Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 19: Millennium Contract


People inside don't know the situation outside, and people outside naturally don't know the situation inside.

"Bang!" It was another slamming force.

Finally, this time, the huge dragon body fell to the ground from mid-air as if dizzy.

At this time, Yun Wu was also extremely embarrassed, her clothes were torn and bloody, and this was still protected by her defense.

In comparison, the giant dragon under her didn't suffer much damage, its scales were like invulnerable armor, if it was hit hard, there would be a few red marks at most.

However, after hitting hard, it knocked itself dizzy, which is a bit funny.

Yun Wu was out of breath, and didn't have the strength to shake her fist anymore, but she still grabbed the hair on its neck tightly, panting and said: "You stop, I'll take a breath too."

"You... have never seen a human being as difficult as you." Scarlet Fire Dragon gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, the corners of Yun Wu's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile, "Thank you for the compliment, but I've never seen a dragon as ruthless as you, I appreciate it."

In fact, she has only seen this one in her past and present lives.

Chi Huolong snorted, but seemed to be in a better mood; "I don't care for your appreciation. Don't think that if you say a few nice words, I will let you go."

It started to call itself this seat, and now it is called Laozi, which shows that its mood has changed.

Yun Wu didn't take it seriously, but asked curiously; "Seriously, Brother Long, why are you locked up here? Seeing that you look quite mighty, and your strength is so strong, how can you lock yourself up in such a small basement?" Can I live with you?"

Although, according to the information given by Long Tengjuan, it was imprisoned by the Yun family summoner.

But she didn't understand, what ability does a summoner have? It was able to keep it here for hundreds of years.

Speaking of the summoner, Chi Huolong became angry, "Hmph, if it wasn't for that hateful Yun Tianxia playing tricks back then, I would have been tricked into this hellish place by him? That hateful Yun Tianxia, when I get out someday , the first to tear him into pieces and eat him."

You can tell how angry it is by hearing its fangs rattling.

However, it has been hundreds of years, and I am afraid that they have already turned into a pile of bones.

"Why wait for someday? Why not just rush out now?" Yun Wu continued to test.

Chi Huolong's eyes were on fire; "You think I don't want to rush out, but that Yun Tianxia set up a thousand-year contract between me and this underground palace, even if I knock this place down, I will be trapped here for a thousand years. "

Hearing this, Yun Wu's heart was shocked, she was extremely surprised.

Millennium contract

Is that the ability of a summoner

In memory, Summoner has almost become a legend.

Because, in the entire mainland of China, there has been no summoner for hundreds of years, so many people think that the summoner is already a legendary existence.

However, now Yun Wu's heart is hot, and she has a yearning that she has never had before.

If she can also become a summoner, then...

Just as this thought flashed through her mind, that old voice came from her mind; "Girl, it's not impossible for you to become a summoner, but the premise is still your body..."

"Does it mean that as long as my body is revived, I can become a summoner?" Yun Wu couldn't help but her heart beat faster and her eyes lit up.

"I didn't say sure, I just said it was possible."

"If it is possible, it is possible, if it is possible, it is certain!" Even if it is impossible, she will make it possible.

However, the premise is to leave here.

With a flash of inspiration, Yun Wu stretched out her hand and patted the dragon's head; "Hey, Brother Long, if I let you go out from here, how do you plan to repay me?"

"Can you let me go out from here?" The dragon's head was raised, and of course, Yun Wu who was riding on its neck could not be seen.

But Chi Huolong laughed mockingly; "Little girl, it's not that I look down on you, because you alone can't even squeeze my teeth, and you still want to get me out? Don't be ridiculous."

"Don't worry about whether I can or not, you just answer, do you want to go first?" Yun Wu patted its head again and asked.

The red fire dragon turned his head dissatisfied, and said angrily: "Of course, who wants to be locked up in this ghost place."

Yun Wu smiled immediately; "It's fine if you think about it, then let me out."

"Let you go out?" Chi Huolong widened his eyes, and his voice became gloomy.

Yun Wu stretched out her hand and patted its head again; "I said, why are you so inflexible? You also said that I can't even squeeze your teeth, so why don't you let me out and let me come back as a summoner? Save you!"

"Roar!" Chi Huolong roared and yelled angrily; "Is it stupid for you to think that I am a human being? If you let you go out, can you come back? You swallowed my Fire Dragon Ball, do you think I can let you go?"

Yun Wu's face sank, she waved her hand, and slapped it hard on the head again; "You are not stupid, you are just a stupid dragon, why do you think I can still live after swallowing your fire dragon ball and that ball of fire?" ? Why do you think I use the power of witchcraft? Why do you think I ride on you to fight you? Do you think I am not sure, and dare to fight you like this?"

After speaking, he slapped again.