Wild Star Lantern

Chapter 29: Wild stars are lights


The entrance was so noisy and crowded, and no one could hear Han Sui's words amid the boiling cheers. Everyone just saw him stop and turn sideways, politely gesturing to let the young actor behind him enter first.

Only Gu Jianian, an insider, guessed what he was saying by his lip movements.

Several of Han Sui's fans complained in a dissatisfied tone: "Although our Sui Sui is a humble person, what's wrong with this little actor? Why is he so arrogant? Sui Sui was in a good mood and asked him to go in first, but he really went in on his own?"

"Yeah, there are handsome guys in the Chinese entertainment industry, but he shouldn't be so arrogant right after his debut, right? Does he think he's a director or a screenwriter?"

"… "

As Han Sui entered the venue, fans at the door left one after another, each looking for a place to shelter from the snow, waiting to come back after the premiere was over.

Gu Jianian looked at the dark entrance, and his figure had disappeared. She slowly exhaled, and then she realized that she had bitten her index finger joint too hard, leaving a row of deep teeth marks on both sides.

The wind and snow are getting stronger.

Gu Jianian patted the snow off his scarf, frowned and said to Song Minwen, "Let's go, let's find a place to avoid the snow. The premiere will be over in two or three hours."

Seeing her indifferent expression, Song Minwen thought she was frustrated because she didn't see her favorite writer, so she comforted her, "Xiao Jianian, don't be sad. I heard from them that the elderly are always punctual and may have entered the venue early. There will be an hour of signing after the show ends. If we go early, we will definitely see him."

When Gu Jianian heard her calling him "old man" over and over again, he imagined Chi Yan's calm face and burst out laughing.

She shook her head and said with a smile: "I have already seen him."


The two found a Pizza Hut near the theater entrance and sat down.

Gu Jianian spent a huge amount of money to buy a black pepper steak pizza set, a stack of grilled wings and a plate of lasagna to reward her deskmate who had worked so hard to accompany her.

Song Minwen touched her empty stomach and sat down without hesitation to eat.

The pizza slices were tied together in thick strands. She tilted her head and took a big bite, her eyes narrowed with happiness. "It's delicious! It's worth skipping this class. I'll be fine even if the teacher makes me stand in the corner tomorrow. Except for the chestnut roast chicken in the cafeteria of No. 9 Middle School, all the other dishes are too disgusting."

Gu Jianian also ate his pizza leisurely.

Pizza Hut's black pepper sauce still tastes the same as it did back then.

There are many Western fast food restaurants in Beilin, including Burger King, McDonald's, Subway... A while ago, a fried chicken restaurant opened that is said to be very popular abroad.

However, Gu Jianian's favorite is still Pizza Hut.

When she was a child, her parents would always bring her here after she improved her test scores, and the three of them would share a big pizza.

When he was about ten years old, Gu Jianian’s favorite flavor was black pepper steak.

Unfortunately, she has never eaten it again since she started junior high school.

Even when she had some pocket money and could go to Pizza Hut by herself, she never ordered the black pepper flavor again.

It seems that every time I order, I subconsciously avoid that flavor, the flavor that belongs exclusively to "little genius Gu Jianian".