Win Your Heart

Chapter 10


After three months, Shen Qingwan rarely moved around in the palace, and occasionally went to the Queen's Palace to repay her for the help she had given her.

And now, Shen Qingwan is reading a book in the bedroom. She is leisurely and elegant, and it is a wonderful sight to be both a beauty and a scholar.

There was only the sound of flipping pages in the quiet room, but it was not easy to disturb her. The maid who came in to handle the incense moved very carefully, fearing that she would disturb Shen Qingwan.

But there would never be such a quiet moment in the palace. Shen Qingwan's place was quiet at this moment, but it might be quiet in a moment.

After Xiao Shushen had dealt with all the affairs in the harem, she stood up with the help of the nanny beside her. The affairs in the harem were arduous and no easier than those in the court.

"Mammy, my legs are a little sore." Xiao Shushen said with a slight frown, and moved her body to sit in front of the chaise longue.

"Let the maid give the queen a massage." The nanny said to Xiao Shushen respectfully, then looked sharply at the maid waiting outside and ordered in a rather accusing tone: "Come and massage the queen's legs. You have been a close maid for a long time. Have you forgotten your basics because you have lived such a good life?"

The maid was frightened by the nanny. She came to Xiao Shushen with a trembling body, then knelt down skillfully and saluted Xiao Shushen, saying, "Maid A Xiu is here to relieve the queen's legs."

"Mammy, Mo Yan is too strict. She... is still young after all." Xiao Shushen's eyes were full of tolerance, which made Ah Xiu feel a little silently afraid of Xiao Shushen.

The queen treats the servants so well, I will definitely follow the queen's lead in the future! Ah Xiu said silently in her heart.

Xiao Shushen took in her expression, with a hint of smile on her lips. It is so easy to win people's hearts. You only need to slap them in the face and then give them a sweet date, and then you can make a person defend the person who gave her the sweet date to death.

And Hsiao Shushen was the one who gave her the sweet treats. The nanny was watching from the side. Knowing the affairs of the palace very well, she naturally saw through the situation.

Ah Xiu massaged Xiao Shushen's legs with all her heart. As time passed, the room seemed a little stuffy.

"Mammy, how is the scenery in the Imperial Garden today?" Xiao Shushen rubbed her temples, a look of fatigue showing between her brows.

The nanny signaled Ah Xiu to get up and leave. This time Ah Xiu learned her lesson and got up and left immediately. The nanny walked forward and gently massaged Xiao Shushen's temples.

"The scenery in the Imperial Garden is very beautiful. Would your Majesty like to go and relax?" the nanny suggested.

The nanny's massage technique was Xiao Shushen's favorite. She gradually dropped her hands and let the nanny massage her. She massaged her gently and without any discomfort. Xiao Shushen enjoyed the nanny's service.

"Then go ahead." Xiao Shushen said with her eyes closed, and then suddenly thought of Shen Qingwan again, and continued: "Call Concubine Xian as well, I want to have a conversation with her."

After receiving Xiao Shushen's instructions, the nanny withdrew her hands and asked the palace maid to notify Shen Qingwan to come to the Imperial Garden to appreciate the flowers with the Queen.

Shen Qingwan, who was reading a book in the bedroom, was disturbed by the palace maid who came in to report the truth. Shen Qingwan put down the book and looked at the palace maid who came in, frowning slightly: "What made you lose your sense of proportion?"

"I know I was wrong, please forgive me, Your Majesty." The palace maid turned pale with fright at Shen Qingwan's words, but she reported the truth.

"Nothing, get up and tell me what's going on." Shen Qingwan looked calm and composed, as if she didn't take anything to heart.

"The Queen invites Your Majesty to go to the Imperial Garden to enjoy the flowers." The maid stood up and said with her head lowered, her eyes fixed on the ground.

When Shen Qingwan heard that it was the Queen who invited her, her expression froze for a moment, and then she returned to her previous state: "Well, I know, you can leave now."

Because this was an invitation from the Queen, Shen Qingwan had to go to the appointment no matter what. With the help of the palace maids, Shen Qingwan put on a suitable palace dress and went to the Imperial Garden.

In the imperial garden, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, and the fragrance of flowers is rampant. Such a beautiful scenery is worth appreciating. Shen Qingwan looked at the surrounding scenery, with a trace of sadness between her eyebrows.

No matter how beautiful she was, she lacked some spiritual energy and was confined in the palace, just like these women, losing her freedom and living her whole life for only one man.

Shen Qingwan felt a little depressed when she thought that it would be difficult for her to escape from the palace in the future. She retracted her gaze, lowered her head slightly and walked forward.

"Is this... Concubine Xian?" Concubine Liu, who was also admiring the flowers in the Imperial Garden, saw Shen Qingwan over there, and a trace of hatred flashed in her eyes.

"Your Majesty, that is Concubine Xian." The palace maid behind her answered Concubine Liu's words, not daring to raise her head at all.

It was common knowledge in the palace that Concubine Liu had a bad temper, so her palace maids and eunuchs were extremely cautious and careful in everything they did.

Concubine Liu already held a grudge against what happened before, and now that she saw Shen Qingwan in the imperial garden, she naturally wanted to step forward and do something to seek balance.

"Come on, follow me to meet her!" Liu Churong put down the flowers in her hand, with a hint of ruthlessness on her delicate makeup.

See who can help you today!

Shen Qingwan kept walking with her head down and did not notice Liu Churong who was running towards her aggressively, so Concubine Liu deliberately passed by Shen Qingwan.

"Your servant pays respects to Concubine Liu. May the Concubine be well." The palace maids behind Shen Qingwan stopped and saluted when they saw Concubine Liu. Shen Qingwan also noticed it, and when she was about to salute, Concubine Liu suddenly fell in front of her.

The scene in front of her surprised Shen Qingwan a little. How could a healthy person suddenly fall down in front of her

"Ouch, Concubine Xian, how could you push me down?" Liu Churong's voice was sharp and her body staggered back.

Shen Qingwan was very sharp to see the smug look that flashed across her eyes, and there was no need to look at it again. The thing that the palace lacked the most was tactics. It was easy to dodge an open spear, but difficult to guard against an arrow from the dark.

Now that it has come, make the best of it; if you can handle it skillfully you can live in peace.

"Sister, it really wasn't my sister who pushed me." Shen Qingwan said with some fear. This was her own defense, but Concubine Liu didn't listen. Her beautiful eyes were full of anger.

"Xian Fei, it was obviously you who recommended me, why don't you acknowledge it? Even though I have fallen out of favor now, my position is still higher than yours." Liu Churong said arrogantly, and then stood up with the help of the palace maid.

Shen Qingwan defended herself, but Concubine Liu did not listen. Instead, she said that Shen Qingwan was committing a crime and always had the intention to overstep her boundaries. Shen Qingwan listened to her twisted words and suddenly did not know what to say.

Seeing Shen Qingwan fall silent, she thought she had gained the upper hand, so she simply acted more boldly. She actually made Shen Qingwan kneel down and plead guilty...