Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 116: biological father


Chen Ling didn't seem to expect that this dark-faced little girl would be so cunning and eloquent.

As soon as her words came out, everything was blocked by him, no matter what, he was wrong.

For a moment, there was an embarrassment of not being able to step down.

"Vice General Chen, General Yun asked you to invite someone, but you started the conversation yourself. What kind of talk is that?" However, at this moment, a voice of gentle laughter came.

I saw a tall and straight figure walking over with steady steps from not far away.

He was about thirty-five or sixteen years old, he was gentle, smiling, and very kind. He was not wearing a military uniform, but a gray robe, which gave people the feeling of a professor.

"Don't be surprised, girl. This Vice General Chen has that temper. If I offend you with words, I'll apologize for him. However, our general has an invitation. I don't know if it's convenient for the girl to take a few steps forward and chat for a while. How about it?" The conversation is gentle, although the words are polite, they are not condescending.

At this point, Yun Wu couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

From the footsteps he just walked, he was not in a hurry, and his breath was calm. He should be a practitioner, but he was able to hide his martial aura under his gentle appearance, so that even Yun Wu almost couldn't detect it.

It can be seen that this person is definitely not simple.

Looking at his clothes and accessories, his words and deeds, he should be a military adviser in this army, and he is not a low-ranking one.

"Even though the military counselor has said that, then I'm a little interested to meet the General Yun you are talking about." Yun Wu put away her scrutiny and said with the corner of her mouth raised.

Wen Yu couldn't help raising his brows at the phrase "Master Military Advisor", and a look of interest flashed across Yun Wu's eyes.

A girl with sharp eyes.

Just looking at him twice, he guessed his identity.

"Girl, this way please."

Wen Yu personally led the way, which stunned the surrounding soldiers.

Military division Wen, but their general personally invited him back, and even the general had to serve thin noodles, but today, he led the way for a little girl with a black face

Chen Ling's face was a little gloomy. Looking at Yun Wu, who looked leisurely and lazy, and completely lacked the "attitude" that he should have when meeting a general, he felt uncomfortable.

However, he didn't say much, just followed behind with a calm face.

After walking for about a while, passing through the heavy soldiers, finally, came to the spacious place at the rear.

The corpses around were simply cleaned up.

After Wen Yu walked up with Yun Wu, he took a step forward and said something respectful to a tall figure in military uniform wearing mighty armor among the generals.

"General, people are here."

With his back facing Yun Wu's tall figure, he turned around after hearing the sound.

This, is none other than General Yun Leng Yiyun of that Zhou Dynasty.

Originally, Yun Lengyi was in the southern border town. When the monsters disturbed the western border town, in order to ensure the safety of the seventh prince guarding the western border town, the emperor ordered him to be dispatched from the south to the west to destroy the monsters.

Yun Wu came to this other world for more than half a year, and this was the first time she saw her biological father.

I saw that he was dressed in a silver armor uniform, in his early forties, with a serious face, and there was a sense of indifference in his seriousness.

And those sharp eyes contained the rigor and coldness of a soldier.

Glancing at Yun Wu with a dark face, he frowned.

However, his stern face was still serious and indifferent, and he said coldly, "You are the one who stole the phoenix eggs? Are you guilty?"