Will You Die if You Don’t Pretend to be Forced?

Chapter 32: Ruthless Boss X Spoiled Miss (Final)


Jiang Yuyan, who returned to the underworld, stood by the Wangchuan River in a daze, as if she hadn't realized that she had left that world.

Until the system 1314 asked her whether she needed a reward for cultivation or life.

[Cultivation, it's useless for me to live forever... 1314, Who do you think is the revenge of this world?]The woman with exquisite eyebrows looked at the black river water almost reaching her ankles, and took a step back a little, with a rare look of melancholy on her usually carefree face.

System 1314 was silent for a while, and just when Jiang Yuyan felt that it might not answer, it suddenly said: [You mean, Yan Ling is the only one who will take revenge on this mission, right?]

[Not only that, you didn't follow me in the last world, the last sentence Yan Ling said was the same as what the people I liked in the last world said to me most often.]The woman stroked her long hair with her hand, and the smooth hair fell from her fingers like tassels. She raised her head slightly and looked at the gray sky above the underworld. Carved by hand.

After listening to her words, system 1314 deliberately searched the database, but couldn't come up with any useful conclusions, so he had no choice but to reply dryly: [I don't know, there is no record in the total system, this is your destiny , maybe you need to figure it out yourself.]

Jiang Yuyan suppressed all those emotions to the bottom of her heart, and when she heard the system's words, her red lips curled up with great interest, and she quickly recovered her nature to tease 1314: [Oh, it's terrible, you actually went through the database for me, why? , Singles, do you finally have the consciousness to leave the singles]

System 1314 felt that it could say goodbye to Jiang Yuyan now.

The friendship with this kind of person does not need more than three seconds at all.

[Congratulations to the client for completing the commission. The reward has been issued. If there is no doubt, the system will unbind you in ten seconds, and the countdown will begin—] When hearing what the system 1314 said, Jiang Yuyan was actually a little reluctant to part with it. After all, he is a silly son who lived a world with himself.

[Wait a minute, there is a problem! Cancel the team leader for me! I refuse any expedited assignments!]Jiang Yuyan quickly said to it.

System 1314: [Received, do you have any other questions?]

[Uh, say hello to my little Sisi? ] After thinking for a long time, she could only hold back this sentence.

System 1314 really wants to tell her that 04 doesn't want to meet a client like her anymore, and the existence of such a person is a disaster for the system.

After a while, system 1314 informed her of the result of her application for resignation as team leader:

[The application has been approved. In order to make up for your being forced to accept urgent tasks, you will have the right to choose all future tasks, and have the same task approval authority as the sub-system—I wish you a pleasant experience, and you will be unbound in three seconds. Three, two, one, unbind.]

This is the last time Jiang Yuyan heard the voice of 1314.

She thought about it. In fact, from the first mission to the present, every system she encountered was great. She thought it was an inhuman and indifferent machine, but it turned out that getting along with it was much more pleasant than getting along with people.

While wandering aimlessly by the Wangchuan River along the river, Jiang Yuyan unknowingly walked to the side of Huangquan Road, and walked blindly all the way to the junction of the Underworld and Yangjian. The person on duty today happened to be Heiwuchang, dressed in black, with His black hair was tied up behind his head, and his facial features were handsome, but it was a pity that he was a perennially cold-faced existence.

Jiang Yuyan has been in the underworld for so many years, and she can only see him with a soft expression on very occasional occasions—and they are all when she is facing Bai Wuchang and has no unexcused absence from work.

Noticing someone approaching, Hei Wuchang raised his eyelids from the wooden table, and after realizing it was her, he turned his eyes back to the rice paper documents on the case indifferently, and the brush in his hand paused in the air for a while, writing on the paper. Under the good-looking regular script.

Seeing Jiang Yuyan wandering around leisurely, still thinking about pinching the enchanting Bianhua, Hei Wuchang thought for a while, then raised his head and asked her: "Are you free?"

Jiang Yuyan thought for a while, she just finished the task and was really free, so she nodded again.

"Help me on duty for an hour?" Hei Wuchang put the Langhao pen in his hand on the pen holder next to him, tidied up his sleeves, and although his tone was still cold when he asked her, everyone knew that according to Hei Wuchang's character, It must be a good friendship to ask anyone to do a favor.

Jiang Yuyan immediately understood what he wanted to do, and she was indeed proficient in being on duty. She leaned over to the wooden table and waited for him to stand up. After holding back for a while, she still couldn't help laughing and asked:

"Brother Bai Wuchang skipped work again today?"

After coming to the underworld for such a long time, Jiang Yuyan hardly saw Bai Wuchang on duty.

Heiwuchang nodded with a cold face, and said, "I'll catch him and replace you."

Just disappeared in front of Jiang Yuyan.

Jiang Yuyan then sat at the wooden table and looked at the papers on the table. The top one had not been taken away, and she glanced at it——

Throughout the beautiful regular script, there are only countless words of the same word: "forbearance".

The last one has a big cross drawn in black ink.

Uh... Jiang Yuyan thinks that Bai Wuchang may be a little more unlucky today than before.

Sure enough, half an hour later, a young man who looked no older than fifteen appeared at Jiang Yuyan's desk rubbing his red ears.

I was seeing this woman who was using the current report system, ticking boxes aimlessly, popping up a dialog box from time to time, and being clicked by her curving lips, but after a while, the dialog box that popped up almost took up the entire screen .

With excellent eyesight, Bai Wuchang saw that after she clicked the tick, the dialog box that popped up showed:

"The entrustment has been successfully accepted."

The same dialog box will pop up in the next second: "After review by the system, the task does not meet the requirements and has been rejected."

The last thing that filled the entire screen was: "Salesman Jiang Yuyan, please don't make fun of this system, otherwise I will let you be the team leader."

So she had no choice but to curl her lips, closed the dialog box in boredom, and raised her head with a smile to greet the boy in white next to her: "Morning, Brother Bai Wuchang."

The immature-faced boy nodded seriously: "Right, you think it's still early, then why did Xiao Hei call me to work so early?"

Jiang Yuyan had clearly figured out the routine of chatting with him, so she replied straightforwardly without changing her face: "This is because you are overthinking, I just greeted you according to the usual routine."

While talking, she still didn't forget to get up to make room for her. She had no doubt that if she stayed here for two more seconds, Bai Wuchang would turn around and slip away under the pretext that someone insisted on being on duty for him.

A ghost who only pursues skipping work all his life can definitely say such nonsense.

"In the face of our brother-sister friendship for so many years, do you just use ordinary routines to send me away?" The boy who was just up to her shoulders reluctantly sat on duty. Some evil spirits who have successfully cultivated in the yang world through special means forcibly break into the underworld to make trouble, or they are responsible for receiving the immortals in the sky-but generally no immortals will come here twice to eat too much.

Jiang Yuyan's smile grew stronger, she nodded in acknowledgment without blushing at all, and added:

"Yes, because I only call you brother, not your father."

Bai Wuchang: ... Oh, you are amazing.

The boy sitting there puffed up his face to express his displeasure, his big clear black eyes were full of accusations: "Why did you go to the world twice, and you also learned bad things? You are not cute anymore."

Jiang Yuyan: If cute refers to being bullied by you all the year round, then I'd better give you back that word.

Before he could answer, the man in black appeared next to him. Hei Wuchang probably took a detour to deal with some other things, so he arrived so much later than Bai Wuchang. But to be honest, Jiang Yuyan didn't quite understand what it was like to call the other party back to the post but still continue to supervise him not to leave the post

It's no wonder that Heiwuchang's annual dedication award is awarded to Heiwuchang.

If he wasn't a super-powerful errand, he would have died suddenly because of this year-round job, right

Heiwuchang nodded to her to express his gratitude, and told her that she can do whatever she wants next.

Jiang Yuyan originally wanted to continue strolling towards the Wangchuan River, but stopped after taking two steps, looked back at the two of them, and suddenly asked:

"Brother Heiwuchang, what kind of people will be given special treatment in the Reincarnation Palace?"

Heiwuchang answered her without thinking: "Everyone who enters reincarnation is equal."

Jiang Yuyan was stunned for a moment, then she blinked her eyes a little confusedly: "What about Hades?"

"Beyond the Three Realms and the Six Paths, there is no reincarnation. The King of Hades and the Jade Emperor belong to the physique of calamity, and they do not reincarnate. The rest of the living beings, who enter reincarnation, are all equal."

Hei Wuchang's affirmative tone was like a hammer hitting Jiang Yuyan's chest.

She clearly remembered that not long ago, Granny Meng told her that Li Qing's soul was going through a special reincarnation passage in the Hall of Reincarnation, but now Hei Wuchang told her that there was no such setting in the Hall of Reincarnation.

... who lied

"Brother Heiwuchang, what does it mean if I meet the same person in two consecutive worlds?" Jiang Yuyan asked again with a calm expression.

Hei Wuchang did not answer this time, because the young man in white next to him is an existence that cannot be idle for a moment, so he rushed to answer in a second and forced to join the topic:

"Your fate is not over."

Fate is not over.

It's a good fate.

What kind of fate is that

Seeing Jiang Yuyan's appearance, Bai Wuchang wanted to ask something quickly, but was covered by Hei Wuchang, and then reluctantly swallowed the gossip question under his warning gaze.

Jiang Yuyan noticed this scene, smiled, thanked them earnestly, then turned and left.

Since the fate between us is not finished, let me see how we will meet again next time.

The author has something to say: Oh, the next world is super sweet! The author wants to heh!

To save you from always saying that I made glass shards of candy!

Who can't write sugar! [Akimbo dissatisfied]

emmm, the next world preview: the coquettish slut internet celebrity X the leader of the army against the sky