Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 76: Tamed monsters


Outside is a training square, inside is built with that high wall, divided into several areas, the front is the place where the soldiers live, and the area where the monsters are imprisoned is divided into the rear.

It can be seen that this base must not have been built overnight.

The steepness of the back valley is the most steep and steep, probably to prevent the escape of monsters, but there are no soldiers guarding it.

Yun Wu could be unscrupulous, and with the help of the sky silk, she fell slowly from the steep cliff. The sky silk was not long enough, so she went back and forth a few times before she landed on the valley floor.

"Ho Ho..."

It just so happened that the position Yun Wu landed on was within the confinement range of a Tier 4 iron lion. When she sensed the appearance of humans, she roared again and again.


Under the roar of the iron chain, there was a sound of being pulled.

I saw that the iron lion had several scars on its body, its fierce eyes were full of anger, and its fangs were ferocious. It was obviously a monster that had not yet been tamed.

The angry animal nature was aroused by training and was out of control. That's why people chained his limbs.

Yun Wu couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and a bloody smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

In this way, it saved her trouble.

With a flip of his hand, he grabbed a dagger in his hand and approached step by step.

"Hoho..." The iron lion roared angrily, pulling the iron chain even more violently, as if trying to tear Yun Wu into pieces.

However, just when Yun Wu was about to pounce on her.

Suddenly, a sequence of powerful footsteps came from far and near.

"Captain, the iron lion is barking so loudly, it might be trying to break free from the chain." A soldier said to the man in charge.

More than a dozen well-trained soldiers of the fifth rank lined up and walked towards the valley.

"Tighten your skin tightly, there must be no accidents these days." The leading captain said with a cold and serious face.

More than a dozen soldiers responded in unison; "Yes!"

That kind of response, tacit understanding and obedience.

The biggest difference between the army and the guards is the cooperative force of tacit obedience.

The fighting power of the army is not scattered, but cohesive.

Once provoked, the follow-up siege will inevitably have a continuous scale, unless there is the ability to kill this army.

Yun Wu didn't intend to confront these troops, otherwise, it might be difficult to get out of the way, so before those people came, she just dodged to the other side of the passage.

It's just that walking into that passage seems to have entered the scope of another World of Warcraft circle.

When Yun Wu walked out of the passage and saw the flying beasts imprisoned in the iron prison, she couldn't help being surprised.

Those flying beasts were unusually peaceful. When they saw her appear, they raised their beast eyes and looked at her, but they didn't move at all.

Obviously they have been tamed, but from the eyes of those flying beasts, the existence of animal nature can still be seen. It can be seen that although these flying beasts have been tamed, they still retain their animal nature.

what happened

Yun Wu didn't know too well, but it was better to get some animal blood quickly.


Yun Wu didn't know that when she just walked into this monster area, her every move had already been captured by a pair of black eyes.

And the tranquility of the monster was completely controlled by that person...

After going around in a big circle, the surprise in Yun Wu's heart deepened a lot. There are far more monsters tamed than she imagined, and there are even a lot of fourth-tier monsters.

Once these monsters are placed on the battlefield, how will their combat power be measured

However, while being surprised, Yun Wu finally found his target, which was a snow leopard, a peak fourth-order, imprisoned alone in a corner, also chained.

With her current physical condition, if she could not consume her physical strength, she would not consume it.

But just when she was about to strike, a coldness flashed across her purple eyes, and the silver needle in her hand was shot towards the back. With a flash of her figure, the dagger in her hand suddenly attacked the hidden person.

The man in the dark, with a strange figure, quickly dodged her attack.

At this moment, a cold light flashed, and the long sword touched Yun Wu's neck, and the dagger in Yun Wu's hand touched his heart at the same time.

The situation at this time was exactly the same as that day in the forest.

There was a smile on Zhou Feiyu's stern face, and he looked down at the little woman in front of him, with no hidden interest in his eyes.

"Meet you again! This time, you delivered it yourself."

Yun Wu frowned when she saw Zhou Feiyu, it was the man in the forest, "It's you!"

This man appeared here, he should be a member of the army, but, how did he find her

"The way we meet each time is so special, it really makes my impression of you more and more profound." Zhou Feiyu murmured while watching her in his deep voice.

It felt like talking sweet words to my own woman.

Yun Wu frowned tightly, and her eyes were full of coldness, but with a flick of her hand, she blocked the long sword on her neck, and she also dodged a few steps away from the man.

"Don't be nervous, I don't have any malice towards you, otherwise, I won't clear the field for you so that you can walk here freely." Zhou Feiyu said standing still without any other movements.

On that stern face, that noble smile remained.

Clear the scene for her

He meant that he helped her

Yun Wu looked at the man with a noble and stern smile, his eyes looked indifferently, he was still dressed in black today, with a picture of the boa constrictor on his clothes, judging by the nobility of his clothes, he should have some status in the army.

However, just as she was looking at him, Zhou Feiyu slightly raised his hand and made a gesture in the air.

After a while, I saw a soldier carrying a box, coming up from a passage in the corner, bowing respectfully to Zhou Feiyu, and handing over the box in his hand.

Did not speak.

Zhou Feiyu took it and waved him away.

When the soldier retreated, the surroundings regained the tranquility of the two people just now, but Yun Wu's heart became even colder, and her secret vigilance was raised.

It turns out that there are people watching all around

Then her behavior, didn't she fall into the eyes of this man early on? And this man was waiting for her to automatically jump into the trap.

She doesn't even know

damn it.

"It's not your style to be so nervous. Could it be that you're still afraid that I'll eat you?" Zhou Feiyu looked at Yun Wu and smiled sternly.

The expression on Yun Wu's face did not change much, but her eyes became cold.

"You knew about my intrusion early on? What is the purpose of letting me in?"

Zhou Feiyu raised his eyebrows and looked at her with interest; "Little girl, I should be the one asking you this question, but you have sneaked into my territory by yourself!"

Hearing this, the corners of Yun Wu's mouth curled up, and he greeted him without showing weakness: "Your territory? I remember, this monster forest should belong to the Murong family. When did it become yours?"

No matter who this territory belongs to, it belongs to the Murong family to the outside world. The purpose of this is to not let outsiders know the secrets of the Demonic Beast Forest.

If an outsider like her learns such a big secret, she will definitely be silenced.

However, this man doesn't seem to intend to do that. She has no way of guessing his thoughts, but he definitely has another idea.

Yun Wu's words made Zhou Feiyu's stern smile pause slightly, but his mood didn't seem to change much.

Without answering her, he took out the box in his hand, and took out a bowl of fishy-smelling beast blood from it.

"The monsters here have been cultivated with a lot of effort. It would be a pity to be killed by you. The beast blood you need, I have someone prepare it for you. Don't worry, it is the fifth-order beast blood. It should be It can meet your needs." Zhou Feiyu said while handing over the beast blood.

That day, he saw her act of killing monsters and drinking their blood.

Although she didn't know the situation, she could see the purpose of her coming here, so she asked someone to fetch some animal blood from the beginning.

Yun Wu looked at Zhou Feiyu, glanced at the beast blood in front of him, and raised the corner of her mouth slightly: "What do you mean?"

A flash of light flashed in Zhou Feiyu's deep eyes, and he stared straight at her; "What's the point? It's obvious, I'm trying to curry favor with you!"

Please her

This answer made Yun Wu frowned, but she sneered a little in her heart. This man is quite interesting. He let her in just to please her with animal blood

"If you're worried about this bowl of beast blood, then I'll take you to get the beast blood yourself, right?"

Zhou Feiyu looked at her with a faint smile and said, as if he was very happy with her vigilant appearance.

Yun Wu frowned and glanced at him for a while, with a half-smile; "Lead the way!"

Zhou Feiyu raised the corners of his mouth slightly with a stern face, took a deep look at her, then turned and walked towards the passage.

Yun Wu followed his footsteps, unhurriedly following.

No matter what the man's purpose is, if he actually came in, he couldn't say he returned empty-handed. Since he himself said that he wanted to take her to get the beast's blood, then she had to see what he wanted to play.

Passing through that passage, you came to a corridor. On both sides of the corridor are cages, all of which are some high-level monsters, some of which have been tamed, and some of which have not yet been tamed.

Seeing humans walking by, roars arose.

Warcraft, before they grow wisdom, are just like wild beasts. However, once they grow wisdom, the possibility of humans wanting to tame them is very low.

One must know that wild beasts are not willing to submit to humans, and magical beasts that have grown wisdom are willing to submit to humans.

Therefore, along the way, there were constant roars of monsters.

However, Feng Xi paid special attention and found that the highest level of those locked in these cages was around the peak of the fourth order.

No fifth-order monsters were seen.

Finally, at the end of the corridor, Zhou Feiyu stopped at the door of a cell surrounded by three walls.

At this time, four soldiers were also seen, standing aside and waiting.

When they saw Zhou Feiyu, they all bowed respectfully, but didn't call out, obviously because they didn't want Yun Wu to know his identity.