Will You Die if You Don’t Pretend to be Forced?

Chapter 83: Cute Foodie Police Officer X Cunning and Multi-talented Liar (8)


Reza's nightmares did not end there, on the contrary, the plots of those dreams were still getting worse.

But it never affected her sleep quality—yes, she no longer wakes up in the middle of the night because of these unspoken dreams, but those images and feelings in the dream seem to be imprinted on her body Yes, emphasizing and repeating over and over again, who should I belong to.

There was a small accident in that operation. The hunter thought he could watch the interesting scene of the prey struggling, but he didn't expect that he was confused by the struggling appearance of the prey. When the hunter stepped forward, he stepped into the trap he set Shi: Only you know the indescribable taste.

Reza never thought that in her own life, one day she would be entangled with others in this way.

But this kind of dream beyond her comprehension made her feel a sense of powerlessness. So many times when she saw Shen Jiangxi at the police station, she had the urge to rush up and press the other person's shoulder, either to return what she did to herself in her dreams, or to tell her that she wanted to defeat herself Just use some practical means, and I won't accept losing to such a form.

In the end, Leisa didn't say anything, because she had never failed, and her own self-esteem prevented her from actively begging for mercy from an opponent she didn't even care about in such a situation.

So she gritted her teeth and resisted, and silently watched Shen Jiangxi's appearance in the police station day after day - pretending to perform some small tasks with her calmly, pretending to be in the same room with her as if nothing had happened space.

She just wanted to see how much more tricks this woman could use.

Shen Jiangxi always felt that the eyes Miss Lei Sha looked at her were very strange recently. Those eyes were extremely silent, as if they contained thousands of words, but they also had a sense of presence, like a knife that could cut people off piece by piece. She'd bet that if anyone else felt the gaze, they'd already be seen as having something wrong with it by now.

That is, she, with a heart made of steel, can accept this kind of Ling Chi's gaze - wishing she could eat her own flesh and drink her blood.

It made her feel a little fuzzy in her heart, and on the eve of Miss Lei Sha's metamorphosis in silence, she quickly canceled the little trick put on her.

After all, it's been about a month since she played tricks on other people's dreams. As a punishment for the previous incident, she can be considered letting her go.

Shen Jiangxi, who came to work at the police station the next day, was still stepping on the order, carrying a lot of breakfast in her hand. If it wasn't for the police uniform on her body that showed her identity, this enthusiastic and cheerful appearance would definitely be It makes people think that she is a part-time food delivery in a small town.

He also deliberately walked towards Leisa's desk, stretched out a "peaceful and friendly" hand, and smiled and said with bent lips: "Morning, Officer Leisa, you should have slept well last night, right? "

It was a subtle reminder to the other party that he had unilaterally ceased fighting.

As a result, Leisa just glanced at the breakfast she handed over, without any intention of reaching out to pick it up. The cold eyes shifted from the things in her hands to her face, and she glanced at her inquiringly, her tone suppressed her inexplicable anger:

"Thank you so much for remembering to care about my sleep quality. Thanks to you, maybe in another month, you will receive the news that I am too tired and have to take a vacation?"

There is a lot of irony in this statement.

The big guys in the police station have the habit of coming earlier than Shen Jiangxi, and many of them even have the habit of not eating breakfast because of their youth. This means that everyone can hear what Lei Sha said to Shen Jiangxi without deliberately lowering her voice.

——The meaning behind the words is as if Shen Jiangxi did something bad to Lei Sha.

Shen Jiangxi was stunned for a moment, her immature face was full of doubts, she took back the breakfast in her hand with some embarrassment, and twitched the corner of her lips to Lei Sha and replied:

"Excuse me, I don't know what you're talking about? Are you angry about getting up because you didn't sleep well—Officer Reza?"

Leisa ignored her, and turned to look at the information on her computer again, pretending that there was no one around.

Annie came here from her position, pulled the extremely embarrassed Shen Jiangxi away, glanced at the glamorous and noble police officer, and said lightly: "Some people have a high position and a temper, Jiangxi, yes This kind of person doesn't have to move up."

She already had some opinions on these interstate police officers, and as Shen Jiangxi's friend, of course she couldn't just look at some people wearing the hat of interstate police and bully her friends.

Shen Jiangxi smiled at her somewhat reluctantly, returned to her seat, propped her head and stared at the breakfast bag in a daze.

I thought, isn't this right? Why did I cancel the dream, and the young lady became more tempered than before

Could it be that Miss Sister is some kind of shaking M? Is it difficult to adapt to the sudden disappearance of a dream that I had for a long time

Always feel weird.

However, Shen Jiangxi couldn't find the reason.

Because Miss Leisha seems to be planning a unilateral cold war with her to the end, as long as she sees her approaching, she will take the initiative to avoid it. If she must talk, the content must be full of irony.

In this way, the two of them were scheduled to patrol again after a week.

When receiving this task, Shen Jiangxi thought that Lei Sha would find some other excuse to refuse herself, but the man didn't, just picked up the police cap she put on the table without looking sideways, turned around and walked away. Walking towards the police car outside - at that speed, Shen Jiangxi can guarantee that if he takes a step slower, the only thing waiting for him is the car exhaust.

If it weren't for the fact that the police station is small and there are not many police cars that can be used by everyone in turn, Shen Jiangxi would definitely choose to drive another one by herself instead of being crowded with this woman who exudes the aura of "Shen Jiangxi owes me five million" Together.

The woman sitting in the driver's seat had just fastened her seat belt when she heard the sound of the passenger's door opening. When she looked up, she noticed from the corner of her eye that Shen Jiangxi was buckling her seat belt. She thought she could keep silent After completing this task, I never thought that the person next to me was very unwilling to be lonely, and he seemed to have the characteristics of "which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted". He opened his mouth to say hello and asked:

"Have you slept better recently?"

The aura around Leisa dropped to freezing point almost instantly.

With one foot on the gas pedal, he drove the car out of the police station, and when he was driving on the empty driveway, the pedestrians all looked sideways because of the speed of the speeding - wondering if there was any big case in this town? I've never seen the policemen drive the car at such a speed!

Shen Jiangxi gasped for her driving skills like drinking fake wine, and pressed it on the table in front of the car in time. She turned to look at Lei Sha:

"Hey, beauty, I don't think you've forgotten that we're here for patrol, not racing?"

Leisa stared ahead, and her voice was calm - I have to say that this person's ability to control his emotions is beyond ordinary people. If another person suffered from her treatment, he would probably not be able to bear Shen Jiangxi's treatment. Fat beat up.

"Really? Then don't ask me such words that make me want to tie you to a chair and fuck you for three days and three nights."

Shen Jiangxi: ...? ?

She almost laughed angrily when she said this, and looked up and down Leisa with that unreasonable look. She had to pay attention to see the road ahead, and quickly replied to the other party:

"I'm assuming there's nothing wrong with my ears, Officer Reza? Are you expressing love for another female police officer you've been taunting all day? With such a rude sentence?"

At a distance of more than 20 meters from the intersection, Leisa stepped on the brakes.

Shen Jiangxi was almost thrown against the glass by the inertia of this speeding car, thinking that these people are policemen, why didn't she feel it, this racing ability is better than one another, you are all actors, right? A racer delayed by a just cause

She secretly decided that she would never put her life on the car of any colleague in the police station again. She held down the glass and barely stabilized herself. She put on her seat belt, took advantage of the red light and leaned over, pressed one hand on the back of the seat, pinched her face with the other, and said in an almost vicious tone:

"When I was in that house, how could I let you go so easily? Huh?"

Shen Jiangxi wanted to open the opponent's hand. To be honest, being trapped in such a small space was simply not suitable for her to play.

And in broad daylight, it's obviously not suitable for her to use some little tricks that no one knows - after all, the person in front of her seems to be a little crazy about her little tricks. Not really wanting to see either.

He just twitched the corner of his lips slightly, tried to break away the opponent's hand, endured the pain of the flesh on his cheek being diaphragmed by his teeth, and pretended to be stupid: "Uh, I don't really understand what you are talking about?"

Miss sister, are you going to admit your "black thorn" character so soon

Just because of a few dreams? My god, I didn't even know that my mana was so powerful!

Leisa was used to her behavior, instead of letting go, she moved closer, almost pushing her to the corner of the car door:

"Isn't this the effect you want? Yes, I admit that I have never met an opponent who is as good at tricks as you, but what can you get with just my confession?"

"—how long do you want to get revenge on me? I swear, before I lose my energy from lack of sleep quality, I will try every scene that has been played out in my dreams in the past few weeks on you, I said to do it."

Shen Jiangxi didn't have time to refute or defend, and heard the other party throw a series of harsh words.

While thinking in the bottom of my heart, ouch, I'm afraid you think I'm scared? At the same time, she couldn't help but think about it. Miss Sister's excitement looked like she was dreaming last night, and she obviously didn't continue to make trouble.

She raised her hands with difficulty, and explained in a weak voice:

"Well, since you have admitted it, out of courtesy, I admit that I did use a little trick to make you have nightmares for a few weeks in the past few weeks-but I am a person who understands limits. From the past few days, I haven't touched any hands or feet-I swear, if I break my promise, I will never catch you in my life."

Reza stared closely at her eyes, as if she wanted to dig out the deepest secret from within, and it took her a long time before she let her go and retreated to her seat:

At that time, the green light had been green for a long time, and it even looked like it would flash back to red at any time because it was dissatisfied with the only car in front of it that did not obey the rules.

"So, what happened to those strange dreams recently?" Leisa sat back in her seat, drove the car out at a steady speed, and circled the street aimlessly, driving wherever it was remote, and heading towards Shen Jiangxi asked such a question.

Shen Jiangxi looked at her suspiciously, and after a while said, "About what?"

At that time, the car was circling on the winding mountain road. Because Guli Town is really small, some sections of the outermost winding mountain road have been built as single lanes. Serious traffic accidents will rarely occur in bad weather.

Leisa was about to speak, but some pictures flashed in front of her eyes. The scene she couldn't understand—people were wearing strange clothes, and even held strange things in their hands. Just waving your hands casually is the scene where the earth shakes and the mountains shake.

Although she couldn't comprehend this almost fantasy scene, it didn't prevent her from feeling the power and shock personally, as if she was suddenly pulled out of that small police car, and was pulled out like a clown. Put it on this inexplicable stage.

No! She is not just a bystander!

She looked at the black clothes on her in bewilderment, and many people surrounded her, and the breath that caught her retreated. At this moment, she saw a woman not far away—that person was so enchanting, with a charming face At the moment when she seemed to see her, the soul was sucked away, making it impossible to breathe.

Wherever she swung the long sword in her hand, there was a large group of frozen people, and the cold breath made herself unable to take a step back.

But the moment he met her eyes, the pain in that beautiful man's eyes made Leisa tremble involuntarily.

As if he had done something irreparable.

Without even realizing it, he stretched out his hand in that direction, but was blocked by countless white people in front of him. The distance between them was so close, but they were separated by countless people scrambling to rush forward.

In this case, there is a golden light rushing murderously from a distance.

The light is so dazzling, full of majestic immortal energy, ordinary ghosts or demons, just slightly touch the edge, can't even make a scream, and disappear into the air as black smoke.

Then came an indifferent voice:

[Suspect Jiang Yuyan, after verification by the Heavenly Court, is suspected of being connected with the demon clan—] Before the voice finished speaking, a blue light from another direction collided with the golden light, disrupting the man's announcement.

And the person who was so beautiful that Leisa paid all his attention at the first sight, put down the sword in his hand, looked in his direction lightly, and suddenly smiled to himself after a long time, that smile was so beautiful, Let everything in the world lose its color, her lips opened and closed, because the surroundings were too noisy, Leisa couldn't hear a word clearly, but she was able to read it inexplicably:

"The suspicion of being connected to the demons... the demons... heh..."

Reza's heart suddenly felt pinched by a hand, and the feeling was so painful that she almost fell out of the scene in the next instant—

There is only one sentence left in my mind: I am going to lose her.

What felt stronger than that was the voice that suddenly exploded in my ear:

"Miss Made, is there something wrong with you! Is the "black thorn" so fragile! Will you die with others if your identity is discovered!"

The author has something to say: Oh, the writing is so cool! It’s just that I’m addicted to games lately hhh don’t care about such details