Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 96: Phoenix's lair


However, the phoenix that exists in the human world is facing extinction for unknown reasons.

If humans can take this opportunity, get a phoenix egg, hatch it, and tame it.

In the future, with the power of the phoenix, the world will be ruled.

Human nature is inherently greedy, and under such greed, it is not strange to take risks to fight for it.

As for Yun Wu, when she was hunted down, she didn't choose a path at all, and she didn't even know where she was now.

However, she didn't know whether she was lucky or unlucky, and unexpectedly broke into the phoenix's lair by mistake.

Now, she can't advance or retreat.

She couldn't help thinking about the situation at this time, because she saw that the black thing on the wall was accumulating and extending towards her bit by bit.

The only way is to immediately jump into the deep hole after melting the phoenix saliva under your feet.

Yun Wu used her spiritual power as the main control, driving the flame in her palm towards the thick phoenix saliva under her feet.

If you are careful, you are worried that if you are not careful, you will burn your feet.

However, manipulating and driving the flames consumes a lot of physical and mental energy.

Not long after, Yun Wu was a little out of breath, beads of sweat rolled down her forehead, and her body was painfully painful.

Seeing that the phoenix saliva gradually softened under the flame, and finally turned into a puddle of water.

Yun Wu retracted the flame, gritted her teeth and jumped up, jumping straight into the deep hole that sloped inward.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she seemed to see that at the moment she jumped into the deep hole, the black thing on the wall also pounced and landed on the position where she was standing just now, making a screeching sound like frost. "The sound is like the sound of gnawing the ground...

What the hell is that

Yun Wu felt a chill in her heart!

If she was slowing down, would there be no bones left

However, when the body slid into the deep hole, the next scene also made her heart instantly rise to the top of her throat.

It turned out that the inside of this deep cave turned out to be a place of flame and magma, and except for some broken pumice stones, there was a piece of magma spreading all around.

If ordinary people come in, if they are not roasted, they will be steamed by the surrounding heat until they can't breathe.

And the flower snake coiled around the entrance seemed to be guarding it.

When she saw Yun Wu fall, Hua Snake opened her mouth wide, her fangs were ferocious, and she was tinged with a killing intent, she suddenly attacked her.

"Damn it!"

Yun Wu was almost instinctive, she avoided it, and with a tiptoe, she jumped onto a pumice stone on the magma.

The sudden trampling weight splashed the magma under the pumice stone.

The flower snake was coiling and attacking her, but a few drops were splashed by the magma, which gave off a sizzling burning smell, causing it to shrink back suddenly.

It can be seen that the high temperature of this magma.

After Yun Wu stood firm, she was a little surprised in her heart.

The temperature of this magma is several times higher than the magma pool where the red fire dragon lived in the forbidden area.

Just standing on top of the magma, Yun Wu felt the high temperature of her body being boiled quickly.

However, the strange thing is that her entire right hand did not feel any high temperature at all, as if the original fire still remaining in the blood was enough to offset the high temperature of the magma.

However, at this moment.

"what… "

A sharp and ear-piercing cry of pain suddenly came from inside the magma cave.

"Hiss..." The flower snake was a little restless, staring at Yun Wu in horror, and let out a threatening sound.

It seemed to be warning her not to go in.