Will You Die if You Don’t Pretend to be Forced?

Chapter 22: Ruthless boss X pampered young lady (5)


Of course Jing Ranran couldn't say anything.

Yan Ling gradually restrained his expression, this person would only smile when he had a strong killing intent, but in normal times, his expressionless face made her feel more at ease.

This is a person born to kill, who becomes powerful because of this ability to control the lives and deaths of others, and will eventually be destroyed because of this.

For some reason, Jing Ranran looked at her face in a daze for a moment.

For the first time, she stared at Yanling's face fearlessly, earnestly and focused, pacing past inch by inch, as if searching for some traces carefully.

Yan Ling suddenly felt a strong sense of disobedience at that moment, as if the person in front of him had been intruded by some other soul all of a sudden, and the whole person became strange and hazy.

There was even an extremely short, extremely short moment when a dangerous aura full of oppression suddenly appeared in the air.

People who walk on the edge of life and death will always awaken the original perception of danger, like the intuition of a beast, and keenly feel the existence that can threaten or harm them.

However, that was only a very short, very short moment, like an illusion.

Even when Yan Ling didn't notice it, that aura quietly disappeared again.

It's not like anywhere, it's not anywhere.

Jing Ranran's eyes were in a trance for a moment, and suddenly there was strong nostalgia and nostalgia, and then there was almost strong sadness.

Yan Ling suddenly asked her, "Who are you looking at?"

Her voice immediately awakened Jing Ranran's thoughts.

Who are you looking at

So the corners of the girl's lips curled up weakly, and she looked into her cold eyes, her throat was burning hot, and her usually melodious voice was tinged with hoarseness, just like their current hell-like reality:

"I'm looking at... the old you... If nothing happened... just fine."

Yan Ling stopped paying attention to her words, turned indifferently and told the people around her: "Let Uncle Li come over."

Jing Ranran watched her leaving back for countless times, and couldn't help singing to the system in her heart:

[I once loved such a woman~]

[Shut up, people who almost collapsed are not qualified to speak. ] System 1314 refused to listen to her magic voice piercing her brain.

[Then why didn't you remind me just now! Unfilial son! What good will it do you if my mission fails? Um?]Jing Ranran turned his back on the blame, without half a second of hesitation.

[I'm afraid that if I remind you, you will become angry, break the can and smash it, and make the wrong mistake. The consequences are pain that I can't bear.]The voice of system 1314 does not contain any emotion, but Jing Ranran can still discern its frightening meaning from it.

Jing Ranran froze for a moment, then praised it with a smile:

[My dear son, how do you know your father so well?]

System 1314 decided to block Jing Ranran's voice for a while, because it was afraid that it would start the self-destruct program after chatting with this person for a long time.

The scars on the girl's neck lying on the bed in the guest room on the first floor have turned blue-purple, and even swollen, which shows how hard the man pinched her before.

Uncle Li was terrified when he saw it, and while giving her medicine, he tried to persuade her:

"Miss, why are you bothering? You are well aware of Master Yan's temper... Sigh."

Jing Ranran looked at him with tears in her eyes—she was also convinced of her tendency to shed tears—and felt that Uncle Li was the only confidant in this big house.

She also knew that Yan Ling was a guy with a big temper!

If this happens in the underworld, she promises to teach the boss to be a man again in minutes!

The problem is this is the mission world!

Bitter or not! Think about the twenty-five thousand of the ancestors!

Although she didn't remember who said this to her, Jing Ranran decided to give herself some encouragement.

... Fuck, which Guisun system chose her as the team leader!

When I go back, I must let Cui Yingying straighten out the present world newspaper system!

There must be a bastard stalking her behind her back!

Because the house where Yanling lives is the one where Yanling lives, there is no surveillance in the room, which means that she and Uncle Li can interact while avoiding the sight of the bodyguards at the door. The specific performance is as follows:

Uncle Li, an elderly man, secretly slipped a small note into her when she was in her prime.

#Shock! The untold story of the gangster's inner courtyard! #

The entanglement between the #五十年老人 and the young woman started that summer! #

Jing Ranran's mind was filled with these street gossip headlines. Fortunately, she closed her eyes at the time, so no one could see the surprise in her heart.

[All! I got a love letter! Wake up quickly! Incredible! Long live! I didn't expect him to be Li Bo like this!]Jing Ranran frantically called the system in her heart.

System 1314 desperately found that even his shielding system could not block Jing Ranran's voice, and called her desperately and helplessly:

[Jiang Yuyan.]

[… Eh? Why did you suddenly call someone's real name? It's easy to make a play.]The girl breathed steadily on the hospital bed and pretended to be in a deep sleep, but she was actually having a great time communicating with the system.

[Can you let me go with your dirty thoughts? I'm just a kid. ] System 1314 would really want to call her Dad right now if it wasn't for the dignity of all systems.

[A love letter is such a beautiful thing, how can you describe it with such dirty words? Uncle Li used to be a flowery boy too, but his budding puberty lasted a bit too long. How can you talk about his pure and beautiful feelings like that?]Jing Ranran is training the system earnestly.

System 1314: ... What should I do if I am about to be so disgusted that I will die? Waiting online, urgently.

[… Do you remember your mission? May I ask how can a mentally handicapped brain that lacks love treat the note that conveys the message as a love letter?]

Jing Ranran immediately answered it with an unbelievably surprised tone:

[How do you think I'm serious? I'm hurting each other with you, don't you see that?]

[I'll talk to you again today, I'm just stupid.]In the end, it was System 1314 who became angry.

Jing Ranran persuaded it in a good mood:

[Don't say that, the fastest in the world is to slap your face, boy.]

While talking shit about the system, Jing Ranran was really distressed. According to the general plot of the Hell Storybook, the small note received at the moment of being locked up usually leads to two endings:

One, no one noticed, she and Uncle Li continued to pass on news, and finally succeeded in rescuing the Lin family couple.

Two, was directly discovered by the big boss, Jing Ranran, a dog lead.

These two endings depend on the plot she is in. Usually, the result of successfully escaping from prison and saving people is more in the martial arts comprehension books.

Jing Ranran thought carefully about her combat power, recalled what style of painting she faced every day since she came to this world, and sadly came to a conclusion:

Take jujube pills.

There is a 99.9% chance of being caught by the boss, what should I do!

Before waiting for the boss's torture, Jing Ranran waited for a fire of death.

Things have to start with the Lin family couple.

As I said before, Yanling used other forces when attacking the Lin family. Recently, when she was rectifying the original staff of the Lin family and opening up her own business lines, she had to divide up the interests of the original Lin family with the original temporary partner.

The uneven distribution of benefits is always the root cause of contradictions and conflicts.

Because Yanling was unwilling to give up the part at hand, the original partners were a little angry:

So I thought, since I can clean up the Lin family, it's no problem to warn you, a guy who hasn't gained a foothold yet.

The only blame is that Yanling didn't change the base camp, and the blame is only that she was not strong enough before, letting these people know the way to attack the Lin family mansion.

The warehouse where the goods are stored is the closest to the building of Yanling. Since the people on hand have not been cleaned up, except for the place where Jing Ranran and the Lin family couple are guarded by her original staff, there are also quite a few former Lin family men. Holding back his energy, he wanted to take revenge on her.

This opportunity has come.

At the moment when there was a big scene where grievances will never be repaid, Jing Ranran locked the door and was thinking about what to do with the note, so much so that when she heard the explosion of the warehouse, she was completely stunned!

The violent vibration of the air caused by the explosion knocked all nearby objects into the air. The soaring black smoke and the sparks that flew everywhere in an instant caused a raging fire. The green belt that usually purifies the air has now become the biggest accomplice in spreading the fire.

The entire first floor was originally surrounded by big green trees, blocking peeps from other directions, but now it all turned into a sea of flames that surrounded her, and dense smoke scrambled to come in from visible or invisible gaps to surround her.

After Jing Ranran recovered her hearing and responsiveness, the room was already gray, and outside the window was the sky-high flames!

She ran to the door, reached out to turn the doorknob and walked into the living room, and wanted to leave from the direction of the door, but she couldn't turn it open no matter what.

— Someone locked the door from the outside!

She ran to try to close the hot window again—failed, and then rushed into the bathroom to wet the towel and cover her mouth and nose, her lungs were already burning like pain, and her brain also had some sharp pains.

Due to the lack of oxygen supply, her body movements had slowed down. After she sealed the window with a wet towel, she climbed back to the bed panting.

[Thirteen and Fourteen Commandments, if I die, help me!]

[Brother! The time has come to unleash my prehistoric power!]

[Hello! Spicy chicken system! Mission is about to fail!]

At the critical moment when his life was over, Jing Ranran offended the system so hard before seriously reflecting on why he was there.

[Good dad! Good dad! You are my good father! Dad of the system, please answer me! If I was burned to death and returned to the underworld, I would be laughed at!]Jing Ranran desperately thought of a title for herself, and it's called: The single ghost cultivator who was burned back to the underworld by a fire.

The system still turned a deaf ear to her affectionate call, as if it had ignored the success of the mission.

When Jing Ranran was about to lose consciousness, she sadly understood a truth:

If she had known that the face slap came so quickly, she would not have been the father of the system at the beginning.

Yan Ling went to deliver the goods in the afternoon, and only 3 kg of TNT and a few batches of assault-forward-guns-arms were left in the warehouse... This is also the reason why the explosion came so violently in the afternoon.

The individual rocket launchers and the like have been replaced, only the explosives have not had time to transfer...

This is a good time, and her warehouse was blown up by the opponent directly using local materials.

Facing a mess of old houses and scorched wood, only the bright red branches remained, as if they could be ignited again at any time. Stepping over the corpses that fell to the ground and died in battle due to civil strife, Yan Ling rushed back and listened to the people around him report the situation:

"The two of the Lin family were taken away by Mr. Fu's people, and half of the brothers who shipped with you left, and the rest were overthrown by Mr. Fu and the original joint efforts of the Lin family..."

Yan Ling interrupted him expressionlessly, the boots on the ground had become dark red in blood, and the soles of the shoes were soon soaked in the same color:

"What about Jing Ranran?"

She asked a question that surprised even herself.

The first time I heard about the accident, my mind was full of whether this delicate woman had escaped...

If both the Lin family and his wife ran away, it would make no sense for her to be left here.

At that moment, so many emotions surged up in her heart that she couldn't tell what it was.

"The second brother was afraid that she would run away, so he locked the door when the fire broke out..."

Yan Ling felt a sudden buzzing in her head, and her leisurely steps paused, and she replied: "... what?"

Turning her head suddenly to look at the man behind her, Yan Ling's eyes were almost bloodthirsty red, and her voice rose out of control:

"Who allowed you to do it!"

The man was staggered by her fright, and quickly lowered his head to keep quiet, not daring to answer her words.

Yan Ling turned around and quickened her pace towards Jing Ranran's room—

When she saw the already silent woman leaning against the bed, Yan Ling squatted down involuntarily, keeping the same height as her.

She muttered her lips like a lump in her throat, unable to utter a single word.

The same bewilderment resurfaced in her heart again.

She wants to say:

I didn't want to kill you a second time, Jing Ranran.

I never once thought of killing you.

Can you wake up again

I will never shut you up again, I allow you to like me, don't scare me, okay

The author has something to say: This time I really have something to say:

Discussed with the editor, I will open V on Saturday, and I will save the manuscript recently, so there will be a third update on Saturday! Million words!

Please support _(:з」∠)_

There will be a big reversal in the next chapter! [Although I didn’t actually think about how to write it]

I hope everyone can support a poor author who just heard that he missed the 6,000 scholarship!

At that time, there will be a red envelope event to celebrate entering v, hehehe, little angels continue to love me!

By the way, as a routine request _(:з」∠)_ our next goal is 400!

Good luck and happy reading!