Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 8: Second Grade Wind System Yuan Dan


And people who suffer from this insidiousness will start to look like ordinary people, and after taking it for a long time, they will gradually become weak and sick, like a sick child.

Ever since Yun Wu could remember, she had been sick and weak, which only showed that she had been poisoned since she was a baby.

Who is so vicious

However, no matter who that person is, he must be someone from Yunfu, because it is absolutely impossible for someone not from Yunfu to make her take poison for more than ten years without knowing it.

That person had better pray that she doesn't find out, otherwise, she will definitely let him taste the taste of being corrupted by all kinds of poisons.

Yun Qing'er is in a particularly bad mood right now. It turned out that at noon, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince sent someone to meet Yun Lingshui and Yun Xing'er to go swimming in the lake, but she sat on the bench, how could she feel better.

If it was normal, she would come to the back mountain to beat that sick Yun Wu to calm down.

Unfortunately, that waste also died.


When Yun Qing'er saw the leisurely half-lying figure on the rock, her face changed slightly, her feet paused, and the sharp anger disappeared.

Is she blind

I blinked hard, but I could still see it.

Yun Qing'er stretched out her hand, pulled a maid behind her, and pointed to Yun Wu's position; "What did you see?"

"It's Miss Jiu, Miss Jiu!" The maid's voice trembled.

The other two maids were also obviously frightened.

After Miss Jiu died, she was thrown into the forest of monsters and fed to monsters, but everyone in the house knew about it.

But now...

"Fifth sister, I haven't seen you for a few days, so you don't know Jiumei?" The soft voice blew past like a breeze.

A flash of panic flashed in Yun Qing'er's eyes, but soon, a flash of surprise and disbelief flashed: "You, you didn't die? How is this possible."

"If I die, no one will let you bully you to calm you down. Isn't Fifth Sister disappointed?" Yun Wu said as she slowly got up from the rock and stretched her shoulders.

Then, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he raised his eyes to look at Yun Qing'er leisurely.

Yun Qing'er looked into Shang Yunwu's eyes, and suddenly shivered uncontrollably.

what happened

He obviously looked the same as before, sick and weak, without any fighting spirit.

But the current Yun Wu made her feel inexplicably dangerous.

But soon, a wave of anger grew in my heart. I was in a bad mood today, but now this trash is not only alive, but also dares to talk to her like this.

How could she, who had always been spoiled, suffer such anger.

Pulling out the long whip on his waist, a yellow rage surged up, and he rolled the long whip straight. The one who hit the head hit Yun Wu with anger; I'm tired of working, I couldn't kill you last time, but Miss Ben will beat you to death today."

The whip mixed with yellow fighting spirit was more than ten times more powerful than usual, and the whistling sound cut through the air, and it hit Yun Wu straight.

Yun Wu's figure flashed.

"Crack!" There was a sound of the whip being thrown to the ground.

The dust kicked up, and a long deep pit appeared on the ground.

Upon seeing it, Yun Wu's eyes flashed with murderous intent, if today was Yun Wu from before, with just one whip, she would be able to split her in half.

Don't blame her for being so cruel.

When the whip came down again, Yun Wu stepped forward instead of retreating, her figure was as fast as lightning, and the dagger was swung with a flash of cold light, straight to her throat.

The long whip is only suitable for long-distance attack, but once it is approaching, it is impossible to strike.

Yun Qing'er's face was slightly startled, as if she didn't expect that the usual good-for-nothing could be so fast.

But Yun Qing'er's reaction was not slow, just when the blade was approaching her throat, a yellow light flashed out from her body, a burst of fighting spirit suddenly aroused, her body was like covered with a layer of invulnerable armor.

"Suoga!" The dagger was broken abruptly.

Yun Wu's figure was forced to retreat a few steps, and a trace of surprise flashed in her heart.

The defensive power of a second-tier warrior

In memory, Yun Qing'er's strength should not have broken through to a second-tier warrior.

But looking at the current situation, I am afraid that she has already broken through to the second-tier warrior, but she has always concealed her true strength.

As far as her temperament is concerned, it is absolutely impossible to have such endurance, so it can only mean that there are people behind her giving her advice.

Who could it be

Could it be the one who poisoned her

Thinking of this possibility, Yun Wu's eyes became even colder.

But at this moment, Yun Qing'er had an even more gloomy expression on her face, as if she had discovered some major event, which made her extremely angry.

"You bitch, not only didn't you die, but you actually have such a quick skill? It seems that you must have stolen the second-grade wind element core pill I lost last time."

Last time at the Longge Auction House, she spent all her savings to buy a second-grade wind element pill. She wanted to take it when she broke through to the second grade, so that her attack speed would be doubled. Spend.

But when she broke through the second level and was about to take it out, she realized that the second-grade wind element pill had disappeared.

Now, seeing that Yun Wu not only survived, but also had such agility, she couldn't help but think of her missing second-grade wind-type Yuandan.

How could this not make her angry.

That's the second-rank wind element Yuandan, second-rank.