Will You Die if You Don’t Pretend to be Forced?

Chapter 92: Doomsday Miserable Xiaoyecao X Electric Heaven, Electricity and Earth Powers (1)


Jiang Yuyan thought that what she would see after she came back would be the Wangchuan River and the flowers on the other side of the underworld again, but she didn't expect that this time they were sent to the small garden of the Cui Mansion. In front of her was Cui Yingying, who was lying on a deck chair and putting on a mask.

A mask is a kind of magical thing, especially the colored one. After a beautiful woman puts it on, the face can have a grimace effect—especially Cui Yingying's face is still green.

After being stunned for a while, Jiang Yuyan looked at her with her arms folded and said with a smile, "What's wrong with your system? How did it reach your backyard?"

Cui Yingying glanced at her, waved a blue box in front of her eyes, typed a string in it, and pushed the box in front of her.

Jiang Yuyan looked down, and there was an impressive message on it: "I wanted to tell you about the loss caused by the system to you—even though I guessed that you didn't suffer a loss, but now I'm even more curious that you still have failed missions."

Jiang Yuyan leaned on the stone table next to her, looked at the content on it and shook her head, said with a smile: "It's no wonder that I didn't suffer, but it's not too serious, you can take this as a little love-interest between us. As for the failed mission, don’t say it as if I signed up for this system because I wanted to contribute to the underworld, just to pass the time, don’t be so serious—besides, I think in terms of the result, this failure is almost as good as success.”

Anyway, the ending is that "Black Thorn" can no longer commit more crimes, and he has reformed his evil ways, with the effect of reformation through labor.

Speaking of this, Jiang Yuyan asked again curiously: "By the way, isn't the cultivation base deducted for mission failure? Did I remember wrongly?"

Before System 22, due to the presence of the immediate superior, I was not ashamed to intervene. Now that I heard Jiang Yuyan asking this question, I couldn't bear it anymore, and said quietly: [I think you really want to be deducted from your cultivation base, why don't I satisfy you? need?]

Cui Yingying snorted, quickly reached out to fix the mask on her face, and used her spiritual sense to send a voice transmission to Jiang Yuyan: [You two, be serious, don’t make me laugh, my mask is very expensive—a beauty version bought at a high price, with the essence of heaven and earth .]

Jiang Yuyan clicked her tongue with a complicated expression, and replied sincerely: "Is it because you have a low smile?"

In the end, System 22 explained to her that only when she voluntarily abandons the mission and asks to leave the mission world ahead of time, will her cultivation level be deducted, and the failure of the mission does not count.

[Are there any other questions? Please submit within ten seconds, and the binding will be released after ten seconds.]Seeing that System 22 was about to leave, he said this with some reluctance.

It's definitely not that she doesn't want to part with Jiang Yuyan, but it's that after she worries that her necessary problem is thrown out, Jiang Yuyan remembers to complain about it.

Sure enough, Jiang Yuyan let out a "huh" when she heard its question, as if she was thinking about something. System 22 waited anxiously for her complaint, only to hear the person speak again at the tenth second:

"Ah, there's no problem, you can unbind now."

System 22: ... Am I thinking too much? I always feel like she was playing tricks on me just now.

Then it left angrily without saying hello.

Jiang Yuyan snorted a chuckle, leaned against the table and looked at the man who was resting on the reclining chair with his eyes closed, and asked enthusiastically, "Is the matter of the ghost handsome before dealt with? I don't see much change in this place."

Cui Yingying gave her a blank look, and replied lazily with her spiritual sense: [What else do you want to change? Seeing that the underworld was lifted by him. What's more, because of a certain guy's nepotism, there are people in the heavens who are very concerned about your safety, and they all have strong backup, so that newborn thing can't even think about jumping around for a quarter of an hour.]

Jiang Yuyan frowned, and looked at her with a smile on her face: "Why is your tone a little unhappy? Why, I thought you, the second generation with the most background in the underworld, would be willing to communicate with people like me."

Cui Yingying didn't want to roll her eyes this time, she pointed to the gate next to her and mouthed to her: Get lost.

Jiang Yuyan laughed out loud, her shoulders trembling slightly, and it took her a while to comfort her and said to her, "So what's wrong with my junior brother, you look so dissatisfied and want to go to heaven to complain about him."

Cui Yingying's expression froze for a few seconds, and she looked at her seriously: [I really don't like people like Sword Fairy and Sword Emperor at all, because he values Guishuai's strength too much... It seems that he didn't say that, tsk. Let me tell you this, he clearly knew that the newly born Guishuai was not strong, but the sword went down—you should go to the palace of the King of Hell to see, the ground was turned over a layer of soil, because the crack he cut was too big , Hades later used spells to fill it in.]

Jiang Yuyan laughed out loud when she gave her this description, and after thinking about the picture she said, she felt that the picture Cui Yingying wanted to paint was probably: her lovely younger brother almost split the first floor of the underworld in half with a sword.

[To be honest, next time when you go to the Great Wasteland, or when you meet someone from your sect, please ask me: Did the underworld offend them?]Cui Yingying feels complicated when she thinks about this incident. You said that they are here to help. .

You said he came here to make trouble deliberately... With a cold face, he killed Guishuai, and it didn't look like he was making trouble.

What, you said that the power control is not good and the hand is wrong

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Jiang Yuyan frowned and thought for a long time, then tentatively replied: "Maybe he really misunderstood Guishuai's power? So he accidentally used too much force?"

Cui Yingying raised her chin and looked at her, her eyes were full of contempt, she seemed to feel that she could no longer express her anger through voice transmission, and it was time to take off the mask, so she tore off the green mask on her face — To be honest, Jiang Yuyan looked at this color and felt that besides the essence of heaven and earth, there must be something strange added into it — she looked at her friend in front of her with contempt:

"Do you know what Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation is? If you don't understand it, don't make assumptions! In his eyes, the newly born Guishuai is just a toddler, and he has a little strength. You tell me that he will make mistakes in judgment? You Do you think the Da Luo Jinxians have obstacles to the perception of cultivation!"

Jiang Yuyan took two steps back after being spurred by her, and was very worried that Cui Yingying would reach out to her angrily for the reconstruction cost of the underworld in the next second. After all, it is not impossible for her to look like a pufferfish in anger.

Junior brother, I really want to interview you now, what were you thinking when the sword went down

"I'm very angry when I mention this matter, no, I'm afraid that if I look at you again, I want to pack you up and throw you back to the heaven - you go away and leave me alone." After Cui Yingying said to her angrily, teapot-shaped, After turning around twice in place, feeling that his anger still hadn't subsided, he even slapped himself with his hand.

Jiang Yuyan doubted that the mask she just put on was just for nothing. After all, the effect can easily affect the body when she is angry-oh, of course, it is doubtful whether this theory is useful for ghost marriage.

"Let's go, let's go now—" Jiang Yuyan raised her hand to give her a pause gesture, and was about to turn into gray smoke and flash out of her mansion, when Cui Yingying rushed up and called out to pause.

She rolled the sleeves in her hands towards her arms, she rarely turned cold, looked her friend up and down and said:

"Originally, this kind of thing has nothing to do with me... But I just took over the finance of the underworld this year, and I feel very distressed when I think of the money to be allocated-ah, you just told me that you failed the last mission, right?"

Jiang Yuyan: ... This is really not what I said, you know it yourself.

Cui Yingying showed her a very bright smile, which was quite dazzling, and her white teeth were even more shining. Jiang Yuyan sighed and raised her hand in surrender:

"I can't afford to pay, boss, I will continue to do a task and contribute a little to the construction of the underworld system. What do you think?"

Cui Yingying nodded happily: "This is the only good news I heard today."

Jiang Yuyan: ...

I feel really miserable.

On the blue light screen, swiping to the underworld task entrustment, the world and content briefly flashed—

[Task 546:

Client: Bo Han

Human World Number: 93

Content of commission: Destroy the underground research institute in L City!

Reward: 130 years of cultivation]

Jiang Yuyan let out a puzzled "Huh", thinking to herself, isn't all the content collected by my business group about positive and positive life building? How could this kind of content that seems to be pure revenge appear in the classification of this group

Out of curiosity, she clicked the mission acceptance button.

Almost as soon as she clicked the button on the blue light screen, an extremely pleasant man's voice sounded in her mind: [The order has been successfully accepted, and the system 00 is at your service. If you have no doubts, send it to mission world.]

When Jiang Yuyan heard this number, her mind was full of doubts:

[Zero? I thought Stupid One was already the first number in the system, so it turns out that machine number zero is the orthodox boss? ] Her voice returned it with a mocking smile.

Regardless of the service attitude of System 00, it can be given full marks in terms of sound! It belongs to the series that makes people's ears pregnant after listening to it!

[Because System 22 made a small mistake in your last mission world, in order to improve the system experience of the salesmen, this time I happened to demonstrate the correct service attitude to them, and the whole process was video plus recording, do you mind?]

Jiang Yuyan smiled dryly and replied: [... What if I say I mind?]

System 00 was silent for a while, and still replied with the warm voice like a spring breeze: [I'm really sorry, my authority is higher than yours, you have to listen to me.]

... I see, this time the system is a black belly.

Gentleness is an illusion.

Jiang Yuyan felt that her background was full of black lines, which were all given to Lei by the system's answer, so that she completely forgot that she still had to understand the task of this world just now, so she said to the system: [Okay, I'm fine. , send it quickly.]

Ask two more questions, she is afraid that she will regret it and cry. Or simply give up the mission and ask to go back to the underworld—this time I have to add a note, remember to be by the Wangchuan River.

After entering this world and receiving the background information, she realized why destroying the L City Research Institute was a task comparable to a major undertaking.

Because the human technology in this world has gone to extremes, a strange infectious virus has been created. Now the human beings all over the earth are mutated, their vitality is exhausted, and the end is coming.

Bo Han was originally a sophomore, and when the summer vacation was about to end, he was planning to pack his things and go back to school, when the end came. I don’t know where it started. I only know that when it started on TV, there was an increase in flu patients this summer. Later, some experts said that this large-scale flu is more difficult to treat. In the early stage, it appeared that the high fever persisted and other complications It is under observation, and the cure rate is currently zero.

Later, in the nearby hospital, there were a few guys who ran out in hospital clothes, crazily catching and biting people on the street.

More and more things broke out: the number of patients increased, and the hospital was unable to isolate them; the flu was transmitted through the patient's saliva; the patient showed symptoms such as limb stiffness, muscle degeneration, loss of consciousness, and desire for fresh flesh and blood...

From a certain day, the TV suddenly had no signal, and wandering patients began to appear in the garden downstairs.

The store is running out of oil and food, and people have to risk going out to search for food—the risk of being robbed and robbed increases, and the probability of being bitten by those sick people also increases. Gai bravely went out with a kitchen knife and some banknotes with him.

Later, no one would bring money with them when they went out.

Because it is useless.

The end of the world is coming, the law is invalid, and the civilization that human beings have developed for thousands of years seems to have fallen back to the original place in an instant. All high-tech cannot be used, the earth's magnetic field is in chaos, the climate has become hot and cold, and food preservation has become very difficult. .

When people feel that they are on the verge of despair, news spread from nowhere that someone has supernatural powers.

Along with the supernatural beings, the research institute in L City is famous.

They let out their voices: they can help everyone survive this doomsday, as long as you are willing to cooperate with them and develop your potential.

Countless ordinary people flocked to L City, and the city government of L City also arranged the indoors in an orderly manner. Many people came here only to find that there were no flu patients in L City, or the so-called zombies in their mouths.

Bo Han's parents work abroad, and they lived with their grandparents since they were young. The old people have the habit of hoarding food at home. When the virus first broke out, the few of them stayed at home and lived well. Moreover, she heard from her classmate Amway two days ago A few barrels of instant noodles from T country, I just bought several boxes online and went home. I still put together the order with my friends. As a result, the items just arrived, but the next day my classmate said no. They have to eat it until the expiration date expires.

How lucky it was at the beginning, and how painful it was later.

When the muggers broke open their door and rushed into her house, grandparents were pushed and shoved, lying on the ground with the broken glass door, bleeding all over the floor. Attracted those monsters wandering outside the door at the bottom of the building—climbed up with the door opened by those rob-robbers,

Those people had great strength, they cut up a few zombies that followed like melons, and took the things away with her.

In the apocalypse, what will happen to a woman following a group of men

It's like, a brand new doll, starting from the fabric, is torn and damaged little by little, until no one pays attention to it when it falls to the ground.

Hearing that the conditions in L City are good, they drove to that place. Needless to say, the road was bumpy. When they arrived at the gate, they found that they had to hand in some benefits before they could enter. After getting shelter, he casually handed over this tired woman.

Then she was sent to the underground research institute in L City—

Hate turned to despair.

There is no longer a moment of waking up, and everything in memory is a white ceiling, beeping machines, restraint belts, dazzling lights, and syringes glowing with cold light... endlessly being drawn blood and injected with strange drugs. liquid.

until she died.

The soul floated above the laboratory, looking at the monster locked in the cage at the bottom, she was still wondering, where is she? Isn't school starting soon

No, is school starting soon


It's almost the end of the world.

Her soul could not leave the place that frightened her, she followed the experimenters of the institute all day long, and then she finally figured out who she was, finally remembered everything, and finally understood:

This doomsday was originally brought to her by L City, and to all mankind.

The author has something to say: I feel like this article has literally turned me from a useless name-naming genius into a naming genius.

Which heroine's name is not better than my pen name? ?

At the beginning I was... alas, angry.

This week's list is actually a bye, as if I saw the background of my plummeting income... Sigh