Wild Star Lantern

Chapter 57: Snow mountains and bandages


Last summer, within a month after his grandfather passed away, several novels written by Chi Yan before his sophomore year were picked up one after another after several years of silence, and signed various film, television, publishing, and peripheral copyrights... After the attention increased, one of his novels even won the Muhua Award that year.

The high copyright fees came pouring in at a time when he no longer needed them, like a joke played by God.

He invested part of the copyright fees into his cousin He Jitong's literary studio as a partner, then went to Daxinganling alone and moved back to Yunmo.

During this year, he stayed indoors in the Yunmo villa where he had lived for a semester as a child, preparing his new book day and night.

"The Forest Man in Daxinganling".

Unfortunately, he hasn't been able to write anything that satisfies him in the past year.

The outline, character setting, and writing style, these things that used to come easily to me like instinct, are now difficult to accomplish.

Many nights, he lay in bed, staring at his hands in the dark, feeling that the talents and abilities that had been bestowed on these ten fingers seemed to have been ruthlessly deprived.

As of today, before the girl knocked on the door, he had just overturned the twelfth version.

My mood was extremely bad, and naturally I was not in the mood to reminisce about the past.

Chi Yan frowned and kicked away a few crooked empty bottles, then walked straight inside. When he passed the entrance, he looked back.

The girl lowered her head and took off her shoes. Her dark eyes stared timidly into the dark room. She looked timid and her steps were hesitant.

Chi Yan paused for a moment, then reached out and pressed the switch after a long absence.

In the tall living room, the dazzling crystal chandelier was instantly lit up.

The girl's tense shoulders relaxed for a moment because of this rare light.

But the next second, she slightly widened her eyes again, obviously shocked by the scene before her - when the light was turned on, all the mess in the house was exposed, with discarded manuscripts, empty bottles, and ashtrays full of cigarette butts all over the floor...

Chi Yan could tell that there was only surprise in her eyes, and not the fear she had before, so he walked in without much care, left a message for her to find a place to sit for a while, and then continued the meeting that had just started halfway.

The remote meeting was related to the film and television adaptation of "Day and Night". He had already personally checked the general direction, and only some details of the film and television presentation needed to be determined.

Several screenwriters were discussing the show intensely, asking for his opinion from time to time. Chi Yan listened attentively, occasionally expressing his own views.

"Day and Night" was his first film and television work. Several film and television companies offered quotes at the time, and he chose one with a medium-to-low price, simply because the film team offered by this company, from the director to the screenwriter and actors, all had an excellent reputation in the industry.

He himself is also very concerned about it.

It was not until the break of the meeting that he finally had time to take off one of his headphones, and then he heard a faint rustling sound coming from a corner of the living room.

Chi Yan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that there was someone else at home, so he raised his eyelids to look over.

The girl was wearing a simple sweatshirt and jeans, with dark hair and light lips. Her body was sunken in a leather sofa in the corner of the living room, looking so thin that it seemed a little pitiful.

She was looking up at him, and unexpectedly met his gaze, before she could retract the eager and hot look in her eyes.