Will You Die if You Don’t Pretend to be Forced?

Chapter 94: Doomsday Miserable Xiaoyecao X Electric Heaven, Electricity and Earth Powers (3)


The voices of those men are really familiar. If it is Bo Han himself who is facing them now... I guess the reaction to hearing this voice is not only familiar, but also my mind will go blank, and then I will be swept away by that hatred.

Probably even the eye sockets will be filled with blood—because the hatred between them is so deep, bloody enmity, what method should be used to repay it

I guess there is no way...

The girl sitting on the tree looked at the people passing by blankly and blankly, a smile suddenly appeared in her black pupils, and she raised her right hand and snapped her fingers.

With a crisp sound of "da", an enchantment enveloped this small piece of forest - it can drive away creatures, even if someone comes, they will avoid it in disgust when they walk nearby, and it can also construct exactly the same picture for people, making people I thought the scenery here was no different from other places.

As for the few people in the enchantment, of course... they can no longer escape.

The floor they stepped on suddenly turned into a swamp, and with their weight, they suddenly began to sink rapidly on the ground. Among them was a person who knew how to use fire, and immediately wanted to use supernatural powers to dry the water in the soil.

Unfortunately, the white bones protruding from the soil blocked his movements.

There are power type, elemental type, and even mental attack type among the supernatural beings inside. Seeing the sudden change in the soil and the bone claws extending out of it, how can you not know that this situation is man-made on time!

But the swamp and the unidentified creatures under it really shocked them. After they came to L City, they were able to open their eyes, but they had never heard of such abilities!

The psychic person thought it was an illusion created by someone, so he quickly released his mental power to investigate, but it seemed that he was hit by a hammer, and immediately there was a "buzz" in his brain, his eyes went dark, his knees softened, and he knelt down. In the mud, it will be pulled into the swamp and submerged in almost a second.

The girl sitting on the tree threw away the spider-like mental power, thinking that this person guessed it right, this is a phantom formation—but I am sorry, if all the supernatural beings are at this level, then the world's mental systems I'm afraid that the combination of supernatural beings will not be able to break her formation.

Seeing the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks of the spiritual department was about to be submerged in the swamp.

The fire-type supernatural being in the lead burned the soil underneath with fire, while making the bones afraid to approach because they sensed the hot and dangerous breath, and at the same time raised his voice and said: "Excuse me, who is the master! Please come out for a while!" See you! Brothers, I don’t know what I did wrong to offend you, so I have something to discuss!"

The girl sitting on the tree thought for a while, put her chin on her left hand, and snapped her fingers with her right hand.

The next moment, there was a sound of gurgling in the swamp, and the swamp suddenly sank, and then rose rapidly, as if some terrible monster was suddenly thrown into it.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of showing his face at all, the fire-type power user seemed to intend to bury all his brothers in this way.

He had no choice but to use his big move all at once, raising his hand to condense countless fireballs in the air.

Feeling the scorching breath coming towards her face, the pale-faced girl tilted her head slightly on the tree, laughed again, and removed the barrier in front of her.

At the same time, he bit his right thumb unhappily to let the blood flow out, and said rather unworthily: "The treatment that only evil spirits can enjoy, it's really... wasteful to deal with you."

Having said that, her movements were not slow, she quickly drew a formation skillfully in mid-air, and began to summon the gate of the underworld.

"It's you!!" While she was speaking, several people who were struggling in the swamp raised their heads, and a fierce light flashed in the eyes of the fire-type supernatural being, and all the fireballs in mid-air were aimed at Bo Han's body. Direction smashed.

I want to get rid of this woman before I die!

The abacus was really good, but it was just the wrong target.

The figure of the girl disappeared from the tree, and when she reappeared in another place, several struggling people suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill.

Among them, the psychic power user who attacked her first has been swallowed by the swamp... and he will never have the chance to wake up again. The soul floated in mid-air, watching everything that happened here blankly.

When the soul leaves the body, it will temporarily forget the things in life.

He didn't know what awaited his soul.

At the same time, a huge door appeared out of nowhere in the woods. The terrifying and cold temperature made people feel a layer of coldness spreading from their souls. The gate also looked very heavy, and it was hard to imagine how it could stand on such land without sinking.

The man at the head, whose knees had been covered by the swamp, looked at the mud flying around the door, and suddenly thought in amazement: Did this door emerge from the ground

But he didn't have any more time to think about it, because the cold door opened—a green arm that was as thick as a tree trunk, with sharp nails protruding out of it, was grabbing at them—

Compared with that arm, their figures are too slender! It seems to be the slender bean sprouts grasped by the fingers of this behemoth.

This scene was really terrifying, and that strange arm seemed to be quite durable. Not only was his fireball sent out unscathed, but also the punches of the two powerful men around him were not painful.

He finally panicked and said loudly to the woman:

"Bo...Miss Bo! Back then we were blind and did bastard things... Your lord has a lot, your lord has a lot, give us another chance! We will do your best for you!"

I haven't read many books, and I can't think of any better words of apology when I'm about to die, and I don't even remember Bo Han's name.

How could a man who was only thinking of forbearance before taking revenge know that he would have no chance to think more, because he would never be able to speak again.

The girl sat on the top of the tree, her slender legs hanging down, her black eyes looked down at the scene below, her voice was as emotionless as her eyes, she seemed to be deprived of emotion The doll looks like a simple artificial intelligence robot.

Opening his mouth lightly, he judged their future fate:

"You will be eaten to death by the hungry ghosts, and you will feel the pain of being torn apart... If your souls can escape the realm of the hungry ghosts by chance, they will linger at the bottom of the 18th floor of hell forever and be used as food for the evil ghosts." .Whether you choose to run and live in panic forever, or choose to become the food of ghosts and simply melt your soul, it depends on your own choice."

What is real despair

This is true despair. Death is not the end, the punishment that makes you feel eternal suffering, and there is no chance of reincarnation, is the real despair.

They wanted to beg for mercy, to let her go. Or maybe they have reached a dead end and want to fight to the death.

All in all, all these things happened in just one minute, from the time they were dragged out of the swamp by the hungry ghosts, from the time they struggled for a long time until they were torn apart and only had time to let out a scream, it was incomparable to them. long process.

For girls, it's just a short time.

The gate of the underworld fell back to hell, the soil rolled and buried all the places where the gate of the underworld was originally located, and there was no way to see that anything had popped out here.

In the afternoon, at the gate of L city.

"Sister Ye, something is wrong this time." There is a checkpoint in the entry part of the protective cover in L City, and both entrances and exits must be inspected. But when these few people went out, no one dared to ask them to be checked—

Anyone can tell that the woman in the lead wearing sunglasses is none other than Ye Zhen, a well-known electrician in L city.

Ye Zhen, who was held in the palm of the hands of the L city's high-level executives, who left the meeting of high-level supernatural beings at a glance, and who could not give anyone face. Her father is the boss who really holds the real power in L City. I heard that he participated in the research development of the underground laboratory.

Ye Zhen's status can be imagined - she is definitely the second generation with the most status in this city.

After hearing the words of the people next to her, she didn't speak, and still walked out on her own.

Instead, a foolish man who listened to the woman's words asked her why with a puzzled "Huh?"

"There are only two cases where the D-level team wiped out the zombies at the gate and didn't come back. The first one is that there are really some mutated zombies lurking around L city; the second one is that they offended someone."

"If that kind of zombie really appears, Sister Ye can feel it. Obviously, this situation is the second... huh?" She was just in the middle of speaking, when the man stretched out his hand to cover her, and compared her with a big "shh "Voice.

She asked the man what was going on with her eyes.

Ye Zhen has already walked a long way alone. The woman in the army green vest has a slim back and a tall figure, just like the most ordinary woman on the street—but because this is the end of the world, any woman who dares to walk out of the protection base alone , are equal to not ordinary people.

"You are stupid. Recently, Sister Ye has had some disagreements with the old commander. She was in a bad mood to figure it out. This time, she forced her to find an opportunity with the mission announcement. You are still talking here... You have already thought of it, Sister Ye. Can you imagine it?"

The woman nodded blankly, indicating that what he said made sense.

Then I looked down and saw that he was covering his hand, raised it and slapped it away, and said angrily: "Don't touch me, stinky man! I'm a fan of Miss Ye, so don't try to break me straight!"

Man: ... Thinking too much

However, before they had time to take an extra step forward, they suddenly saw a blue arc bursting in front of their feet, and fell to the ground with a crackling sound. Immediately, the two of them stood in front of the exit of L City and stopped motionless. They looked at each other and looked at the back of the woman who had gone a long way.

"Sister Ye QvQ..." Zhou Kai, that is, the girl following her, yelled pitifully and loudly. It means, boss, did you forget that you still have two younger brothers

The man next to him became more conscious, and obediently stopped before the exit. Knowing that the boss meant that no one wanted to take it with him, maybe he just wanted to go out by himself, so he waved his hand and said, "Sister Ye, go early and come back early, pay attention to safety! Please be sure to come back after having fun, and remember that there are still Two poor little people who will accidentally lose their lives because of your actions!"

Zhou Kai still looked at the back of the boss pitifully, as if he couldn't believe that he was abandoned by the boss

However, the fact is that, until Ye Zhen's back disappeared in front of their eyes, the arc in front of them that restricted them from moving forward disappeared. But they absolutely dare not follow up on this.

Because of disobedience to her will, the consequences will be very serious.

In the woods.

The girl sat by the fire, looked at the burning bonfire and sighed: "Surviving in the wild in this world is really tiring. There is no living thing to eat, except eating zombies."

And the zombies don't taste good, so it's very hopeless.

System 00 made a friendly suggestion: [You can do the task.]

Alas, as soon as the system spoke, Bo Han immediately got excited: [I was in the lab before, if your system hadn't asked me to put a cover on me, I wouldn't have been discovered at all, right?]

System 00 sighed, and said: [Whatever you want, you can just say it.]

Damn, I just like a system dad like you! Bo Han, who felt that he was being taken care of, raised his little hand in his heart happily, and said frankly to the father of the system:

[Your system should be more advanced than the laboratory system of this century. It's very simple. How about deleting all my experimental data, including records, from the laboratory?]

Three seconds later, System 00 answered her gently as always: [The request has been completed.]

Bo Han boasted from the bottom of his heart: "You are the gentlest and kindest system I have ever seen, really, I swear!"

Respond to requests, correct mistakes if you know them! Such a system, please give her another stack!

But before she continued to get closer to the system and asked the system's father to open more hookups for her—she heard footsteps.

The author has something to say: Ah, the computer is really dying today!

Halfway through the code, it crashes! I'm furious! Almost do it all over again!
