao, the thick powder can't hide the aging of her skin, but the assistant who is kneeling on the ground is indeed very delicate and beautiful.

"I, I didn't mean it. I didn't touch the cosmetics at all. I didn't break it!"

Her little body was shaking more and more frighteningly, but the moment the voice fell, Song Jiao, who had been lying in the rocking chair, covered her mouth and laughed, the voice was very harsh.

"You didn't break it? Zhao Yiyi, you have the ability to seduce men but you don't have the ability to admit that you broke my things? You dare to seduce my man, are you tired of living? If you don't do this today, I’ve solved it, you see, I won’t send you to the police station, you little vixen!”

He grabbed the little assistant's hair fiercely. Everyone in the lounge must have been used to seeing this scene, or they knew Zhao Songjiao's temperament for a long time. They clearly saw the scene in front of them, but they still didn't feel anything. One person speaks.

"I didn't seduce Boss Li! Yes, it was him..."

The assistant who was kneeling on the ground cried harder and harder, but Song Jiao's expression completely changed before she finished her sentence.

"You little coquettish hooves, why don't you try to deny me without giving me a lesson?"

A slap was raised high, and the delicate makeup began to distort. Seeing that the slap was about to fall, Song Chumo couldn't stand it anymore.


The clean voice was mixed with a little coldness, and the powerful aura that suddenly swept away made everyone feel like they had discovered a new world, and they all looked up at Song Chumo who was standing at the door.

Who is Song Jiao? This is a quasi-first-line actress in the entertainment industry. Her arrogant temper has long been spread in the entertainment industry. It has long been common for her to punish assistants. Some famous celebrities have also tried to persuade her. , but without exception, they have all disappeared in the entertainment industry. Therefore, from now on, they will adhere to the mentality of doing more than doing less. After all, this has nothing to do with them. In a place like the entertainment industry, no one can Offending talents is the way to go.

And today, there are actually blind people who come to stop Song Jiao? Don't you know Song Jiao's temper

That slap didn't fall after all. It wasn't that Song Jiao really listened to Song Chumo's words, but that she really didn't expect that someone would actually dare to hit the muzzle of her gun!

Almost subconsciously, everyone made way for Song Chumo. After seeing Song Chumo's face clearly, not only Song Jiao, but also everyone on the side was slightly startled.

He hangs around in the entertainment industry and controls the trends on Weibo and major media at all times. In the past few days, the name Shen Mo is probably known to all the celebrities who use Weibo.

Newcomer Shen Mo quickly became the center of attention as soon as he debuted. Even the veteran actor Ye Shaoqing was tied to these two words. Especially the bun incident that happened last night simply made their eyes wide open. After staying in the entertainment industry for so many years, what skills does this newcomer Shen Mo have to spread rumors of an affair with Ye Shaoqing

And now, how could she appear here

"Shen Mo? Haha, what kind of world is it now? Even a newbie dares to interfere with my affairs casually. Although someone has someone behind him, but it is none of your business that I care about my assistant? I advise you, don't have a finger in the pie!"

He glared at Song Chumo fiercely. Song Jiao's voice was very harsh. She had been in the entertainment industry for so long, how come she didn't know what to mess with and what not to mess with? Although Shen Mo is a newcomer now, there are frequent scandals with the actor Ye Shaoqing. Although it is not yet known what the relationship between Ye Shaoqing and her is, it is always right to be cautious.

"Nosy? Senior Song may not know what the power of the media is. I think if tomorrow's headlines are like 'Female artist Song Jiao beats assistant', Senior Song may not want to see it either. As for what you said, The assistant broke your cosmetics, so just call the police. I believe the surveillance video can explain how the cosmetics were broken. If Senior Song doesn't want to do anything, then I can help call the police now. After all, you still have to give Senior Song's statement is the most important."

Song Chumo's voice was a little cold, and the aura mixed with the aura of his previous life was inadvertently released. Everyone in the lounge was stunned.

They didn't expect that Song Jiao had obviously taken a step back, but the newcomer Shen Mo actually dared to force her again and call the police? Are you kidding me? !

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what happened in this matter. Song Jiao was just looking for an excuse to punish the assistant. If the police were really called, wouldn't Song Jiao's reputation be completely ruined

In the lounge, Song Jiao's face suddenly became extremely embarrassed, and there was a bit of viciousness in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and glanced at Zhao Yiyi, who was still shaking on the ground. In the end, the look on her face finally changed. It calmed down.

The curve of her mouth was a bit sinister. Song Jiao looked at Song Chumo, and the curve of her mouth was a bit cold: "Shen Mo, you have to pay a price for meddling in other people's business. You have to leave the entertainment industry in the future. There’s still a long way to go, we’ll see!”

So what if there is Ye Shaoqing? She doesn't believe that Ye Shaoqing can take care of everything in this entertainment industry! This newcomer Shen Mo will definitely make her pay the price from now on!

"Shen Mo?"

Just after Song Jiao finished speaking, the door to the lounge was pushed open again. The voice was warm and deep. Of course, it was Xu Fu who had agreed to meet Song Chumo here.

The moment Xu Fu's figure appeared in the lounge, almost everyone's expressions became a little nervous. This man who occupies an extremely important position in Universal Entertainment, although he looks extremely gentle and elegant on weekdays, only here. Only after staying in the company for a long time did I realize how good he is.

Song Jiao's face suddenly became more and more ugly. She had been taught a lesson by Xu Fu many times in the company about her temper, but this time she was hit hard by him again!

Thinking of this, Song Jiao couldn't help but look at Song Chumo with a sinister look in her eyes again. This was all because of her!